1 Aug 2008

Urban credit cooperatives individual car consumption loans

Personal automobile consumption loans to banks in contributing to the purchase of a car dealer for the borrower of the renminbi loans, a simple and efficient processing and guarantee diversity, high loan amount.

1), the applicant conditions

In China have a fixed residence, a local resident accounts or valid residence status, with full civil capacity and meet the following conditions are Chinese citizens can apply for individual car consumption loans.

1. Legitimate jobs and stable source of revenue, with arranging the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

2. Abide by the law, no violations and bad credit records;

3. Banks authorized to provide an effective right of pledge or collateral or with the compensatory ability of third-party guarantee;

4. Apply for loans during the period of not less than urban credit cooperatives under the first car payment into urban credit cooperatives;

5. Urban credit cooperatives to open a personal account settlement and agreed to their designated bank account deduction or personal clearing the principal and interest of loans;

6. Urban credit cooperatives to accept the requirements of other conditions.

2), the amount of loans

To form a security pledge, or banks, insurance companies, jointly and severally liable to provide the guarantee, the maximum loan, the car can reach 70 percent;

To purchase a vehicle or other property collateral, or to third parties (banks, insurance companies, except) guarantee the security of the way, the loan ceiling of the car can reach 60 percent.

C), the loan period

Automobile consumption loans is generally 1-3 years, the longest of not more than five years (inclusive).

4), the lending rate

Automobile consumption loans in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China floating interest rate loans over the same period calculated. During the loans in case of interest rate adjustments, the loan period of one year (with) the following, according to the contract rates; loans during the more than one year, the implementation of sub-paragraph, in the beginning of next year, according to the implementation of the corresponding interest rate level The new rate.

5) and the process

1. Borrower to the bank to submit the following information:

(1) loan approval sheet;

(2) valid identity papers and my copy;

(3) the spouse of an effective identity documents and copies of the original mortgage and agreed to a written proof;

(4) living proof of address (residence booklet, or nearly three months of rent, water, electricity, gas and so on the receipt);

(5) occupation and proof of income (originals and copies of documents; behalf of the bank passbooks of wages, etc.);

(6) an effective manner and Telephone;

(7) provisions to provide no less than the proportion of the first proof of payment;

(8) loan guarantees that information;

Loan guarantees may be right to pledge collateral, third-party guarantee or collateral.

The pledge by way of security, including the pledge of the borrower or a third person from urban credit cooperatives issued by the savings deposits (%), bonds, a division of financial bonds, inter-bank signed a security agreement pledging stopped the local commercial banks The issue of savings deposits (%);

The use of real estate collateral, the real estate collateral for the borrower or his immediate family name of freedom of property rights and no other pledge to do the housing and property insurance for full.

By way of third-party guarantee, should provide a written security guarantee agreement document, the guarantor of identity papers and the original copy of the credit proof materials.

(9) in loan commitments for the purchase of this agency during the full recognition of vehicle insurance and insurance for the first beneficiaries of loans and Social Council;

(10) in the urban credit cooperatives to open clearing accounts of personal documents;

(11) urban credit cooperatives provided other information.

2. Banks to borrowers to submit information for review after the passage of the two sides signed loan contracts, and contracts for security-related notary, mortgage registration procedures.

3. Automobile loans from the bank to transfer directly assigned to the accounts of automobile dealers.

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