31 Oct 2008

Consumer loans up to apply for down payment requirements?

The first payment not enough buyers, can apply for loans to alleviate the "urgent needs." In accordance with the relevant provisions of the bank, if used to pay down consumer loans, mortgages in the process, the percentage of loans will decrease.

For example, you borrow 30 million loan for the down payment, it may not buy a total of 1,000,000 housing. According to regulations, you can only apply for 60 percent of commercial loans. As a result, a total of only around 900,000 yuan loan, you need at least 100,000 yuan out of its own funds to buy a house. Therefore, in order to pay down loans, still need to own a certain amount of cash used for the down payment.

And housing mortgage loans, it needs to pay assessment fees, notary fees and handling charges. The loan bid for a longer period of time, usually two months. General and the same housing mortgage loans, consumer loans on a monthly basis is equal to the principal of equal or principal and interest repayment method.

By-laws: for consumer loans would have to pay for the cost of

Assessment fee credit lines for more than 500,000 in 500

In the line of credit 1,000,000 for more than 1,000 yuan

500,000 in credit lines for the following 300 yuan

Notarization fee contract thousandth

400 yuan fee

Mortgage registration fee 200 yuan

21 Oct 2008

Consumer loans up to apply for down payment requirements?

The first payment not enough buyers, can apply for loans to alleviate the "urgent needs." In accordance with the relevant provisions of the bank, if used to pay down consumer loans, mortgages in the process, the percentage of loans will decrease.

For example, you borrow 30 million loan for the down payment, it may not buy a total of 1,000,000 housing. According to regulations, you can only apply for 60 percent of commercial loans. As a result, a total of only around 900,000 yuan loan, you need at least 100,000 yuan out of its own funds to buy a house. Therefore, in order to pay down loans, still need to own a certain amount of cash used for the down payment.

And housing mortgage loans, it needs to pay assessment fees, notary fees and handling charges. The loan bid for a longer period of time, usually two months. General and the same housing mortgage loans, consumer loans on a monthly basis is equal to the principal of equal or principal and interest repayment method.

17 Oct 2008

Which is more suitable for your car loan

At the moment, deceived consumers to buy a car loan cases occurred frequently. According to the reporter learned that the first payment had been deceived consumers have a common characteristic, that is, the account is in the field, chosen by way of loans to bank loans, these consumers to car dealers to pay a certain amount of down payment Section after the final dealers have been informed of the reasons because of its consumer bank loans. In fact, the lack of good faith in the dealers to make full use of bank loans are very harsh as this under the cover of the consumer fraud.

In fact, the current way of a bank loan to buy a car with two car finance companies, consumers (particularly in the field of household) do not have to choose this bank loans, to the black car business chances. In that case, consumers know which is more suitable for your car loan? In this correspondent bank car loan and auto finance companies compare the merits and demerits of each, and they hope to help you buy a car loan.

Eligible to apply for car loan

Automobile finance company lending standards to be more lenient in the principal value of credit applicants; and bank lending income applicants is important, and collateral account, and so on. Banks and car finance companies is the biggest difference: In the auto finance companies, foreign accounts under certain conditions, generally easy to apply for car loan, and the bank would like to apply for car loan under the more difficult, requiring local public security, real estate, such as proof of a Series of cumbersome procedures.

Loan procedures and costs

Automobile finance company advantage is fast and convenient procedures, in general about three days to complete, and do not have to pay fees, mortgage fees, lawyers fees and so on; bank loans will normally take more than a week, looking for a security company to do security, and a certain amount of miscellaneous fees.

Loan rate

Bank interest rate car loan is the People's Bank of China in accordance with the provisions of the loan rates over the same period, while auto finance company's interest rates are usually higher than bank interest rates some of the current. At present, auto finance companies in general than the bank lending rate by 1 percentage point higher, as calculated in accordance with 100,000 yuan of loans, the 3-year is likely to pay more than the bank more than 3000 yuan.

The first payment ratio

Automobile finance company's ratio of down payment requirements less stringent, the first payment generally lower, such as Toyota for the financial credibility very good commitment to customers in the first all-car price to pay for 20% of the loan period is divided into more than three years and Two five years. The majority of banks are currently the minimum down payment for the full price of vehicles for 40% of the loan period of three years generally have two options and five years, beyond the maximum of five years.

Also on the amount of

At present, some auto finance companies can provide flexible credit services. Flexible credit more flexibility, that is, through the loan amount does not exceed a certain percentage of the balance payment due flexibility in the contract expires, to provide consumers with a variety of options: a one-time settlement of balance payment due flexibility to obtain ownership of the vehicle; or balance due to the flexibility to apply for a period of The second 12-month loan; or dealers to sell cars with the help of a new car to二手车置换. Due to this flexibility were excluded from the balance due on the total amount for, so on loans for general lower than the bank.

Reporters proposal

Which in the end be more suitable for your car loan, the reporters that this would also like to look at specific interest rates and discount of the price. In the auto finance company loan to buy a car, the general is not much of the price discount; In contrast, if the dealer can Rangli a few thousand dollars through preferential bank loans to buy vehicles more cost-effective. Those in the banking system appears to assess the creditworthiness of the applicants is not high, to give priority to the auto finance company to apply for a loan; good credit, with a capacity of the down payment the borrower can choose to give priority to bank loans.

16 Oct 2008

Fund loans and commercial loans difference

1) housing accumulation fund loan interest rates than commercial banks, housing loans with low interest rates, five years (including five years) the following fund an annual interest rate of 4.14 percent of loans, commercial banks 1-3 years (including 3 years) as low as 5.427 percent, 3-5-year (Including five years) as low as 5.508 percent; more than five years, housing accumulation fund loans carry an annual coupon of 4.59 percent, commercial banks in the same period of individual housing loan interest rates as low as 5.751 percent.

2) loans of objects of different conditions, the need to fund loans in the housing accumulation fund paid into the center; and commercial housing loans do not need to be paid into the fund people.

3) The maximum loan amount for a single provision, in general, commercial banks on housing loans single loan does not require the maximum amount; Bengbu City and the current loan fund provides for the purchase of the urban working at the same time deposited in the housing accumulation fund, the maximum loan No amount of more than 200,000 yuan, single workers paid into the housing fund, the maximum loan amount is not more than 100,000 yuan; County in the purchase of housing accumulation fund paid into working at the same time, the maximum loan amount is not more than 120,000 yuan, single workers paid into the The housing fund, the maximum loan amount is not more than 60,000 yuan.

4) a single loan of up to life of the loan provisions, commercial bank loans for housing loans up to a single loan period not exceeding 30 years (in practice under control in less than 20 years); the current loan fund provides the most urban areas Long years of the loan is 20 years, the county up to three years of the loan is 15 years.

15 Oct 2008

Loans in place within 30 hours

At 17:20 on May 23, is preparing to work in Zhejiang Jin Lihua Electric Co., Ltd. in charge of financial Miss Jin, Kim Dong from the Agricultural Bank of Jinhua Branch Manager Wang telephone, "the company you apply for credit loans have been approved, the first Total 5,000,000 yuan of loans in the afternoon was transferred to the company of your account, please check. "Miss Jin while the accident is deeply moved.

Jin Lihua, Zhejiang Electric Co., Ltd. is a specialized production of power transmission equipment vendors, products nationwide in electrical equipment manufacturing enterprises occupy the dominant position. Four Chuan Wenchuan after the earthquake, the national power grid companies received a large number of orders, product will be used for post-disaster reconstruction of the Sichuan power grid. Orders received after the enterprise in order to ensure timely delivery of products, production at full capacity around the clock, the surge in demand for raw materials, a sudden liquidity shortage. The enterprise has been concerned about the trend of Kim Dong-Jinhua Branch to understand the situation and decided to increase loans to enterprises, and rushed to the city of Jinhua Branch of the request. Jinhua City branch of the Agricultural Bank loan for the immediate opening of the green channel, completed in the shortest possible time a new loan to the business procedures of 30,000,000 yuan. May 23, the first loan payment of 5,000,000 yuan was put in place. From the enterprise to apply for loans, only took 30 hours.

In support of the Agricultural Bank, at present, Zhejiang Jin Lihua Electric Co., Ltd. for the reconstruction of the first batch of products have been successfully completed and delivered in the second overtime to make batches of.

14 Oct 2008

Who can get a car loan

If the borrower is engaged in the doctors, teachers, civil servants, lawyers, accountants, auditors, such as employment, or banking, securities, insurance and other financial professionals in the field, to apply for car loan, banks usually have a priority or preferential policies .

The ordinary consumer, or other sectors of the consumer looking for an intermediary company to apply for car loan will be relatively easier. However, these agencies will be to assess all aspects. The stability of work, family stability, a stable income people can get

To car loans. Revenue from the point of view, the car loan, mortgage loans, and so shall not exceed the total amount of time 50% of total income.

Credit line

Banks are provided for a maximum loan amount of the purchase price with no more than 80% of the net.

Reminder: In fact, 80 per cent of the loan is not essential, in order to avoid the risk of banks to provide up to 7 into a car loan.

Loan period

Auto loan period is generally three years, a maximum of five years. (Basic and are based on the three-year period)

13 Oct 2008

Married more than a single loan is not easy

On the banks on housing loans in the second set of standards set down one after another, in an interview with reporters found, it is now not just a suite in the second loan are very harsh, in fact, many banks have stopped a second-hand housing loans, the only remaining The Bank for several second-hand housing loans has also been set up secret "threshold." The industry cautioned that the recent plans to buy second-hand housing owners, we must first buy a house before the lending policies of banks to understand the details of the minefields to avoid clever, or else signed loan shall not in an unenviable position.

Below 90 square meters down into the two have been canceled?

Miss Zhu wait-and-see for a long time, finally going to Nanjing to buy a set of second-hand housing. She has 100,000 yuan in cash on hand, has been listening to a friend that if the purchase of 90 square meters below the house down just as the two, so that she can count to buy 500,000 sets of the house. At present, the main city of Nanjing in accordance with the market price, Miss Zhu able to buy sets of about 60 square meters of second-hand housing.

Recently she went to the Ruijin Road in the vicinity of an intermediary to register their demand for buyers, brokers ask her detailed financial position to tell her to pay 100,000 yuan down payment of housing can only be a total 330,000 yuan from top to bottom, the main city Can only buy sets of 40 square meters of Dan Shitao's pretty good, but not during the loan can not be too long or paragraph.

It turned out that according to his agent, Nanjing, now the banks have called for the following 90 square meters of houses down into three, the highest percentage of loans was only 70 per cent, more banks are based on a realistic assessment of the price of housing loans to less than 70 per cent of the matter can be found everywhere.

Department of Industrial Bank, a mortgage told reporters, following 90 square meters down from second-hand housing put into a two-to three-shing is also among the earlier policy clear, the main purpose is to reduce the risk of the bank.

Married more than a single loan is not easy?

For fear that prices will be advanced by leaps and bounds next year, Mr. Lee and his girlfriend in the near future is looking room. On-line, they set eyes on the Yangtze River Road in the vicinity of second-hand housing, with an area of 90 square meters with a total 950,000 yuan. In support of the parents down to 300,000, while the remaining 650,000 yuan to basically loan. Lee consulted with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Han Street branch office, the results of the mortgage staff to answer surprised them: If you are single, then the loan may be married than loans more difficult. The source explained that: because the bank worried that a single person's ability to repay is not stable enough, after all, is a single pay the debt, and the married person is two to repay the loan, the capital more secure.

Reporters then consulted with other banks, Fortunately, Bank of China, Construction Bank, and other banks for single and married there is no request is too harsh, a Bank of Communications said that sometimes a single strength is not no guarantee that the symbol of some Who is also a successful single, high-income consumer power, but rather the quality of their customers.

Jiangbei is not easy to second-hand housing loan?

In the interview, Jiangbei intend to buy second-hand housing units for buyers who should be most unfortunate. Mr. Zhao is one of the most recently his eyes set out the Riverside Metro's second-hand housing with a total 360,000 of his intention to 160,000 down payment loan of 200,000 as soon as possible, but wish to buy a house.

But things are not as good as he expected so smoothly, contact Mr. Zhao's Xinjiekou branch of China Merchants Bank, the staff told him that the move clear of second-hand housing loan firms must first of all in the age of 15 years, covering an area of 60 square meters, in addition to recruit Line of second-hand housing loans only to the main city of second-hand housing, Jiangning and not in Jiangbei loans.

Industrial Bank is not the same for Mr. Zhao loans, as the Industrial Bank loans only in the main city of Jiangning and staff that this policy is also out in the near future, the future will not cancel, said.

"High risk" in case of loans to a red light?

To buy second-hand housing loans in the near future, not only in the region, as well as the age of the area to take extra precautions in the choice of individual banks for loans to their own requirements to become harsh.

Industrial Bank said that they do business for those who do not buy second-hand housing loans, mainly due to absence of formal business unit, the no proof of steady income, especially to open the cafe owner, they will refuse to loan.

The bank's policy is that stability in the industry for those people the time of loan approval will be faster than the average person more than ten days.

Shenzhen Development Bank's head told reporters that did not account for the loans they will be asked to outsiders with a local contact Nanjing account, so as to ensure that the bank can not find the time to contact people from the local people. As for the lender's career also has strict requirements that a "high risk" of the industry were basically less than a loan, he explained that the so-called high-risk industries mainly refer to engage in the wholesale construction materials, the entertainment industry, bar owners, etc. , And for the stability of the industry, such as civil servants, teachers, public institutions, media personnel, doctors, nurses, IT professionals, and so will the green light all the way.

12 Oct 2008

How many of the benefits of car loan?

Just like home loans, car purchase loans have become fashionable. If you do not have enough money to buy cars, buy a car loan to the purchaser will ease the financial pressure on the yen early on a dream car; if it has sufficient funds to buy a car loan will help the purchaser will increase the mobility of capital, to allow more money to give birth to Money.

It is understood that the current main bank loan to buy a car car loan, auto finance company loans, lease financing in three ways, then the consumer to choose what kind of loan would be more cost-effective manner, so that we may wish to Bibi Kan.

Bank car loan of $:% of the low interest rates, complicated procedures, high costs

Bank to provide personal automobile consumption loans is the most traditional model of a car loan, car loan offered by banks can be divided into "straight-off" and "off-between" two, "Inter-off" means that borrowers can First Bank of special car dealers to buy cars, to submit the relevant information on loan applications by banks on behalf of automobile dealers applying for the loan.

After investigation, the bank agreed to examination and approval, the loan signing of the contract, guarantee contracts, and handle notarization and insurance procedures. "Straight-off" means that borrowers would first go to applications for bank loans, the banks agreed to go after the special car dealers. Such loans generally life of three years up no more than 5 years (inclusive). People's Bank of China in accordance with the provisions of the loan interest rate of loan rates over the same period.

Advantage: the bank car loan has the advantage of relatively low interest rates, although the central bank raising interest rates again after the bank car loan interest rates also raise the 1-3-year interest rate from 6.03% to 6.30%, 3-5-year interest rate from 6.12% to 6.48%, compared with vehicle finance company as much as 8 percent more than the interest rate, quite a few low. Some banks in order to attract customers based on integrity quality, reduce the proportion of down payment, loan length of a long release, the loan interest rate to float downward, and other concessions.

Disadvantage: But the whole, complicated application procedures for bank car loan, the purchaser will need to provide supporting information as well as a number of banks authorized to be effective or the right to pledge collateral or compensatory ability of third-party guarantee. If the "inter-off" loans, also holds a special car dealers entered into agreements or contracts to buy cars and so on. If the local household registration is not required guarantor, a very complicated procedure, the loan rate was not high. As the number of banks in the recent case against the car loan, the bank will step up efforts loan, the loan must be more difficult to increase. In addition, some banks need to car loan to pay a variety of other costs, such as security fees, inspection fees, legal fees, mortgage fees, low-interest loans in the car than at the same time have to pay for financial companies is much higher fees. It is understood that the security companies to provide for the family car business loan guarantees, it is necessary to collect 1% of the loan amount to 1.2 percent annual rate of security staff and door-to-door services to the admissibility of the charges. If the purchaser of 150,000 yuan to buy cars, 100,000 loan, the loan period of 3 years, to pay 100,000 (loan amount) × 1% (annual rate of a security) × 3 = 3,000 yuan or 3600 yuan range The amount of security, and 600 yuan or 800 yuan accept the charges. Some dealers have an agreement with the bank, although no guarantee fee, but the condition is rather high as 200,000 yuan to buy the purchaser of the car, there are no other loans to borrowers with a monthly income of 8,000 yuan, 40% down payment required.

+ Car finance companies: high interest rates, simplicity, low cost

October 1, 2004 onwards, auto finance companies have engaged in financial business the right car, and then, General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, Dongfeng Citroen, Toyota and other foreign auto giants in China one after another out of the car finance company. Automobile loans through finance companies have gradually become the purchaser will choose the way, and for its simplicity, and other advantages to a more rapid pace. It is understood that the automobile finance companies generally down 20% to 30% of the loan period of not more than 5 years. The purchaser intends to purchase selected models can belong to a car dealer's purchase, of course, must have automobile finance business start-up of the car brands and dealers. As long as the degree of good faith, the loan-to-be generally available.
Benefits: car finance companies more professional and humane. For example, GE Capital loans and intelligent public financial flexibility loans, consumers can be part of the loan amount (usually no more than 25%) as a flexible balance due, in the last month of the loan period of one-time payment, without taking into account the amount paid on , Will be able to make such a purchaser for the month was significantly lower than traditional credit for the month. Contract expires, consumers can have a variety of options: a one-time settlement of balance payment due flexibility to obtain full ownership of the vehicle; or balance due to the flexibility to apply for a further period of 12 months of the second loan; or with the assistance of dealers to second-hand New car replacement, the balance due will be deducted from the old cars at a discount. Overall, auto finance firms that provide car loan, the loan advantage of flexibility, simplicity. It is understood that in terms of loans, car finance company loans purchasers pay more attention to personal credit, education, income, and so are the reference standard, and the bank did not like to pledge, the field will not become a household access to credit Obstacles. In addition, the auto finance companies to lend loans fast, usually within a few days can be done.

On the other hand, auto finance companies than bank lending conditions relaxed. If the GMAC-SAIC Automotive Finance Company to apply for car loan, there is no limit accounts or real estate needs, the need to provide proof of residence or a valid residence booklet, any of the recent water / electric / coal / telephone payment documents, marriage certificate or divorce certificate , The designated bank debit cards, the borrower my driver's license, the borrower (spouse or a guarantor) effective identification, the borrower (spouse or a guarantor) of income to prove effective.

Disadvantage: auto finance company car loan is a disadvantage of higher lending rates, the 5-year interest rates have to be close to 9 percent, compared with the bank car loan rates, car finance companies lending rate to be higher than 2%.

Financing - rent. Rent /: low-down on low for a total expenditure of high -

At present, the first lease-purchase, rental Edge side is to buy a car purchase. It is understood that there are a number of specialized leasing companies and dealers as well as joint bank, financing through leasing car. That is, by bank loans, personal use as a lease, loan payment to the property rights of all individuals. At present, the hire purchase of consumer deposits in the form of security guarantee, credit rating, property security, mutual security, and so on. Installment period of up to 10 years.

Advantages: consumer services, hire purchase loans by lending benchmark interest rates, car loan with the bank to be down 20% to 30% compared to rent the consumer can choose to buy zero-down payment, license, insurance, purchase tax, motor vehicles and other decoration The cost of car hire can, for a monthly income of the purchaser in terms of high-pressure significantly reduced, and this form are not limited to the household registration requirements. Once the rent to buy gold for failing to pay can advance the deliberations, the purchaser will not be facing the vehicle to recover the disposal of the risk. In addition, the installment period of up to 10 years, the purchaser will have a month's loan to alleviate the pressure.

Disadvantage: However, in addition to a long period of payment, the advantages of zero-down payment, lease financing and bank loans are not much different from a cost point of view, there is no interest rate cut of 10% discount, compared to bank financing lease The new car loan, the total cost may be even more.

9 Oct 2008

Some common loan fraud alert

First, the national personal unsecured loan (or interest-free loans, etc.)

Currently on the Internet there were a lot of so-called national network, unsecured loans unsecured personal loans, these so-called "loan", "Loan Group" that are: do not limit you in what areas you do not need any collateral, ID cards can only give you a loan.

Such information are fraudulent, Chinese net loans (Loancn.com) Please note that your risk:

Fraud features:

1, the first big name companies, the so-called "integrity group" "xx loan group" "xx loan group," and so on, these companies can not exist, the business sector can not allow such registration of company names.

2, and some will be counterfeit or well-known bank in the name of the company, but did not address, nor can it provide a real company business license and personal ID cards.

3, advertising only to provide general information and contact phone number, cell phone number inquiries, we can see that publishers focus on a few provinces at home.

4, easy lending conditions that do not also need to see revenue unsecured, is basically a credit card can be.

5, when the loan-to-order are inviting, the liar will first require the use of the reasons that charge, such as the "interest, legal fees, verification fees, insurance premiums, fees, bonds," and so on.

6, when the first loan to pay for and found the liar can no longer call sense mobile phones, and even some of the credit for those who do not know each other's company, personal name, identity card, even in the other side where no one knows already Deceived.

Second, by telephone or fishing sites to cheat the bank card number and password

Fraudsters through the Internet or mobile phone text messages so-called mass-loan information, loan conditions are also very simple, and not in your face-to-face contact with the case have lied on the loan, the fraudsters will provide a telephone to make inquiries on whether the loan Has arrive, in fact, the phone is a liar own voice gateways, when Shou Pianzhe voice input in accordance with the bank card number and password, fraudsters had access to the password, and then quickly Shou Pianzhe account of the looted funds.

In this prompt:

1, each bank has its own special service numbers, such as the ICBC's 95,588, 95,555 and so on the line move, do not you call the familiar telephone inquiries to their bank accounts.

2, each bank has its own Web site, please see the Web site domain name carefully, and not to non-bank site entering their bank cards and passwords.

Anti-cheating sum up: the sky will not Diaoxian Bing, will greed so please pay attention to the risk of being cheated:

1, only a handful of banks opened for some areas of personal unsecured lending products, but also in accordance with the formal processes: I need to bring relevant information to the original banks face-to-face to sign the loan contract to provide pay cards such as bank statements.

2, go to the other party's site to see, face-to-face contact and enter into a formal contract, there is no purely on the network to communicate solely in the phone operator will be able to communicate loans have magical powers.

3, the signing of the contract when the other party to retain the company's business license and a copy of a copy of ID card and to clarify the authenticity. (Industrial and commercial enterprises through the authenticity of the website, personal identity through cell phone text messages or inquiries id5.cn online).

4, look up your account, visit the bank's regular Web site or call the Bank of Te Fuhao code to prevent individual bank cards and passwords leak.

5, in the loan account before you, let us not pre-pay any costs.

Chinese net loans (Loancn.com) since 2004 has been set up using the identity of the real-name registration of members and credit information of first instance, determined to clear false information. However, because some members did not carry out real-name authentication, as well as the openness of the Internet can not be foolproof. Liar and probably by telephone and e-mail such as direct contact with you, let your sweet words have been deceived.

Therefore, this site would like to remind you pay attention to risk.

1, if China is a net loan (Loancn.com) information, check out each other's membership level, the company provides a business license and personal ID cards of the members will be eye-catching logo.

2, If you do not recognize the existence of risk, but also with customer service site, we will do our best to provide you with the loan feasible solution.

7 Oct 2008

Bank of England interest rate mortgages dropped three-January

U.S. loan crisis meeting after the outbreak of the British property market also affected the latest data show that in July the UK average price of housing a year-on-year decline in 7 years, most of that, in order to stimulate the market, the United Kingdom mortgage loans will also have a lower interest rate Lower.

London real estate research firm issued 27 reports, in July in England and Wales alone the average housing price in the same period last year, down 4.4 percent, fell to 168,500 pounds, or higher than June's 1.2 percent for 2001, the Census and Statistics The biggest monthly decline since. Professionals have pointed out that in view of the current housing market uncertainty in the short term is unlikely to disappear, the sale transaction is expected to housing will continue to be held in check, downward price pressure will continue until this fall.

In the face of continued weakness in the market, Britain's largest mortgage provider Halifax Bank have announced lower mortgage interest rates again, the biggest drop of up to 0.3 percent, involving 16 kinds of products, mortgage loans, which is in the bank The third time within a month to lower mortgage interest rates. The Bank of Scotland also said it would reduce the 25 kinds of mortgage products, mortgage interest rates. Analysis of the view that although banks continued to lower lending rates, but with the Bank of England's benchmark interest rate of 5% compared to loan interest rates obviously still on the high side, there is the possibility of further decline.