1 Aug 2008

Rural Credit Cooperatives of automobile consumption loans

Refers to the signing of the credit cooperatives in the purchase of a car dealer's natural release of the loan. Special loans for the purchase of credit confirmed by the designated dealer sales of domestic brands of cars, at the same time, automobile consumption loans for the credit cooperatives, should be signed cooperation agreements with insurance companies, requested the insurance companies to contract for vehicle insurance, compliance Insurance, the insurance company to provide security. Installment loans to the return of the way, the calculation method of repayment and a matching reduction of repayment, the following formula:

A) matching the repayment of:

= Interest on loans receivable from the end of last month interest rates on loans ×

= Principal amount of monthly loan receivable equal monthly repayment amount - interest on loans receivable

B) decreasing the repayment of:

= Monthly repayment of principal loan principal / months

Interest payments this month = (principal - the accumulated principal repayment) × on interest rates

Choose one of the borrowers can repay, Action and Social Council shall not be restricted.

(1) for automobile consumption loans and conditions of the target

Automobile consumption loans is the object of the full civil capacity of natural persons, and at the same time the following conditions:

(A) local resident accounts or valid proof of identity to stay, have a fixed residence;

(B) have legitimate jobs and stable source of revenue, with arranging the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

(C) the borrower shall not be less than the provisions of the first car payment into credit cooperatives;

(D) the insurance company agreed to amortize the purchase of insurance, provide a guarantee of a written commitment;

(E) credit cooperatives under other conditions.

(2) the borrower should provide the information

(A) individuals and their spouses (total assets) identity card, residence booklet or other valid identity documents and copies of the original;

(B) credit issued by recognized authorities borrowers vocational and economic proof of income;

(C) and credit cooperatives in the designated car dealers signed the agreement or contract;

(D) down payments of credit deposit certificate;

(E) charged by the credit cooperatives power of attorney;

(F) credit cooperatives need the additional information.

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