27 Jul 2008

Tianjin housing provident fund loans banks also add two contractors

-- January 2: In order to better serve the borrower for employees provident fund loans nearby Tianjin housing provident fund loans contractors also added a new Huaxia Bank, Everbright the two banks. According to city housing accumulation fund management center strictly regulate the requirements of the time limits for loans, the banks accepted the borrowers loan applications to loans for only 16 to 17 working days to complete processing.

In order to further improve work efficiency and ensure borrowers their interests, the Urban Housing Fund Management Center Joint contractors bank loans, subsidized home ownership Housing Guarantee Corporation and the District Property Management Department, for loans from the various links to monitor and strictly regulate the time limit for loans, Borrowers from the bank handled the loan applications to loans for only 16 to 17 working days to complete processing.

As of now, 14 Provident Fund (Portfolio) is a bank loan contractors: Industrial and Commercial Bank, the Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Bank of Tianjin, China Merchants Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, CITIC Bank, Industrial Bank, the Bohai Bank, Minsheng Bank , Huaxia Bank, Everbright Bank, the city's Provident Fund (Portfolio) loan the contractor has reached nearly 230 outlets.

Guide to the provident fund loans loans

First, what is individual housing loans secured by »

Individual housing loans secured by (the loans) refers to the Guangzhou City housing fund management center and the respective sub-centres (hereinafter referred to management centre) use of the housing reform funds, commissioned by the bank to the purchase of owner-occupied housing (including construction, overhaul, the same below) of housing Provident fund deposit of retired workers and payment of loans. Loans by the borrower or a third person to provide property collateral and guarantee secured a third person, or property collateral and purchase comprehensive insurance, or property used as security guarantees, or jointly and severally liable guarantee security.

Second, the object of loan conditions and what is »

Loans: to live in the city since the purchase of housing, while in the housing provident fund management center deposited with the housing provident fund deposit and Huijiao units of retired workers.

Loan conditions:

1. Guangzhou cities and towns with permanent residence status of accounts or effective;

2. A stable job and income, have the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

3. With the purchase of housing contracts or related documents;

4. Management Centre agreed to provide security;

5. Management Centre under other conditions.

Third, the loans have limits? »

. The maximum loan limit determined in accordance with the following aspects:

1. Line of credit and housing provident fund linked to the amount deposited. The purchase of housing reform (in the premises or the sale of public housing), Anju Fang affordable housing and economic workers, single maximum loan amount not exceeding the trade union and its co-applicants in the management of housing accumulation fund balance of the deposit center (for the borrower The balance calculation, the same below) of 15 times. The purchase of commercial housing of workers, single maximum loan amount not exceeding the trade union and its co-applicants in the housing provident fund management centre balance of the deposit of 10 times. Loan applicants and co-applicants in the housing provident fund management center deposited with the balance of less than 3,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan terms.

2. Single line of credit to purchase houses not more than 80 percent of assessed value, not more than 300,000 yuan.

3. Retired workers of the single maximum loan amount under the retired workers and its co-determine the applicant's income level, while the purchase of housing no more than 80 percent of assessed value, not more than 300,000 yuan.

Fourth, how to determine the duration of loans the »

Loan period from management centre and borrowers agreed to a maximum of 25.

5, how to determine lending rates »

Lending rate is determined in accordance with state regulations in the housing provident fund interest rate increases on the basis of provisions of interest rate differentials.

6, the lending rate is fixed? »

During the loans, interest rates are not fixed, as the housing provident fund interest rate adjustments and adjustments. After adjusting interest rates, borrowers should, in accordance with the new loan repayment rate.

Provident Fund to extract details of

Xiao Cao belong to high-income groups, like investment, so little cash on hand. This year, he was prepared to buy a new house, do not have the first payment. I would like to Zhuannian, their housing accumulation fund the first payment is adequate, so with identity cards, cards wait until the CPF for housing provident fund management center application, he was told do not have provident fund. Then, when it can be extracted Provident Fund » Extraction procedures and also limit what it »

Can not be used for house purchase down payment

Reporters from the housing accumulation fund management center that the provident fund can not be used for house purchase from the first payment. People with a need to purchase their own "purchase contract" as well as the first payment invoices (purchase invoices) to handle receive. If you did not purchase loans, on an annual basis can extract a provident fund.

If you purchase the loans, the repayment period, can be extracted on a quarterly basis on a housing accumulation fund. No matter whether you buy a house loan from the provident funds are not total more than the total purchase price (of the country, in three straight and rail center at the current policy some access, can find the specific circumstances at the Advisory Centre.)

Tenants can also extract

In addition to buying houses can receive Provident Fund, there are a couple of situations can be drawn: owner-occupied housing construction, renovation and overhaul (decoration not included in the list of major repair, which can not be housing provident fund). If your personal share of the rent has exceeded my salary income of 5%, then the excess is part of provident fund to pay for the extraction. In these circumstances from provident funds are need to prepare for the integrity of the materials, such as identity cards, planning department approval document, property rights certificates, invoices for the purchase of materials, etc., paid for leasing the provident fund is also required to provide proof of the effective recognition of the sector contract, the previous year The payment of invoices and proof of income units open, if they have a demand in this regard, it must pay attention to keep good custody of all the documents, invoices, application and a copy of the original ready.

Because the rent paid in excess income ratio and housing accumulation fund, and we must act in rent for one year after and the month is the annual 3,4 admissibility.

No housing needs after retirement from

Li and his wife have a relatively new house, and basically did not buy a house, overhaul Dajian, and other needs, their provident fund from the how? » The reporter learned from the departments concerned that the provident fund is a long-term orientation of the housing fund, if life did not buy a house, overhaul, such as consumer demand for housing in retirement can extract the full principal and interest on provident fund, before this can not be extracted , But has always been his own. And provident funds in the present does not need to pay personal income tax.

Extraction steps

Now, we have to clarify the conditions under which can receive Provident Fund, are aware of the restrictions on the amount paid, then the specific process for what it » Because it involves many of the specific situation can not be itemized, so the reporter to do a general introduction, every step of the operation process can also read through the Internet or by telephone policy advisory housing accumulation fund management sector.

If you are the first from the housing provident fund, the need to prepare for the following things: identity cards, house purchase contract (loan contract), purchase invoices (the first payment invoices) and their spouses from the housing accumulation fund proof (if you are not the main people buying houses So), after extracting I also need to provide "housing accumulation fund from single record."

Daiqi materials can be flat to the provident fund for the staff provident fund would receive clearance. Huijiao units issued by the "housing accumulation fund paid applications", and with units set aside chop, appended to receive the relevant documentation, the city housing accumulation fund management center for audit before the draw, when we can get through their own units can also For.

Draw in the provident fund, not directly from the housing accumulation fund management center cash, but needs to be transferred to the card or the way. To extract the way to the card, banks can be transferred directly to the housing accumulation fund in the bank to open personal savings accounts to transfer the extraction method, banks can only housing provident fund into the bank accounts of the unit and then into the individual units Wages account, but now are the main way to extract the card means.

Following is the draw for provident fund and the corresponding bank card type: China's postal savings passbook, Bank of Communications Pacific Card, the Bank of China Great Wall RMB credit card, debit card electronic Great Wall, China Merchants Bank Card, the Huaxia Bank of China card, Beijing Commercial Bank Card And savings passbooks, the Agricultural Bank of Jinsui Card, the China Everbright Bank sunshine cards, the Minsheng Bank of the people's livelihood cards, bank Societe Generale card.

If you are a married person, and their owners are not buying houses, in the provident fund from each other at the need to provide proof of the Provident Fund paid. If not available, can only receive a maximum total Fangkuan (overhaul costs, etc.) 50%.