24 Jul 2008

The calculation of interest on bank loans

Matching the principal repayment method is a very simple calculation, a very practical way of repayment. Algorithm is the basic principle of the repayment period of time matching the return of loan principal, and at the same time period is not repaid by the return of the principal amount of interest. Way could be monthly and quarterly repayment of repayment. Its formula is as follows:

= Monthly amount of loan principal ÷ months of the loan period + (principal - has a total return of the principal amount) × on interest rates

If the 45,000 yuan loan, the loan period is five years, as an example:

Matching the return of the principal each month: 45000 ÷ (5 × 12) = 750

The first month of interest: 45000 × (5.58% ÷ 12) = 209.25

The first month of repayment amounted to 750 +209.25 = 959.25 yuan;

The first 12 months of interest: (45000-750 × 1) × (5.58% ÷ 12) = 205.76

The first 12 months of repayment amounted to 955.76 yuan = 750 +205.76


So, with the constant return of principal, not the late return of the principal amount of interest it less and less, the monthly repayment amount will gradually decrease.
The way in January 1999 launch, the banks gradually being adopted.

Relatively simple method of matching the principal and interest

= (45000 +45000 * 5.58% * 5) / (12 * 5) = 959.25

Interest on bank loans to the treatment

First, the interest income tax treatment

1, the interest on bank deposits should be Chongjian financial costs, but do not pay sales tax.

2, units for less money, according to the terms of the contract or breach of contract because of the money owed to the interest, as the price, the cost should be dealt with. Sales to the merger in terms of sales tax, value-added tax paid.

3, the interest income from bond investments, only the Ministry of Finance issuing bonds to purchase the interest, not to collect corporate income tax.

The State Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a key state construction bonds and financial bonds issued by the People's Bank of the interest income, corporate income tax should be levied as.

4, the secondary market trading of Treasuries:

1994 state regulations, "the taxpayers to buy Treasuries interest income not included in income.

1999 state also provides that "tax-free interest on the bonds is limited to the purchase from a market."

2000 state also provides that "enterprises to purchase the bonds, not due to the sale of the interest income, income should be merged, and satisfied that the corporate income tax. Bond interest payment due and not included in income."

(1), interest income on short-term investments:

Interest income on short-term investments confirmed the receipt of general interest confirmed that the realization of investment income.

Finance treatment: by: bank loans, credits: investment income.

For the next year when the interest of the

Provision time: by: Other receivables - accrued interest loans: Investment interest.

It was received: by: bank deposits, credits: Other receivables.

(2), long-term investment interest income

Interest income recognized the long-term investment, the investment period in more than a year, interest payments indefinite period, or even have a debt service due.

Tax law provides that: based on the accrual basis of accounting principles, whether or not received, should be reflected in the profit and loss in the current period. Provision of enterprises should be of interest (per year), all included in the current period total profits.

Provision time: by: long-term investment - accrued interest loans: investment income

It was received: by: bank deposits; credits: long-term investment - Accrued interest

5, enterprises of foreign investment interest income borrowers

Interest income of foreign investment enterprises, according to Guoshuihan [2001] 1007 document "on the financial capital value-added sales tax revenue collection of the letter of approval" in Article 1 provides that: "Whatever the financial institutions or other units, as long as the money is in loan-to-use and others The act should be regarded as a loan, according to the financial and insurance industry levy sales tax codes. To invest in the loan-to-financial companies and others to use the interest income, provisions should be charged sales tax "(2003 rate of 5 per cent).

Finance treatment: by: bank deposits, loans, other operating income

6, joint-stock companies to issue stock of interest income

(1), purchase of new shares in the sign, which was the freezing of funds of interest income, should benefit as a voting issue price of processing income, increased "capital surplus," not on corporate profits.

(2), no sign of the freezing of funds was part of the interest income, because incorporated into the company's total profits, if the amount could be larger in five years the average turn, pay corporate income tax.

Second, the tax treatment borrowing costs

Borrowing costs for taxpayers is the need to undertake business activities and the borrowing of funds related to interest charges.

1, loans to financial institutions, the loan interest:

Tax provisions: pre-tax deduction can be, and the financial cost of, according to accrual basis of the principles of computing.

2, to other agencies borrowers of interest:

Tax law provides that: no more than the same period in bank lending rates, under the premise can be pre-tax deduction, over the transfer by some income.

3, borrowing from related enterprises borrowing interest:

Tax provisions: the borrower may not exceed the amount of its investment of 50 percent, over part of the pre-tax interest shall not be deducted.

4, borrowing foreign investment loan interest: the tax law provides that: taxpayers for foreign investment and borrowing of funds in borrowing costs should be included in the cost of the investment, not to pre-tax deduction.

Such as: by: long-term investment, loans: bank deposits, etc.

Tax provisions: Investment interest rate borrower must be the capital of the accounting system requires not capitalized.

5, the acquisition or construction of fixed assets of the borrowers loan interest

Acquisition or construction period of interest, should increase the value of fixed assets (capital expenditures do), pay for the use of fixed assets, then the interest in pre-tax deduction.

6, real estate development company loan interest housing loans

Engaged in real estate development business enterprises for the development of real estate and the borrowing of funds by the borrowers interest in the property prior to the completion, should be included on the real estate development costs. Upon completion of interest into the financial costs into the financial costs.

7, no purpose was specified borrowing interest

Tax law provides that: its borrowing costs should be operating activities and capital expenditures occupy a reasonable proportion of funds, the assets should be included in the cost of borrowing costs and can be directly deducted from the borrowing costs.

Housing loan rates

Immediately to the New Year's Day, this time the banks are very busy, not only because of the end of each of prepayments is the peak period, but also because the central bank will soon raise housing loan rates.

According to reporters learned that at present, Sichuan, the banks, have introduced a rate adjustment policies, the implementation of the new rates, customers monthly repayment amount will change. Bank to remind the borrower, the future should pay attention to the repayment on time, in order to obtain optimal lending rates, and maintain good personal credit history.

A good credit 8.5%

Last year, August 19, the central bank again raised the deposit-loan interest rates. After the adjustment, the five-year housing loans more than the benchmark rate to 6.84 percent, the minimum rate of 5.814 percent. The August 17 after the mortgage loans for consumers in accordance with the implementation of new rates, and old customers from January 1, 2007 from the Executive. As the central bank over the past two years has been constantly adjusted mortgage rates, mortgage repayment time in many old customers have been notified.

The first interest rate adjustment policies introduced to the Agricultural Bank of China. Last week, the bank announced the "interest rate on housing loans adjust the notice," the August 19, 2006 issue of individual housing loan interest rates to adjust: the implementation of interest rate 0.9 times the benchmark rate for personal loans, in the next year New Year's Day-normal interest rates when debt-servicing, not late, or a non-malicious reasons for overstaying 2 (inclusive) within the direct line will be adjusted to the new benchmark interest rate of 0.85 times.

Reporters in Chengdu on the banks interviewed found that the major banks next month after adjustment of mortgage rates are the central bank benchmark interest rate of 0.85 times, that is, as long as no non-performing loan records, mortgage owners are able to enjoy Lower the interest rate concessions, Pingci, the lender for the amount of the increase will not be too many.

Prepayments to act within our capability.

China Construction Bank branch in Sichuan branch of Minjiang River below the loan centre, reporters saw a lot of loan prepayments, in consultation with the situation. Xingzhang one of the men told reporters that he had last year for mortgage loans, but from last year to this year, the interest rate one l Zaisheng, his heart very worried. Although interest rates have not, but by more than 20 years Suanxia Lai, the number is not small. And his and his wife are Gong Xinzu, there are children to care, not so much funds to pay the banks more and more interest, so he find a friend to borrow money, coupled with their own savings, they also advance a loan .

In other central banks for loans, the reporter can see, to counter the Advisory advance repayment of the loan than to continue for many more loans to customers.

According to the Chengdu Branch of China Minsheng Bank a loan-to-the Department of Management official said, although this year on August 19 the central bank adjusted interest rates of RMB loans will only increase the benchmark interest rate 27 basis points in the period within three years, can enjoy 8.5% The prime rate of high-quality personal mortgage customers, instead of the actual lending rates dropped. Therefore, some shorter loan period, especially in the five years within the customers is absolutely no need to repay the advance. The official said that if the majority of banks by 8.5% of mortgage-to long-term loans of 1-3 years (inclusive) as an example, the interest rate increase before the interest rate is 6.03 percent, fall 10 percent to 5.67 percent, the interest rate increase after the At the rate of 6.30 percent; fall 15 percent compared with 5.355 percent, before the negative than the interest rate increase by 0.315 percent. And so on, 3-5, (including) the lending rate, the interest rate increase before and after remain unchanged; more than five years, only after the interest rate increase by 0.063 percentage points.

It is learnt that the mortgage rates are still pricing initiative is in the hands of various branches, usually as long as the good repayment record, mortgage rates fall rates are up 15 percent. And personal商用房(offices, shops, etc.) loans, loans for personal consumption, and assist the industry category of personal loans and other lending rates fall a maximum rate of no more than 10 percent.

For those who would like to prepayments of the customer, to remind the people, because each bank in the rate of implementation schedule not the same, may be linked to a bank loan of two people in the early repayment of the problem appears on different issues. The bank is even more difficult, because the banks implementation of the new interest rate is not the time, so there will be differences in prepayments. Bank loans are not the same in each situation will be tailored for the repayment terms, so that the person suggested that lenders should personally put all kinds of mortgage information to the lending bank to professionals for their calculation is also the most suitable Loan-to-way.

For less impact on small changes

In fact, the public can be carefully calculated, if a bank's benchmark interest rate by 15 per cent discount is the interest rate limit of the mortgage, and after adjustment before adjustment for the change from small, some in the medium to long-term mortgage rates even after adjustment "Negative by."

Below to three examples to illustrate that the time for their loans in May this year, the line of credit for 400,000 yuan.

Cases 1: The 3-year loans this year, Ms. May loans 400,000 yuan to purchase a housing loan period of three years, the implementation of the benchmark lending interest rate of 10 per cent discount, its lending rate to 5.427 percent, also the principal in accordance with the matching Of the law, in January next year, for his will 12518.11 yuan. After adjusting the interest rate, the benchmark interest rate by 15%, the lending rate from January 1 next year onwards to 5.355% (6.30% × 0.85), for the month will become 12499.33 yuan, instead of the former than the interest rate adjustments to pay less 18.78 yuan .

Example 2: loan period is five days in May this year, 400,000 yuan loan to buy a set of housing, lending a period of five years, the implementation of the benchmark lending interest rate of 10 per cent discount, its lending rate to 5.508 percent, also the principal in accordance with the matching Of the law, in January next year, for his will 8258.44 yuan. After adjusting the interest rate, the benchmark interest rate by 15%, on January 1 next year, the mortgage interest rate at 5.508% (6.48% × 0.85), he is also the month for 8258.44 yuan, before and after adjustment for the same amount on.

Three cases: a 10-year loan period Miss Wang in May this year, 400,000 loan to buy a set of housing, lending a period of 10 years, the lending rate to 5.751 percent, matching the principal repayment in accordance with the law, in January next year, for his Will 5122.53 yuan. After adjusting the interest rate, the benchmark interest rate by 15%, the lending rate from January 1 next year onwards to 5.814% (6.84% × 0.85), compared with 5142.13 yuan for the month than before the change in the rate only to pay 19.6 yuan.

This shows that the more the loan amount is not, and the Bank of professionals also said that as from August on the central bank raised the interest rates, coupled with the vast majority of borrowers are in the August 19 and before the bank Qianlegetong, therefore, for the slight increase in the population will not have much impact.

But the banks are still reminded lenders, the interest rate adjustment, if it is the original loan amount of deposits, will result in "arrears record", so the best loans were asked in advance how many and also clear the repayment on time, in order to obtain Optimal mortgage rates, while maintaining good personal credit history.

To buy a house unmarried written guarantee on bank lending to avoid the worst Suite

Half a month ago introduced the second suite, "added details", a clear definition of a second mortgage standards. But recently, some banks in Shanghai and purchases reflect the public, "added details" there are still operational difficulties, such as banks rely on credit information system was unable to verify the central bank "marital relationship", loan purchases were married if you want to deliberately conceal the situation, there are still The opportunity to avoid "additional details" of strictly limited.

For this reason, some Chinese-funded banks in Shendai, learning foreign banks have begun to request purchases must write unmarried guarantee that once the other side conceal the true situation, the consequences own.

Of foreign firms in funding requirements to ensure that the purchases were filling

December 11, the People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly promulgated the "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management supplementary notice" (that is, "added Rules"), the borrower to clear the family (spouses and minor children) as a unit That the number of mortgages. However, in actual Shendai, whether married people buy a house loans, commercial banks in Shanghai from the central bank still unable to verify credit information system. This is because the master-related civil affairs, public security departments of the computer system, the central bank and credit information system did not connect.

A Shanghai joint-stock banks mortgage Ministry official said, according to the existing banks can control the means, buy a house can only be asked to provide proof residence booklet or units. Only when a bank loan purchases that were suspicious of marital status, its request will be issued by the Home or unmarried prove that the public security departments.

Prior to that, because of foreign banks and the central bank failed to credit information system for docking, in the performance of the second suite, "added details", foreign banks generally require people buy a house down "single undertaking" and other documents, statements or do without their unmarried Other bank loans.

Today, some Chinese-funded banks have begun to refer to the practice of foreign firms to buy a house were filled out a personal statement in order, hide the truth to bear all the responsibility. However, the bank admitted that, even so, from a technical point of view there are still people buy a house to avoid "additional details" the possibility.

Bank of confusion authenticity of the lack of means of identification information

It is understood that the unit or a single street that has no legal effect, the Civil Affairs Bureau can only be a "customer of the marriage registration in the area did not" prove that, if the marriage registration in the field not on the investigation. The residence booklet reflects on the marital status of lagging behind more often, the Shanghai area alone, many young married couples, the accounts remain in their original location accounts.

For these issues, the People's Bank, the CBRC's "supplementary rules" have explicitly demanded that commercial banks should earnestly carry out this obligation to truthfully fill out requested the relevant information, making false information and the provision of false proof, all commercial banks shall not be admissible Their loan applications. The issue false information and providing false and that the units have been verified, all commercial banks are not allowed to re-prove their letter. However, commercial banks and the current lack of reporting is to prove that the information is true and effective means. In addition, even if the central bank's credit database credit system there are also lagging behind and left out the issues, which may in fact have impeded the implementation of the second mortgage New Deal.

Bank loans

1, loan classification
Bank loans to creditor banks for the use of funds as the main form. According to the delineation of different standards, bank loans with a variety of different types. Such as: according to different repayment period can be divided into short-term loans, medium-term loans and long-term loans repaid by different methods can be divided into demand loans, term loans and overdrafts, loans or use of different objects, can be divided into commercial and industrial loans, agricultural loans And consumer loans, securities brokers loans; loans secured by different conditions, can be divided into bills discounted loans, mortgage notes, the value of mortgage loans, credit loans, and so the amount of loans of different sizes, can be divided into the wholesale loans and Retail loans at interest rates agreed in different ways, can be divided into fixed-rate loans and adjustable-rate loans, and so on. Moreover, in different countries and different development of a country's period, according to various criteria of the type of loan is also a difference. For example, the U.S. industrial and commercial loans mainly ordinary loan limit, working capital loans, standby loan commitments, project loans and other types, and the United Kingdom's industrial and commercial use of bills discounted loans, credit accounts and overdraft accounts and other forms.

2, the Anglo-American countries types of bank loans
(1) general loan limits and stand-by commitment. General loan limit is a constraint to the informal agreement of the form of loans. Based on the seasonal demand for funds with the characteristics and laws, made an informal agreement with the banks, agreed by the bank in a specified period of time to provide the maximum amount of loans in this period and the line of credit, enterprises can readily obtain bank loans. Enterprises applying for loans to banks to limit must note the recent financial situation, the banks under its own corporate credit conditions and operating requirements to decide whether credit and the implementation of the agreement. Stand-by commitment is more formal and legally binding agreements agreed by the form of loans. Enterprises and banks signed a formal loan agreement, the banks are committed to the limit within a specified period and enterprises to provide loans to banks and businesses to pay commitment fees.
(2) working capital loans and project loans. Working capital loans is based on the production cycle of their products, raw material reserves, the characteristics of the slow return of funds to determine the progress of product sales and the amount of the loan period the form of loans. Project loans are risky, high cost of large construction projects as the object of the loan amount is characterized by its large, high-risk, high interest rates, to project the rationality and feasibility of a decision based on whether or not the loans, loan debt recovery Claim against the project, rather than the companies and enterprises. For large projects, usually by the combination of a number of banks, a bank syndicate or the form of syndicated loans, to spread the risks.
(3) bills discounted. General loans and bills discounted, in the performance of its characteristics: ① credit targets. Discount notes are instruments targeted at people instead of borrowing targets; ② line of credit. Only the amount of discounted loans and bills denomination, the discount rate and the remaining period of the instruments, without borrowing purposes, the borrower and other factors affecting the financial situation; ③ return to form and duration of funding. Bills discounted by the paper is now posted for early recovery of funds and rediscount; ④ risks and benefits. Factoring is more reliable assurance of liquidity and risk diversification mechanisms, but generally lower than the loan proceeds.
(4) credit accounts and overdraft accounts. Bank credit account is mainly used for payments in a convenient form of loans. Overdraft accounts in the bank is to open a current account customers in the form of easy loans.

3, China's bank loans Category
June 1996 by the People's Bank of China promulgated the "loans General Clauses", the loans will be classified as follows:
(1) self-employed loans, loans and commissioned by the specific loan. Self-loans, means the loans were legitimate ways to raise funds independently of the loans, their risk by the lender commitment by the lender to recover the principal and interest. Commissioned by the loans, means by government departments, enterprises and individual clients, such as financing, loans from (or trustee) in accordance with the established client loans, use, the amount, duration, interest rates took the issuance, use and supervision To help recover the loans. Loans (the trustees) only charges, loans do not bear the risk. Specific loans, means approval of the State Council and the possible loan losses to take remedial measures instructed state-owned commercial banks issuing loans.
(2) short-term loans, medium-term loans and long-term loans. Short-term loans, means the loan within the period in 2001 (including one year) loans. Medium-term loans, means the loan period in more than a year (excluding 2001) the following five years (including the five-year) loans. Long-term loans, means the loan period in five years (excluding five years) more loans.
(3) credit loans, secured loans and bills discounted. Credit, refers to the credibility of the borrower's loan. Secured loans, means guaranteed loans, mortgages, pledge loans. Guaranteed loans, means by "the People's Republic of security" under way to ensure that a third person committed the borrower repayment of loans, guaranteed by general agreement bear the responsibility jointly and severally liable, or release, on the loans. Mortgage loans, means by "the People's Republic of the security law" approach to the provisions of the mortgage borrower or a third person's property as collateral for issuing loans. Pledge loans, means by "the People's Republic of the security law" provisions of the pledge approach to the borrower or a third person as the personal property or rights of payment of the loan. Factoring means the lender to the borrower to purchase outstanding commercial paper of the way the loan.

The most: the central bank set up a commercial bank loan Doomsday for new loans may not be over 3.63 trillion
-- Beijing Morning Post: Although the People's Bank of China loan growth targets this year, keeping a low profile, but from the banking industry sources said this year the central bank will continue to use the powerful administrative regulation and control means, for commercial bank lending limit set "death limit."
Yesterday said commercial banks have entered the new year, although since the fourth quarter of last year since the loan contraction serious the situation has eased, some long-delayed last year's outstanding individual housing loans eventually be granted, but it absolutely does not mean that the central bank The growth of loans to loose control.
A few days ago, large parts of the central bank to commercial banks to make clear instructions, this year's total new loans of financial institutions shall not exceed last year's level. Last year, the national financial institutions for new loans total 3.63 trillion yuan, which means that this year's growth rate of loans shall not exceed that amount, the growth rate of not more than 13.86 percent.
The first three quarters of last year, the rapid growth of bank loans, thereby increasing the rebound in investment and economic overheating risk, and increase the central bank control money supply more difficult. The whole of last year's total of new loans far beyond the beginning of last year the central bank set the goal of 3 trillion yuan.
From the fourth quarter of last year, the central bank to use the administrative control of the powerful means to identify the various commercial banks extended loans of quotas and over-expressed will to implement punitive measures. In such a high degree of tightening the conditions, some of the excessive growth of bank loans in the end there can be no money to loan-to-situation.
Received a powerful means of immediate effect. The central bank announced over the weekend statistics show that last year in December, the financial institutions RMB loans increased by only 48.5 billion yuan, less than the same period last year increased 172 billion yuan.
It is worth noting that last year a significant increase in loans is an important factor in the increase of personal and long-term loans. Some banks are expected, the central bank this year will continue to monitor the growth of personal and long-term loans, and strict supervision of banks tightening of control measures related to the implementation. Earlier, the central bank and the CBRC promulgated the second mortgage and add the new political rules to curb property buyers use bank loans to buy more housing act.

Experts advise: buy the fitness room to the four bank loans
Has been troubling economic affordable housing loans for home buyers was difficult to "ice-melting." She Qushi Jiangxi 11 and the four major banks on housing mortgage loans to the economy entered into an agreement with a third person, such as housing mortgages to meet the requirements of buyers by the bank, the ICBC, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank loans. Bank loans in accordance with agreed, would be the abolition of all government-owned financial business of taking deposits.

A third person may mortgage housing mortgage
Jiangxi Province, on proof of income, income can not meet the standards of the economic conditions of the mortgage loans affordable housing purchase, if the following conditions and one of the banks to achieve the required repayment capacity, several banks should be issuing mortgage loans: increase Bank conditions with the third person as a co-borrower; provide a fixed income security, housing or with their own relatives, friends and other third party for housing mortgages, providing other forms of security.

Even more than four government loans owed to repurchase
Economic affordable housing to buy the purchase of housing under five years, not loans contractual principal and interest outstanding loans, loans in arrears for more than four, the Government should apply economic house in the repurchase. She Qushi approved by the Government of the repurchase price of economic housing units, from the local "urban low-cost housing funds" in the special account to pay to ensure that creditor banks signed the timely realization.

Bank lending and deposit-taking financial cancelled
Jiangxi Province, banks such as not signing this agreement agreed on by economic She Qushi purchase affordable housing grant mortgage loans, the banks will abolish the signing of the housing accumulation fund operations and all deposits commissioned by the government-owned financial funds of the business of taking deposits Various government departments and the project funds business of taking deposits. If the Government does not agree by agreement, signed on the banks of the repurchase is given the proper conditions for the repurchase, the banks to stop issuing economic affordable housing mortgage loans.

World Bank Loan

The World Bank Group currently IBRD (World Bank), the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes comprising five members. Headquartered in the U.S. capital of Washington.

1, the World Bank set up the background and purpose

1. The World Bank set up the background. The World Bank was established in December 27, 1945, June 1946 start. All countries must participate in the World Bank's International Monetary Fund is the first of the Member States. The establishment of the International Monetary Fund reference to the detailed background of a chapter.
2. The World Bank's aim is:
(1) used in the production of the purpose of facilitating investment, to assist Member States in the rehabilitation and development of less developed countries to encourage production and resource development.
(2) the use of secured loans or participate in the private sector and other private investment, the Member States to promote foreign private investment. When foreign private investment can not be, in suitable conditions, to use their own capital or collection of funds and other funds for the production of Member States to provide funds to supplement the shortage of foreign private investment, foreign Member States to promote private investment.
(3) to encourage international investment by Member States to develop the resources of production methods, the promotion of international trade in long-term balanced development and to maintain the balance of international payments.
(4) in loans, guarantees or other organizations of the funding channels to ensure that important projects or urgent projects on time, regardless of size can priority.
(5) in business in the proper care of domestic trade of Member States, against the impact of international investment.
To sum up, or is secured supply of Member States to long-term loans, the Member States to promote resources development and national economic development, promoting international trade long-term balanced growth and maintaining the international balance of payments.

Second, the World Bank's organizational structure

1. The World Bank's shares. World Bank according to the principle of the establishment of joint-stock companies. In the early years, the World Bank statutory capital 10 billion U.S. dollars, all of the capital of 10 million shares, or 100,000 U.S. dollars. All Member States are required to subscribe for shares in the bank, the amount subscribed by the applicant countries and the World Bank consultation and approval by the World Bank's board of directors. Generally speaking, a country based on the number of subscription of shares in the country's economic strength, taking into account the country in the International Monetary Fund to pay the share of size. Member States pay a subscription of shares in two ways:
(1) Member States to subscribe for the shares, Xianjiao 20 percent. 2 percent of them use gold or U.S. dollars to pay, 18% of Member States to pay their own currency.
(2) the remaining 80 percent stake, when the World Bank reminders, with gold, dollars or the World Bank need to pay the money.
World Bank are the key issues to be voted on Member States, the right to vote and the size of Member States in direct proportion to the share capital subscription, the International Monetary Fund and the right to vote on the provisions of the same. World Bank each Member State with 250 votes for the right to vote, 100,000 U.S. dollars per subscription in the share capital increase, one vote. Subscription of shares up to the United States, have the right to vote 226,178 votes, of the total 17.37 percent of votes cast, with the important affairs of the World Bank loan projects play an important role in the decision. China's retail Gujin to 4.22 billion U.S. dollars, have the right to vote 35,221 votes, the vote of the total number of 2.71 percent.
2. The World Bank's organizational structure. The World Bank is the supreme body of the Governing Council, selected by each Member State, deputy director and a member of the governing. Term of five years and may be reappointed. Deputy directors in the absence of a member only when the right to vote.
The Council's main functions include: ratification of the admission of new Member States; increase or decrease the bank's capital to stop the Member States eligible banks decided the distribution of net income, and other major issues. The Council meets once a year, the General Council and the International Monetary Fund, held jointly.
The World Bank is responsible for organizing day-to-day operations of the Executive Board is the body, the exercise of the powers conferred by the Council. According to the World Bank charter, the Executive Board is composed of 21 executive directors, five of them by holding up the Gujin United States, Japan, Britain, Germany and France assigned. Another 16 were from other Member States of the directors elected by regional groups. Since China and Saudi Arabia have a right to vote, an election can be its own separate Executive Directors.
Administrative agencies by the World Bank president, several vice president, Secretary, Director of the composition of the staff. President elected by the Executive Board, the administration is banking summit, he in the implementation of the relevant principles and policies of the Board of Trustees, under the guidance of the bank in charge of day-to-day administrative work, the appointment and removal of bank officers and staff, while concurrently president of the Executive Chairman of the Board , But without a vote. Only the Executive Board on both sides of the same number of votes, can be crucial for a vote.

Third, the relevant provisions of the World Bank loan

1. Loans: official Member States, the state-owned enterprises, private enterprises. If the borrower is not the Government, will have government guarantees.
2. Loan purposes: more loans for projects for industrial, agricultural, energy, transport, education and other fields. Banks only provide the total investment projects in 20 percent to 50 percent, the remainder of the financing by borrowing countries themselves, that is, we often said the domestic matching funds. Bank loans must be earmarked, borrowing countries must accept the supervision of banks.
3. Loans deadline: 20 to 30 years, a grace period of 5 to 10.
4. Lending rates: According to the World Bank from financing the capital market to determine interest rates. Adjusted every three months or six months time. Loan rates than to lower market interest rates, the fees charged on loans less, only after the signing of the non-payment of loans charged 0.75 percent commitment fee.
5. Line of credit: According to the borrower country's per capita gross national product, strong or weak credit debt, the borrower country's development goals and needs, the feasibility of investment projects and economic development in the world in the order may be.
6. Types of loans: First, the specific investment loans; Second, the sector loans; Third, structural adjustment loans; four technical assistance loan is five emergency rehabilitation loans.
7. Lending procedures: procedures cumbersome, demanding, it normally takes a year and a half to two years time.
8. Repayment: the return of maturity, shall not be in arrears, not to change the repayment date.
9. Risk: the borrower countries bear the risk of exchange rate changes.

Fourth, the World Bank's lending program:

(1) of the selected projects. As the first phase of the project cycle, the selected projects is essential, whether from borrowing countries many of the projects selected viable projects, directly related to the success or failure of the World Bank loan business, therefore, the World Bank work on the project selected Has always attached great importance. The World Bank on selected major projects take several forms: ① and borrowing countries in various aspects of economic research work; ② formulated the principle of loans, loan clear direction; ③ and borrowing countries to discuss loan scheme; ④ sent project identification mission.
(2) project preparation. The World Bank and borrowing countries in project identification and loan project jointly selected, the project entered the stage of preparation.
The preparation phase of the project, the World Bank will be sent by a delegation consisting of experts, together with borrowing countries formally launched the project by lending the preparatory work for the next stage of analysis and assessment of the feasibility of laying a foundation. Preparations for the project by borrowing countries in general assume direct and primary responsibility.
(3) assessment of the project. Project preparation is complete, that is, into the assessment stage. Project evaluation by the World Bank itself is basically to complete. World Bank assessment of the five main parties and that the technical, economic, financial, institutional, social and environmental.
(4) project negotiations. Project negotiations general of the first World Bank loan and the two sides agreed to negotiations, then the invitation of borrowing countries by the World Bank sent a delegation to Washington to negotiate. Both sides generally on the loan agreement and project agreements the two legal documents to confirm the terms and on the technical issues to discuss.
(5) the implementation of projects. After the talks, the borrowing countries and project beneficiaries to the negotiated agreement and project loan agreements for an official confirmation. On this basis, the management department under the World Bank loan, will be discussed by the World Bank project to the Executive Board approved the text. After the project was approved, the World Bank and borrowing countries formally signed the agreement. After signing a formal agreement, the borrower will be in accordance with the conditions necessary for the entry into force of loans, for the relevant legal procedures and that the entry into force of the necessary legal documents sent to the World Bank for review. If procedures are available, the World Bank loan agreement that came into effect, the project entered the implementation stage.
(6) After the evaluation of the project. In a project loan to close the account after a certain time, the World Bank to carry out the project concluded that the project after the evaluation. Through the completion of clearance of the project implementation, review and sum up the project in previous cycle that in the course of the experiences and lessons of evaluation projects expected to benefit from the realization of the extent.

World Bank lending rates

The World Bank launched the current loan spreads primarily for floating loans and loan fixed interest rate differentials. Its lending rates are as follows:
Floating interest rate differentials loans: floating interest rate spreads for loans six months in London lending rate plus loans floating interest rate spread, adjusted every six months. Re-floating interest rate differentials once every six months. October 1, 2007 U.S. dollars floating interest rate spreads for loans of 5.14438 percent.

Fixed spread loan: a fixed spread loan interest rates to six months in London lending rate plus a fixed spread loan, adjusted every six months. Fixed spreads throughout the loan period fixed.

Which means the most cost-effective loan

In the market wait-and-see period, the demand for owner-occupied home buyers who want to buy a set with the real estate, a cautious approach on the choice of loan has become the most crucial step. In personal mortgage business for the thin market conditions, some banks have introduced a new mortgage. Beijing Zhongyuan 3 market research professionals summary of the characteristics of various loan approach, suitable for the crowd and the situation on the hope that the needs of your house purchase loans to help.

Judging from the current situation, consumers are commonly used means of matching the repayment of principal and interest, matching the principal, and biweekly for fixed-rate mortgage in four ways, each has its own different way of repayment characteristics and the application of the crowd.

Four loan application form the crowd, the competition features

Matching items matching the principal and interest of the principal

Defined in the loan repayment period, the same amount each month to repay principal and interest. The borrower will repay equal monthly principal and interest calculated in accordance with the remaining principal, the amount of more early next month decline.

For the crowd

Applicable to a more stable income consumers. Greater pressure on the early repayment, in the present-on-hand for the relatively well-off consumers.

Merits of the monthly amount equal to facilitate buyers for capital expenditure. Compared to the principal and interest and matching, you can save a lot of interest payments.

Shortcomings of repayment beginning stage of the first and principal less interest more, the overall Suanxia Lai, interest total expenditure is the highest of all in the way of repayment. Repayment of the beginning stage for a relatively high.

Fortnight project for a fixed-rate mortgage

Definition refers to the repayment of mortgage loans from the monthly repayment adjustment for repayment once every two weeks, on its repayment amount of about half the amount. In the individual and the bank signed loan contracts, the agreement is good within a certain period of the borrower or how changes in market interest rates, borrowers have agreed to pay interest rates of personal housing loans.

Fortnight for repayment due to increased frequency, so it more suitable for the economic stability and higher-income customers, is not suited to rely on loans to pay rent to customers. Apply to those on the more sensitive the market interest rate changes, a certain judgement of the crowd, the upward trend in market interest rates more obvious choice for the case of fixed-rate mortgage.

For the crowd

Biweekly repayment for the advantages of increased frequency, or early repayment, to strengthen the loan principal to reduce speed, reduce the amount of interest payments, 2) the same as the loan amount, biweekly for the amount of interest as to reduce the proportion of the loan period increased , That is, the longer the duration of loans, interest savings more. Fixed-rate mortgage can help guard against interest rate risk buyers, to avoid future changes in interest rates when interest payments triggered by the uncertainty.

Each year there will be individual shortcomings in the repayment of three times, to a certain extent, an increase of the repayment pressure. Under normal circumstances, fixed-rate mortgage interest rate level is higher than that of adjustable-rate mortgages, fixed-rate mortgage is expected to save money on future market interest rates will be substantially more than the increase in interest rates in the market to maintain stable period, fixed-rate Mortgages also spending more risk.

A set of 400,000 yuan loans to housing as an example, belong to the bank and a housing loan, the interest rate by 6.66 percent, adopt a different approach, for the repayment, interest payments are as follows:

Unit: yuan

5-year repayment methods 10

, For the (yuan) and interest (million), for the (yuan) and interest (yuan)

Matching the principal and interest 7,856.4771,388.324,574.55148,946.05

Matching the principal first month 8,886.67 yuan, after the monthly decline, last January 6,703.67 yuan 67,710.00 first month 5,553.33 yuan, after the monthly decline, last January 3,351.83 yuan 134,310.00

Fortnight for the Fortnight to 3,312.50 for the yuan, equivalent to about 6,625 yuan for the month 80,311.85 to 2,295.87 biweekly for the yuan, amounting to 4591.74 yuan, for about 132, 642.01

Fixed-rate 7,879.0372,741.624,629.92155,590.61

Four of the highest interest rate - the lowest 12601.8522948.6

Repayment methods 20 30

, For the (yuan) and interest (million), for the (yuan) and interest (yuan)

Matching the principal and interest 3,020.09324,821.762,570.51525,380.79

Matching the principal first month 3,886.67 yuan, after the monthly decline, last January 1,675.92 yuan 267,510.00 first month 3,331.11 yuan, after the monthly decline, last January 1,117.28 yuan 400,710.30

Fortnight for the Fortnight to 1,509.89 for the yuan, amounting to about 3019.78 yuan, for 276,428.65 for the biweekly 1,276.73 yuan, equivalent to about 2553.46 yuan, for 423,486.80

Fixed-rate 3,241.97378,071.60 ----

Four of the highest interest rate - the lowest 110561.6124670.49

By-laws: China Everbright Bank, fixed-rate mortgage interest rate cut after the concession: 5-year 6.78 percent; 10 6.93%; 20 7.58 percent, the maximum period of 20

(The above information from the Beijing Central Plains three market research provided by the Department for reference)

Can be seen through the table:

Fixed interest rate is expected to prevent future risk of high interest.

For fixed-rate mortgage can help guard against interest rate risk buyers, to avoid future interest rate changes caused by the uncertainty of interest payments, fixed-rate mortgage interest rate level is higher than that of adjustable-rate mortgage, there was a fixed interest rate loan To pay by way of general interest to the total higher than the current market rate of interest under the circumstances.

Not consider the risk of interest rates, loan interest for five years the maximum fortnight, the principal and interest of more than five years of matching the highest form of interest payments.

In matching the principal and interest, matching the principal, a biweekly repayment for the law, from the perspective of the total interest payment, loan interest for five years the maximum biweekly 80311.85 yuan; principal and interest of more than five years of matching the highest form of interest expenditure. For 400,000 yuan loan, the interest rate of 10 spending 148,946.05 yuan, 20 yuan expenditure interest amounted to 324,821.76; 400,000 yuan of loans to the same example, the 30-year, matching the principal use of matching the principal and interest than savings interest Of 124670.49 yuan.

Matching principal and Fortnight, which for comparison with the cost-effective way of the loan period.

For 400,000 yuan loan, the loan in 10 Fortnight way for interest payments equal less than the principal, interest savings 1667.99 yuan; loans five years, 20 deadline to pay the principal amount equal to less than bi-monthly interest for the way , The five-year savings interest 12601.85 yuan, 20 savings interest 8918.65 yuan.

The above analysis is the amount of 400,000 yuan of bank loans under the premise, based on the current real estate market interest rate of 6.66 percent calculated on different forms of repayment for (or biweekly for) and interest, property buyers in loans, according to Their need for loans and the amount of market interest rates, the specific terms of the different methods of repayment for the loan repayment and interest, based on specific data on the various repayment methods were compared.

What are the benefits to buy a car loan

What are the advantages of loans to buy a car » Are uneconomical » According to a recent National Bureau of Statistics of China's economic boom monitoring center in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Chengdu and Xi'an seven cities 2,100 residents of the survey show that, after the vehicle became the second most suitable for housing consumption credit Targets, particularly on income over 3,000 yuan groups that the vehicle best suited to consumer credit more than the proportion of housing, and become the most suitable for consumer audience.

Bank: investment funds can be saved

Loan to buy a car which can bring benefits to consumers » Bank of China branch in Xiamen City of the professionals that the vehicle relative to real estate, non-value-added potential, if consumers have sufficient funds to buy a car full of, not through savings in the form of loans for investment funds another. The bank financial management staff to consumers out T account. If the purchase of a 150,000 yuan around the family car, the money has Beizu, but through the way car loans to bank loans can be 120,000 yuan, five-year period. In accordance with the current interest rate of 5.025 ‰, then take a month to the bank loan principal payment of 2538.50 yuan, the average interest paid on 306.526 yuan, 5-year total to banks to pay interest 18391.56 yuan, the average annual payment of interest 3678.31 yuan. If the savings of 120,000 yuan will be invested businesses, just one percent monthly rate of return, annualized yield on the more than 14,400 yuan. If the two stock market investment, as long as the board is a limit of 10% of revenue. Therefore, as long as investment income in more than 10 percent, far better than the investment income on interest payments.

Distributor: 50,000 Following is no need

Some of the loans to buy a car dealer is more specific understanding. Xiamen Fu Tong car trading company of Wang You think, in the Xiamen area, the per capita income level is relatively high, if the purchase of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan on the car loan is not necessary, otherwise, to pay an interest margin and Fees for lawyers. Shenlong Automobile Xiamen-yuan, sales service companies in talking about this issue Mr Cheng said: mortgage to buy a car will definitely be higher than the cost of a one-time payment, in addition to interest margin, the cost of insurance to more, But if you one-time payment of the loan to buy a car for half cash, half for investment, not only this car, but also the value of assets, cost-effective or not at a glance.

Consumer: Can simple procedures,

Most provisions of the current bank loan to buy a car must purchase a designated car dealers and banks authorized to provide the property mortgage, pledge or third party guarantees. Personal automobile consumption loans is the age of 3-5 years, the first phase of automobile consumption loans payment shall not be less than the purchase price of vehicles to 30%. Some consumers believe that if so much property, or to deposit collateral, the bank also find you do, not directly to the purchaser. In addition, the down payment amount, loans of short duration, the monthly principal and interest to be repaid too high, many people Juezhe loans do not mind at ease to buy a car, they generally think that loans can not be the price too expensive than the one-time payment. And intends to loan to buy a car were also generally felt relatively cumbersome procedure: it is necessary to provide identity cards and household registration shows that employment and income proof, and also accept credit assessment survey to provide the necessary guarantees that. Not time-consuming, but also to an additional cost. Bank told reporters that since the establishment of no personal credit system, the banks of the individual creditworthiness of a lack of understanding of the way, personal credit assessment difficult. To prevent and reduce risk, but to guarantee and strengthen examination and approval procedures for individuals to provide adequate materials, and other measures

Loan to buy a car steps

On car loans to credit procedures, individual banks have their own requirements, but the basic procedures for nothing more than the following steps:

First, selected models, and car dealers signed the contract.

Second, fill out the application form automobile consumption loans and provide the relevant information.

Third, dealers submitted to the banks after passing the first instance.

Fourth, banks and loan-to-admissible before the survey.

5, for loans, mortgages, notaries, and other procedures.

6, according to distributor agreement for vehicle insurance, and home delivery vehicles and other procedures.

7, the loans stipulated in the contract, the customer directly to the banks arranging the return of loan principal and interest.

In more than seven steps, the real "tripwire" is the second step and the fifth step, in these two steps involved in the sector most, the most cumbersome procedures, the actual operation more difficult.

The attention of several loans to buy a car

1, not to purchase loans for a monthly income below 6,000 yuan families. After the car loan, in addition to the monthly loan repayment of principal and interest, fuel, maintenance, parking, road and bridge, Yang Yang Lufei, such as car costs around 1,500 yuan per month for vehicles and support vehicles, are spending in 3000 -- 4000 yuan, and therefore, the purchaser should have a high household income, and to avoid conflict and the mortgage, if the trend of blindly rush for the car, it will affect the overall quality of life of the family.

2, cautious about zero down payment, low interest rates and other concessions. Some auto loans and intermediary organizations to the so-called zero-down payment, low interest rates or even interest-free promotions, etc., as a means, in fact, some concessions are . they will raise prices, increase the fee to " Make up for the loss. " Thus, for car loans to commercial banks should meet or "auto finance company management methods" for the informal auto finance company.

3, Mo Wang repay the loan principal and interest on time. In accordance with the provisions of bank loans should be settled in the early stages stored in the accounts of the outstanding principal and interest, if not repaid on time, the banks will charge a late payment, according to the situation and will have to take deduction for mortgage vehicles And hold the responsibility of the security measures. In addition, the bank will be the borrower's credit record of the situation as "bad", improve the credit system, a bad record of the borrowers will be the individual banks "blocked."

4, if the funds could be considered to allow prepayments. To ease the pressure of debt service, most people would choose the five-year car loan, but with the increase in revenue, if the period ahead with the loan repayment ability, could be considered ahead of all of the loan or loan, This can be secured as soon as possible get the car purchase invoices, and other procedures, as the real "owners", the family can take full advantage of the surplus funds, make scientific financial management.

What is a car loan mortgage

Automobile loans refer to loans for the purchase of a car to the borrowers of the loan, also known as car mortgage.

Loans: borrowers must be the seat of loans to resident accounts residents, with full civil capacity.

Loan conditions: the borrower a stable job and the ability to repay the loan principal and interest, credit is good to be recognized assets as provided arrived, pledge, or have sufficient ability to compensate the third person as a principal and interest outstanding loans are jointly and severally liable and the guarantor.

Loan amount: The maximum loan amount is generally not exceed the purchase price of the car 80 percent.

Loan deadline: general automobile consumption loans for the period 1-3 years, the longest of not more than five years.

Lending rate: from the People's Bank of unified regulations.

Loan: the option of a one-time debt service and phased return (matching the principal and interest, matching the principal).

U.S. auto loan interest rates in the Maoni

U.S. consumer organizations have been a lawsuit car manufacturers and banks onto the dock. The reason is that they encourage car dealers to exaggerate the elevation of the gap between lending rates and acts in its scope ranging from 400 to 5,000 U.S. dollars.

The U.S. national automobile dealers association (National Automobile Dealers Association), argued that: "the acts of dealers to raise interest rates on retail financial services to provide a fair compensation."

In the report submitted by, the U.S. Consumers Union (Consumer Federation of America) to raise interest rates described as "all vehicle industry-leading financial companies and top auto loans initiated by the bank." They said: "Even if consumers I believe they can get the best lending rate, car dealers are still without raising lending rates. It did not disclose some of the most interest from the lender returned to the dealer, of course, the lender also has been a certain income. "

The report quoted GM, Ford and Nissan loans provided by financial services.

Several states in the United States, the scholars are from the manufacturers of these loans to study for more than legal proceedings. These proceedings are prosecuted automobile manufacturers, banks and automobile dealers unfair to raise lending rates, this situation is particularly serious for a small number of consumers.

All of the above three companies said they submitted to the dealer only from the consumer loan applications along with a certain rate. The dealer offered the highest bid to the banks or car manufacturers will be given a car loan business.

Ford Credit (Ford Credit) spokesman Dan Jarvis said: "On the one hand, dealers developed consumer lending rates, but also distributors in the choice of financial institutions. But our role is only for loans bid, we are facing From other lenders in the competition. "

Consumers Union's automotive manufacturers and other lenders to the expectations of dealers can be unified Price, to provide their consumer loan business to the dealer for a specified fee.

Auto finance lending rate increase

ECB rate hike in the news oscillation of the automobile market, but also just to enter the domestic auto finance companies affected. Yesterday, the Shanghai GM's sales from stores that keep up with the pace of central bank interest rate increase, SAIC GM's financial companies to raise their lending rates: 3-year and five-year loans than before the upgrade more than one percentage point.

It is reported that SAIC GM's financial three-year lending rate from the previous 6.66 percent from 5.49 percent; five-year loan rose to 5.67 percent from 6.99 percent. Currently consumers in the gold purchase price between 10-15 million, 100,000 yuan of loans, more than a year would pay over 1,000 yuan in interest.

The industry said that as "auto finance company management approach" to auto finance company to limit the interest rates, "published in the People's Bank on the basis of the statutory rate, the highest reduced by 10 percent, as high as 30 percent," the rate of auto finance companies can not With no central bank to adjust interest rates.

General Motors and financial not the same, now open for business in China, another auto finance company, Volkswagen's financial and not directed at the central bank to adjust interest rate increase, but reporters noted that the auto finance company before the high lending rates In the bank more than a percentage point, within three years of repayment rate of 6.88 percent, compared with 6.99 percent for more than three years.

"Zero interest rate" is foreign auto finance company reach one of the killers, landing in China after it had to do as the Romans do, in the interest rate on loans no advantage at all. Not only that, due to start early high operating costs, GM and the public two auto finance companies forced to take higher than commercial bank lending rates.

Dealer told reporters, through the mass and General Motors the only finance company loans hundreds of people, so despite the financial company's interest rate hike by 1 percent or more, the effect is not obvious.

State Council Development Research Center, said Wang Qing, on the banks continue to raise the threshold of automobile credit, as at June this year, car buyers who, with bank loans to buy a car has less than 10 percent. The bank and car loan interest rates rise only 0.27 percent, the impact on consumers is also limited.

Plus zero-interest loans can lower car prices

0% interest rates to attract consumers car ads, it is now seen everywhere, but for such promotions, individual car manufacturers are benevolent see-see-wise, some people think that this approach will reduce the vehicle and its brand Value.

In Richmond Hill, the DesRosiers Automotive Consultants, president of the company that Rosler, car dealers has been able to provide consumers with zero-interest, is now the major banks lower interest rates, and this means highly promotional market competitiveness, and to To meet consumer psychology.

Rosler said that not all consumers will suffer from the temptation of interest. He said that some consumers feel that even this approach will make car prices down, some manufacturers also feel that their brands will become very cheap.

But in any case, the zero interest rate is undoubtedly a catalyst for car sales, Statistics show that in November this year, the national car and truck sales and rental volume a total of 130,026, than the 13 percent increase over the same period last year.

GM Canada spokesman Lou Stu said that following the GM Ford and Chrysler also introduced the zero interest rate after sales methods, mainly to enhance market competitiveness. Lou Stu said that this method results significantly, GM truck sales in November this year, setting ever November sales record. He said that to the end of this year, the company will continue to provide consumers with zero-interest car. The first launch promotional methods do not interest the Chrysler Corporation, has not been set to stop supply of zero-interest car period.

But Rosler that some brands of cars there is no need to use non-interest approach to promotions, such as Honda and Mercedes-Benz cars, there was already in short supply. Rosler said, with zero-interest approach to promotion, is in fact the vehicle manufacturers to increase the cost per vehicle sold, manufacturers must Shaozhuan 3,000 yuan

Appropriate the most important: the selection for his car loan

Today, carefully observe the surrounding colleagues, friends, a considerable number of people belong to "negative Weng" groups. This means that we all more or less burdened with debt, many people today is to spend the money to do the thing tomorrow. Because of "negative Weng," the growth of the contingent of groups, consumer loans seems to have become a fashion. Buy a house loans, car loans has become young people generally accepted forms of consumption.

Xiaolei and Xiao Zhou is a married "80 after the" small husband and wife. Recently they intend to choose the form of loans Mailiang Ju. Which choice is both cost-effective way to loans for Xiaoliang Kou and the actual situation, and Xiao Zhou Xiaolei become the most concern.

Bank loans

Choice of loans, most people will first think of banks. From 2003 personal consumption of car loans to the Huobao 2004 a group of commercial banks have to give up Auto Financing business, the banks experienced a car loan from the climax to the bottom of the turmoil.

Auto Financing Laizhang which seems to be one of the reasons why. Statistics show that in 2006, Beijing Haidian District Court in January to June before the Auto Financing case of 1109, compared to the same period in 2005 and an increase of 530.11 percent.

Well, the current bank car loan business in the situation like this how » A consumer advisory on behalf of the Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of the relevant staff.

Bank of China Beijing Branch of the Chaoyang Branch of a staff member told reporters that at present the branch can handle car loans, but must do my name in the real estate collateral, if not their current property, it must be from the Bank of China official staff to do Security can not be vehicles for collateral. The first payment for the car, at least 20 per cent of the longest lending period of three years.

And the Bank of China different from the Industrial and Commercial Bank to provide car loans to the mortgage or pledge of the three ways for consumers to choose. Including real estate mortgage, deposit and pledge collateral vehicles. Down payment to pay 20 percent of the car, the longest term loans for five years, the Auto Financing the current interest rate is 6.93 percent. These deposits pledge of not more than 90 percent of the amount of the deposit.

Bank loans to the audit process more complicated, the lender's occupation, income and credit of the requirements are higher. Generally speaking, the state civil servants, teachers and other income more stable occupational groups were relatively easy approval.

Features: high threshold, strict examination and approval procedures cumbersome

Suitable for people: civil servants and other countries have stable income and a certain economic strength of the crowd

Auto finance company

In addition to bank loans, many brands have their own finance companies, to provide automobile loans. FAW, a reporter from Beijing - that the public 4 S stores, car loans consumer choice can be made to the general public financial companies to apply for loans. Priced at 189,800 yuan to the speed Teng 1.8 T-type fashion as an example, 30 percent down payment vehicles, choose the longest four-year term loan, the monthly repayment to be 3,314 yuan. Sales staff told reporters that, compared with the banks, auto finance company at the request of the loans is not very harsh, examination and approval of loan applications faster than the banks. It is understood that in lending rates, the auto finance company lending rate slightly higher than commercial banks. In the process, the choice in the auto finance company loans of consumers do not need to provide security, and bank loans compared to loose a lot.

In addition to the public outside, Toyota, SAIC-GM, Dongfeng Peugeot brands has its own auto finance company, Auto Financing business. It is understood that a different brand of auto finance company's down payment and the proportion of the longest term loans also vary, the mass amount of financial compensation in the down payment for the car's 30 percent, the maximum loan period of four years, while Toyota down payment requirements The amount of cars to 20 percent, also the longest term loans extended to five years.

The auto finance company would like to choose loans for consumers, we must first choose to be a good model to buy the brand, and then look at whether or not to accept the brand developed by the finance company loan provisions.

Features: relatively relaxed conditions for approval, but the brand restrictions, the interest rate slightly higher

For the crowd: fixed-brand models have been selected for the consumers

Damai Chang car loans

In addition to traditional bank loans and auto loan finance companies, recently, a new model of car loans in Beijing Wuhuan cell vehicle life at birth. By automobile dealers to provide vehicles, cell companies to provide car owners secured loans, the banks to provide loans to break through the traditional mode of Auto Financing. It is learned that China Merchants Bank, Bank of Beijing and the Chinese People's Insurance Company have been stationed in Wuhuan cell vehicle life Square.

A life in cell car in the square to see the stores, the sale of vehicles covering the current market, the main model. Including Audi, Mercedes, BMW and other luxury brands, but also Chery QQ, and other economic models. Consumer loan to buy a car here, the brand of choice for a lot of big, in stores within the arbitrary choice of a car can handle loans.

In the Marketplace, the reporter also learned that a price of 175,800 yuan Pentium 2.3 L luxury, down payment loans for 35,800 yuan, if the choice of loan term of three years, to pay 4,264 yuan a month. At 423,600 yuan BMW 325 i down payment of 127,800 yuan, three-year loan, the monthly repayment 9,015 yuan. Economic vehicle, the price of 78,800 yuan of Swift, the down payment 15,800 yuan, three-year loan, the monthly repayment 1,919 yuan. Under normal circumstances, the cell carried out the first loan to buy a car payment, the proportion is 20 per cent of car loans for three years to five years, In addition, banks also have access to the benchmark rate lower than 10 percent of the concession.

Features: basic unrestricted choice of brands, the interest rate lower than 10% of banks

For the crowd: young consumers, or the income is not high salaried class consumers

Five non Credit phenomenon triggered disputes need to improve the car

Automobile consumption credit to help many people realize the dream car, also a large extent, promoted the increase in car sales. However, automobile consumption credit the road was not all smooth sailing, often associated with the cases occurred.

Court-related person in charge, Jinan's major automobile consumption loans to dealers to take credit for the intermediary model, that is, automobile dealers to purchase the security people to do in order to reduce risk. According to the court relevant data show that last year and automobile consumption loans related to more than 100 cases this year so far has been more than 50. Most of these cases is in breach of consumer automotive consumer credit contracts, did not pay off loans on time.

According to reports, auto consumption credit in case of default of consumers have five: the objective reasons for the inability to consumer loan; individual car rental companies applying for car loans, business purpose of concealment, to name loan-to-Shanghai, but not after Responsible for the loan; some of the younger car buyers are not stable job, also free capacity and some people from outside and then loan to buy a car, after Yizouliaozhi; many people have their own repayment ability, but can drag on the trailer holding the Psychological not loan. Because of this, consumer credit case even if the car into the implementation phase, often will encounter many difficulties.

Automobile consumption credit in the case of repeated » Analysis of the judges that the current highly competitive industry vehicle sales, auto sales to the credit of the review, form more than content, which for automobile consumption credit business on the borrower's credit investigation rough, high-quality survey, an increase of automobile consumption credit In the course of borrower default risk. In addition, personal credit system is imperfect the current auto consumption credit default contract of one of the main reasons. The industry said that with the auto consumption market of the rapid development of automobile consumption credit needs more legal support and protection to promote the car to the healthy development of consumer credit.

Many car loans trap car West Side "instalments"

"I have made the first payment 60,000 yuan, has not mentioned a month fast cars, and car purchase contract clearly read 'contributions to 15 cars in future,' and I now want to return to their down payment , But funny is the first car I had to be returned to the procedures, such as at several companies to refund the money. I would like to hire the original car, not buy cars, to return to their down payment , Has become a 'hire'. "Last week, Tung Chau Qumou brand cars in two distributors, consumers and Mr. Chang regretted the inverted Budie grievances.

In fact, the hire car in China has nine years of history, in promoting China's automobile industry development. However, the development so far, the vast majority of consumers do not agree with automobile credit business. Beijing industrial and commercial departments have acknowledged that disputes arising from the hire-car consumer complaints in a more prominent; Asian Games Village, Tianlong, in the north and the relevant leaders have agreed that, because there is a hire-purchase traps and Motor Credit raising the threshold, the choice of hire-purchase payments means the consumer a lot less than before, in the purchase of 10 percent less than the proportion of all.

It is understood that hire cars are mostly due to take ownership of reservations, consumers pay the whole of the former, car ownership has been in a state of security. Is because of this, as Mr. Zhang was the same lack of credibility to hoodwink the car when the incident occurred. Hire-purchase in the following several traps.

First, all formalities completed, the dealer has filled prices. In the consumer installment procedures completed after full preparations to car dealers are required on the basis of the original car, then pay a certain amount of cash to mention cars. Under such circumstances, the dealers are given a lot of reasons, such as the first payment from the pay-wide cross from the past few days, the prices of the car, or failed to do within the stipulated time, such as loans under various pretexts.

Second, the "Pinfeng" means to deceive or additional funds. Loitering on the market, "Pinfeng" qualified staff because neither credit nor a source of cars, but do not want to lose a piece of "rare fat meat", so will the car instalments to a consumer credit are eligible The dealer, for car hire procedures. Dealers use of loan procedures and method of calculation of the complex, and deliberately charge more money to earn ill-gotten gains. In this way, "Pinfeng" net profit from the consumer commission.

Third, deceived consumers to sign a blank contract. Contrary to moral integrity of a small number of commercial distributors, drilling consumers lack the knowledge of law loopholes, deceived consumers to sign a blank contract. Assume that consumers do purchase procedures, orally informed the dealers are paid only 30 percent of the first loan payment only 50,000 yuan on OK, and let consumers blank signed the contract. However, in the loan formalities completed, consumers received a credit contract when the loan amount that the price of previous commitments to much higher.

To address the above traps, industry experts remind consumers in the form of payment when the car to note the following in order to avoid your car West Side "instalments." We must first choose a powerful and reputation of the automobile dealers; Secondly, a detailed view of the relevant provisions of a contract for the sale car and requested the proficiency of lawyers review of this business, in terms of the contract on non-controversial circumstances to signature and stamp. Third, if the dealer found the car had violated the contract, consumers may initiate proceedings to the authorities.

40 percent of consumers choose Auto Financing Guarantee Corporation exempt from management fees

Benefits is: can be exempted from 1,200 yuan / year of management fees

Auto Financing consumption is no longer a symbol, more entrepreneurs and business owners in considering cash flow and other issues after the choice of car loans, and for this business said that although consumers are capable of a one-time purchase, However, such as delayed payments of funds for the more crucial investment, its profits higher than the interest on loans, in other words, loans to buy a car instead of "earned".

-- Run from the Auto Financing Company that the current Chongqing larger Auto Financing Company has secured 3-4, against more than 30,000 yuan bid prices of new cars can be made at up to 80 percent three years of the mortgage on the assumption that the applicant must To pass a stringent credit investigation. Chongqing in the market, car loans for about 40% of the consumers to choose their own security companies to find, and find a security company that can be exempted from the benefits of management fees, which cost about 1,200 yuan / year. Bear in the first opponent for consumers, this cost should be paid when the car, no doubt is a financial burden.

At the same time, such Auto Financing Guarantee Corporation in collecting payment and security deposit amount, a certain "room for discussion" in the standard case, the loan 200,000 yuan as an example, the two expenditure of approximately 13,000 yuan, of which margin of about 6200 End yuan in loans on time and return after return. It is worth noting that both the 4 S shop or find their own security companies, mortgage life insurance of vehicles in the designated insurance companies to be insured.

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According to relevant data show that 70 percent of the world is a private loan to buy the car. In the United States, the proportion of car loans is 80-85%, Germany 70 percent, India 60-70 per cent, while in China, this figure only 5-10 percent. From October 1998, the state allows commercial banks to automobile consumption credit business.

The number of car loan benefits »help you to be a breakdown T

Like buy a house loans, car loans also Jiancheng fashion. If the purchaser does not have sufficient funds to buy a car loan can ease the funding pressure on the car, the dream of an early round on the car if there is enough funding, car purchase loans to buy a car can help to increase the flow of funds to produce more money Money.

It is understood that a major domestic car loans Auto Financing Bank, auto finance company loans, finance leases in three ways, then, consumers choose what kind of loans will be more cost-effective, let us Bibi Kan.

Bank Auto Financing $:% of low interest rates, complex procedures, high costs

Banks to offer personal automobile consumption loans is the most traditional of the Auto Financing a model, the Auto Financing provided by the banks now can be divided into "straight off" and "between passenger and" two, "Inter-off" means that borrowers can Contributing first bank to buy cars, automobile dealers, loan applications submitted to the relevant information, and by automobile dealers to bank loan applications.

Bank survey approving the agreement, signed loan contracts, guarantee contracts, and legalization, and insurance procedures. "Straight-off" means the borrower went banks for loans, the banks agreed to our distributors after the car purchase. Such loans life in general for three years, the longest of not more than five years (inclusive). Lending rates in accordance with the provisions of the same period the People's Bank loan rates.

Advantage: Auto Financing Bank has the advantage of relatively low interest rates, although the central bank to raise rates again, the Auto Financing Bank interest rates also will increase 1-3-year interest rate from 6.03 percent transferred to 6.30 percent, 3-5-year interest rates 6.12% transferred to 6.48 percent, compared with an automobile financing company as much as 8 percent more than the interest rate, many low. Some banks in order to attract customers, according to the integrity of qualifications, will reduce the ratio of down payment, long-term loans, the lending rate to float downward, and other concessions.

Disadvantages: But, overall, banks Auto Financing complicated application procedures, the need to provide a series of car buying information and prove that banks can be effectively recognized the rights of pledge or collateral or with the compensatory ability of third-party guarantee. If the "inter-off" loans, and our distributors need to hold the signing of the purchase agreement or purchase contract, and so on. If not need a guarantor of local household registration, the process is cumbersome, the margin was not high. With the recent number of banks in the case of Auto Financing unsuccessful, the banks will increase Shendai, and presumably more difficult loans increased. In addition, some banks Auto Financing need to pay a variety of other costs, such as security fees, inspection fees, legal fees, mortgage fees, low-interest loans in the car than at the same time have to pay the company a much higher financial charges. It is understood that the security companies for car owners to provide loan guarantees business loans amount to be charged 1% to 1.2% of the security staff on-site service rates and the processing fee. If the purchaser to buy 15 million cars, 100,000 loans, loans for three years, then have to pay 100,000 (loan amount) × 1% (in the secured rate) × 3 = 3,000 yuan from 3,600 yuan or The amount of the guarantee, and 600 yuan or 800 yuan a processing fee. Some dealers have an agreement with the banks, although do not need the guarantee fee, but the condition is very high, such as cars, 200,000 yuan to buy the car loans were no other loans, the monthly income of 8,000 yuan, 40 percent down payment required.

+ Auto finance company: high interest rates, procedures simple, low-cost

October 1, 2004, the auto finance company engaged in automobile financing business has the right, then GM, Ford, Volkswagen, Dongfeng Citroen, Toyota, and other foreign auto giants in China have opened a vehicle finance company. Automobile loans through finance companies have gradually become the purchaser to select the way, and its simple procedures such advantages to the faster speed of development. It is understood that the general auto finance company down payment of 20% to 30% loan period not exceeding five years. Car buyers who intend to purchase selected models, which can be vehicle to the dealer to buy the company, of course, has to be run automobile financing business of brands and dealers. As long as the integrity of good, generally agreed loan.

Advantage: auto finance company more professional and humane. For example, GE Capital's smart loans and the financial flexibility to public loans, consumers can be part of the loan amount (usually no more than 25%) as a flexible balance due, in the last month loan period of one-time payment, rather than to calculate the amount of pay This will enable the car, was significantly lower than for traditional credit for the month. The contract expires, consumers can have a variety of options: a one-time settlement of the balance payment due flexibility, and gain full ownership of the vehicle, or the flexibility to apply for the balance payment due for a period of 12 months of the second loan, or with the assistance of the dealer to the secondary New car replacement, the balance payment due from the old discount deducted. Overall, automobile financing provided by the Auto Financing Company, its advantage lies in loans flexible, simple procedures. It is understood that in terms of loans, auto finance companies focus on car loans compared to the personal credit, education, income, and so are the reference standard, and the bank did not like to pledge, the field will not become a household registration to obtain loans Obstruction. In addition, the auto finance company lending loans faster, usually within a few days can be done.

Relatively speaking, the auto finance company than bank lending conditions relaxed. If SAIC GM Auto Financing for financial companies, does not account restrictions, do not need real estate, only need to provide valid proof of residence or residence booklet, one of the recent water / electricity / coal / telephone bill payment, marriage certificate or divorce certificate , The designated banks charge of bank cards, the borrower my driver's license, the borrower (a spouse or a guarantor) the effective identification documents, the borrower (a spouse or a guarantor) the effective proof of income.

Minuses: Auto Financing auto finance company's disadvantage is that higher lending rates, the 5-year interest rate to be close to some 9% Auto Financing interest rates than banks, auto finance company's lending rate to be higher by more than 2%.

Financing - rent. Dian /: for the low, low down payment, the total expenditure high

At present, the rent after the first buy, rent-buy side also is becoming a way to buy a car. It is understood that a number of specialized leasing companies and dealers and banks jointly by finance lease means selling cars. That is, from bank loans, personal use as a rental, loan payment to the personal property after all. At present, the rent to buy the consumer by way of security guarantees, including deposit, credit rating, property, security, mutual guarantees. Hire up to 10 years.

Advantage: rent to buy consumer services of loan interest by lending rates, banks Auto Financing required down payment and 20 percent to 30 percent compared to buy consumer can choose to rent, down payment, licensing, insurance, purchase tax, motor vehicles and other decorations Can also hire-purchase costs, from high-income car buyers are significantly reduced in terms of pressure, and this form is not limited to the household registration requirements. Once the rent paid on time and failed to buy gold, to advance from the deliberations, the car will not recover the vehicles were facing the risk of disposal. In addition, their instalments up to 10 years, the monthly car loan also reduce the pressure.

Disadvantages: But, in addition to payment for long, the advantages of zero down payment, lease financing and bank loans and there is not much difference from the cost point of view, because there is no interest rate cut 10 percent of the concessions, therefore, finance lease rather than banks The new Auto Financing product, the total cost may be even more.

Motor Credit said the black hole: Chulai Hun, the accounts have to also

That large vehicles

Motor Credit once again become the focus of attention of the industry, Gaiyin Recently, several private entrepreneurs to credit the sharp light. Bank credit market is what kind of presence "Maoni" is one for all issues of interest.

How to cheat Auto Financing » If I generation of ordinary people are naturally puzzled, but on this fine, who, it is Xiaocaiyidie, practices and mortgage fraud in fact broadly similar, is none other than the car using a false agreement, the false car Proof of income were false and the guarantor proof of income, submit bank, waiting for the bank lenders. Wong Kwong Yu, such as in business, this law, in line with immediate need of cash flow.

Lenovo to 2003, 2004 between a Chennianjiushi, then, the domestic credit market development is also the peak period, the end of 2003, the automobile industry reported car Bank line of credit of up to 180 billion yuan, more than 94.5 billion yuan of personal car loans For a bad debts that can not help but panic to a cold sweat.

Bishi, a common automotive industry experts come forward analysis, the cause of bad debts many auto industry, Wu Waihu prices of frequent diving, which Chinese consumers more reluctant to loan, banks would rather the car was towed up and so on.

However, one had been overlooked the simple figures assume that we can let these so-called main reasons pushed to the horn to Gala Li. Roughly calculated as follows: 180 billion car loan payment, 200,000 yuan to the average price per vehicle, a total of 9 million cars made car loans. And bear in mind that it was in 2003, the Chinese community keep private vehicles were only 10 million.

Results people heads that the price cuts led to the black hole of the automobile credit car experts obviously too naive and kind-hearted, Is 90% of the car are car loans? » Needless to say these vehicles experts, any slightest knowledge of the automotive industry are aware that this is totally ridiculous to be seen. Even in the most flourishing of the Motor Credit in 2002, 2003, the ratio of car loans is only 25 percent. Well, that is, 9 million loan to buy the car inside, at least there are nearly 7 million already non-existent.

Or cloud: These figures may be water, a false suspicion. However, even one-tenth of the amount is quite astonishing, those non-existent car purchase loans Where, I am afraid only of Wong Kwong Yu, big and small have a clear mind.

Wen near Beijing Changping District Court also heard the case, the Beijing Chung-hsin investment advisory companies and the legal representative of Beijing Liu Guangde Majesty the legal representative of the real estate company charged with fraud Qu Zhe Motor Credit 10 million yuan. Interestingly, the case also involves real estate companies, the Huang family loans for real estate projects and more health. Clearly, real estate cash flow really is the Gate of Life, for the continuation of funding chain, launched at the staff, for the sake of survival and fraud Auto Financing.

However, the problem is still "cheat" in order to present the professional quality of bank employees, cheating is not easy, or even billions of dollars on 100 billion in automobile credit loss in vain because no one will want to head to toe Out, only Liyingwaihe only so smoothly.

2003, a car Financial Forum, a province of the Agricultural Bank car Xindai Yuan people still remember the words: "If I had a little easy hand, the annual release 100 million is a small CASE. I several colleagues have resigned from the bank . To do, the rich do not ah. "Obviously, the bank employees in the credit Piandai also play an important role.

It is precisely because the credit market confusion, to a share in the middle of a few people, apart from banks, in 2002, 2003 car Piandai upsurge period, from automobile dealers also played a role in adding fuel to the flames. For automobile dealers, considering their performance is the only indicator of sales revenue, in this, all the wrist, has nothing to do with me, eyes open eyes closed, and all results. Some automobile credit companies, such as the Hongjiyishi Yafei Motor Credit Company, akin pimp, so that a car credit market fraud as a farce full of weeds.

Yitan: 2004, the CBRC has launched a black hole of the automobile credit investigation, then did not openly publish the results, but automobile credit issued more secret operations in the long run, it is an indisputable fact that there was a Motor Credit slam the brakes move, after the brakes , The new entrants, the auto finance company before the cautious line, to date, automobile credit industry recovery is very slow.

The surface, these vehicles Piandai who has nothing to do with ordinary consumers, but in reality if not, whether to mention the entire automobile credit is part of a social credit system, in fact, automobile credit has slowed down the status of the Chinese community into the vehicle speed, because those who cheat Loan-to-the existence of ordinary consumer loans difficult, the final result, the real needs of the consumer car loans to the successful Shanghai loans, the banks have a lot of money into the pockets of Piandai.

Facts have proved that, if there are considerable opportunities and the ability of private entrepreneurs are bound to Xibai. Therefore, only the amount of money for the return of the Auto Financing. And compared with the private entrepreneurs, some purely to Piandai for the purpose of consumption, more people means that these people are more than 900 million black hole of the real credit car maker.

Although the car looks so unpredictable and ever credit the black hole, but around the car with the credit fraud trial, the trial will come one after another, perhaps, as the movie says: Chu Laihun, some accounts is also a must, sooner or later, Know that in the face of increasingly standardized development of the domestic credit market, these Piandai, in the face of what kind of mentality »

Auto Financing feeling confused Shu heavy heart we Shenshang

A friend drove the purchase of new Sanxiang POLO speeding in the rural roads, Deyizhiyu also for a fee Mingmufanduo the heart. Tied up in bank loans on the performance insurance and make it very "strong ride strong sell" the. Finally, a friend accidentally asked: "The foreigners will come to buy a car, this money would also like to pay? White» "

Now the time being unable to find the answer. "Auto finance company management approach" is not only access is restricted. The Chinese Auto Financing feeling confused a number of issues: down payment ratio is too high, shorten the loan period, the loan interest rate floating range of small, and so on, the short-term foreign loan-to-steam almost powerless.

Disruption from the insurance company exhausted, can not afford to pay the previous weight, and then return to the political arena because of inducements. Public insurance company CEOs who feel the so-called hard-and insurance experts are bluntly: "All the insurance companies for the price Fanchou, the service is far from being truly involved." Actuary if there are 18 skills, but also there is no guarantee that revenue balance.

A reporter in Shanghai, a state-owned banks led Auto Financing business friends, often Choumeibuzhan the annual targets. Auto Financing "extraordinary development period" gradually and more distant, loans for indicators of increased bad loans from time to time Piandai outcrop. "Auto Financing of foreign capital into the already strong signal to us: the need to reform existing institutions to manage sector and establish a sound credit system in the market."

Auto Financing and all the related agencies are Shenshang a heavy heart. Of course, get access to foreign capital Auto Financing, insurance companies Zhongcaojiuye, more or less Auto Financing for the operation of the market chain of norms and convergence. However, if China's financial markets long-standing non-refoulement, the Wanji once, then all of all, but Tang is the arm when the car.

Pacific introduced new version of Che Daixian Shanghai market reaction insipid

Che Daixian nightmare of the insurance industry has finally exposed the dawn of a recovery, if operating properly, the beneficiaries will also include banks and other financial institutions and the vast majority of car purchaser of people - on the 14th Pacific Property Insurance announced that its new version of "individual stages Car insurance payment performance bond "(referred to as" the new Che Daixian ") to be on the market. It is 7-8 on insurance companies have to withdraw from the market after Judai Xian, the first domestic company level resume Ju Daixian from the insurance company.

However, Taibao Che Daixian the news, but not too big waves caused in Shanghai. -- Contact many insurance companies in Shanghai auto insurance sector, most of it is very calm. "Shanghai in the short term no-Ju Daixian push the idea," said the same people responsible.

Hongjiyishi compared with the Auto Financing, Che Daixian in Shanghai has not Qi Bolan.

Taibao the new Che Daixian known as the "second generation Judai Xian", as distinct from the previous Judai Xian. According to its provisions, only the private life of natural persons to purchase vehicles, loan period not exceeding three years and 30% of the down payment, in order to insure the new Che Daixian. Of the many car people, a good news is that the insured a result of accidental injury or disease caused the death of default and other reasons, insurance companies will be insured for repayment, no longer recover the other obvious change is Rates increased.

PROPERTY Taibao, deputy general manager Xu Jian-nan disclosed that the new insurance will be the first in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Qingdao, and other five pilot cities, Shanghai because of Che Daixian absent for a long time, many banks do not care about the return Ju Daixian, not The first pilot as well.

"The new Che Daixian," another major breakthrough, is to reposition the bank and the relationship between the insurance companies. Insurance companies do not entirely trust the banks to provide information to customers, while trying to master their own client's credit status.

Bank Shanghai Branch, general manager of the private financial Shuaishi to Judai Xian on a higher level of consideration: "Professional auto finance company is about to appear, the Auto Financing Business Bank will face unprecedented challenges, the need to business, markets and Overall risks to consider. Auto Financing and insurance companies is the risk of social control a key. "Similarly, Taibao not miss this opportunity auto finance company. "GM, Volkswagen, SAIC Motor and other financial companies interested in setting up the institutions we have carried out communication and cooperation in the future." Xu Jian-nan said.

It is worth noting that, based in Shanghai's Taibao Group, and Shanghai as its not "new Che Daixian" one of the starting point. "Shanghai in the short term no-Ju Daixian pushed the idea." Taibao, human security and peace Shanghai Branch related to the same reporter who expressed similar views.

PICC Shanghai Branch motor head Cai Jing said, have not yet received Corporation on the resumption of Che Daixian's instructions, at least not this year, the General Assembly re-launched.

Taibao Shanghai Branch of the Department of motor introduced, when the insurance companies in the design of automobile consumption loans guaranteed insurance, the main purpose is to promote auto insurance business. At that time, the insurance and vehicle insurance is bundled together. But with loan-to-steam field intensifying competition, but almost all banks are no longer force customers to apply for a loan guarantee when buying insurance. Less the support of banks, insurance companies, the list less and less. Since 2001, Che Daixian gradually fading out from the Shanghai market. "Guangdong and other places and different, Che Daixian launched in Shanghai, did not arouse much waves."

Che Daixian gradually fading out of Shanghai, and Shanghai Automotive earlier implementation of measures to protect the property rights relating to the collateral. Car buyers who apply for a car loan, the vehicle must be secured property rights in the bank, the loan period, the purchaser will have no right to transfer a car or nationality. Once a default, the banks can immediately notify the court will be confiscated cars, trucks and the right to conduct the auction to repay the loans owed by the owners.

Some car buyers said they do not prefer to buy Judai Xian. "Or not-to-Ju Daixian to our car will not have much impact on the additional charges now Mingmufanduo we have made confused, a few thousand dollars more to the Judai Xian is not necessary." 1 - Car buyers who said.