1 Aug 2008

Urban credit cooperatives corporate customers automobile consumption loans

Urban credit cooperatives corporate automobile consumption loans mainly to the approval of relevant departments of the registered corporate enterprises and institutions to provide credit funds to meet their demand for car financing

1. Eligibility criteria

1) in the local administration for industry and commerce registration, a legal personality, taxi companies or car rental companies should be operating permit;

2) In urban credit cooperatives to open accounts, there are a certain proportion of down payments;

3) sources of revenue stability, good credit, to repay the loan principal and interest on time;

4) to provide loans were approved property mortgage, pledge or third-party guarantee;

5) loans were provided for other conditions.

2. Application data

1) corporate business license or the cause of corporate licenses, permits legal code, legal representative of documents;

2) loan certificate (card);

3) the previous year's financial report and an updated financial statements;

4) not lower than the initial payment of urban credit cooperatives deposit certificate;

5) collateral or quality of the list, ownership and the power to dispose of that person (including a total of property) agree that the mortgage or pledge that departments have the right to produce proof of collateral valuation;

6) agreed to guarantee the security of the written documents, credit documentation;

7) other information.

3. Borrower to apply for automobile consumption loans must provide effective security. Of which:

1) to purchase cars for collateral, the value of the vehicle to a full security;

2) the insurance companies to provide guarantees from the borrowers to ensure that the insurance company insuring insurance. Specific requirements are:

a. borrowers, as required collateral for insurance, mortgages during the period, the insured shall not be interrupted;

b. the amount of insurance to apply for a mortgage loan of full price as the value of the insured, at least for loans of longer than six months;

c. loans are insurance policies specified by the insured, the insurance payment to the first, the right to request full;

d. loans repaid principal and interest before the insurance policy from the original lender custody;

e. to the purchase of vehicles for the mortgage, the borrower should be insured motor vehicle insurance, third party liability insurance and additional Daoqiang Xian.

4. Line of credit

The maximum amount of automobile consumption loans of not more than 80 percent of the car. Of which:

1) the loan's approval of the Treasury bills, financial bonds, the state's key construction bonds, urban credit cooperatives regular certificates of deposit issued by the pledge (or banks, insurance companies, jointly and severally liable to provide the guarantee), deposited in the first phase of the urban credit cooperatives shall not be less 20 percent, the maximum borrowing limit for the purchase price of 80%.

2) to purchase a vehicle or other property collateral for loans, loan ceiling of not more than 70 percent of the car;

3) to ensure that third-party applications for loans (banks, insurance companies, except) and the ceiling of not more than 60 percent of the car.

5. Deadline

The corporate clients of automobile consumption loans for the duration of the general 1-3 years. In principle for more than two years (including 2).

6, interest rates

According to the People's Bank of urban credit cooperatives and the related regulations.

Loan Process

1), for

Customers and our distributors decided to buy the car after the specified brand, to apply for bank loans, and banks to provide all relevant information.

2), signed a contract

Urban credit cooperatives during the investigation and possible approval after that, customers will be signed loan contracts with banks and guarantee contracts and other legal documents. Such as banks that not feasible, enterprise application materials will be returned.

3), the implementation of security

Signed loan contracts with banks, customers need to implement third-party guarantee, mortgage, pledge, such as security and the security for the registration, notarization or collateral insurance, quality of deposit of banks and other procedures.

4), access to loans

Bank loans with a customer before the relevant formalities, the contract shall enter into force. Banks to grant loans to borrowers, borrowers in accordance with the terms of the contract customers can use unspent loans.

5), repayment

In accordance with the actual period of the loan is about to expire, the borrower should pay attention to customers in time to raise capital, the return on time and bank borrowings.

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