26 Jul 2008

What are the conditions for credit card loans

1, with card loans should Kati is through credit card or cash is, under normal circumstances could have on the credit card is mentioned, but the question is the high cost, and no interest.
Credit card cash through certain skills obtain interest-free credit card in the amount of cash, so do not need to obtain the cash to pay interest, relatively cost-effective.

2, a credit card conditions
In fact all banks to issue credit cards is not the same as the terms and conditions, but there is a common requirement is a steady income, no bank bad credit record.
The starting only 17 years old, may directly apply for credit card applications is not down, the only solution is to let your parents apply for credit cards, and then you apply for additional cards.

The units have a credit card or proof of income on bank deposits that can and does not need a guarantor.

Personal credit loans

First, without collateral
Without any real estate collateral, without any guarantee of others.
Your credit is your best loan permits

Second, the interest rate lock
The loans are fixed rate of interest, costs and lock your interest rate risk.
Market interest rates higher in the long-term trends, times to enjoy additional concessions.

Third, for easy,
Loans of short duration is six months, up to a maximum of four years. The amount of 30,000 yuan of loans, loans for two years as an example, the average monthly payment of interest on loans less than 106 yuan.
Easy monthly repayment, to enjoy life.

4, for convenience
Loan application process simple and quick. Since the loan applications, complete information on the date of the fastest four working days to issue loans.
Experience an unprecedented fast service.

5, caring service
From the 24-hour free consultation for green, to privacy, security, free from the special account set up repayment, the monthly repayment to remind……, we would like for you to even more.
Exceed customer expectations, we are always the same pursuit.

1, if the application for the loan, you should have What are the basic conditions »
22-60 years
With Chinese nationality (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents)
Working and living in Shanghai
A stable job and income
Work units are now in full six months

2, the loans can be used for what purpose »
The loans can be used for any reasonable person or household consumption, such as marriage, decoration, tourism, education, the purchase of household appliances, etc..
Where can think of, you can do.

Special tips:
According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission stipulates that any loans shall be used for investment in the stock market, futures or any other equity investment.
You should follow your application of this commitment to the use of loans when the use of the loans. Otherwise, the Bank announced in advance at any time the right to recover the loans, and charge you accordingly Faxi.
You have with me after the loan-to-line inspection obligations. You must be in my line within the time specified by the bank to provide loans of the consumer certificate.

3, you get the loan amount »
I will be based on your income and credit situation comprehensive determine your loan amount. A minimum of eight 1,000 yuan, up to 200,000 yuan.

4, you can apply for the loan period »
You can be based on your own actual situation in the following five options to select the most suitable you a file: 6 months, 1, 2, 3, 4 years.

5, if the loan application, you should be prepared to loan applications which information »
Personal loan applications
Proof of identity
Chinese identity card if co-borrowers, and the other to provide a marriage certificate
Proof of residence documents
City residence required to provide bank statements or utility billing; non-household registration another city to provide temporary residence permit or residence permit
Proof of income
Such as personal income tax or corporate tax bill issued by the salary that I or my bank books or bank account statements

About personal credit loans

People's personal credit can become money. At present Nanjing City Commercial Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Minsheng Bank, and so coincidentally launched a personal credit loans, the need to find a guarantor or use property as collateral, by virtue of the personal credit can be credited to the money from the bank.

Loans as easy as a deposit.

For a loan to the public may have shared information Fanza loans, the lengthy approval process, followed by almost desperate long wait. Now loans can be as easy as the Office of deposits. According to Nanjing City Commercial Bank-General description: now people want to banks to provide loans as long as occupation, age, education, asset position, solvency and historical circumstances, such as credit information, bank information input system, according to a number of factors and complex The formula, the computer automatically calculate the lender's credit scores, then this issue loans. This system is Paris, France from the bank's customer feedback experience, before banking business to go through Xindai Yuan, in charge of credit, the president of the three-tier approval, and the introduction of the "assessment system", personal small loans through a client manager after the entry To achieve a system of examination and approval, three minutes will be able to get loans, not only greatly improve the efficiency, but also the elimination of the past in the processing of human factors, so that the results of more scientific.

Credit cycle for the lender to save money

According to the current understanding of the Nanjing individual banks launched the personal credit loans are almost faced with a stable income in the high-end crowd, such as civil servants, higher education professors, Dr. hospitals, financial white-collar workers, executives and other foreign enterprises. Such personal credit loans in the bank granted a credit line after a Qianhai the latter can be used, this function with the current widespread use of credit cards is very similar, but compared with the credit card, the greater the amount, lower interest rates. The maximum loan-to-credit loans to 400,000 yuan to a period of up to two years. APR credit card interest rate equivalent to about 18%, while the public as long as credit in the amount of the credit, as can also use the interest on the loan amount actually used, did not use the credit line not to any charges. This is the way loans denominated financing for some time of uncertainty and a high efficiency of the financing requirements of the public.

Not long ago, such as Mr. Wang used their savings to buy a multi-year housing, the latest housing delivery, needs renovation, and installation of several home appliances, his wife would like to Mailiang cars and daughter also have a study next year to spend. Mr. Wang Although several specific financial needs, but the specific timing of payments can not be determined, if Mr. Wang advance for loans, to do renovation loans, consumer durable goods loans, overseas study loans, auto loans and other four loans, which also involves the loan approval He will spend much energy. If the choice of Mr. Wang on personal credit loans for many, as long as in need of funds to bank counters on that day can be spent on loans.

Never had the money to the credit may not be good.

Mr Lau said the public, whether their own or buy a house to buy a car, pay all of their savings, have never been to the bank loan,. Well, Mr. Liu's credit score is not high? » People's Bank Nanjing Branch of the Ministry of related business said, in fact, is not the case.

The official, now many people will have the misunderstanding that have never had the money through credit is good. So, how can we have good personal credit history so that their credit "gold content" is more » He suggested that, first of all should be established as soon as possible personal credit history, the way is to apply for credit cards or apply for bank loans. Does not mean that there is no credit history to borrow money, no credit history, banks lost their way to judge credit risk. The second is to strive to maintain a good credit record, once established a credit history, debt service will be on time. The number of borrowers in arrears will be reflected in the credit records, personal credit will create adverse effects. Third, we should care about their credit records, credit records found that once the content is in error, should contact credit agencies, timely information to correct the error.

Students credit

College loans for poor families have been seen in terms of students but useless. Very simple, where the poor children find rich friends » And wherever there are mortgage or pledge of goods » Secured loans to school has become the bottleneck. Now, students with poor credit to the bank loans. Recently, this reporter from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission was informed that the college opened in September this year, Beijing will implement credit.

The students to "use" their own credit needs of the two conditions, it is necessary to do referrals from schools, and the other is a witness, the general may be closely related to the students and teachers. References to understand the borrower is responsible for the situation of students, the establishment and management of the borrower to update their address and contact information, such as effective on credit files. The main duty is to witness the borrower graduates stay in touch with the lending bank to provide students as an effective means of communication.

Once students leave school after not returning loans, the repayment is not a malicious act, schools and the names of witnesses will be released to the press. It is understood that as college tuition increases, in order to prevent students because of poverty, not universities, the Ministry of Education promulgated a series of "awards, loans, help to make up, by" policy, and its core in "credits." Currently, student loans only for poor students into the national student loans from banks and provided for all students of student loans. The maximum loan amount can include all the tuition fees and living expenses.

Personal credit loans - You Chanzhe only the "feast" Mody

a little story, good version to be different. The old woman and a Chinese woman in the United States meet in paradise, the elderly, thank God, the house is Mai Daoshou I finally, finally the wish is, the United States while she sighs, housing credit loans to repay finally over. This story is not just Erzhi, the United States asked the Chinese elderly woman, are you a lifetime living in the basement near the train station, just before his death in order to buy a city centre district housing? » Has been poor and the affirmative answer, the United States sympathized with the old lady said, you know » I move every year, from Florida to Pennsylvania, as long as the other banks to accept my original mortgage real estate, I can in order to receive a credit loan to buy a new home, other things from the bank with the original banking solution .

Americans proud of the fact that not only their country's loan is a simple, but their credit is in circulation in the whole of society.

It is obvious that China's credit, I am afraid not only of credit used the guts and intensity of the problem is more important to credit in the banking system, or even the whole society recognized, accepted and circulation problems.

Credit is always "You Chanzhe" credit

In the 100 practices, Lingli subtle ways. For the civil launched a comprehensive personal credit Yaohe the prevalent, standard line still has not changed, must be "the monk could not run the temple," reserve assets can be used as security for the assets, then credit it » Can only become wealthy at the emergency cash flow problems.

The latest progress is that the bank has started to do individual stock collateral credit loan business. Bank of China, Guangzhou and Chengdu also launched a personal stock collateral loans. According to the source, the loan is the pledge of government bonds, financial bonds, AAA grade corporate bonds, bank deposits after the regular items of the latest pledge. However, because of the risks of the stock market, how can pledge that the stock of standards, loans accounted for valuation of the proportion of the pledge, and pledge to time constraints, are in exploration stage. Bank of China official said, this business is in loan guarantees breakthrough on the way, rather than new individual stock collateral loans, the loans could only be used for consumer or business activities, can not directly enter the stock market.

Shenzhen Branch of the Agricultural Bank of Mr Leung told reporters that the bank in the comprehensive personal credit business in the clear, the value of real estate or a certain maturity deposits, treasury bonds to individuals, the line can get a certain amount of integrated credit, the maximum amount of use Up to 2 million yuan. But can be given for the comprehensive personal credit business are two groups: those in Shenzhen Agricultural Bank has 300,000 yuan (or its equivalent in foreign currency) deposits, the bank or use credit cards, debit cards, the total spending in 100,000 Yuan more than other is that the Bank of social celebrities. But no matter which type, as long as he could not provide the equivalent of the outstanding certificates of deposit or government bonds, it must be real estate as collateral.

Shanghai long ago for "personal credit joint credit information system" to establish the busy Fengfenghuohuo. The person concerned told reporters that it called "warm-up credit," Xiao Qian saved by credit points. It is said that the enthusiasm of the people of loans growing, major banks have also launched a unique financial products. Finally sample survey out by the person in charge said: "loaned than the state-owned enterprises is much," Light Industrial and Commercial Bank of 90,000 in loan repayments on time and in the ratio as high as 99.999 percent. One trip to the various types of consumer loans, by any of the more than 40,000 households, has never been in arrears on time repayment of bank loans accounted for 99.999 percent, that is, when not only the repayment of housing loans in the total number of 1.02 percent, not on time To the repayment of such loans account for only 0.7 percent of the total. One of the most high pledge loans, small certificates of deposit mortgage repayment to 100%; consumer durable goods loans, automobile consumption loans in arrears in loan rates are below 1 ‰.

Then is that "VIP" customers, VIP guests referring to the distinguished club, Shanghai and Shenzhen bank a strong proponent of the distinguished guests of the shortlisted rate, on the other VIP guests information on individual banks is confidential, because it is bank credit loans The quality of resources, just like a certain industry said, "At present we can not open its own priority list of the clients. You Chanzhe credit can only be a credit, proletariat was not bound by the cost of credit to speak of Ho» "

Construction Bank to the maximum limit of 600,000 yuan of loans "can be recycled use of personal consumption loans amount of" business as an example, if Through careful study, "score" and the current residents of China's real way through this loan to the "lot of money" can only Is a very small number. In the bank's "credit scoring table", the following three categories of people are obviously of all ages. The first category is state-owned units; Are its second category is "high"; third category is high-income people. China Construction Bank official said, "depends on the individual to establish personal credit, rather than the bank rate to the commentary. Individual customer needs in dealing with the banks to borrow money Huanqian in the process of establishing and improving its credit rating."

With a measured way to simulate the credit score, the state-owned enterprises, high-income, high positions are often relatively high credit score. Accordingly, in accordance with the CCB's credit, these loans may also limit higher. Diametrically opposed, just graduated from university students, and individual business households, laid-off workers, often due to the impact of these factors obviously low credit score, but these people than the above loans are often more need the support, but because of the low credit score, "Personal credit" this road-it seems difficult to walk.

Who are the credit risk to the package »

Where then crux of the matter » Research credit mechanism scholars Peng, told reporters that China's credit resources can not rely on the free exchange of inter-bank exchange to resolve, and engage in the bad, the banks will remember two accounts, one is at home, out-in This inside. Another is external, Hunong competitors. His conclusion was, there must be an independent body to do, first of all to risk pooling resources, in accordance with law of large numbers, a specialized company to package risk.

China's first credit companies - Shanghai Credit Co., Ltd. took the opportunity to set up. Shanghai Commercial Bank credit companies to obtain people's credit information, the information required for each person each pay 0.2 yuan, all commercial banks to credit companies for the cost of credit is: people pay 10 yuan each. This is the Western countries compared to 30 dollars, the price is a lot cheaper. Of course, it has also brought some objection. For example, the American experience, in accordance with the principles of the market, the establishment of credit economy, the first step to a greater impact on the economic life of the key figures such as director, manager, accountants, lawyers, contractors, brokers, such as the establishment of personal credit Files, for commercial banks to their credit, have to pay 500 U.S. dollars to protect the normal operation of credit institutions, through differential pricing to distinguish between different credit resources prices.

So if after the people of Shanghai to handle housing loans, buy cars and so on, the banks will be the first to know of this institution, the latter to provide loans to banks in the past, people's credit reports.

Although people on China's first credit rating company's mode of operation is "benevolent-see, see-wise," but everyone on China's first credit rating company to set up a fully affirmed, that it marks the emergence of mainland China's era of personal consumer credit Approaching. Since the birth of the Shanghai Credit Company, making Shanghai has 1.8 million credit records of the public, you can just own good credit record, and no longer need to make any guarantee, mortgage, pledge, and other procedures, in need of funds, at any time to bank loans, The maximum loan up to 300,000 yuan. Shanghai is also in other regions outside the beginning of the personal credit system exploration, such as Jinan City branch of the Construction Bank issued a "personal credit rating to" personal credit will be divided into A, B, C, D four grades.

End of the breakthrough

When the rules of the game only a legal requirement in the form down, to be called The End.

At present, we have established personal credit system is the main difficulties in law how to protect both creditors of the credit institutions, while protecting individual privacy and other related interests such as, in this area still lacks the legal authority to explain and clarify the legal provisions.

In fact, as early as the second half of last year, the bank branch in Jinan City introduced the "personal credit rating to" establish a personal credit system in attempt. Meanwhile, in Shanghai before the credit has been like Emirates, in good faith, Huaan, such as credit companies engaged in a number of credit research, ratings activities. However, to establish a personal credit system alone is not enough of these credit companies, there must also be able to cover the entire society's credit history and credit supervision and strict laws and regulations.

For example, the People's Bank of China's National Advisory bank credit registration system covering 301 cities nationwide, is currently China's largest credit information database. However, because no other laws and regulations have not yet made public use.

The credit from the Shanghai Credit model, there is no law supporting the following: First, the relevant departments not to provide credit information or clues how to do distortion. Second, credit companies to banks to provide false information to compensation. Because the bank is paid for, but not a good thing to do of course have the right to "claim." Third, individual citizens how to protect privacy.

To establish good personal credit system, the need for such legislative protection, such as consumer finance to improve the legal system. Can the relevant departments to develop and promulgate "Consumer credit law" and other consumer finance laws and regulations and its implementation details and liquidation of the existing consumer finance laws, regulations » Most critically, can speed up the establishment of personal bankruptcy system, improve the credit guarantee institutions. Because of personal bankruptcies as the enterprise bankruptcy, far less than the personal assets of individuals and unpaid debt may also be the situation, should be implemented in personal bankruptcies. Personal bankruptcy personal credit system is a necessary complement to the system, the need to limit the exemption of debt bankrupt, we must also pay a price. For example: Personal bankruptcy may not be high consumption, not purchase of real estate, cars and other luxury items and consumer credit for carrying out more stringent conditions.

At the same time, the establishment and improvement of personal credit guarantee mechanisms, learning the West in personal credit and guarantee the experience, come forward by the Government set up financing for consumer credit guarantee companies, to provide consumer credit to personal security, passed on personal risk of default and eliminate the banks to worry about.

Credit in a sense, not big business bank, earning interest. But through the release of loans to improve society as a whole credit. May wish to promote a little faster.

Industrial and Commercial Bank personal credit loans Encyclopedia

☆ Education
Personal credit loans to the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is a good credit borrowers of the need to provide RMB credit secured loans.

☆ Features
As long as you maintain and have good personal credit, we can not guarantee access to a certain amount of bank loans. To meet specific conditions, access to customers, but also enjoy more preferential services.

☆ conditions for application
1, in China have a fixed residence, a local town resident accounts, with full civil capacity of Chinese citizens;
2, due to have a steady income and a good job, with arranging the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
3, abide by the law, no violations and bad credit records;
4, made in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of A-level (with) more than the individual credit ratings;
5, the Industrial and Commercial Bank to open a personal clearing accounts;
6, the bank provided for other conditions.
In addition to a more basic conditions, but also have the following specific conditions of access, one of the borrowers are given access to credit customers:
(1) for the Industrial and Commercial Bank of high-quality corporate customers of the senior management staff and senior professional and technical personnel;
(2) individual owned assets of 2 million yuan (inclusive) above;
(3) For the Peony platinum card customers;
(4) a personal bank account of the fiscal year (including) the annual accounts and deposits more than the average balance of 200,000 yuan (inclusive) above;
(5), the Industrial and Commercial Bank personal loans, loans in the amount of 500,000 yuan (inclusive) and more than two consecutive years or more no default repayment records (including customer loans have been settled).

☆ loan amount
Line of credit to the starting point for 10,000 yuan, up to more than 500,000 yuan (inclusive).

☆ loan period
Loan period is generally one year (with), a maximum of three years. Personal credit loans for general non-renewal, is due to force majeure or an accident and not arranging the loan, the bank agreed to loan period of one year (including) within the time may be extended, extended periods of not more than the original loan period and the total loan period (Including the extended period) shall not exceed one year.

☆ lending rate
Lending rates in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China with the same period in the implementation of the benchmark rate loan grade.

☆ repayment methods
Loan period of one year (including) taken within the monthly interest payments, monthly, quarterly or a repayment of principal repayments; loans of more than one year, monthly debt service to the repayment methods.

☆ loan applications should be submitted to the information
Borrowers to banks for personal credit loans to be written fill in an application form and submit the following information:
1, I valid identity documents;
2, living proof of address (residence booklet, etc.);
3, career proved;
4, borrowing the applicant himself and family members of the proof of income;
5, the bank provides other information.
According to specific borrowers need to review different access conditions for one of the following information:
(1) high-quality corporate personnel departments, units issued by the office and professional and technical level of documentary evidence.
(2) personal possession of various kinds of financial assets such as bank deposits, bonds and funds, and other documents; individuals (or spouses) name all the property warrants.
(3) Peony Platinum customer data.
(4) Industrial and Commercial Bank of the fiscal accounts, supporting information.
(5) Industrial and Commercial Bank of personal loans loan contract text.

☆ operational guidelines
Banks to transfer to the borrower designated clearing accounts of personal loans. Other operations with the individual car consumption loans.

(The above content for reference only, for specific standards to the local branch of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of provisions. To save you time, in handling relevant procedures, the local Industrial and Commercial Bank of thorough consultation.)

Liquidity loan procedures

In accordance with the purposes of liquidity loans generally fall into temporary loans and revolving loans in accordance with the period of generally divided into: temporary loans, short-term loans, medium-term loans.

(1) temporary loans

Temporary loan period is three months (with three) within the liquidity loans, mainly for one-time purchase of temporary business needs and make up for insufficient funds to pay other seasonal;

(2) short-term loans

Short-term loans refers to a period of three months to one year (not including the three, with 1) the liquidity loans, mainly for normal production and operation of enterprises working capital needs;

(3) medium-term loan

Medium-term loan refers to a period of one year to three years (excluding one year, with three years) the liquidity loans, mainly for normal production and operation of enterprises in the regular flow of occupation and Pudi liquidity loans.

Customers bid conditions:

Approved by the state authorities the right to legal persons registered enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households and other economic organizations, in the normal course of business for consumption or sale and storage of all types of inventory, such as seasonal material reserves to maintain production and management in funds and working capital needs Shortage situation, liquidity to banks for loans. Borrowers liquidity to banks for loans in addition must meet the "loans General Clauses" and bank loans, the eligibility conditions, they also need to have the following conditions:

1, held by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the city (or authorities) and approved the inspection of corporate business license (or legal documents).

2, the implementation of independent accounting, self-financing, the financial system sound and complete account table, the number accurately, on time to submit financial statements and related business information.

3, a certain own liquidity. General shall not be less than current assets and liabilities. Foreign equity investment in line with state regulations.

4, in the city have a fixed place of production and operation, with production and operational conditions, the normal production and operation of legitimate, profitable. And production and business activities in line with state industrial policies and credit policies of my clubs.

5, in the urban credit cooperatives have been established for clearing accounts or general billing accounts, funds from normal,

Compliance with the settlement discipline.

6, in its urban credit cooperatives and credit records of good will, no breach of contract, to arranging financing to pay the principal and interest.

7, to provide a legal personality, confirmed its assets sufficient compensatory the guarantor of the principal and interest of the borrower, or to provide the Bank with the conditions of collateral (quality) of.


Mainly used for working capital loans to meet the borrower normal course of business for consumption or sale and storage of all types of inventory, seasonal goods such as production and operation of working capital reserves or temporary financial needs. Of course, the borrower may not be misappropriated for working capital loans or other fixed asset investment loans do not meet liquidity for the activities.

Loan rates

In accordance with the relevant banks and urban credit cooperatives lending rate management regulations.

Loan Process

1, applications

Customers to bank loans for working capital, should provide the relevant information are: the business license of corporate code certificate; legal representative of proof of identity; loans Zhengka; by the financial departments or accounting (audit) firms approved by the first three Last month, and annual financial statements and the audit report (less than three years to set up businesses, since its inception to the year and the recent statements); tax department seized a qualified tax registration certificate, a contract or statute; corporate board of directors (shareholders) Members and the principal responsible persons in charge of Finance and the list of signature samples; authorized by the credit business for the client, to provide corporate legal representative authorized power of attorney (original); if, for a limited liability company, Ltd., a joint venture cooperation Management of the company or contractor, requested the Board of Trustees (shareholders) or contract for the consent of the credit business, documents or have the same legal effect, documents or proof; guarantor related materials; urban credit cooperatives to provide the requested additional information.

2, signed a contract.

Such as banks to carry out investigation and approval that feasible, customers will be signed loan contracts with banks and guarantee contracts and other legal documents. Such as banks that not feasible, they should promptly inform customers clearly.

3, the implementation of security

Customers signed loan contracts, the need to further implement the third-party guarantee, mortgage, pledge, and other guarantees. And the security for the registration, notarization or collateral insurance, quality of deposit of banks and other procedures.

4, access to loans

Customer loans completed before the relevant formalities, the loan contract that is in force, banks may grant loans to borrowers, borrowers in accordance with the terms of the contract customers can use unspent loans.

5, repayment

In accordance with the actual period of the loan is about to expire, the borrower should be to raise funds to customers on time and the return of bank borrowings.