23 Jul 2008

Encyclopedia of mortgage loans

Mortgage loan mortgage loan

Mortgage loans to home buyers is the purchase of housing mortgages to buy houses by their real estate enterprises to provide short-term security of real estate enterprises to provide short-term security of the individual housing loan business.

Mortgage loans in the people most concerned about the conditions and procedures, first of all mortgage loans need for the information provided:

1, the applicant and spouse ID card, accounts and copies of the original three (and their spouses if the applicant does not belong to the same account of the need to attach a marriage certificate).

2, the original purchase agreement.

3, housing prices 30 percent or more advances and the original copy of the receipt 1.

4, the applicant household income documentary and proof of the assets, including payroll, personal income tax alone, the unit written proof of income, such as bank certificates of deposit.

5, the developer of an account receivable.

Its loan procedures and the process is like this.

First of all, go to banks to understand the relevant situation. And for related Daiqi the above information for individual housing loans. Followed by banks for your review and determine line of credit. Next on the contract for the borrower and the bank insurance agents. Mortgages for property rights registration and notarization. Is the last remaining bank loans, loans were repaid and the monthly repayment of principal and interest after cancellation of registration.

After the above procedures and processes, you can get a new mortgage the house. Through the press above the mortgage you should have a better understanding, and understanding the related issues for the loans, mortgage hope that the key to open more of you, me, the door to his new home.

How to handle the buyers of mortgage loans »

Mortgage in the United States, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and other places is quite common, the developed countries and regions have become widely popular form of a financing purchasers. In China, only in recent years, mortgage Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other cities was launched. In the real estate market provided the event of its mortgage sales performance is superior to other properties. For buyers

Mortgage the specific procedures are as follows:

(1) choice of real estate

Buyers who wish to obtain mortgage services, the choice of property in this area should focus on understanding the content. Buyers in the ad or through sales of some items that could be introduced for mortgage loans, developers should also be further confirmation of the real estate development and construction of the bank's support to ensure the smooth progress of mortgage loans made.

(2) applications for mortgage loans

Buyers to confirm their choice in the real estate mortgage banks receive support, to the bank or banks designated by law firm understanding of access to bank on the purchase of mortgage loans to support the requirements, preparation of legal documents, choosing "mortgage loan applications" .

(3) signed purchase contracts

Bank received buyers mortgage applications submitted by the relevant legal documents, the review confirmed that buyers of mortgage loans in line with the conditions, to inform the buyers agreed to loan or mortgage loans undertaking. Buyers can be and the developers or their agents sign a "pre-sale of commercial housing, the sales contract."

(4) signed mortgage contracts

The buyers signed purchase contracts, and made to pay Fangkuan certificate, a bank under the relevant legal documents and the developers and banks sign a "mortgage mortgage contract" clearly the amount of mortgage loans, period, interest rates, repayment Means and other rights and obligations.

(5) for mortgage registration, insurance

Buyers, developers and banks have "collateral mortgage loan contracts" and contracts to purchase real estate management departments for mortgage registration filing. The Qifang, after the completion of the mortgage should be registered for change. Under normal circumstances, due to relatively long period of mortgage loans, the banks to prevent loan risks for buyers for Life, property insurance. Buyers to purchase insurance, banks should be specified as the first beneficiary of the loan period shall not discharge interruption insurance, the insurance amount not less than the total value of collateral. In principal and interest of loans repaid, the insurance policy by the Bank of Directors.

(6) open a special account repayment

The signing of buyers "mortgage mortgage contract", according to the contract, the bank designated financial institutions to open special repayment accounts, and signed power of attorney, authorized the agency from the accounts of banks and mortgage payments relating to contracts The loan principal and interest and arrears. Bank confirmed buyers with mortgage loans, to "mortgage mortgage contract" a contractual obligation. And for related formalities, the one-time loans are included in the development of open bank accounts of banking supervision, as the purchase of property buyers

Buy a house or pay the whole of the mortgage »

Select a house, then the problems encountered is that of payment. The purchases were not all able to come up with all Fangkuan, so there will be a loan buy a house, buy a house or mortgage is to spend tomorrow's money today, round dreams.

Pay all of the three major advantages

1. Pay the full cost of

Although the first to pay more money, but the total number of purchases, can waive various fees, such as bank interest. But also because of a one-time payment, and developers can bargain purchase of further savings.

2. No debt Yi Shenqing

Pay the full purchase of the future without economic pressure, as buyers can no longer have to worry about Fangkuan, calmly financial plan for the future. But also save time, do not have any credit certification, today completed the matter today.

3. Resold easily

From an investment point of view, pay the full purchase of the house to facilitate the sale, not bound by bank loans, once the prices rise, cash changed hands fast, easy exit. Even if do not want to sell, to the economic difficulties, but also to the banks to make housing mortgages.

To pay the whole of the two shortcomings

1. Funds pressure

If it is not short of liquidity, after all, one-time great investment, consumers may affect other investment projects.

2. Investment risks

Unless its a considerable understanding of real estate projects, including construction quality, technical and financial strength of developers, home buyers need to have considerable technical professional standards, ordinary people can not achieve.

The three major advantages of mortgage

1. Spend tomorrow's money today, round dreams

Mortgage lending is, that is, to borrow from banks, buying houses do not have to immediately spend a lot of money can buy their own homes, so the first mortgage purchase is Qianshao advantages can also buy a house.

2. The limited funds for a number of investment

From an investment point of view, mortgage buyers can be separated from investment funds, loans buy a house rental, to raise loan-to-rent, and then investment, such flexible use of funds.

3. Gatekeeper bank for you

Office of the borrower to borrow money from banks, real estate projects naturally concerned about the pros and cons of the banks, the banks in addition to the review your own, you will review developers, for you to ensure that high natural insurance.

Mortgage shortcomings

1. Carrying debt

As shortcomings, the first is psychological pressure, because the Chinese people's traditional habit of not Yinchimaoliang, stress savings, loans for the purchase of the conservative-type people inappropriate. And in fact, people buying houses is the heavy debt burden, regardless of any person is not easy.

2. Not easy to convert to cash quickly

Because of their real estate mortgage loans, the re-sale of the difficulties is not conducive to home buyers to withdraw from the market.

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