23 Jul 2008

Che Daixian to be re-auto consumption will reduce the risk

Despite the current Auto Financing Guarantee Insurance has been suspended, but not on behalf of the insurance has been cancelled. Recently, as the first withdrawal from the insurance company, PICC Property Insurance Bixin, deputy general manager of Shanghai branch said that the People's Insurance ongoing internal straighten out, and at the appropriate time to introduce new Auto Financing Guarantee Insurance. He stressed that although some banks that Auto Financing little risk, but in reality, there are still three Auto Financing risks, the need to protect the insurance companies.

Bixin stressed that although some banks that Auto Financing Guarantee Insurance dispensable, but with the quality customer base for the resources being gradually completed, non-quality customer base to become the main bank of the Auto Financing, Insurance Auto Financing it is very necessary The. Although the bank's Auto Financing risks have not focused show, but the Auto Financing insurance has always been a number of risks, which makes the insurance companies and insurance Auto Financing development and expansion of the meaning of existence.

Bixin that the first vehicle depreciation and the difference between the issue of arrears due to the high rate of vehicle depreciation, if the banks will be secured by the vehicle auction, prices could offset arrears » This was followed by the risk of vehicle prices, the WTO, the prices will drop significantly, even if banks raised the first payment ratio, it is difficult to compensate for the impact of price cuts, the risk of this new insurance company must have come to defuse the end, even if the bank Can spend the time to return vehicles seized, spend time auction, the banks, the input is too high. Obviously the insurance company can help the banks to do the following things.

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