23 Jul 2008

Knowledge of automobile consumption loans

1. What is the automobile consumption loans

Automobile consumption loans for the purchase of real loans Portrait rental car for personal use or operation of the borrower issuing RMB loans, the "self-part, an effective security, earmarking, arranging repayment" principle. Lending should be based on this principle the two sides signed loan contracts in accordance with the law.

2. Automobile consumption loans

Where loans have a fixed residence of local people, with full civil capacity of the natural and the industrial and commercial administrative organs approved the registration rate, the cause of legal persons.

3. Borrower's condition

For automobile consumption loans of natural persons should meet the following conditions:

(1) the full civil capacity of Chinese citizens, in principle, not more than 65 years of age (2) a city resident accounts or valid residence status, have a fixed residence, (3) to have a steady job and regular income, with arranging The ability to repay the loan principal and interest, (4) to provide loans were approved property mortgage, or an effective right to pledge, or a compensatory capacity as the legal person or a third party and repay the loan principal and interest are jointly and severally liable guarantee security, (5) abide by the law , No adverse credit history, (6) holds our distributors signed the purchase agreement or purchase contract, (7) I will open a call Peony credit card or passbook savings and loan and signed consent from the people Peony Card savings passbook or call in the loan principal and interest deduction to the agreement, (8) in loans were provided or are not lower than the initial payment of the purchase.

Automobile consumption loans for the legal person shall meet the following conditions:

(1) The city approved the registration of industrial and commercial administration bodies, seized a qualified corporate (2) such as taxi companies are required to have the city passenger Management Office issued the operating permit, (3) People's Bank of China to be awarded "Loans card" (4) and I will establish credit, or spot-based enterprise credit rating BBB (inclusive) above, arranging debt-servicing ability, (5) I will open a settlement account, can provide Or the lender has no less than the amount of the purchase down payments, (6) will be updated as a vehicle to update the application form, (7) persons authorized to provide loans or mortgage the property rights of pledge or effectively with the Compensation capacity of corporate responsibility and bear the associated debt service guarantee security.

4. The loan amount, duration and interest rates

Line of credit

(1) the loan's approval of an effective right to pledge or banks, insurance companies provide the means guaranteed jointly and severally liable, the maximum loan pledge of no more than 90 percent of face value or 90 percent of the cost of car;

(2) to purchase a vehicle or other property of the person's approval of loan applications for mortgage loans, the loan does not exceed the maximum value of the collateral 70%;

(3) In addition to banks, insurance companies other than third-party applications for guaranteed loans, loan ceiling of not more than 60 percent of the cost of car;

Loan period

The loan period is generally three years (with), a maximum of five years (inclusive), such as using one-time debt service due loans, loans for control in 2001 (inclusive) of

Loan rates

The lending rates in accordance with the People's Bank of China principle, the provisions of the same period in the same stall the implementation of interest rates, the lending rate adjustment case, the loan period of one year (with) the following, the contract rate, interest-bearing sub-loan period in more than one year And implementation of sub-interest-bearing, in the next year on January 1, with the same period in the implementation of the new loan interest rate profile.

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