26 Jul 2008

About personal credit loans

People's personal credit can become money. At present Nanjing City Commercial Bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Minsheng Bank, and so coincidentally launched a personal credit loans, the need to find a guarantor or use property as collateral, by virtue of the personal credit can be credited to the money from the bank.

Loans as easy as a deposit.

For a loan to the public may have shared information Fanza loans, the lengthy approval process, followed by almost desperate long wait. Now loans can be as easy as the Office of deposits. According to Nanjing City Commercial Bank-General description: now people want to banks to provide loans as long as occupation, age, education, asset position, solvency and historical circumstances, such as credit information, bank information input system, according to a number of factors and complex The formula, the computer automatically calculate the lender's credit scores, then this issue loans. This system is Paris, France from the bank's customer feedback experience, before banking business to go through Xindai Yuan, in charge of credit, the president of the three-tier approval, and the introduction of the "assessment system", personal small loans through a client manager after the entry To achieve a system of examination and approval, three minutes will be able to get loans, not only greatly improve the efficiency, but also the elimination of the past in the processing of human factors, so that the results of more scientific.

Credit cycle for the lender to save money

According to the current understanding of the Nanjing individual banks launched the personal credit loans are almost faced with a stable income in the high-end crowd, such as civil servants, higher education professors, Dr. hospitals, financial white-collar workers, executives and other foreign enterprises. Such personal credit loans in the bank granted a credit line after a Qianhai the latter can be used, this function with the current widespread use of credit cards is very similar, but compared with the credit card, the greater the amount, lower interest rates. The maximum loan-to-credit loans to 400,000 yuan to a period of up to two years. APR credit card interest rate equivalent to about 18%, while the public as long as credit in the amount of the credit, as can also use the interest on the loan amount actually used, did not use the credit line not to any charges. This is the way loans denominated financing for some time of uncertainty and a high efficiency of the financing requirements of the public.

Not long ago, such as Mr. Wang used their savings to buy a multi-year housing, the latest housing delivery, needs renovation, and installation of several home appliances, his wife would like to Mailiang cars and daughter also have a study next year to spend. Mr. Wang Although several specific financial needs, but the specific timing of payments can not be determined, if Mr. Wang advance for loans, to do renovation loans, consumer durable goods loans, overseas study loans, auto loans and other four loans, which also involves the loan approval He will spend much energy. If the choice of Mr. Wang on personal credit loans for many, as long as in need of funds to bank counters on that day can be spent on loans.

Never had the money to the credit may not be good.

Mr Lau said the public, whether their own or buy a house to buy a car, pay all of their savings, have never been to the bank loan,. Well, Mr. Liu's credit score is not high? » People's Bank Nanjing Branch of the Ministry of related business said, in fact, is not the case.

The official, now many people will have the misunderstanding that have never had the money through credit is good. So, how can we have good personal credit history so that their credit "gold content" is more » He suggested that, first of all should be established as soon as possible personal credit history, the way is to apply for credit cards or apply for bank loans. Does not mean that there is no credit history to borrow money, no credit history, banks lost their way to judge credit risk. The second is to strive to maintain a good credit record, once established a credit history, debt service will be on time. The number of borrowers in arrears will be reflected in the credit records, personal credit will create adverse effects. Third, we should care about their credit records, credit records found that once the content is in error, should contact credit agencies, timely information to correct the error.

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