27 Jul 2008

Tianjin housing provident fund loans banks also add two contractors

-- January 2: In order to better serve the borrower for employees provident fund loans nearby Tianjin housing provident fund loans contractors also added a new Huaxia Bank, Everbright the two banks. According to city housing accumulation fund management center strictly regulate the requirements of the time limits for loans, the banks accepted the borrowers loan applications to loans for only 16 to 17 working days to complete processing.

In order to further improve work efficiency and ensure borrowers their interests, the Urban Housing Fund Management Center Joint contractors bank loans, subsidized home ownership Housing Guarantee Corporation and the District Property Management Department, for loans from the various links to monitor and strictly regulate the time limit for loans, Borrowers from the bank handled the loan applications to loans for only 16 to 17 working days to complete processing.

As of now, 14 Provident Fund (Portfolio) is a bank loan contractors: Industrial and Commercial Bank, the Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Bank of Tianjin, China Merchants Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, CITIC Bank, Industrial Bank, the Bohai Bank, Minsheng Bank , Huaxia Bank, Everbright Bank, the city's Provident Fund (Portfolio) loan the contractor has reached nearly 230 outlets.

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