26 Jul 2008

Industrial and Commercial Bank personal credit loans Encyclopedia

☆ Education
Personal credit loans to the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is a good credit borrowers of the need to provide RMB credit secured loans.

☆ Features
As long as you maintain and have good personal credit, we can not guarantee access to a certain amount of bank loans. To meet specific conditions, access to customers, but also enjoy more preferential services.

☆ conditions for application
1, in China have a fixed residence, a local town resident accounts, with full civil capacity of Chinese citizens;
2, due to have a steady income and a good job, with arranging the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
3, abide by the law, no violations and bad credit records;
4, made in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of A-level (with) more than the individual credit ratings;
5, the Industrial and Commercial Bank to open a personal clearing accounts;
6, the bank provided for other conditions.
In addition to a more basic conditions, but also have the following specific conditions of access, one of the borrowers are given access to credit customers:
(1) for the Industrial and Commercial Bank of high-quality corporate customers of the senior management staff and senior professional and technical personnel;
(2) individual owned assets of 2 million yuan (inclusive) above;
(3) For the Peony platinum card customers;
(4) a personal bank account of the fiscal year (including) the annual accounts and deposits more than the average balance of 200,000 yuan (inclusive) above;
(5), the Industrial and Commercial Bank personal loans, loans in the amount of 500,000 yuan (inclusive) and more than two consecutive years or more no default repayment records (including customer loans have been settled).

☆ loan amount
Line of credit to the starting point for 10,000 yuan, up to more than 500,000 yuan (inclusive).

☆ loan period
Loan period is generally one year (with), a maximum of three years. Personal credit loans for general non-renewal, is due to force majeure or an accident and not arranging the loan, the bank agreed to loan period of one year (including) within the time may be extended, extended periods of not more than the original loan period and the total loan period (Including the extended period) shall not exceed one year.

☆ lending rate
Lending rates in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China with the same period in the implementation of the benchmark rate loan grade.

☆ repayment methods
Loan period of one year (including) taken within the monthly interest payments, monthly, quarterly or a repayment of principal repayments; loans of more than one year, monthly debt service to the repayment methods.

☆ loan applications should be submitted to the information
Borrowers to banks for personal credit loans to be written fill in an application form and submit the following information:
1, I valid identity documents;
2, living proof of address (residence booklet, etc.);
3, career proved;
4, borrowing the applicant himself and family members of the proof of income;
5, the bank provides other information.
According to specific borrowers need to review different access conditions for one of the following information:
(1) high-quality corporate personnel departments, units issued by the office and professional and technical level of documentary evidence.
(2) personal possession of various kinds of financial assets such as bank deposits, bonds and funds, and other documents; individuals (or spouses) name all the property warrants.
(3) Peony Platinum customer data.
(4) Industrial and Commercial Bank of the fiscal accounts, supporting information.
(5) Industrial and Commercial Bank of personal loans loan contract text.

☆ operational guidelines
Banks to transfer to the borrower designated clearing accounts of personal loans. Other operations with the individual car consumption loans.

(The above content for reference only, for specific standards to the local branch of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of provisions. To save you time, in handling relevant procedures, the local Industrial and Commercial Bank of thorough consultation.)

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