13 Oct 2008

Married more than a single loan is not easy

On the banks on housing loans in the second set of standards set down one after another, in an interview with reporters found, it is now not just a suite in the second loan are very harsh, in fact, many banks have stopped a second-hand housing loans, the only remaining The Bank for several second-hand housing loans has also been set up secret "threshold." The industry cautioned that the recent plans to buy second-hand housing owners, we must first buy a house before the lending policies of banks to understand the details of the minefields to avoid clever, or else signed loan shall not in an unenviable position.

Below 90 square meters down into the two have been canceled?

Miss Zhu wait-and-see for a long time, finally going to Nanjing to buy a set of second-hand housing. She has 100,000 yuan in cash on hand, has been listening to a friend that if the purchase of 90 square meters below the house down just as the two, so that she can count to buy 500,000 sets of the house. At present, the main city of Nanjing in accordance with the market price, Miss Zhu able to buy sets of about 60 square meters of second-hand housing.

Recently she went to the Ruijin Road in the vicinity of an intermediary to register their demand for buyers, brokers ask her detailed financial position to tell her to pay 100,000 yuan down payment of housing can only be a total 330,000 yuan from top to bottom, the main city Can only buy sets of 40 square meters of Dan Shitao's pretty good, but not during the loan can not be too long or paragraph.

It turned out that according to his agent, Nanjing, now the banks have called for the following 90 square meters of houses down into three, the highest percentage of loans was only 70 per cent, more banks are based on a realistic assessment of the price of housing loans to less than 70 per cent of the matter can be found everywhere.

Department of Industrial Bank, a mortgage told reporters, following 90 square meters down from second-hand housing put into a two-to three-shing is also among the earlier policy clear, the main purpose is to reduce the risk of the bank.

Married more than a single loan is not easy?

For fear that prices will be advanced by leaps and bounds next year, Mr. Lee and his girlfriend in the near future is looking room. On-line, they set eyes on the Yangtze River Road in the vicinity of second-hand housing, with an area of 90 square meters with a total 950,000 yuan. In support of the parents down to 300,000, while the remaining 650,000 yuan to basically loan. Lee consulted with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Han Street branch office, the results of the mortgage staff to answer surprised them: If you are single, then the loan may be married than loans more difficult. The source explained that: because the bank worried that a single person's ability to repay is not stable enough, after all, is a single pay the debt, and the married person is two to repay the loan, the capital more secure.

Reporters then consulted with other banks, Fortunately, Bank of China, Construction Bank, and other banks for single and married there is no request is too harsh, a Bank of Communications said that sometimes a single strength is not no guarantee that the symbol of some Who is also a successful single, high-income consumer power, but rather the quality of their customers.

Jiangbei is not easy to second-hand housing loan?

In the interview, Jiangbei intend to buy second-hand housing units for buyers who should be most unfortunate. Mr. Zhao is one of the most recently his eyes set out the Riverside Metro's second-hand housing with a total 360,000 of his intention to 160,000 down payment loan of 200,000 as soon as possible, but wish to buy a house.

But things are not as good as he expected so smoothly, contact Mr. Zhao's Xinjiekou branch of China Merchants Bank, the staff told him that the move clear of second-hand housing loan firms must first of all in the age of 15 years, covering an area of 60 square meters, in addition to recruit Line of second-hand housing loans only to the main city of second-hand housing, Jiangning and not in Jiangbei loans.

Industrial Bank is not the same for Mr. Zhao loans, as the Industrial Bank loans only in the main city of Jiangning and staff that this policy is also out in the near future, the future will not cancel, said.

"High risk" in case of loans to a red light?

To buy second-hand housing loans in the near future, not only in the region, as well as the age of the area to take extra precautions in the choice of individual banks for loans to their own requirements to become harsh.

Industrial Bank said that they do business for those who do not buy second-hand housing loans, mainly due to absence of formal business unit, the no proof of steady income, especially to open the cafe owner, they will refuse to loan.

The bank's policy is that stability in the industry for those people the time of loan approval will be faster than the average person more than ten days.

Shenzhen Development Bank's head told reporters that did not account for the loans they will be asked to outsiders with a local contact Nanjing account, so as to ensure that the bank can not find the time to contact people from the local people. As for the lender's career also has strict requirements that a "high risk" of the industry were basically less than a loan, he explained that the so-called high-risk industries mainly refer to engage in the wholesale construction materials, the entertainment industry, bar owners, etc. , And for the stability of the industry, such as civil servants, teachers, public institutions, media personnel, doctors, nurses, IT professionals, and so will the green light all the way.

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