16 Oct 2008

Fund loans and commercial loans difference

1) housing accumulation fund loan interest rates than commercial banks, housing loans with low interest rates, five years (including five years) the following fund an annual interest rate of 4.14 percent of loans, commercial banks 1-3 years (including 3 years) as low as 5.427 percent, 3-5-year (Including five years) as low as 5.508 percent; more than five years, housing accumulation fund loans carry an annual coupon of 4.59 percent, commercial banks in the same period of individual housing loan interest rates as low as 5.751 percent.

2) loans of objects of different conditions, the need to fund loans in the housing accumulation fund paid into the center; and commercial housing loans do not need to be paid into the fund people.

3) The maximum loan amount for a single provision, in general, commercial banks on housing loans single loan does not require the maximum amount; Bengbu City and the current loan fund provides for the purchase of the urban working at the same time deposited in the housing accumulation fund, the maximum loan No amount of more than 200,000 yuan, single workers paid into the housing fund, the maximum loan amount is not more than 100,000 yuan; County in the purchase of housing accumulation fund paid into working at the same time, the maximum loan amount is not more than 120,000 yuan, single workers paid into the The housing fund, the maximum loan amount is not more than 60,000 yuan.

4) a single loan of up to life of the loan provisions, commercial bank loans for housing loans up to a single loan period not exceeding 30 years (in practice under control in less than 20 years); the current loan fund provides the most urban areas Long years of the loan is 20 years, the county up to three years of the loan is 15 years.

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