25 Jul 2008

Second-hand housing loan procedures

Individual housing loans is the second-hand person to purchase real estate market through the purchase of housing as collateral to banks for the purchase of used to cover part of the loan, also known as artificial Shoufang personal housing loans.

Loan conditions

1, a town resident accounts or valid residency status;
2, a stable job and income, good credit, the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
3, with the purchase of housing contract or agreement;
4, can afford to pay no less than full purchase price after the Defense Evaluation at 50 percent of the down payments;
5, agreed to purchase housing as collateral, or to provide loans to the recognition of assets as collateral or the quality of, or have secured qualification and adequate compensation capacity of units or individuals of outstanding loans as a principal and interest are jointly and severally liable and the guarantor;
6, provides loans to the other conditions.

Loan amount, duration and interest rates

Housing mortgage loans in the secondary usually does not exceed the maximum amount of housing purchase price or 50 percent of the price assessment. Loan period of not more than 15 years has been in use for less housing, the longest of not more than 20 years has been in use for less housing. The implementation of the People's Bank loan interest rates provided for individual housing loan interest rates.

The application procedures

1, the borrower loans made to apply in writing and provide information:
(1) signed by the seller and the buyer the right to sign the housing sector contract transactions;
(2) the purchase of housing and housing property rights documents were agreed to sell a total of the paper;
(3) the family property that the borrower and proof of income (including from work units issued by the personal income proof, which tax receipts, bank deposits, real estate proved, securities, etc.);
(4) borrower valid proof of identity (referring to identity cards, residence booklet or other valid residency documents) and proof of marital status;
(5) and a total of borrowers who agree to purchase housing by the paper as collateral.
2, buyers and sellers in loans to open accounts, the buyers will purchase the first phase of the loan in full and deposited into the account designated line.
3, the loan will investigate, review and approval, the borrower and the lending Bank signed loan contracts and "zoned charge of the power of attorney."
4, for the transfer, insurance, notary and mortgage registration procedures.
5, the transfer of ownership certificates. The borrower will have completed registration formalities of housing mortgages of all warrants, warrants and the housing he purchased the insurance policy (the original), together with loans to pay mortgages.
6, designated to pay loans. For the above-mentioned procedures after the loans will be included in loans to borrowers in the loan accounts opened in accordance with the "power of attorney is zoned charge of the" mandate, would be a one-time loan from the borrower accounts are included in Shoufang account.

Debt service approach

In repayment tools available on the bank card, demand deposit cash or discount to repay. In the way of repayment may be staging a one-time repayment methods and means of repayment. The use of monthly payments, determine the monthly repayment of 20 to 30, extended holiday event. Amortization method of calculation see "individual housing loan repayment calculation model."

Second-hand housing loan policy

Second-hand property owners have the means in the real estate market to buy and then sell the space, including second-hand housing, allowing the secondary market trading of public housing, affordable housing.
The secondary mortgage loan refers to the people to purchase real estate in the secondary market trading of real estate as collateral to banks for loans to cover the purchase, and then from people buying houses in phases servicing of loans to banks Business. To tie in with the housing secondary market development, good housing consumer credit, the bank branch in Beijing designated special quality homes and other real estate consulting firm six real estate agent, the agent lending business.
How smoothly and successfully obtained second-hand housing mortgage loans » Recently, experts in Guangzhou Lingzhi loans to consumers for second-hand consumer credit has developed the "eight steps" strategy:
Step 1: find a good incentive to buy housing, the housing property rights must be clear, with the Beijing municipal government provided the two can enter the real estate market liquidity conditions.
Step 2: Choose a designated banks for mortgage lending to the real-estate transaction agency and the agency completed property value assessment, property assessment fees to pay.
Step 3: buyers and sellers to provide the relevant information.
Purchase (borrowers) to provide the information are: residence booklet, identification cards, records show that marital status that both sides signed the purchase agreement, proof of income couples (in proof of income), and selective Including deposits proven, securities, other property that both spouses inch-sized photographs of the two.
Above prove that the more comprehensive information, bank lending in the assessment of the higher the score, the lender to the loan amount and timing of the more superior.
Shoufang are required to provide the information are: identity card, residence booklet, marital status that both spouses agreed to sell that, by the sale of housing ownership certificates and listing approval of proof.
Step 4: designated banks to law firms to fill in the secondary mortgage application form, from lawyers to prove that all information transmitted to the bank loan approval, to pay the value of the purchased 4 ‰ legal fees.
Step 5: Banks in 15 working days to complete the processing of loans, such as the lending agreement, the loan commitment to the book.
Step 6: The buyer and seller to the housing of the districts and counties of the premises of the real estate transaction management procedures for the transfer of property rights.
Step 7: get title deeds after the sale, sent to the banks, the banks allocated funds.
Step 8: the premises to register for housing mortgages, insurance and other formalities, the borrower monthly repayment interest payments, to settle the principal and interest of loans, mortgage registration cancellation, rescission.

Second-hand housing loan business processes

Used the personal loan business mainly refers to the banks to grant loans for the purchase of the Shoufang people have made housing property rights card, the full disposal of the right, in the secondary market on legitimate transactions or individual housing loans.
And for "personal housing loans to purchase" may be different, the borrowers used the loans for individuals, the need to provide:
1, and Shoufang signed the "contract for the sale of housing";
2, the first proof of payment;
3, the purchased housing ownership certificates;
4, housing property rights were purchased by the consent of the written authorization of the sale of housing;
5, purchased public housing, affordable housing, and other non-commercial housing market, to provide relevant documents to grant listed transactions
Or approval certificate;
6, in the age of five years (with) more and loans that were needed to assess the value of housing, the borrower should provide loans were approved
Real estate assessment issued by housing agencies to assess the value of the report.

Second-hand housing loan note

In order to avoid their own risks, the provision of loans for the secondary, often on their own and housing loans have provided a more stringent conditions, including:

First, the age. Second-hand housing has become the age of many banks extended a loan review standards, the longer the age of the lower the percentage of loans, and even may not be loans.

Second, housing location, price, size, and so on. Remote location, low-priced, small area of housing, a lower percentage of loans, and even may not be loans.

Third, the age of loans, personal credit and repayment ability. Older, poor credit, low ability to repay the loan, the loan-to the lower, or even may not be loans.

4. Taoshuo housing loans. If this is the second loan to buy more housing, loan-to reduce, or even may not be loans.

Fifth, if the lender is the field accounts, the percentage of loans may also be reduced. Therefore, people buy a house before the formal signing, with a copy of the seller of property rights certificates and other proof of income and their own materials to the banks to detailed advice, be aware of after the signing.

Second-hand housing loan refinancing, and by, the reduced business

1, according to business

Individual housing refinancing operations means that the individual housing loan repayment period, as a result of the sale of mortgage borrowers of housing, agricultural banks to purchase the new grant, as collateral for its purchase of housing loans.

Upon refinancing operations, the Agricultural Bank may be the remaining loan balance of loans and the remaining loan period will be transferred to new borrowers; may, under the new borrowers and to assess the purchase price of housing to re-establish a new line of credit and loan period, to By the maximum loan amount for the purchase price of housing to assess 70 per cent of loans for up to a maximum of 30 years has been in use for less housing.

Refinancing operation: the original borrower to re-apply for re-signing of the agreement → → new loan applications by borrowers → → property assessment of the new bank borrower to investigate and review → with the new borrowers signed loan contracts for insurance → , The transfer of property rights registration and change mortgage loans → → recover the original loan borrowers → data archiving → new borrowers repaid → Post-lending Management →-encumbered households dismantling

2, and by business

Housing and personal loans means that the housing mortgage loans during the period, the Agricultural Bank loans extended to borrowers a business.

Increase the duration of the calculation: the original loan period with the period can not increase by more than 30 years.

And by the conditions:

(1) the borrower must have been continuous contributions for more than one year (excluding 1);

(2) secured in the interim period, the borrower increases the need for business to be with the consent of the guarantor's consent.

Increase the lending rate: The original loan period with the increase in the rate of the period to reach a new level, plus the period from the date of the new grade in the rate of implementation.

Operational processes: the borrower to increase the application → banks to borrow an investigation and review → → agreement signed by Canada Mortgage Registration → change for borrowers in accordance with the agreement and the debt service

3, the reduced business

Reduced business means the Agricultural Bank has granted individual housing loans, loans not yet due for repayment but also normal for the borrower to shorten the loan period, the early repayment of part or all of the remaining loan principal business.

Reduced business include:

(1) early settlement of all remaining loan principal business;
(2) early repayment of the remaining loan principal, the loan period unchanged, also reduce the amount of each phase of operations;
(3) early repayment of the remaining loan principal, each the same amount, shorten the duration of business loans;
(4) early repayment of the remaining loan principal to shorten the duration of loans and the amount of business each phase of adjustment;
(5) to maintain unchanged the remaining loan principal to shorten the duration of business loans.

Operational procedures:

Borrowers to apply for the reduced → → bank approval for the reduced business → borrower repayment in accordance with the new payment plan

For second-hand housing loan portfolio which need to provide material

Used for the individual housing loan portfolio which need to provide material »

Mainly the following information:

(1) Provident Fund account (all those involved in the loan account, both spouses are required to provide the account), the provision of housing and it takes another lump sum (1-2 days in advance);

(2) applicants and their spouses and participate in the loan copy of the residence booklet 2 (all the copies);

(3) the applicant and spouse to participate in loans and a photocopy of the identity cards of 2;

(4) married or unmarried prove that (the seat of personnel records written) 2 copies, the original proof of the need unmarried;

(5) 2 copies of certificates of origin;

(6) personal housing mortgages of the original, a seven;

(7) Original housing contracts to sell 2 (banks, notary offices);

(8) loan application forms 2;

(9) All personnel involved in the Sizhang;

(10) Original proof of income borrowers;

(11) has more than 30 percent of the original invoices or receipts of payment.

The purchase of second-hand what factors to consider

Purchases of knowledge.

Real estate advice to the relevant departments, timely understanding of procedures, fees, procedural changes, such as the latest information.

Identify sources of funding.

Is its own funds, or borrow to others, or to banks for loans.

Price and size.

In accordance with their own funds, may decide to buy the area, much of the area of housing.

Traffic conditions.

Select a good home, equivalent to a saving of the future transport of time and money expenditures.

Housing values.

Through repeated comparison of the value of the judgement; commissioned by the trust company or an intermediary assessment firm to assess the banks to provide mortgages will be assessed.

To confirm the area.

Including the construction area and use of space. Property rights on the card is marked with the general construction area. Insurance is the best way to test of the house from the corner to corner of the area.
Observation of the internal structure of housing. Apartment is reasonable, there are no special not suitable for the shortcomings of living; pipeline alignment, or whether too many unreasonable ceiling whether traces of water seepage; walls burst, or whether there are obvious problems, such as peeling.

Understand the situation of the decoration.

Whether the housing decoration, decoration level and to what extent; understanding of the internal structure of the residential, including the pipeline's direction, the location of load bearing walls, in order to re-decoration.
Old building's history. What year covered, how long the land-use period, and whether the company owed to the property and the cost of water, electricity, coal costs.

Property management.
Water, electricity, coal how to charge fees; lift the brand, speed and management; how the district security level; afforestation work; property management companies which provide services.
Property rights. Note cards on the property rights of owners and Maifang whether the same person, to the premises of resources for the authenticity of this property right certificate, to confirm the integrity of property rights, has secured a total of persons.

Choose an intermediary.

Reliable intermediaries should provide a valid business licence to practise and brokers name, and No. photo, clear organization of brokers operating range.

Home buyers investment choices: the second-hand small apartment VS new flats

Beijing has been the face of high prices, a large number of financial commitment the limited capacity of the buyers will not be transferred to the lump-sum line of sight is not very high second-hand houses and small apartment of the new disc. At the same time, due to higher investment returns, the second-hand and small apartment has been more and more real estate investors of all ages. "Chain-•-industry" professionals to home buyers of second-hand housing investment Liangxiang Yi and small apartment to do a comparative analysis of reference for the majority of real estate consumers.

Small apartment, the second-hand, the advantage of home buyers have settled down

According to the "chain-•-industry" show that second-hand housing transactions and the construction area surrounding the primary flats priced and the gap between large, mainly because the total area of secondary general smaller, the prices low, so a lot of buyers Preferred. Similarly, the small apartment because of the low lump sum, a fully furnished, has been the favorite in the low-income families. From the home perspective, regional location and the total is almost the same small apartment and used the new disc, compared to their advantage is. From the price, the secondary, especially once again listed Yigougongfang, the obvious advantages, the most peripheral than the first-hand flats in the sale of 30-40 per cent lower, the new development of the small apartment Although the total is relatively low, but the unit price per square meter Is high, the prices of most prosperous areas in the 7000-9000 yuan / square meters around. In other words, the same total amount is low, the secondary market to buy new flats than the small area of the apartment. From the pattern on the apartment, no doubt the new development of the small apartment flats apartment design more reasonable and more comfortable. Relatively speaking, as early as the second-hand housing construction, design compact apartment, offices, kitchen, health smaller size, there was about 80 square meters of Sanju second-hand housing is not surprising. If we consider the family population growth, a lump sum, and greater area, more room for the family left the secondary living space expansion of a more flexible. From the supporting functions, the new small apartment flats more advanced, more perfect, but the corresponding property management fees, heating costs are relatively high cost of living.

Choice of residence, everyone's taste is different. Thought active pursuit of young people may be more comfortable supporting sound like life, space Kuochuo relatively small apartment, as a transitional home. The pursuit of economic and practical buyers may think that second-hand housing is a good choice.

Long-term investment in property, income and stability

Small apartment flats real estate investors has been the capital of "Beloved", investors expected benefits can be broadly two points: First, Qifang stage of the purchase, resale of existing homes when the short term to earn the appreciation of housing prices due to the proceeds The second is optimistic about Beijing's real estate rental market higher rate of return on investment, the purchase of small apartment flats, and then rent charging rent. "•-industry-linked" investment analysts believe that investment in small apartment Qifang, and uncertain factors, risks are great, but compared to Beijing more than 3 million mobile population, high housing rent, buy new small apartment flats or second-hand housing, Access to income on rent relatively stable. According to the "chain-•-industry" statistics, in 2003, Beijing used the rapid development of the market, total turnover of about 2 million units, of which investment-oriented buyers accounted for 10 percent. Clearly, more and more investors have recognized the value of investment in the secondary market. Investors can be set below the typical region of the total are 300,000 second homes and small apartment Comparative analysis of new investment in property development, small apartment on the new second-hand flats and the investment value of abbreviated glimpse of the fact. The small apartment was for the new projects within the region Hot average, second-hand for the land and resources released by the HKMA and the guidance price. In addition, because of high rent new premises rental, single-in-payment of rent or pay on their purchases for the balance between relatively difficult to find single-, in the balance when considering the annual rent the vacant period of two months, and the only second-hand Consider half a month.

Rental market dialysis

Right after the New Year, many home New Year's rent off the field have started to Beijing, passenger usher in the spring once the peak time, the intermediary company's leasing operations also scenes showing a "prosperity" of the scene: the low availability , The rent increase, Qiuzu significantly increased. Beijing, one of the biggest intermediary "chain-•-industry" even a good number of customers抢rent a phenomenon…… availability of rental demand, on the one hand rental availability is constantly entering the market, on the other hand is an increasing demand for leasing .

"Chain-•-industry" market professionals under Beijing's rental market, the main source, is divided into four categories, and, through them, dialysis Beijing's rental market.

Large floating population in urban housing needs

According to the latest survey shows that people from outside Beijing in 2003 has surpassed 4 million, than in 2002 increased by 229,000 people. According to which 70 percent of the people who need rent, the rental market there are at least 2.8 million people's market capacity. It goes without saying that a large number of people from outside Beijing rental market is the new force. From the customer demands, peri-urban areas of the floating population in the total flow rate of about 57 percent of the population. "•-industry-linked" to the rental customer demand are mainly concentrated in the outskirts of Chaoyang District, Haidian District, and Shijingshan District. Availability of supply from the lease terms, on the one hand, Chaoyang, Haidian and the two broad geographical areas, for rental, investment in property more. Shijingshan District, many older communities, supporting mature, easily accessible, relatively cheap rent. Thus attracted a lot of tenants on the other hand, many investors saw opportunities to choose home ownership in this investment, "to raise the rent" high yield, making ample supply availability.

In addition, according to the data statistics, the foreign population of only about 20 percent of people with college education, this data can also be reflected from the side, the foreign population in high-income groups in the minority. Beijing thus the rental market can be divided into two parts - in the low-end rental market and high-end rental market. Availability of low-end rental market mainly by ordinary homes, popular prices, availability, choice of room for large, customer demand. In contrast the high-end rental market more stable rental apartments category.

Newlyweds need to address housing problems

Beijing about a year more than 7,000 pairs of new marriage, is also part of the field to Beijing for young couples. These young people are more entrepreneurial stage, the basic monthly income is not high, purchases of strength is not strong, if, for more than 2,500 yuan, it will affect their life. Housing is the most important problems of modern young people have their own additional hope that the two-person world, and the elderly are not accustomed to sharing. Therefore, this part of the crowd also a large number of demand.

The expansion of secondary school enrollment, students need to address the problem quarters

Beijing colleges and universities around the rental market is extremely active, particularly in each of the new semester started at the front and rear stage, often in short supply availability. "Chain-•-industry" contract customers, college students accounted for 30% of the ratio, generally there are three reasons: First, in 2004 the National High School will reach 4 million people, than the 2003 actual taking of additional 200,000 People. Some schools of the existing school buildings can not satisfy the rising each year the number of Health and the other is thinking of the 21st century university students more independence, closed schools are not accustomed to the life and hope to have their own independent study of living space; Third, Beijing Is a suitable for the development of the city, many graduates will choose to stay in Beijing, therefore, between 8 and 9 students renting is the peak period.

They often take the form of sharing, good to 32 students shared a set of two-bedroom or three bedroom, rent in equal shares to individuals only 500-600 yuan per month, and a fully furnished home, but also a quiet independent study环境. Clearly, students source, the rental market is indeed played a role. "•-industry-linked" to students renting agent charged 50% service charge on preferential terms, allowing just entered the community of students to pay 200 to 300 yuan to rent to good availability.

Buy second-hand rental, investors optimistic about leasing market

Now the business-minded people are more flexible, if the hands of a certain savings and investment will produce the idea. However, taking into account the long-term bank interest rates down, investment securities or futures the risk too great, and do other businesses, competition is also intense, thought of buying a home ownership investment in existing homes - one of the most simple, low-risk, high return on investment .

According to the "chain-•-industry" professionals of the Beijing market purchases for investment of about 20 percent, compared to housing speaking, to buy second-hand advantage of the investment, price much cheaper than new houses, community support Mature, and now account for the secondary Yigougongfang the mainstream, most do not have to pay property management fees, the lot is also very good. In addition, the room usually used with the decoration, do not have to spend too much in this regard the cost of investors to purchase the rental housing can be both time-saving and save money. If adding the "chain-•-industry," the whole rental housing agency, can not only get one year's rent and housing cleaning, maintenance and rental management after their own do not have to worry about, to the true meaning of "Shuaishou treasurer . "

Beijing real estate from the current passive investment income, the second-hand do not pay the cost of rent and return of relative stability, in a hot housing lots of static investment rate of return is generally 6-8%, which is a good investment choices.

To sum up, Beijing is in the rental market supply and demand situation Liang Wang, still great potential for development.

Housing loans used some tips

Housing loans have second-hand tips:

Q: Recently the second-hand, is not less than the loan-to-»

A: is not the case. Customers to a bank loan applications were rejected, not only because of the application in line with a bank's audit conditions. At present the bank's audit standards vary from the proposed customer choice of the brand intermediary agents, in particular, can provide financial services intermediary agents, on the one hand can get professional services to search for the lending bank, on the other hand, these big Intermediary agents often have signed cooperative banks, will provide a number of banks, including foreign banks and even the housing loan business for many customers choose to fully meet customer demand for housing loans.

Q: second-hand housing loans as a percentage of low interest rates also increased »

A: universal banks to tighten housing loans. But there are also many banks have loan amount and the implementation of the preferential loan policy used in applications meet the requirements of the circumstances, for instance, in line with the first set of housing standards, the percentage of loans to be 70%, floating interest rates can hit 15 % Implementation.

Q: I have to transfer the property, but the buyer did not grant the loans, how do ah »

A: The seller has to transfer property to the buyer, but because the buyer has to apply for bank loans has not been approved but not paid to the seller, all of the purchase. This is a new housing loans following the introduction of the policy, customers in specific time for the encounter new problems. Against the question, recommends that customers choose to do such a home purchase mortgage secured professional services for third-party security institutions, loans and transactions the same time, to avoid the above-mentioned risks.

ICBC personal loans easily won the second-hand purchase your dream

Personal loans are the second-hand refer to loans to borrowers who paid for the purchase of Shoufang people have made housing property rights card, the full disposal of rights, legal transactions in the secondary market or personal housing loans.

First, borrowing by the applicants purchase housing conditions

1, purchased the property clear, with housing ownership certificates, and other unsecured not set right;
2, the purchase of public housing, economic housing units, and other non-commercial housing with the listing conditions;
3, purchased by the demolition of housing was not included in the notice or urban renewal plan;
4, both buyer and seller must sign a "contract for the sale of housing," and can not pay less than the purchase price 30 percent of housing or commercial Fang Jiakuan 50 percent of the first payment, purchase by the general does not exceed the age of 15;
5, housing prices in line with the basic lender to confirm the value of the commission or its institutions to assess the value of real estate valuation and confirmation by the lender;
6, the total housing property rights, property rights were subject to one issued by the Housing Authority agreed to the transfer of evidence.

Second, the applicant conditions

In China have a fixed residence, a local resident accounts, the age of 18 (inclusive) --- 65 years of age, with full civil capacity, and the following conditions are met Chinese citizens can apply for second-hand housing loans.

1, with valid proof of identity and proof of marital status;
2, has a good credit history and repayment will;
3, a stable source of income in full and on time and the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
4, a second-hand housing contract for the sale of the transaction;
5, with payment of the purchase of the first phase of housing Fangkuan capacity;
6, in the bank to open a personal clearing accounts;
7, the lender has approved an effective security;
8, the applicant if the accounts are not local, but to live and work units are in the local, mutatis mutandis, for the locals, and if the accounts are not in the local work units to provide local contacts.

Third, the amount of loans

Housing for the purchase of housing loans does not exceed the maximum amount of loans were recognized in the housing transaction prices or housing assessment price (whichever is lower) of 70 percent;for the purchase of housing loans does not exceed the maximum loan amount of people To confirm the transaction price of housing or housing assessment price (whichever is lower) of 50 percent.

4, loan period

For the purchase of housing, and the age of the loan period and a maximum of 30;for the purchase of housing loans longest period of not more than 10 years.

5, lending rates

For the purchase of housing and lending rates by no less than the corresponding provisions of the People's Bank loan for upgrading the benchmark rate of 0.85 times the implementation of the housing purchases for and lending rates by the People's Bank provides no less than the same period in the same period grade The implementation of interest rates. Event of interest rate adjustments, according to the People's Bank and Industrial Bank of the regulations.

6, repayment methods

For the purchase of housing, can be used individual housing mortgage loans to the various ways;for purchase by the general use of matching the repayment of principal and interest and principal repayments of matching law.

Individual housing loans decoration

Renovation of individual housing loans for:
Renovation of individual housing loans targeted at the full civil capacity of natural persons.

Specific conditions:
1, the age of 18 to 60 years of age, local resident accounts or foreign accounts but effective local living document, a fixed residence;
2, a stable job and income or easily realisable assets;
3, enterprises have signed with the decoration of "family renovation works contracts", or "home decoration material purchase contracts," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;
4, demand in China Construction Bank opened a savings account;
5, the Construction Bank to provide approved security;
6, in line with the requirements of the Construction Bank of other conditions.

Individual housing loans for renovation:
Individual housing loans decoration is the Construction Bank to individual customers paid for the renovation of the renminbi-occupied housing loans.
Loans can be used to pay the family decorating and maintenance works of construction of the relevant materials, decoration, kitchen and toilet facilities, and so on.

Borrowing limit:
Borrowers loan amount not less than 5,000 yuan (with 5,000 yuan), the maximum loan amount is not more than 150,000 yuan (inclusive of a 15 million).

Loan period and interest rates:
A minimum of six months and a maximum of five years (including five years).

People's Bank lending rates in accordance with the provisions of the same period in the implementation of lending rates.

Repay the loan provisions:
Loans within the period of one year (including 1), implementation of debt service due time, with the benefit of the Qing;
Loan period in more than one year, the borrower from the time spent on loans taken from the monthly principal and interest outstanding loans equal manner:

The early return of all principal and interest of loans, should be notified 15 days ahead of the lending bank, taking into account the interest not to the period of interest rate changes and adjustments.

Loan repayment:
The borrower to repay the principal and interest of bank loans in two ways, each borrower can only choose one of the means of repayment. According to the borrower and the bank signed the "loan contract," the agreement for the repayment plan, the repayment date, the Construction Bank from the borrower demand savings account deduction should repay the loan at the current principal and interest. The borrower must have full charge of deposit account, such as the debit account was frozen, report the loss, the borrower should be timely provision of the new charge accounts;
The borrower to repay bank business outlets.
Borrowers to return overdue loans can only take the second method.

Borrowers should provide the information

Borrowers fill out the "China Construction Bank loan applications for housing decoration" and to provide the following information
1, residents of identity documents (identity cards, residence booklet, the military card or other valid identification cards) and so on the original and copy;
2, personal income proof (units issued by the proof of income, payroll, tax alone, can be used for repayment of the Bank savings deposits, etc.);
3, and decoration companies signed the "family renovation works contracts" and "the purchase of household decoration materials contract," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;
4, renovation of enterprises and the business license for a copy of the certificate;
5, collateral, pledge and the right of ownership is a list of documents that have powers and the consent of mortgage, pledge of proof; collateral must submit a certificate of ownership or right to use, valuation, insurance documents; have to provide the right quality of the right credentials ; Guarantor agreed to guarantee the documents;
6, bank loan requirements of the other materials.

Loan decoration - the new financial channel

Loans into trendy decoration

At present, Xi'an implementation of the decorative business loans decoration gradually on the rise. B & Q, the Oriental Supermarket building materials and decorating their homes centres have launched a renovation loan business. "Renovation loans as a new concept of consumption, the new financial management methods, more and more people's attention and Xi'an welcome. I have many friends around the adoption of this approach to decoration." China Merchants Bank (36.62, -0.08, -- 0.22 per cent) of the clock tower branch manager noble individuals in an interview with reporters said.
This reporter has learned that the current B & Q, their homes are Eastern and China Merchants Bank launched the "easy to" hire business. "This year renovation, payment of next year", so that consumers can immediately decoration, but six months after the start of payment. So that consumers in the huge amount of input can also easily Fangkuan after installation. According to B & Q decorating Center for Noda-bin, since the launch "easy" zero down payment installment business, even in the scorching sun of the off-season renovation, the Ministry of week received the decoration business loans more than a dozen Households, the impact of the stock market this year, since the renovation of the family more and more loans, up 70 percent to 80 percent, with the arrival of the autumn season decoration, decoration loan applications to the customer more and more. We forged cooperation with China Merchants Bank Covenant, to provide loans for each household a maximum of 100,000 yuan, according to bank loans, the amount and timing of charges, in general, loan customers choose December period, a period of 24 months And more.

Who are the main force in loans

Renovation of this year, next year payment, choose this form of decoration are mostly what the public » According to reports, choose the decoration of the public are basically loans can be divided into two situations, is one of the largest operators will, good fiscal management, these customers clearly know "the money of Health money," the truth, they are more willing to pay the renovation loan procedures Fees, because they can use the cash to make more money, there is a gang of young people to work soon, the economic strength is limited, have invested the cash in hand just the boost the purchase of the house, and they Ganzhe-house , Or on the house waiting for the renovation of marriage, then choose the loan decoration. '
Facilitate the use of the financial marketing strategy, will become the terminal building materials supermarkets consumption of a large breakthrough. "This installment has the advantage of consumers can now immediately decoration, but six months after the start of payment. Decoration does not really spend a penny." China Merchants Bank are told reporters. The "easy to" hire-purchase business from B & Q and China Merchants Bank launched, devoted to preparation for renovation of service consumers. As long as China Merchants Bank credit card in hand, consumers to B & Q decorating center housing decoration, the payments do not have to pay immediately, can be extended six months to "pay" can also enjoy up to 24 months to facilitate the payments. "Since the purchase of the consumer, for payment of six months, the longest 24 months of payments is an ideal 'financial plan', not only greatly reduce the pressure of the one-time payment, but can also increase the decoration Budget, to raise a new home renovation level. "This marketing strategy can also be used for investment-type consumers, that is, consumers can not pay anything in the situation downloading a good new home, as soon as possible for rental or for other commercial Purpose, as soon as possible so as to get return on investment.

"easy" What's the difference between the traditional

The industry believes that the B & Q would undoubtedly save money for consumers. For most consumers, buying houses is a huge expenditure. Therefore, we can often see many buyers in purchases, due to financial constraints, the delay to start the renovation, we must accumulate a certain period of time the funds and thus delayed occupancy. Commissioner of new houses empty for consumers, is a regret. Now B & Q launched "decoration this year, next year payment", so that consumers really do not spend a penny decoration.
before the traditional form of payment in three phases, Qianwan the first phase of the contract to pay 55-60 per cent, half the works at the mid-term pay 35-30 per cent, after passing the acceptance period to pay the end of five percent. But now B & Q's "easy" in this business compared to the traditional payment The biggest difference is the "extension of six months pay", and repayment period of up to 24 months. Compared to other types of loans, "easy" bank charges is not very high, "as long as China Merchants Bank credit card holders, can be renovated immediately, six months after payment."
China Merchants Bank person in charge, non-line credit card bills in the B & Q customers can also hire for business, and 10,000 -10 10,000 for the consumption limit, charges 2.5 percent, within 15 days to handle. And existing customers have to move in the bills will have their own credit system, the specific audit certification more convenient for the business will be faster, probably need 1-3 days.

More economical to stay in the money stock speculation

An interview with this reporter, who faced just decoration for a loan of Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun call a spade a spade to his current economic strength, does not actually need to rely on loans to the decoration. "I am prepared to spend 50,000 yuan decoration, if I December period for the renovation loans, probably need to pay the cost of 5,000 yuan." Mr. Sun told reporters, and this year, he will be 50,000 yuan into the stock market, by The return5,000 yuan!
This reporter has learned that playing this fiscal calculations of many people. "Many investors do everything possible to be diverted to other uses of the cash market, is now taken the proceeds of the stock market higher, but the stock market risk, investors should carefully consider the financial balance in the family." Securities market experts advise .

Terms of home renovation loans

Home renovation loans refer to loans to borrowers who paid for the borrower-occupied home decoration of the renminbi consumer loans.
Where over 18 years of age with full civil capacity of Chinese citizens apply for personal loans personal home renovation must meet the following conditions:
1, with full civil capacity of natural persons;
2, a local resident accounts or valid residence status, have a fixed address and detailed;
3, legitimate employment and stable and reliable source of income, good credit, arranging with the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
4, in principle, to be held by the lender and approved the renovation of the enterprises signed agreements or contracts home decoration and fitting-out works budget table;
5, the provision of loans were approved property arrives, pledge or third-party guarantee, the guarantor for the loans were approved with the compensatory ability of individuals or units, are jointly and severally liable;
6, in the person designated bank loans are not less than 30% of the total household decoration of the deposits have been proven to be raised and paid, or more than 30 percent of the renovation of the proof;
7, the implementation of the lender under the loan conditions.
Loan deadline: home renovation loan period is generally one to three years, the longest of not more than five years (including five years), the specific nature of the period under borrowers were identified.
Loan interest rates: home renovation loan interest rates provided for the implementation of the People's Bank of grade lending rates accordingly. Loans within the period in 2001 (including 2001), the contractual rate of interest, the case of statutory interest rate adjustments, the interest rates unchanged; loans over the period in 2001, met the statutory interest rate adjustments, according to the People's Bank on the interest rate adjustment Provisions of interest rate adjustments.
Loan limits: home renovation loans shall not exceed the maximum amount of home renovation works 80 percent of the total.
Loan applications: Applications for home decoration loan borrowers to the lenders to submit written applications for loans, fill out the application form and submit the following documents, certificates and information:
1, personal and spouse's ID card, residence booklet and other valid residency documents Original;
2, the loans were approved with stable job and income proof of economic stability;
3, large amounts of high-end renovation in principle with the need to provide the lender approved the renovation of the renovation enterprises signed agreements or contracts, and the renovation works budget table;
4, or to pledge assets as collateral, should provide collateral, the quality of the list and dispositions (including total property) signed the agreement mortgage, pledge or commitment to the statement. The collateral required to submit issued by the department the right to assess the value of the insurance sector and the insurance documents, of the pledge to provide proof of ownership. To third-party guarantee, shall provide a written security guarantee agreement documents, credit documentation;
5, no less than 20% of the total renovation of the Bank of China has raised deposit certificate or pay over 20 percent of the total project proof of payment;
6, large amounts of high-end renovation in principle the need to provide decoration enterprises of the business license (photocopy), Certifications (photocopy);
7, seeks to provide loans to other documents and materials.

Bank ---- housing renovation loans


Housing renovation loan refers to the family for the purpose of housing renovation to the borrower or a third person has the right to ownership or punished in accordance with the law of property, rights as collateral or the quality of, or from the third loan guarantee human, and are jointly and severally Responsibility for issuing loans.


The loans under the decoration of the progress of the project at the release. Each lender and the amount shall not exceed the approved loan amount, duration of each lender's loan agreement, the same way as repayment.

Conditions apply

The target for loans with the People's Republic of China nationality, with full civil capacity of natural persons.

Loans should have the following conditions:

Over 18 years of age, a local resident accounts and valid proof of identity;

Have a legitimate job and stable income, with the principal and interest due the ability to repay the loan. The self-employed persons (that is, to set up corporate bodies or other economic organizations, or in the above-mentioned institutions holding more than 10% of the shares, or his personal the main source of income for these institutions operating revenue), not just personal income issued Proved to judge its ability to repay, should be asked to provide proof of the assets, bank statements, financial statements, tax investigation and field-proven, including through the understanding of their operations and the real financial situation, a comprehensive analysis of its ability to repay.

I can provide authorized to touch the assets (of) the grantor guarantees, or have the ability to compensate a third party to provide guaranteed jointly and severally liable;

Borrowers have been decorated with signed contracts related to the renovation or agreement;

Purchase of new residential housing decoration of the sale and purchase contract should provide (the original), purchase receipts or invoices, and other information to the original decoration of residential housing should provide proof of ownership;

Action line under other conditions.

Process for

Application: borrowers with the following documents to fill out loan applications - Network:

* Valid identity documents;
* Proof of marital status;
* Pledge, mortgage documents, to guarantee the provision of security to the secured documents.
Shendai: Bank of the borrower guarantees, such as credit investigation, the procedures for approval and notify the results of the borrower.
Signed: the borrower's application is approved, for the following procedures:
* Signed loan contracts with banks and the corresponding guarantee contracts;
* Legalization, insurance, arrival (of) charge registration procedures.

Loans for: Bank borrowers move within the relevant procedures, will be issuing loans to borrowers in individual accounts and in accordance with the borrower's loan will be commissioned by the designated pay related to accounts receivable.

Rates under high pressure renovation loans popular

View of the current high prices, many consumers pay End house down payment, have been unable to face the high cost of the renovation. Many businessmen in Shanghai recently to attract customers, have launched a renovation loan or hire services. If B & Q launched in the early "easy", the United States grams of the United States to introduce interest-free instalments, and so on. Through the press learned that at present, Shanghai has many ways to enable consumers to solve the pressing need of renovation.

Option 1: provident fund renovation loans

January this year, many banks launched a provident fund loans, the public can developers on the sale of the entire renovation (existing home), since the purchase of second-hand housing renovation plan to the provident fund management center for housing accumulation fund overhaul (renovation loans), housing homebuyers Guarantee Corporation in the district branch, where the application may direct.

A staff member of the bank, told reporters that the services to the Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center applications, buyers can, in the normal provident fund loans, through a certain amount of the provident fund review, you can get a maximum of 1,000 yuan of loans square meters, However, the two loans of provident fund loans shall not exceed a total of 300,000 of the loan amount. In addition, the two have been in loans and the commercial banks for loans shall not exceed the total value of the property purchased 70 percent for up to 30 years.

In addition, under the current interest rate policy, on April 29 this year, financial institutions, five years and more than five years the benchmark lending interest rate from the current 6.12 percent to 6.39 percent. And the same five years and more than five years of the Provident Fund lending rate from the current 4.41 percent to 4.59 percent adjustment, the widening gap between the two to 1.8 percentage points.

To reflect the policies of the financial advantages, industry believes that the future provident fund loans will be reduced 2 percent to 3 percent. This also means that the future provident fund loans and business loans, the interest rate gap may have widened.

However, according to home ownership housing security company, for renovation loans require real decoration. Customer applications to be submitted to the deed, renovation contracts, prepaid decoration companies and 30 percent of the renovation of a formal invoice payments, home ownership and housing provident fund centres will also guarantee a personal real estate and decoration of the authenticity of a survey, personal investigation, Assessment and submitted for consideration, the final will be the lenders. Survey and evaluation procedures cumbersome, to consumers has also brought unnecessary trouble.

Option 2: renovation loans

Get new houses, decoration, not enough, the way to or from the general commercial bank loans decoration, such as personal loans consumer loans, in accordance with the basic interest rate to the implementation of the benchmark rate. Such loans for the formalities relatively complex, CCB Shanghai Branch as an example, the renovation loan applications for the shortest period of six months, the longest period of not more than five years (including five years), the ceiling is not more than 150,000 yuan. In addition to the normal procedures required for proof of identity, mortgages and other proof required, and decoration companies signed the "family renovation works contracts" and "the purchase of household decoration materials contract," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract" as well as families of the renovation budget , And other related materials.

However, in order to remove the consumer's troubles, some banks in Shanghai launched a renovation loans and housing loans combination of loans, if the loans are good personal credit history, but also for the real estate collateral, you can get a decoration Loans, and relatively easy procedure, the funds become available relatively quickly. If the bank's "a loan" service, through a personal real estate mortgage ceiling based on individual customers to provide a high quality of credit, the cycle of repeated use of personal credit products or product mix. For "a loan-to-specialists", can get 80% of the maximum credit limit, and in line with this, if you did not use to the full housing loans, or have early repayment, you can easily run to a maximum of more than 150,000 yuan The renovation of, and the duration of loans from the past five years extended to 10.

Says renovation loans

Loans in other industries as the "fashionable" Consumer and even abroad are very popular, its inevitability.loans and is not appropriate, this should start with the nature of loans, loans to the object in general should have the following three conditions:

First, users can directly see this result,
The second is that objects like users or to be satisfied with
Third, he can enjoy advance

can not see the final result, the complexity of the decoration and renovation process in the departments of the need to meet, making the results do not necessarily make customer satisfaction, in the future it will be difficult to resolve the dispute, but users must face and decoration company Disputes and bank loan repayment pressure, and that loans would become another kind of burden

Refused to provident fund renovation loans

A number of banks in the housing provident fund (with) Loan qualified contractors news caused the concern of many readers. According to reports, consumers can apply for normal apart from the provident fund home loans, but also can be 1,000 yuan per square meter in accordance with the standards for provident fund loans for the renovation. However, through the Advisory Beijing's major banks found that all major banks in the near future Beijing will not increase the business.

Shanghai already has some buyers for the decoration of the provident fund loans. Pudong housing accumulation fund management centre said that the provident fund loans renovation of the current pilot implementation of the pilot depends on the specific situation to decide whether to promote.

Journalists were asked about the Beijing can now provident fund loans for the Industrial and Commercial Bank, the Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, Construction Bank and Bank of Communications, stakeholders said that the Beijing branch of the Provident Fund loans for the current business expansion unheard. Beijing Housing Fund Management Center of the staff members said that not only can not provident fund loans for decoration, decoration and to extract the name of provident funds are not allowed.

Commercial loans stranded in the decoration

A few years ago, Beijing introduced the banks have been renovated housing loan business. There are two main forms: one is to real estate loans for the mortgage, line of credit 100,000 yuan within a maximum of five years, it must be designated by the Bank of decoration companies to decoration; Another is that customers have applied for housing loans The banks continue to apply for renovation loans, guarantees may take the form of an effective security guarantee for a third person, the borrower or a third party natural name in the pledge of security, the customer's personal credit score, and so on.

But with the fiery Mortgages, Auto Financing compared to loans from the introduction of the renovation has become empty. On the one hand, banks have their own difficulties, banks require customers to choose the kind collateral, and consumers when applying for housing loans have been secured from the house, feeling no bank loan guarantees, business and do not actively other consumers The renovation loan is not high degree of enthusiasm. Many people feel that the loans have had to buy it, even the decoration to loans, psychologically difficult to accept; processing complex, and some banks would also like to designate special decoration, decoration has not made a lot of money to spend. Therefore the bank, the bank has closed down all of the business, while the remaining banks to merge or dark or add other business.

Beijing inadvertently provident fund renovation loans

Beijing a bank industry, said that the provident funds for renovation loans is really for the renovation, banking bad judgement, it will apply for restrictions on the amount of such loans were less than the number of loan money, must also be in a very short Repaid within the time limit, whether for peace of mind or save money, many people are not too easily will consider this business. The source also said that many people out of the South working capital needs of business may choose this business, For Beijing, this is clearly not the majority needed. So banks are not optimistic about the decoration provident fund loans, the short term will not be actively introduced.

Bankers, who also pointed out that the current number of banks operating small amount of personal consumer credit, credit card to the development of consumer credit, such as credit card payments to business, but also a certain period of time the interest-free concessions, if the consumer has just buying houses Hard-on-hand, the use of credit card interest-free instalments But one worth considering ways to raise money.

Renovation loan conditions more flexible clear for a home renovation loan process

Individual housing loan business renovation carried out smoothly at present, a very important reason is that unlike the terms of lending decoration before "card" in the death of operating flexibility than before in many practices, procedures and methods from exploration on track, the most important Bank lending is in, inspected the lender's credit, the "attention" to transfer decoration company, to allow corporate customers to guarantee the loans.

Housing renovation personal bank loans is the use of credit funds to the residents of the housing for its own decoration of the renminbi loans to cover household decoration and maintenance works of construction of the relevant materials, decoration, kitchen and toilet facilities, and so on.

Personal loans for housing decoration

1, a city resident accounts or effective urban residence status;

2, a stable job and income, good credit, the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

3, with the purchase of housing or have its own housing;

4, a decoration works contract or the purchase of decorative products;

5, a bank recognized as the arrival (of) the grantor's assets, or has the ability to have adequate compensation units or individuals are jointly and severally liable as a guarantor;

6, willing to accept the bank's other reasonable requests.

Loan Process

1, loan applicants to the bank loan application needs to fill a "personal housing loans decorative applications." At the same time the bank Jiaoyan relevant proof and information;

2, the bank borrowers Jiaoyan the relevant information and proof of authenticity, legitimacy and credit review the extent authorized, committed loans. Loan applicant accordingly and decoration company or decorative product sales contracts signed decoration works contract or decorative product orders and contracts submitted to the original bank.

3, lending the two sides sign a "personal decoration housing loan contract" and the corresponding guarantee contracts. To housing as collateral for the loan should be "personal housing mortgage contract," the notarization, and housing mortgage insurance and real estate mortgage registration procedures.

4, with a Bank loan guarantee procedures or confinement "that the property rights of others" for the lenders procedures;

5, the bank commissioned by the borrower, the loan contract agreement, to pay for decorative use of the name of loan funds to transfer mode is zoned to decorating company or unit sales of decorative products in the bank to open accounts.

The amount and duration

Housing renovation loan amount: the starting point to 5,000 yuan (with 5,000 yuan), the maximum over 150,000 yuan (inclusive of a 15 million). The way to guarantee the mortgage loan amount does not exceed the value of the collateral 70%, secured by way of pledge, loan amount does not exceed the value of the pledge of 80%.

Individual housing loans for renovation loans for the shortest period of six months, should not be longer than five years (including five years).

Individual housing loans decoration

Individual housing loans decoration:
Individual housing loans decoration is the Construction Bank to individual customers paid for the renovation of the renminbi-occupied housing loans.

Individual housing loans for renovation:
Loans can be used to pay the family decorating and maintenance works of construction of the relevant materials, decoration, kitchen and toilet facilities, and so on.

Renovation of individual housing loans for:
Renovation of individual housing loans targeted at the full civil capacity of natural persons.

The borrower's specific conditions:
The age of 18 to 60 years of age, local resident accounts or foreign accounts but effective local living document, a fixed residence;
A stable job and income or easily realisable assets;
And decoration enterprises have signed the "family renovation works contracts", or "home decoration material purchase contracts," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;
Demand in China Construction Bank opened a savings account;
Construction Bank to provide approved security;
China Construction Bank in line with the requirements of other conditions.

Borrowing limit:
Borrowers loan amount not less than 5,000 yuan (with 5,000 yuan), the maximum loan amount is not more than 150,000 yuan (inclusive of a 15 million).

Loan deadline:
A minimum of six months and a maximum of five years (including five years).

Loan rates:
People's Bank of China according to the provisions of the same period in the implementation of lending rates.

Borrowers fill out the "China Construction Bank loan applications for housing decoration" and to provide the following information:
Resident identification cards (ID cards, residence booklet, the military card or other valid identification cards) and so on the original and copy;
Personal income proof (units issued by the proof of income, payroll, tax alone, can be used for repayment of the Bank savings deposits, etc.);
And decoration companies signed the "family renovation works contracts" and "the purchase of household decoration materials contract," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;
Renovation of the enterprise's business license and a copy of credentials;
Collateral, pledge and the right of ownership is a list of documents that have powers and the consent of mortgage, pledge of proof; collateral must submit a certificate of ownership or right to use, valuation, insurance documents; have to provide the right quality of the right credentials; guarantor Agreed to ensure that the documents;
Bank lending requirements of the other materials.

Construction Bank borrowers to apply for individual housing loans must be renovated to provide effective security. Security can be taken mortgage, pledge to ensure that the way
Borrowers to own property or a third person owned the property mortgage, bank and the borrower or to a third person sign a "security contracts"; collateral must be assessed, and for mortgages registered.
The borrower or a third person to own the rights to the required conditions for the token to the pledge, the Construction Bank and the borrower to sign a "pledge of contract", pledging the right credentials include:
Portfolio. Including government bonds, financial bonds and corporate bonds AAA;
China Construction Bank issued by the savings deposits;
Construction Bank recognized other assets.
Loan period not longer than the rights of the pledge period expires.
Borrowers to ensure that the provision of security to ensure that the guarantee is jointly and severally liable, the Construction Bank to sponsor and sign a "guarantee contract." Guarantor must be a legal person, other economic organizations or citizens.
Without a bank loan agreement, mortgage borrowers during the (mortgage) should not be collateral transfer, lease, sale, gift or mortgage. The mortgage, the borrower is maintenance, service, responsibility to ensure that the collateral intact, and ready to accept supervision and inspection of the lender.

Reimbursement provisions:
Loans within the period of one year (including 1), implementation of debt service due time, with the benefit of the Qing; loan period in more than one year, the borrower from the time spent on loans taken from the monthly reimbursement equal The way the principal and interest of loans.
The early return of all principal and interest of loans, should be notified 15 days ahead of the lending bank, taking into account the interest not to the period of interest rate changes and adjustments.

Reimbursement of the way:
The borrower to repay the principal and interest of bank loans in two ways, each borrower can only choose one of the means of repayment.
According to the borrower and the bank signed the "loan contract," the agreement for the repayment plan, the repayment date, the Construction Bank from the borrower demand savings account deduction should repay the loan at the current principal and interest. The borrower must have full charge of deposit account, such as the debit account was frozen, report the loss, the borrower should be timely provision of the new charge accounts;
The borrower to repay bank business outlets.
Borrowers to return overdue loans can only take the second method.

Real estate development loans procedures

Class of real estate development loans (including real estate development enterprises liquidity loans, real estate development loans) is the real estate development enterprises, for housing construction, land development in the course of the loan.


The industrial and commercial administrative organs approved the registration of real estate development companies, as well as a real estate business development for the enterprises and institutions.

The basic conditions for loans

1, the basic urban credit cooperatives to open clearing accounts or general deposit accounts, operating income all or part of the urban credit cooperatives settlement;

2, the normal production and management, operation and management system sound and healthy financial position;

3, reputable, has scheduled the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

4, the total project investment loans, the implementation of the various sources of funds for construction, which funds owned a total investment of not less than 30%;

5, to apply for loans of the project has been included in the state or local building development plan, departments have the right to approve the project proposals, feasibility study, Kuochusheji and other development projects related to the approval document;

6, to apply for loans of commercial housing development projects has been made, "the state-owned land use certificates", "Land and building permits", "construction project planning permit", "building construction permit" for a loan of land development projects , Has been made on land development planning department of planning control, and other conditions of the notice letter of approval;

7, the loan project works budget reasonable, true;

8, to provide adequate and effective value of mortgage, pledge or credit guarantee a high degree of security;

9, the lender requirements of the other conditions.

Class of loans for the development application of the information provided

1, the basic material

Corporate business license (and copies of copies) and construction management department that approved the qualification;

Corporate code certificate (copy and photocopies);

Legal representative of that signature samples (original and photocopies);

(Card) (originals and photocopies);

Financial departments or accounting (audit) firms approved the first three years of financial statements and audit reports. For new enterprises to set up businesses less than three years, since the establishment of the submission of the annual and recent statements;

The tax department seized a qualified tax registration certificate;

Profits and taxes liquidation table;

Contract (original and photocopies);

Articles of Association (original and photocopies).

Enterprise board member and principal responsible persons responsible for financial and signature lists and other samples.

If customers with limited liability company, Ltd., a joint venture or cooperative enterprise contract for the operation enterprises, or contract required the consent of the Board of Trustees of the resolution or document (original);

Loans from a client for the legal representative must provide enterprises authorized power of attorney (original)

2, loans material

Development and construction of the project feasibility study and approval documents (original and photocopies);

The right to approval of construction projects, implementation and development of the documents and plans (original and photocopies).

3, secured materials

By guarantee, mortgage or pledge of the different requests for materials.

Loan rates

Lending rates by the People's Bank of floating interest rates and urban credit cooperatives in the implementation of the relevant provisions.

How to purchase loans

How to handle the loan »

If home loans for by the developer, consumers only need to provide the relevant documents, received a notice to banks for various procedures can be. If the consumer for their own, do not understand is particularly troublesome procedures.
Bank loans for house purchase all the procedures and the process is basically the same individual under different aspects to different banks may be. China Merchants Bank is to as an example, a brief introduction to personal home loans for the course for the needs of the consumer reference.

Borrowers basic conditions

1, over 18 years of age with full civil conduct;
2, a stable job and income;
3, has signed with the developers, "sales of commercial housing (PWC) sales contract";
4, all paid by the purchase price by more than 20% of the first payment;
5, a total of borrowers and property of people willing to mortgage the house purchase and registration for mortgage and property insurance.

Borrowers must provide material

1, I and spouses of the effective proof of identity (ID card, residence booklet or other valid proof of residence), the individual operators to provide business license (the original post-mortem, leaving a copy);
2, the borrower that marital status (married or single card that);
3, the field, foreign or single, to the account by the local people to do security;
4, the borrower and spouses of income and property proof;
5, the first purchase contracts and payment receipts;
6, total assets were mortgage undertaking;
7, Bank of housing mortgage loan applications processing table.

Line of credit and term

1, the maximum loan amount not exceeding the full purchase price of real estate 80 percent, the highest commercial outlets of not more than 60 percent;
2, plus loans for borrowers age does not exceed the statutory retirement age, a maximum of 30.


1, the borrower signed purchase contracts with developers and pay the first payment;
2, the borrower to apply for loans, the loan;
3, Bank of admissibility, investigation, review and approval;
4, banks and borrowers signed loan contracts;
5, legalization, insurance procedures;
6, bank loans

The types of loans

Housing loans in the financial arrangements for funding the contents of a very wide, but the main nothing more than the amount of home loans (percentage), duration and interest rates these three issues. In introducing the three major issues before, it is necessary to once again shows that the current buyers of the three existing loans: individual housing loans, individual housing loans and individual housing commissioned by the loan portfolio. Individual housing provident fund loans from commercial banks to provide commercial loans, individual housing loans was commissioned by the provident fund management center commissioned by the commercial banks of the policy loans, individual housing loan portfolio is a combination of the two before.

Housing accumulation fund loans: For participate in the housing provident fund to pay the residents, house purchase loans, housing provident fund low-interest loans should be preferred. Housing accumulation fund loans of a policy nature of subsidies, loan interest rates low, not only lower than the same period in commercial bank lending rates (commercial banks is only half the mortgage rates), but also lower than the same period of commercial banks deposit interest rates, that is, in the housing provident fund Mortgage rates and bank deposit interest rate spreads between one. At the same time, housing provident fund loans for mortgages and insurance, and other related procedures, fees by half.

Commercial individual housing loans: more than two loans to pay the housing accumulation fund the unit staff to use, more limited conditions, therefore, did not deposit the provident fund housing loan-to-Shanghai people out, but the commercial banks can apply for individual housing loans, that is, Bank mortgage loans. As long as your bank balance of the loans to buy housing for the amount of not less than 30 percent, and as a house purchase down payments, bank loans and is recognized or pledge assets as collateral, or adequate compensation The ability of units or individuals of outstanding loans as a principal and interest are jointly and severally liable and the guarantor, then the bank can apply for mortgage loans.

Individual housing loan portfolio: housing fund management center can release the loan, the maximum limit is generally 10-39 million, if the purchase of more than this amount, less than some would like to commercial banks for housing loans. The two loans together referred to as portfolio loans. The business of real estate by a bank of the unified credit for. Portfolio loan interest rates moderate, larger loan amount, thus lending more to be chosen.

Commissioned by the individual housing loans (provident fund loans) the most cost-effective, individual housing loans (commercial loans) the most interest burden, but the specific differences between the repayment of how much we may wish to re-list the comparison.

Comparison: If a couple buyers to purchase a total 500,000 yuan in housing, with its own funds to pay the first payment 30 percent, or 150,000 yuan, 350,000 yuan for the remaining 15 loans. Couple, on revenue of 6,000 yuan, on provident fund deposit ratio was 20% (business and personal burden on the half), the Provident Fund amounted to 40,000 yuan. Commercial loans than the interest burden of policy loans is much higher, reaching 1 / 3, also on the amount to more than 10% of the total number to nearly 50,000 yuan, is not a small number. It is evident from this, natural selection should be commissioned by the individual housing loans, but will not do, the couple can not completely rely on individual housing loans by, even if their existing Provident Fund amounted to 40,000 yuan, is 10 times by the lower rate calculation they can also apply for 400,000 yuan of provident fund loans, but because the maximum amount of policy loans to only 300,000 yuan, 350,000 yuan or no. Therefore, the couple only, select individual housing loan portfolio. Then, their monthly repayment burden? Affordable » They said the monthly repayment to 2781.45 yuan, but they can be part of the repayment period offset the monthly deposit of provident fund, the amount can be up to 20 per cent of total income, that is 1,200 yuan / month, then they need to pay Mortgage, only () 2781.45-1200) 1581.45 yuan / month, and their monthly income of 6,000 yuan compared to the burden of the very light. However, if there is no provident fund support, relying entirely on commercial loans, the monthly repayment burden is quite heavy, but the total income of about 50 percent of the mortgage burden is acceptable. In determining the proposed buyers purchase budget may wish to carefully Suanyi Suan, and more listed several options compared to the corresponding loan applications again.

House purchase loans FAQ

Commercial loans house purchase procedures

First, the borrower and the bank designated developer signed purchase agreements;
Second, the borrower to the bank purchase agreement, personal identity, and a copy of the original accounts thin 3. On that personal income (in credit certificates). At the same time providing banking requirements of the pledge, the security procedures. (Some banks to borrowers age limit, if not more than 60 years of age, etc.);
Third, according to bank in the bank to open accounts, payment of the first phase of the purchase (usually 30 percent), established line of credit;
4, bank approval, grant loans. Purchase agreement came into effect, the borrower opened surname scheduled debt service.

Provident Fund loans house purchase procedures

First, the borrower to security companies to provide relevant information that: both spouses (if common loan, need to participate in the loan) of the ID card, such as thin accounts and a copy of the original three; borrower's marital status that And a copy of the three, two couples (participation loan), the original proof of income and a photocopy; prices accounted for 40 percent or more of the deposit to prove that the self-financing real estate trading center or units issued by the Shoufang Original and two copies of receipts; purchase a copy of the original, and 2;
Second, the portfolio of loans for the borrower (including their spouses), the unit provided by the provident fund account and I units (including his spouse) on payment of provident fund (in the "personal housing mortgage loans for home buyers to fill and seal Cheng Baobiao );
Third, the loan amount to be determined by the lending banks, urban housing reform fund management centre, a security company for approval;
40, signed after approval by the relevant contracts, for the procedures. Bank loans. Borrowers scheduled debt service.

Bid for the cost of mortgage loans

1, legal fees
2, notarization fee
3, documents custodial fees
4, real estate mortgage registration / filing / cancellation charges.

Bid to host the individual mortgages to buy homes should pay what taxes and fees »

Bid for personal unsecured loans, buying houses usually have to pay stamp duty, notary fees, registration fees, custodial fees and other costs, but provide different mortgage bank in fees and standards, there are also some differences. Here are some examples for reference purposes only.

List of some banks to mortgage costs

Provides mortgage banking fees and charges fees Remarks

China Construction Bank (1) mortgage registration fees, 370 yuan / sets of real estate registration
(Guangzhou Branch) service fees charged

(2) contract for 200 yuan notary / sets and notary offices charged

(3) agent service fees as the amount of each loan
(Including legal fees and accountants fees) 500-1500 dollars

(4) documents custodial fees 80 yuan / sets.,

(5) stamp duty on the loan amount and the Inland Revenue Department received 0.05 ‰

(6) annual premiums by 1 ‰ calculation of the total price charged behalf of insurance companies
By one-time mortgage payments are paid in life

(1) registration fee charging 70 yuan / were charged by the real estate registration

Agricultural Bank (Guangzhou Guangzhou Branch)

(2) he right of the registration fee of 0.5 ‰ prices and real estate registration charge

(3) document nominal fee 20 yuan / applications for loans charge

(4) documents custodial fees 200 yuan / sets after the approval of loan applications received

(5) stamp duty on the loan amount and the Inland Revenue Department collected 0.5 ‰

(6) contract notarization fee 30 yuan / sets and notary offices charged

(7) the total annual premium prices calculated 1 ‰

By one-time mortgage payments are paid in life

(1) related business lawyer fees of the loan collection of 3 ‰
Industrial and Commercial Bank of Guangzhou City
Benevolent act Road Branch
(2) documentation custodial fees 250 yuan / Case

(3) stamp duty on the loan amount and the Inland Revenue Department received 0.05 ‰

(4) premium prices by the year-on-year to 1.5 ‰ behalf of insurance companies charge

Provide mortgages to buy homes in major banks and loan repayment

To provide individual mortgages to buy homes of the major banks

Currently individuals can purchase mortgages from the banks of a development bank to more than 10 home mortgage business for the major banks:

1, the Construction Bank of China: Ministry of real estate credit. The bank personal housing mortgage loan market in a dominant position on the market share of 70 percent.

2, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: Ministry of real estate credit. Start too early, but not yet fully in this business.

3, Bank of Communications: Real Estate Finance Ministry. Although the early start, but not yet in full swing this business.

4, the Agricultural Bank of China: Ministry of Finance. Is still at the initial stage, but growing rapidly.

5, the Bank of China: Ministry of Finance. Less business, but starting early, high-impact in some areas.

6, Guangdong Development Bank: Finance Department. Yet only partially carried out within the framework of the business.

7, Shenzhen Development Bank: Finance Department. Yet only partially carried out within the framework of the business.

8, CITIC Industrial Bank: Finance Department. Yet only partially carried out within the framework of the business.

The way to repay personal loans

First, according to the signing of the purchase price under the contract on equal points of outstanding loans. Customers should be stipulated in the contract the monthly loan repayment has taken the initiative in its purchase of savings account should also foot the monthly principal and interest of loans from banks should be deducted at the monthly repayment of loans;

Second, the early repayment: one month in advance, should apply to banks, which can be removed from the loan interest ahead of time, but the interest rate is still the original loan interest rates for the implementation of the same period.

How cost-effective purchase loans loan »

The most important loans from the bank today to buy a house business "for banks to buy a house" concept enjoys popular support, bank purchases of mortgage loans has become a buyers access to housing a very effective means.
However, both the banking or real estate developers, and even the media, actively promote, promote purchases of loans at the same time, "How to repayment" did not give people a clear buying houses that so many people in the house purchase also Bank lending there are many errors.

Interest loan purchases after the first and principal »

! Through bank loans 320,000 yuan to purchase a set of commercial housing, 30 repaid loans, for 1,650 yuan.
His own calculations calculation: 320,000 yuan loan (principal) × bank interest rates × 360 months, more than 535,000 yuan, which means that 30, he returned to the bank's money than the bank loaned his principal (that is, The loan amount) more than 20 million.
Later, he also adopted multi-understand, in fact, also found that loans in the course of some years ago, also by the bank's monthly 1,650 yuan, most of the interest and principal amount of 320,000 yuan is also the very few. That is, if after 10 years, the remaining loans are repaid once the capacity, which is basically most of the money also is the principal. For example:! By the bank to repay the 535,000 yuan after a 20, he left the ability to lump-sum loans, which also have at least the amount is more than 60 percent of the principal. In other words, the former 15 is also the most interest, after 15 is also the basic principal.
He said: "If this is the case on the cost-I, because I only have difficulty funding the loans, to 20 after one-time payment to the money, I can only take up a bank 20 of the principal amount, but Almost 30 years of interest are returned to the bank early. "
He's a lot of ideas on behalf of the remaining concerns of house purchase loans, 30 bank loans, interest and principal of almost half half, and also the first interest is, after also is the principal, really? »

Construction Bank, pointed out that many people purchase method of repayment error

Construction Bank Beijing Branch of the Department of Real Estate Finance Chang Shi Yu in an interview that a number of buyers in the calculation of loan the error.

Chang Shi Yu 300,000 yuan of loans, loan period of 30 years (360 months) as an example, the loan interest rate at 5.58% (on interest rate 4.65 ‰), by matching the monthly repayment know the formula for calculating the amount of repayment 1718.46 Yuan. At this time, the proportion of principal and interest is what it »

Borrowers to obtain loans after the first month of interest should also:

300000 × 4.65 ‰ 1395

Borrowers to obtain loans after the first month by the principal as:

1718.46-1395323.46 yuan

The borrower after the first month of the remaining loan principal repayment as follows:

300000-323.46299676.54 yuan

Borrowers to obtain loans after the first 12 months should also of interest:

299676.54 × 4.65 ‰ 1393.50

Borrowers to obtain loans after the first 12 months by the principal as:

1718.46-1393.5324.96 yuan

The borrower after the first 12 months of repayment for the remainder of the loan principal:

299676.54-324.96299351.58 yuan

After all, so the repayment formula and so forth.

In other words, people buying houses in existing loans are mainly embodied in the error of 30 will be of interest to the loan, in fact, with the principal and interest is the continuing decline in the corresponding reduction.

According to the formula we can see that the borrower first 60 months (assuming) the repayment after five years remaining after repayment of loan principal 277674.08 yuan, at this time, assuming three possible ways to see the repayment of the changes.

1. Repaid ahead of all loans

The remaining loan principal will be repaid to 277674.08 yuan.

2. Repayment ahead of 100,000 yuan

After the advance repayment 100,000 yuan, the remaining loan principal into 177674.08 yuan, the remaining loan period into a 300, the lending rate at 5.58% (assuming interest rates unchanged), the monthly repayment of the matching formula was also know The amount into 1099.58 yuan.

3. Event of the People's Bank interest rate adjustments

The assumption that 30 individual housing loan interest rate from 5.58 percent into a 4.59 percent (on interest rates for 3.825 ‰), the remaining loan principal 277674.08, the remaining period of 300 loans, the interest rate on loans 3.825 ‰ into the monthly repayment of the matching formula Available on the repayment was 1557.62 yuan.

Bank loans also how cost-effective »

Construction Bank, who acknowledged that buying houses in the repayment of some years ago, the interest burden heavier, because the principal base of large, high interest rates corresponding to the number of years later, as the principal base for the reduction of interest rates will gradually Reduction. But this way, to think of a time to settle the remaining loans on some cost-speaking people, because then the interest on a very small proportion.

Therefore, the person to purchase people make a suggestion, the loans in previous years, to fight for more repayment, such as all of a sudden also 50,000, bringing the total loans in the principal base of decline, then the remaining loans, Perhaps only the future more than 10 million, but there are still more than 20 years repayment period, interest burden is very small, this would not have to hurry to the first repayment. Do not forget, all of a sudden also out of the money is not paid a penny of interest.

Provident Fund loan purchase process

First, the borrower to security companies to provide relevant information that: both spouses (if common loan, need to participate in the loan) of the ID card, such as thin accounts and a copy of the original three; borrower's marital status that And a copy of the three, two couples (participation loan), the original proof of income and a photocopy; prices accounted for 40 percent or more of the deposit to prove that the self-financing real estate trading center or units issued by the Shoufang Original and two copies of receipts; purchase a copy of the original, and 2;

Second, the portfolio of loans for the borrower (including their spouses), the unit provided by the provident fund account and I units (including his spouse) on payment of provident fund (in the "personal housing mortgage loans for home buyers to fill and seal Cheng Baobiao );

Third, the loan amount to be determined by the lending banks, urban housing reform fund management centre, a security company for approval;

40, signed after approval by the relevant contracts, for the procedures. Bank loans. Borrowers scheduled debt service.

Residents purchase the calendar year in addition to spend their savings, purchase of the general shortage of funds for the first individual housing provident fund loans, is still inadequate and partly by the bank to apply for individual housing mortgage loans, the use of such personal housing provident fund loans and individual housing mortgage bank A combination of loans, "loan portfolio" is the most common house purchase loans. Because it is relatively realistic and more reasonable, after all, each family can include personal housing accumulation fund loan amount will not be many, if all the banks in interest on the loans will burden too heavy.

Individual housing provident fund loans was a policy of individual housing loans, has a policy of subsidies, as long as the individual units to establish a housing accumulation fund and arranging to pay the provident fund have the right to apply for a loan, it is the biggest advantage of low interest rates, one year Stalls to five years, the annual interest rate only 4.14 percent, 6 to 30 stalls, only 4.59 percent annual interest rate, not only lower than the same period in the current bank interest rate personal housing mortgage loans (general than individual housing mortgage loans in the banks lower interest rates about a percentage point ), But also lower than the same period of the current bank deposit rates. In other words, the provident fund interest rate loans and bank deposits interest rate spreads between one. Below the five-year savings and provident fund loans as an example for comparison: 100,000 yuan of regular five-year, five years later, the customer can be in the interest 14,400 yuan, 100,000 yuan for provident fund loans, loan interest rates unchanged in the situation , Five years later, the customer will pay 10,880 yuan interest rates, loan-to-deposit interest rate differentials between the for 3,520 yuan. Moreover, the greater the amount of loans, the longer the period, spreads the more impressive.

Loans to purchase the most cost-effective

Loans 15 to 20 years time the most appropriate. A basic common sense, the longer the duration of the monthly loan repayment will be less, but the total amount will certainly increase. 100,000 yuan loans by 10, also about 1,090 yuan a month, the total repayment of about 13 million loan by 20, also about 690 yuan a month, the total repayment of about 166,000 yuan. Experts believe that the general term borrowings 15 to 20 years is enough, the ordinary people, after retirement to assume a higher repayment pressure, high risk.

The purpose of extending the repayment period is to reduce the monthly repayment amount, but whether or not the longer period Let us look at an example. To borrow 10,000 yuan as an example, if two years repaid, the monthly repayment 438 yuan, 504 yuan interest burden if repaid four years, the monthly repayment only 229 yuan, 209 yuan per month to reduce the repayment burden Reduce about 50 percent. However, interest burden from 504 yuan to 1,004 yuan has also increased by 50 percent. If the comparison section 29 and 30, 29 repayment of loans to 54.73 yuan per month, 30 per month for the loan repayment 53.93 yuan, is the same one-year extension, only a month to reduce the burden Less than 1 yuan, about 1%. This shows that the long duration of the monthly repayment amount can not be significantly reduced, and simply add the interest burden. 30 of the interest burden is 9414.8 yuan, 29 of the interest burden was 9046.04 yuan, the interest burden increased nearly 400 yuan, about 4%. Therefore, a reasonable repayment period is 15 to 20 years.

Down payment, the fewer the more appropriate

Why » Since each person's accumulation of wealth not the same, the future income is expected not the same, so each person will choose to believe that the first phase of a reasonable amount. Pursuant to the provisions of the Central Bank, home loans does not exceed 80 per cent of house prices, that is to say, buyers must be prepared to over 20 percent down payments.

Experts suggest the best buyers can be applied to 70-80 percent of the mortgage, because to some extent, the more the better loans, the first phase of the less the better, of course, all this should be in control of the buyers The ability of the liabilities. The first phase of payments low, it means that during each phase of the contract payments, in particular the interest burden will be more, but buyers will have the extra funds to improve their quality of life and other investments. Other investment income because of a number of projects are higher than lending rates, so I chose to lower the down payment was good.

In addition, the Minsheng Bank launched a new loan, refinancing, and by, for press, these buyers are very convenient option. Among them, to change housing borrowers referred to as "refinancing" to extend the deadline or the original loan amount of additional loans referred to as "the increase", change the collateral referred to as "the other." If you purchase loans in the future, want to sell this house, you can turn on. Thus, if the less you down payment, you turn on, transfer the more the interest burden. If we buy a set of 3,000 yuan per square metre of the house, covering 100 square meters, 15 years of the mortgage (180), 70% mortgage and 80 percent, will produce different results. If you buy such a house, in five years you want to sell, they can carry out "refinancing", if you mortgage is 80%, 70% down payment mortgage less than 30,000 yuan, 15 to pay interest only 12,816 yuan . Moreover, you convert the mortgage, the interest burden on all security "transfer" to other buyers on. Most importantly, the down payment less Fangkuan 30,000 yuan, 15 more than the interest only to 12,816 yuan, investment in open-end fund on an annualized yield of 5 percent by conservative calculations, is 30000 × 5% × 15 = 22500 yuan, It also does not count for each year of the Fund's accumulated investment income, so earnings would be much higher.

On the other hand, because the current home loans at lower interest rates continue, then in such a preferential loan rates under the condition that the number of applications for loans to make every effort to apply, as long as you are not blindly pursue the more the better of the house, the interest Expenditure is not too much. If it can not afford to last, can also carry out "the increase," have nothing to worry about.

In addition, if you have a lot of money, substantial income, in addition to buying houses, you still have other more line of investment, may wish to choose the lowest possible first payment, since other aspects of the income will greatly reduce the burden of interest . In any case, in your debt capacity within the choice of the highest mortgage rate, the smallest of the first payment for the money to better health money, is the best move.

Loans 15 to 20 years time the most appropriate

A basic common sense, the longer the duration of the monthly loan repayment will be less, but the total amount will certainly increase. 100,000 yuan loans by 10, also about 1,090 yuan a month, the total repayment of about 13 million loan by 20, also about 690 yuan a month, the total repayment of about 166,000 yuan. Experts believe that the general term borrowings 15 to 20 years is enough, the ordinary people, after retirement to assume a higher repayment pressure, high risk. In addition, all commercial banks in the housing loan business of marketing, there will be some beneficial measures. Such as "non-designated event of the mortgage loan business," If people purchase their own implementation of the mortgage banks, without the need for Fang Chanshang provide any guarantee, in general, can enjoy the one-time payment Fang Chanshang price concessions.

The purpose of extending the repayment period is to reduce the monthly repayment amount, but whether or not the longer period Let us look at an example. To borrow 10,000 yuan as an example, if two years repaid, the monthly repayment 438 yuan, 504 yuan interest burden if repaid four years, the monthly repayment only 229 yuan, 209 yuan monthly repayment reduced, reduce the burden About 50 percent. However, interest burden from 504 yuan to 1,004 yuan has also increased by 50 percent. If the comparison section 29 and 30, 29 repayment of loans to 54.73 yuan per month, 30 per month for the loan repayment 53.93 yuan, is also extended for another year, less than a month to reduce the burden only one yuan , Around 1 percent. This shows that the long duration of the monthly repayment amount can not be significantly reduced, and simply add the interest burden. 30 of the interest burden is 9414.8 yuan, 29 of the interest burden was 9046.04 yuan, the interest burden increased nearly 400 yuan, about 4%. Therefore, a reasonable repayment period is 15 to 20 years.