23 Jul 2008

Auto Financing individuals are not completely Raiders

With the gradual lower prices, more and more consumers are beginning to join the ranks of the car, but perhaps one of the many people do not have the ability to one-time payment, with the Bank of automobile consumption loans is certainly not natural Less. What car loans only cost-effective, what procedures need to go with what conditions, each of which is in the form of loans to car buyers through the people's practical problems faced by. Although the major banks in the Auto Financing roughly the same policy, but also great deal of diversity among the author listed here some of these key provisions, consumers can look at carefully to find the best loans for their own way. Documents first

General items:

-- Borrowers identity documents (identity card, residence booklet or other valid residence pieces, etc.) and proof of marital status.
-- Recent utility bills one.
-- Valid proof of income (such as payroll of work permits on behalf of the wage books, or personal tax-conditioning, etc.) or other effective source of repayment that (without selling the stock, funds Jiaoge Dan, outstanding year-end dividends and royalties that the programme Or other currencies to be realised income, etc.).
-- Property that (not necessarily as a necessary collateral, but as a major credit assessment).

Special items:

-- The borrower's spouse or a valid identity card and residence booklet copies of a residence permit (Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bank).
-- Can see that the current risk control of banks to have details from the start, even on the marital status of those loans are considered as loan conditions, it is not surprising there some time ago "single family" can not be Auto Financing phenomenon.

Credit review

Major banks are loans based on the water and electricity bills, proof of income, comprehensive age, occupation, educational qualifications and past records of loans in areas such as the ability to measure consumer loan.
In addition to the basic premises that, the most important thing is to loan the occupation, that is sustainable and stable income reaches a certain level, and the unit in good standing. In general will ask consumers to purchase vehicles as collateral, but because the prices declined substantially in recent years, some banks will be in the actual operation of real estate collateral requirements. In addition to the traditional mortgage, pledge, security, etc., banks also some credit for the good customer must provide the credit limit.

Special items:

-- Personal credit score in 80 minutes (with) more than the specific loan applicants can apply for automobile consumption credit loans. Specific targets for: the party and government organs Fu Keji (inclusive) and above, the education system of titles and deputy senior staff, the top three hospitals primary care physician, finance, post and telecommunications, communications, insurance, securities, electric power sector working with Fu Keji (inclusive) or the Deputy High Title (with) and above, listed companies and senior management of multinational companies, registered in-service lawyers, accountants, auditors, etc. (Shanghai Agricultural Bank).
-- If the borrowers are engaged in doctors, teachers, civil servants, lawyers and other professional, or belong to banking, securities, insurance and other financial field practitioners, or as the world's top 500 enterprises, listed companies (non-ST, PT) in , The senior management staff, that can be exempted from income, marital status, proof of two loan applications (Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bank).
-- On a monthly commitment for the amount not exceeding the total household disposable income for 60 percent of disposable income for the family household income minus all the necessary expenses (China Merchants Bank).

Line of credit

General items:

Banks are provided for a maximum loan amount shall not exceed 80 per cent of net prices.

Special items:

-- A pledge of the bank approved the loan application, or banks, insurance companies, jointly and severally liable to provide the guarantee, the amount of borrowing up to the prices of 80 percent to the purchase of vehicles or other real estate collateral for loans, borrowing up to the amount of car The price of 70 percent to third-party applications for loan guarantees (banks, insurance companies, except), the amount of borrowing up to 60 percent of the price (Shanghai Pudong Development Bank).
-- To purchase vehicles for the collateral, the loan ceiling of not more than 80 percent of the car; borrower or a third party to the natural housing, commercial space applications for collateral loans, the maximum amount not exceeding the value of collateral assessment 70% of their personal credit or jointly and severally liable to provide natural way of security guarantees for loans, the maximum loan amount is not more than 200,000 yuan) (Shanghai Agricultural Bank).

Loan period
Usually the shortest of six months, up to five years. Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bank of the reform of public service vehicles under the automobile consumption loans, the longest period can be relaxed to eight years. Shanghai Agricultural Bank loans to their own vehicles for the longest period of five years, operating vehicle loans for up to three years.
Lending rate six months 4.2 percent, one-year 4.425 percent, 4.575 percent, 3, 5, 4.65%, 4.8% in August (Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bank).
6, 5.04%, 5.31%, 1, 3, 5.49%, 5-year 5.58% (Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai Construction Bank).

Repayment methods

Within the period of one year of loans, the general maturity of the loan in one-time debt service, with the benefit of the Qing. More than a year there are two main loan repayment, the monthly repayment amount of interest payments calculation formula as follows:
Matching the repayment of principal and interest: the interest rate on loans × + interest rates on loans × ÷ [(1 + on interest rates) on the total number of repayment -1].

Matching the repayment of principal: the repayment of loan principal ÷ months + (loan principal - has a total return of the principal amount) × on interest rates.

□ At present, many consumers still are willing to choose such a purchaser to buy a car loan form.

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