31 Jul 2008

Combination of individual housing loan application procedures

First, the application

See the housing fund management center in Beijing individual housing loans secured by

Second, the first instance

Clients to apply for a trial and to determine provident fund and the bank loan ratio of credit funds

Third, the survey

Clients after passing the first instance, the trustees of the loans to investigate and make investigations, the findings reported to be commissioned at the same time, and the approval of relevant departments within the bank.

40, signed loan contracts

Clients and loans - to approval of common agreement, the two sides signed the borrower housing fund management center in Beijing individual housing loans secured by the borrower contracts and the Construction Bank of China Beijing Branch of individual housing loans loan contract.

5, borrowers were open and operating policies of the account of account

6, for security, security, pledge and insurance procedures (with a copy of the Construction Bank)

7, the loan contract in force, assigned to developers account funds

Renovation of individual housing loans target

---- Individual housing loans of objects for decoration with full civil capacity of natural persons.

Specific conditions

1. The age of 18 to 60 years of age, local resident accounts or foreign accounts but effective local living document, a fixed residence;

2. A stable job and income or easily realisable assets;

3. Decoration and enterprises have signed the "family renovation works contracts", or "home decoration material purchase contracts," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation; H

4. Demand in China Construction Bank opened a savings account;

5. Authorized to provide bank guarantees;

6. Comply with the requirements of the Construction Bank of other conditions.

Individual housing loans for renovation

---- Individual housing loans decoration is the Construction Bank to individual customers paid for the renovation of the renminbi-occupied housing loans.

---- Loans can be used to pay the family decorating and maintenance works of construction of the relevant materials, decoration, kitchen and toilet facilities, and so on.

Borrowing limit

---- Borrowers loan amount not less than 5,000 yuan (with 5,000 yuan), the maximum loan amount is not more than 150,000 yuan (inclusive of a 15 million).

---- Loan period and interest rates

---- A minimum of six months and a maximum of five years (including five years).

People's Bank lending rates in accordance with the provisions of the same period in the implementation of lending rates.

The provisions of loan repayment

---- Loans within the period of one year (including 1), implementation of debt service due time, with the benefit of the Qing;

---- Loan period in more than one year, the borrower from the time spent on loans taken from the monthly principal and interest outstanding loans equal manner calculated as follows:

= On the amount of monthly interest rates * (1 + on interest rates) repayment of the number / * (1 + on interest rates) repayment of the loan amount number -1 *

The early return of all principal and interest of loans, should be notified 15 days ahead of the lending bank, taking into account the interest not to the period of interest rate changes and adjustments.

The way to repay loans

---- The borrower to repay the principal and interest of bank loans in two ways, each borrower can only choose one of the means of repayment. According to the borrower and the bank signed the "loan contract," the agreement for the repayment plan, the repayment date, the Construction Bank from the borrower demand savings account deduction should repay the loan at the current principal and interest. The borrower must have full charge of deposit account, such as the debit account was frozen, report the loss, the borrower should be timely provision of the new charge accounts;

---- Borrowers to repay bank business outlets.

---- Borrowers to return overdue loans can only take the second method.

Borrowers should provide the information

---- Borrowers fill out the "China Construction Bank loan applications for housing decoration" and to provide the following information

1. Residents of identity documents (identity cards, residence booklet, the military card or other valid identification cards) and so on the original and copy;

2. Personal income proof (units issued by the proof of income, payroll, tax alone, can be used for repayment of the Bank savings deposits, etc.);

3. Decoration companies signed the "family renovation works contracts" and "the purchase of household decoration materials contract," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;

4. Decoration enterprises and the business license for a copy of the certificate;

5. Collateral, pledge and the right of ownership is a list of documents that have powers and the consent of mortgage, pledge of proof; collateral must submit a certificate of ownership or right to use, valuation, insurance documents; have to provide the right quality of the right credentials ; Guarantor agreed to guarantee the documents;

6. The requirements of the lending bank other materials.

Commercial individual housing loan application procedures

Commissioned by the individual housing loan application procedures (housing fund management center in Beijing)

First, the application

The borrower to the client (Beijing housing fund management center), making borrowing application and provide the following information: I account this, identity card or other valid proof of stay;

Purchase contracts or letters of intent and other relevant documents;

Borrowers agreed to loan the unit a letter

The client asked for other materials.

Second, the first instance

Clients to apply for a preliminary

Third, the survey

Clients after passing the first instance, the Construction Bank Beijing Branch agencies (the trustee) of loans to investigate and survey comments.

4, and the approval commissioned by the signing of the contract

According to the trustees put the client survey, conducted on the loan approval, the approval agree that the clients signed by the trustee and the contract, and then commissioned by the loans issued by the client notice.

5, signed loan contracts

According to the contract by the trustee and borrowers signed loan contracts and the corresponding contracts.

6, the allocation of loans

Loan contract after the entry into force, clients will be commissioned by the loan fund of funds assigned to households, according to the trustees by the allocation of loan contracts.

The central and state organs individual housing loans secured by (the central and state organs housing fund management center)

First, the application = iEE_;? + Vz7 @ =) 2a? A `h

Trustee of the borrower to complete the loan application and provide the following information:

Accounts of the borrower, identity card or other valid travel documents and copies of residence;

Purchase contracts or letters of intent and other relevant documents;

Borrowers, or local units of housing fund management institutions agreed to loan the letters

The purchase of new housing units provided Shoufang the "Beijing permit sales of commercial property," a copy of the purchase of public houses to provide a higher level of housing reform on the management of institutions "Shoufang programme," a copy of the document approved

Mortgage or pledge to guarantee the way, pledging collateral or proof of ownership;

To guarantee the security of the way, agreed to sponsor a written guarantee that the credit and guarantee that

Borrowers in the trustees have the full purchase price of not less than 30% of the deposits proven, or pay 30 percent more than the original purchase receipt and a copy of advances;

Trustees asked for the other materials.

Second, the first instance

Trustees of the borrower's application of First Instance

Third, approval and signing of contracts commissioned by the

According to the trustee clients , for approval of the loans, approval consent, commissioned by the client signed the contract with the trustees, issued

40, signed loan contracts

According to the contract and commissioned , trustees and borrowers signed loan contracts and related contracts.

5, the allocation of loans

Loan contract after the entry into force, clients will be commissioned by the loan fund of funds assigned to households, according to the borrower by the trustees to transfer the contract allocation.

Commissioned by the individual housing loan application procedures

Commissioned by the individual housing loan application procedures (housing fund management center in Beijing)

First, the application

The borrower to the client (Beijing housing fund management center), making borrowing application and provide the following information:

I account of this, identity card or other valid proof of stay;

Purchase contracts or letters of intent and other relevant documents;

Borrowers agreed to loan the unit communications;

The client asked for other materials.

Second, the first instance

Clients to apply for a preliminary

Third, the survey

Clients after passing the first instance, the Construction Bank Beijing Branch agencies (the trustee) of loans to investigate and survey comments.

4, and the approval commissioned by the signing of the contract

According to the trustees put the client survey, conducted on the loan approval, the approval agree that the clients signed by the trustee and the contract, and then commissioned by the loans issued by the client notice.

5, signed loan contracts

According to the contract by the trustee and borrowers signed loan contracts and the corresponding contracts.

6, the allocation of loans

Loan contract after the entry into force, clients will be commissioned by the loan fund of funds assigned to households, according to the trustees by the allocation of loan contracts.

The central and state organs individual housing loans secured by (the central and state organs housing fund management center)

First, the application

Trustee of the borrower to complete the loan application and provide the following information:

Accounts of the borrower, identity card or other valid travel documents and copies of residence;

Purchase contracts or letters of intent and other relevant documents;

Borrowers, or local units of housing fund management institutions agreed to loan the letters;

The purchase of new housing units provided Shoufang the "Beijing permit sales of commercial property," a copy of the purchase of public houses to provide a higher level of housing reform on the management of institutions "Shoufang programme," a copy of the approved documents;

Mortgage or pledge to guarantee the way, pledging collateral or proof of ownership;

To guarantee the security of the way, the guarantor of the security agreement in writing and that the creditworthiness of the guarantor;

Borrowers in the trustees have the full purchase price of not less than 30% of the deposits proven, or pay 30 percent more than the original purchase receipt and a copy of advances;

Trustees asked for the other materials.

Second, the first instance

Trustees of the borrower's application of First Instance

Third, approval and signing of contracts commissioned by the

According to the trustee clients , for approval of the loans, approval consent, commissioned by the client signed the contract with the trustees, issued

40, signed loan contracts

According to the contract and commissioned , trustees and borrowers signed loan contracts and related contracts.

5, the allocation of loans

Loan contract after the entry into force, clients will be commissioned by the loan fund of funds assigned to households, according to the borrower by the trustees to transfer the contract allocation.

Individual housing loans secured by

The central and state organs individual housing loans secured by

---- Central and state organs individual housing loans is commissioned by the central government organs housing fund management center use of housing accumulation fund, commissioned by the Beijing branch of China Construction Bank to the purchase of owner-occupied housing in the central and state organs of the housing units in Beijing and the provident fund deposit Huijiao units of retired workers of the secured loan.


---- In the central and state organs housing fund management center of the housing accumulation fund system deposited with the housing provident fund deposit and Huijiao units of retired workers.

Other conditions:

Beijing urban resident with valid residency status or accounts;

In Beijing's purchase of owner-occupied housing;

A stable job and income, have the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;

With the purchase of housing contracts or related documents, the sale of public houses have a higher level of housing reform programme Shoufang management agencies for approval to provide the Beijing branch of China Construction Bank (hereinafter referred to the trustees) agree that the way of security;

Meet client requirements and other conditions.

Loan guarantees way

---- Form of loan guarantees property mortgage, pledge and third-party rights guaranteed jointly and severally liable.

---- Which, for workers to buy houses by the Housing loans, may choose to use real estate mortgage or pledge or third-party rights guaranteed jointly and severally liable; commissioned for the purchase of commercial housing loans, the right to pledge or may choose to use third-party guarantee jointly and severally liable way.

Line of credit and maturity

---- Each line of credit to purchase housing should not exceed 80 per cent of the purchase price, and clients regularly publish shall not exceed the maximum loan amount.

---- Loan period from the trustee (Construction Bank Beijing Branch) and the borrower agreed, quantifiable to the borrower 65 years of age, at the same time should not exceed 30.

Loan rates

---- Five years (including five years) on the implementation of the annual interest rate 4.14%; more than five years on the implementation of the annual interest rate 4.59 percent.

---- Personal housing accumulation fund lending rates must implement a year, every year on January 1, the interest rate determined by the corresponding grade level of interest rates next year.

Loan repayment

---- Borrowers to repay loans taken are also the monthly; interest first and principal repayments, the monthly amount of not less than 15 percent of household income;

---- Monthly loans are also refer to the same period of a month are returning in full the amount of principal and interest loans;

---- The early repayment, to be ahead of the scheduled repayment on a month ago, written notice of trustees, upon the issuance of the notice, that is irrevocable;

---- Advance to a one-time repayment of outstanding loans of all remaining principal and interest, interest in accordance with the provisions of the loan contract and the actual interest rate for loans calculated.

Experts: Science for development loans to avoid loss of prepayments

Recently, some local commercial banks made a personal housing loans to repayment of the advance publicity, which means that prepayments will assume responsibility for breach of contract, breach of contract fees have come to the heads of some lenders. Prepayments face charges, the borrower how to deal with it »

Active and effective measures to deal with family income is expected to be correct, scientific development loans for borrowers and the amount of the loan period should not draw too long. In accordance with the general provisions of commercial banks, borrowers need to fixed income as a return of 50 percent of the loan principal and interest margin, the majority of the people is still relatively low income, loan borrowers in order to have a relatively well-off time, often only part of their personal wages As a fixed income sources, such as other personal accumulation of stocks, bonds, securities, insurance and other aspects of the income not taken into account, but as the prevention of future debt payments under the supplementary, that is, protection of life and the supplementary loan reserve . However, due to lack of fixed income calculated in determining lending will be the natural extension of the deadline. Judging from the current prepayments of the group, mostly because of increase in real income and increase accumulated result of the prepayments.

For example, the borrower Mr Cheung, spent 500,000 yuan to purchase a set of housing, financial assets available in the 300,000 yuan as the first payment, also a bank borrowing 200,000 yuan, according to his wife at the time of the wage and income levels , Borrowing the contract period of 10 years, but borrowing less than five years, the couple's annual income level rise, coupled with the original purchase of high interest rates corporate bonds, which mature on stock dividends, the accumulation of more and more families, March 17 this year, the People's Bank announced that interest rates, he put all available financial intermediation realisable assets, return the remaining one-time bank loans. If implemented, default repayment charges, it should be paid to the banks of a small non-payment.

Avoid a default fine, the borrower would also like to correct use of contract rights, and strive to set aside space for early repayment. Each purchase to the bank loan, the borrower must sign the contract, the contract is a legal instrument, but also guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the parties an important guarantee for some of the basic issues and important content will be reflected in the contract. If the income is expected not grasp the situation, the borrower can apply for loans, the first bank, or to note in the contract, for the future prepayments provide a legal basis. If the banks do not agree to such a contract, could be further consultations, such as in advance how much additional time to apply for the loan provisions, there are plans for the bank, to head the use of funds targeted to provide sufficient time to reflect both lending fair, reasonable, mutually beneficial and efficient Principle. Therefore, in a mutually beneficial situation, the banks lending more receptive to the reasonable request, aims to achieve a win-win situation.

People in the choice of bank loans, also based on the financial industry with a current loan-to-business fierce competition of the favorable situation, comparative shopping, choose not to charge the bank. Most banks have not yet of prepayments, the full implementation of non-compliance fees are a gradual process, even if some large banks to promote comprehensive, but also a number of local banks and joint-stock banks, in order to compete with the needs of industry, Not to take the default way to enhance their competitiveness.

In fact, the prepayments is not the wish of the majority of the borrowers, but also is not the only option. Experts believe that the banks concerned, the public in choosing the period when the loan must fully consider their capital operation and follow-up sources of funds, or prepayments to pay a lot more interest, is only the expense of their customers. Consumption and housing loans is a long-term behavior, it is inevitable in the middle of an accident situation. Loan period in principle to shorter is better, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of interest. Because the longer the period of loan, advance the more interest payments, the borrower has lost more interest.

Prepayments look at matching the principal cost-effective loan 4:00 reminded

People's Bank of China from March 17, 2005, commercial banks self-adjustment of individual housing loans policy. The new policy is the most direct impact on the individual housing loan interest rate has increased to more than five-year housing loans as an example, its lower interest rate loans to 6.12 percent benchmark interest rate of 0.9 times (5.51 percent), than the current lending rate 5.31 percent 0.20 percentage points higher. According to media people related to the 1767 survey, 981 people chosen in the central bank interest rate adjustments, will be prepayments, the ratio had been accounted for 55.52 percent of the survey. Prepayments, has become the most buyers respond to the major means of raising interest rates.

Prepayments for buyers of this situation, the reporter visited the banking professionals to understand that if buyers prepayments, in the form of loans on the choice it is particularly important. The current loan form of "matching the principal repayment" and "matching the repayment of principal and interest," the two. "Matching the repayment of principal," the monthly repayment of principal remain unchanged, interest rates gradually decline, which if you choose prepayments, the return of principal, interest payments on reduced and "matching the repayment of principal and interest," each On the same amount of reimbursement, in the early reimbursement of the greatest interest payments, principal at least, after gradually reducing interest payments, principal of a gradual increase. For the same margin loans after some time, "matching the repayment of principal and interest" to pay the interest will be higher than that of "equal principal repayment Law," in prepayments when interest payments are not refundable, and this relative Many did not pay a lot of interest should be paid in advance. Therefore, if buyers want to advance repayment, "matching the principal repayment of" relatively more favorable.

Matching the total interest on the principal repayment less

We adopted the following cases can be very clear:

Mr. Lai to the bank loan-to-50 million loan period is April 2004 -2014 in April a total of 120. Is now also a one-year, which has returned a 12, one-time repaid all. We can see that by matching the principal way than the way the principal and interest payments equal the total interest paid less:

29562.16 yuan -29197.50 dollar = 364.66 yuan

Another case is part of early repayment, that is part of a year in advance repayment, repaid over five years, the principal of equal than the beginning of the repayment of principal and interest equal to the amount, therefore, by way of matching the principal and interest each year 80,000 yuan, Just also the fifth year the remaining principal 55256.65 yuan, and finally, the need to pay for the interest of 80884.82 yuan. By matching the principal mode of 60,000 yuan each year, also only the fifth year the remaining 10,000 yuan principal, and finally, the need to pay for the interest of 78667.50 yuan. This can be seen by matching the principal way than the way the principal and interest payments equal the total interest paid less:

80884.82 yuan -78667.50 dollar = 2217.30 yuan

This shows that the early repayment of choice if you are using the matching than the principal amount of the loan applications by matching the principal and interest for the loan to cost-effective.

"Fake mortgage" fo Loan fraud Crime

Some developers seize the bank's policy gap, wantonly engaged in "fake mortgage" financing. "Bogus mortgage" is the main features of the backlog of real estate developers to obtain bank credit, bank fraud credit funds. "Fake mortgage" also caused a false prosperity of the representation of real estate, lured a large number of community funds into the real estate market, seriously endangering the health of the housing finance business development.

In order to curb the overheated economy at present, commercial banks are tightening, including real estate development industries such as the size of loans, but low-risk individuals, such as the mortgage business is not a strict limit. So some developers to seize the margins of policy banks, wantonly engaged in "fake mortgage" financing

The so-called individual housing loans "fake mortgage" means not true for the purpose of the purchase of housing, developers of the unit to employees and other relations between the people posing as customers as a purchase, through false sales (purchase), obtain bank loans of

Fake mortgage "a variety of forms

"Fake mortgage" the commonly used form of a number of developers virtual house purchase, and to those buying houses in the name of its signing false, false purchase contract, and then to the purchase of these virtual people apply for mortgage loans, which sets From bank funds. In this way, developers can as soon as possible "sales End," the recovery of investment, and achieve profitability. Some developers in the virtual house purchase were made through bank loans, housing will be sold to real people access to capital after the purchase of outstanding bank loans, but some housing developers will be unable to sell it simply absconded with money .

"Fake mortgage" is the main features of the backlog of real estate developers to obtain bank credit, bank fraud credit funds. Performance is a wide variety of forms: First, developers do not have cooperation in the main mortgage qualifications, or not signed with the bank mortgage loan business cooperation agreement, no commitment not to undertake any obligations, with the collusion of certain lawless elements, To obtain false bank sales of mortgage loans; Second, the name of individual housing mortgage loans for the taking of enterprise production and management of loans; three individual housing loans is not involved in a real, legitimate transactions based on the bank debt replacement or corporate restructuring; Fourth, the bank credit officers and corporate conspiracy, the prices set by the sale of water, or to the virtual borrowers do not have real purchase of the borrower paid a high percentage of individual housing mortgage loans; 5 per person for all borrowers is false purchase Rooms, some identity and address unknown, some for foreign migrant workers, or by developers Yishoubaoban, or by Bao Gongtou Yishoubaoban; six people are buying houses colluded with the developer to avoid a "zero down payment" policy constraints, the actual Shoufang Price after a certain percentage increase in Shoufang provisions in the contract, issued to the people buying houses received the first payment receipt, the two sides in accordance with the provisions of the false Shoufang contract price, according to the bank-to-value ratio for lending procedures. To take this kind of "fake mortgage" approach, buying houses in fact did not pay a penny to the developer of the first payment, and the bank has provided Shoufang to purchase 100% of the total borrowing.

"Fake mortgage" rampant property market

According to "China's real estate" to disclose, in a city record for the real estate mortgage, there is a third of "fake mortgage." "Fake mortgage" Zhanya a large number of bank funds, very easy to create bad bank assets, and endanger the security of credit funds, commercial banks are hidden in the body of a "malignant tumor." At the same time, "fake mortgage" caused a false prosperity of the representation of real estate, lured a large number of community funds into the real estate market, seriously endangering the health of the housing finance business development, needs to be preventive.

"Fake mortgage" Why more

The most common situation is the event of positioning errors, sales ease stagnation, the project faces danger of collapse, bank loans difficult to recover, developers losses. To avoid collapse, the developer of trying to seek "way out", "fake mortgage" is one of the tactics commonly used by developers. Therefore, the developers through their own staff, relatives, friends, or even to act as buyers of foreign migrant workers "buy" their property through for "fake mortgage" obtain bank loans, to return capital purposes. These so-called buyers and developers have an agreement earlier: only agreed "with a" live up to the responsibility of repayment. When these houses have real buyers, developers, prepayments, to the write-off of the mortgage sector to register after the transfer of real property buyers. If the developers of poor sales, resulting in inability to mortgage payments, the original fake buyers either to leave the company, either with knowledge or with the developers have agreed not responsible for the repayment, and other reasons for shirking its responsibility to deal with mortgage banking through Real estate loan-to change the relationship between the complexity of

This was followed by that is that because of the small and medium-sized real estate developers own limited funds, some of the building in the event there will be tight funds, in the sale of flats to spend stage, the floor, hit a large number are now shipping. Qifang sales in recent years because of the many problems, leading to the choice of buyers are now increasingly to the floor, tilt, causing many Qifang , developers return of funds through the sale of flats to spend more and more difficult, so some developers " Fake mortgage "black hands reaching Bank

There is another, when the number of flats sold in Weihuo stage, close to the clearing time, as these Weihuo difficult to sell out, even if reluctantly selling price is not ideal, therefore, some are developing a new set of developers because of liquidity Shortages, it will be the old site Weihuo by "fake mortgage" and "bundles" to the bank. These flats will be priced elevation often, to obtain more credit funds, so the risks of banks will become even greater.

In addition, housing development loans more stringent requirements, and housing mortgage loans to the relatively simple procedures, and individual housing loans than the rate of development loans low. Therefore, including some very large developers, hope to use late "fake mortgage" Such alternatives to obtain loans. Some banks staff mistakenly believed that even if these developers are doing "fake mortgage" is also the flow of funds to solve the problem, relatively low risk, in order to increase the so-called business, in order to "take care" customers, as a "Non-malicious, false mortgage more benign" and co-ordination.

In fact, banks have a responsibility. Commercial banks in particular small and medium-sized commercial banks too much emphasis on developing business and lower the threshold of mortgage loans, deregulation of the borrower's credit rating assessment, loan investigation, does not even register as collateral for payment of mortgage loans also, from an objective on the connivance of the "bogus mortgage "Occurred. In recent years, tremendous potential purchase of mortgage loans for housing development has brought enormous opportunities, the commercial banks for this low-risk credit business, not only between different banks for "gold" customers, but also different from the same bank Between the branches is for all commercial banks at all levels of mortgage loans issued indicators, and with the staff wages linked to the performance. In order to provide a good development mortgage loans, commercial banks have a variety of incentives, efficient services to attract high-end customers, developers promised to "try not to make things difficult for people buying houses," and "expedite the mortgage process," and some Commercial banks in particular, touched on the regulation of commercial banks or even give up their principles, often omit the borrowers to assess the applicant's grades, loan investigation, only the developers and borrowers to offer the borrower a written application for review of data, resulting in the The borrower's identity card, residence and work units, such as whether the real situation is not to verify the basic grant loans for the "fake mortgage" in providing a convenient.

At the same time, a few banks staff of professional ethics problems exist, and Bao Gongtou, developer of a malicious collusion, collusion

Thus, a "fake mortgage" is a variety of reasons, its main focus on selling "pre-" and sold "Weihuo" stage, Qi Fang, commercial space (including office space) and close to the clearing of the end of the event, especially those who do not sell Out the backlog of real estate, are prone to "false mortgage" and should therefore be treated in strict precautions in these areas.

"Fake mortgage" more serious damage to the financial order, for . According to the "Criminal Law of the PRC" the provisions of Section 193 refers to the illegal possession for the purpose of people using fictitious loans reasons, false documents and other means to cheat the banks or other financial institutions in the larger amount of loans, accounting for some others . "Fake mortgage", the developer of the unit to employees and other relations between the people posing as customers as a purchase, through virtual borrowers to obtain false sales practices of the larger amount of bank loans constitute acts of , will be subject to legal Sanctions.

About housing mortgage loans

Today 85 percent of the consumers when they purchase a choice of housing mortgage loans in this manner,

1 Q: What are the requirements for individual mortgage »

At present, Beijing banks for loans, although the targets of the requirements of different, but they all require loans should be targeting the full civil capacity of natural persons, should have the following conditions:

1, Beijing urban resident with valid residency status or accounts of natural persons, the temporary residence permit holders in Beijing or Beijing residence permit the work of foreigners, the Special Administrative Region passport holders or body

The card in Hong Kong and Macao, and other holders of Chinese passports;

2, a stable job and income, good credit, that is also arranging the loan principal and interest capacity;

3, with at least able to pay the price of housing over 20 percent of the purchase down payments;

4, a bank approved or pledge assets as collateral, or the ability to have adequate compensation as a unit or individual to repay the principal and interest of loans and the guarantors are jointly and severally liable, the assets of a bank recognized as collateral (generally refers to the borrower applicants Housing mortgage loans), but also by the ability to have adequate compensation units (generally refers to commercial housing loan applicants to sell the real estate developers) as the principal and interest outstanding loans, are jointly and severally liable and the guarantor;

5, with pre-sale registration purchase contracts or agreements, purchase contracts have been done pre-sale registration, and purchase basic housing prices in line with the bank or the bank authorized the real estate appraisal institutions

Assessment of value;

6, in line with the other conditions provided by banks.

Second: provident fund loans and commercial loans

What's the difference between » Individual housing provident fund loans and commercial individual housing loans of differences:

1, commercial loans of loans than the general provident fund loans to more. Provident fund loans of housing provident fund loans and deposit Huijiao units of retired workers and business loans regardless of the establishment of provident fund or not, can apply for.

2, provident fund loan interest burden on business loans than low. Provident Fund loans are policy-oriented loans, interest burden is lower than the number of commercial loans, the interest rate differentials for both the current 0.99 percent, but this will spread to the changes in the policy adjustment.

3, provident fund loans than commercial loans more than an assessment fee. Commercial loans do not need assessment, but with provident fund loans to buy commercial houses, now must pay an assessment to be assessed fees, the total Fangkuan to 100 yuan (including 1 million) for the total of 5 ‰ Fangkuan charge; 1 million yuan -1000 Million more, according to the total of 2.5 ‰ Fangkuan charge; assessment, minimum fee of 300 yuan.

4, provident fund loans than commercial loans more lawyer fees. Commercial loans to the law firm commissioned by the borrower for credit investigation, lawyers charge loans 2 ‰ -3 ‰ legal fees, provident fund loans do not need to pay personal legal fees.

Case 1: a rabbit named Ouyang Miao netizens, Christina 22, by a total 600,000 yuan to buy housing, borrowing 300,000 yuan, loans for 10 years, the repayment method is used matching the principal and interest repayment can be drawn from the table , The principal and interest of provident fund loans and commercial loans cost less than the sum of 28827.5 yuan.

3: How to handle the loan portfolio »

Applications for loans to the housing finance portfolio management centre or sub-centre applications, and the housing fund management center of First Instance. Applicants should first central provident fund for the Department of Guiji "personal housing loans secured by the borrower application forms", including the proposed purchase price, to be by the amount, duration and I and a spouse or co-applicants, such as provident fund balance, to have signed "Housing offers" and provident funds requested by the Centre for other materials. Provident Fund Center of First Instance, the real estate assessment notice. Including housing property assessment, property prices, the general assessment of costs: Fangkuan 200,000 below 1,500 yuan; 20 a 500,000 yuan 2,500 yuan; 500,000 above 3,500 yuan. Assessment issued by firms to assess the submissions, the central provident fund loans Guiji Department will issue an undertaking. Applicants can enter into a formal purchase contract, thus declared the completion of the provident fund loans. For some bank loans, applicants have to fill out the "individual housing loan application form," and other related documents and to submit corresponding applications for loans for information and to assist applicants for mortgage loans in the law firm to pay lawyer fees related costs (legal fees For 0.2% of the loan or three thousandths), the first trial conducted by the Law Society submitted to meet the requirements of the bank, the bank approved loans, the amount of loans by the banks will turn into a one-time developers in the special account.

4: How to handle the discount interest loans »

Discount loans will loan contracts, guarantee contracts, mortgages counter-guarantee contract integration, secured loans for the application procedures at the same time, people buy a house save the trouble of bitter back and forth, a combination of loans to solve complex procedures to handle the problem, but only belong to Beijing Central provident fund housing accumulation fund paid personnel can use the discount interest loans, belong to the straight, the tube, railways were deposited with the exception of the provident fund. Center for a security guarantee by individual housing loans, borrowers take loans to pay the amount of 3 ‰ legal fees and security services, security services, including an assessment of costs, life insurance, General Insurance, and other costs. Discount to the enjoyment of the highest percentage of loans for house purchase a total 80 percent, of which enjoy preferential discount interest loans for the maximum amount of 400,000 yuan in general, but also because of the high degree of credit and enjoy a certain proportion of floating rate loans, the longest period of no more than 30. The implementation of commercial lending rates or lending rates, provident funds and lending rates to loan-to-rate spreads between the central provident fund every six months by the return of one way for the return of the amount of interest rate differentials will be directly assigned to the borrower's repayment accounts, the return on condition that the borrower Regular repayment must be, otherwise the current difference between the benefit no longer be subsidized.

5: Which way the repayment of several »

At present the most commonly used loan There are three ways: a maturity of debt service, matching the repayment of principal and interest, matching the repayment of principal. In addition to the repayment of these three methods, there are two new interest-bearing loan, the two new interest-bearing loan in the manner already prevailing in developed countries, only a small number of domestic banks (such as CCB) Pilot cities.

1, the repayment of the progressive geometric

Also known as geometric increase (decrease) a progressive law, is the entire repayment period by a certain time of each time period than the last time more (less) also agreed a fixed proportion of each and every time period To be on the same reimbursement for the return of principal and interest of a loan repayment methods.

Example 2: Guyan solo (net) to 100,000 yuan bank loan, the loan-to-10 period, according to current interest rate option of matching the repayment of principal and interest, the monthly repayment was 1089.20 yuan, a total of 10, he will pay The principal and interest of 130,704 yuan. But he is expected after five years if the revenue will have a larger increase, then he can choose the "progressive geometric method of repayment." A five-year cycle, the second five years than the first payment on a five-year high as 50 percent as the first five years, his monthly payments of around 905 yuan in the second five years, the monthly , Of around about 1,358 yuan, up 905 yuan as high as 50 percent. A total of 10, he will pay about 135,780 yuan. Can be seen from the calculations, select the "progressive geometric repayment Law" than the last coupon payment option, "matching the repayment of principal and interest," more than 5,000 yuan. This is because the buyers of bank loans borrowed time longer, so the interest rate in the same circumstances, we should also pay some interest.

2, matching the progressive repayment of

Also said that occur in equal increments (by) a progressive law, it is the "progressive geometric repayment of" similar, is different in each time period will be agreed on more (less) repayment of the "fixed proportion" to "fixed line "And with the same period in each month to repay the same amount of the return of principal and interest of a loan repayment methods. Both loan basis complex. As a computer program settings, and other reasons, at present in the country is still less been adopted by the bank. However, the United States, Japan and Hong Kong, and other developed economies, individual housing loan business in prosperous countries and regions of the actual situation, it is very much on the prevailing international consumer credit repayment of two ways, particularly by the newly-wed couples and entrepreneurial start Welcome to the young people, because married couples or to buy in bulk purchases of consumer durables after the funds are often tight, but their family income is usually progressive, now also taken the first few years, several years after it more, the way so that The potential of young people buying houses to ease the current temporary shortage of funds, but also to purchase expenditure closer to their actual income of changing trends. In addition to the above five ways, the foreign banks also called for a "cut interest rates by the law," the interest-bearing loan, is in "matching the principal Act" on the basis of each phase of the interest on the balance of theory, but The principal is returned from small to large, making the total monthly return of principal and interest is the same. But in China's banking sector there have been a more convenient and flexible repayment methods - Minsheng Bank launched the mobile repayment mortgage portfolio, its very suitable for young home buyers.

6: matching law and the decreasing cost-effective method which more »

At present, individual housing loan repayment There are two main ways, that is, monthly repayment of principal and interest on a fixed amount of principal and interest of the matching law (equal) monthly repayment of principal and the principal method of matching the same (such as law). As most of the borrowers in the banking method of calculation does not understand, and often do not know how to choose the right way, and even some of the banking misunderstanding that the choice of matching law, once the early repayment to the banks ahead of the interest can not be returned. On the expense of the borrower. In fact, the choice of whether borrowers repay, the banks are lending to follow the basic principle that the actual interest in the settlement, they will not advance the interest charge.

Bank mortgage experts believe that borrowers in the selection of the two repayment methods, not simply the repayment of these two methods, but should be fully integrated a number of factors make a reasonable choice. For example:

1, the middle-aged people buying houses, because of their income in the peak period and have some savings, then the use of matching the principal repayment on a more cost-effective manner, because the entire repayment period, the total should be returned to the principal and interest than The use of matching the principal and interest repayment means saving a few million.

2, the young people buying houses, because of their shorter working life, income generally is not high and not much savings, the use of matching the principal and interest repayment method is better, not because of too much pressure for not lowering their quality of life. Coupled with the use of mobile mortgage loan portfolio, not only can ease the pressure for months but can also save a lot of interest.

3, intends to advance the repayment of principal and interest of the borrower to use the matching method of repayment is more economic.

Example 3: a netizen called the South prodigal son needs 600,000 yuan individual housing loan-to-business loans, in the two loan made a preliminary approach to understand, that the repayment of principal amount equal to less interest expenses, and made loan-to - 20. Bank staff calculated that, the repayment of the first month is 5,020 yuan, and inform the people and their friends to provide my monthly income that must be the total amount of borrowing at the double, that is, more than 10,000 yuan. This allows the User to embarrassment, although the family of the netizens honest, there is no problem of repayment, but a friend of both units written proof of income was only 8,000 yuan. If a matching repayment of principal and interest, the monthly repayment amount is 3,973 yuan, 8,000 yuan of income that is in line with. However, the South prodigal son identified by matching the principal, let the staff at the first month is also projected to around 4,000 yuan loan period, this bank staff have projected, by 30, then on the first repayment is 4,187 yuan, so the Customers choose loans 30. As everyone knows, the netizens to the original plan of the loan-to-20 deadline extended to 30 years, interest will be spending more than 100,000 yuan. In fact, such as 600,000 yuan in 30 of the repayment of interest is 455,000 yuan, 600,000 yuan in 20 equal installments of principal and interest is 354,000 yuan. The netizen by 600,000 yuan, had hoped to loan-to-20, 8,000 yuan can only open the proof of income, it is clear that the choice of matching netizens at this time of repayment of principal and interest is the most appropriate. If the use of mobile mortgage loan portfolio of the law, in accordance with its revenue growth song set the ratio in the same period to pay most of its income, for, without lowering the quality of life of the loan principal and interest repaid in full .

4 cases: 10 of 100,000 yuan of provident fund loans as an example, the law on equal amount of fixed to 1040.73 yuan, and the first month of this law, such as the amount of 1170.83 yuan (833.33 yuan principal + interest 337.5 yuan), After the monthly decrease. Can see that in the beginning years, and so this law to the return of the aggregate principal amount much higher than the matching method, in accordance with the principle of borrowing, the return of the principal amount, the more appropriate course of interest also the less. In fact, both in the way of repayment of loan repayment should be paid the first month of interest are the same, to 337.5 yuan (0.3375% monthly interest rate), why is the first on the principal amount is 100,000 yuan, but because of the matching Of the outstanding principal amount only 703.23 yuan (1040.73-337.5), but this law, such as reimbursement of the principal of 833.33 yuan (100000/120 months), so from the first 12 months, and so the law should pay less interest In the matching law. Selection of matching the borrower in repayment ahead of schedule, the remaining principal more, may find uneconomical, but in fact ahead of repayment can save the future of interest, before the loss of interest has not, of course, is cost-effective. Two methods of repayment of interest on the surface, the difference many, in fact, the calculation of the two principles is one thing, there is no advantage bank. Because the two loan Which way is not developing its own commercial banks, but central bank requirements. For banks, and not by what means more to the interest on the loan, because the two are in accordance with the loan means the occupation of bank loan funds to calculate the value of time. These two methods of repayment to the fundamental interest of different reasons, is the occupation of bank loan funds has changed. Clawback payments, loans were due to start on the multi-principal, principal of the future of the smaller banks, which generated less interest. And matching different principal and interest repayment rules, also started the loan principal less, also occupy a relatively more bank funds, interest rates will increase accordingly.

7.30 Q: After the loan may change the circumstances under which the repayment methods »

Housing loans in general a longer period, the number of up to 30, in this long repayment period inevitably arise such as the question, if the problems that how to do » When the following situation, in consultation with the banks, with the consent of the banking agreement, individual housing loans may be on the repayment period, buying houses, collateral to do the following changes:

First, early repayment. If the economy allows, you can ahead of the end of the borrower, banks can handle the repayment ahead of schedule, thereby reducing interest payments. Generally need only to the banks for one month in advance, for early repayment procedures can be;

The second is to change the repayment period. If you strengthen the ability of the loan, but not enough to pay off a one-time, by reducing the length of the change of loan scheme, which is a form of repayment in advance, ahead of the return of a certain number of principal amount, the bank will re - And the principal and interest loan default shortened life span, the same amount for the month. If you drop the repayment ability, can apply for an extension of loan period, but still can not exceed the maximum 30;

The third is to change the borrower. If a family members death, divorce, and so the loan period or the transfer of commercial housing for others to the mortgage, can apply for the replacement of loans;

The fourth is to change collateral. In exceptional circumstances, buyers can, through consultation, and other ways to reach an agreement with Fang Chanshang, in the same Fang Chanshang development of the flats, or in the event of different exchange between the original purchase of housing, but also to change the bank collateral Procedures, the so-called-for-mortgage.

8: prepayments cost-effective? »

Early repayment of part or all of individual housing loans, the borrower is guaranteed a monthly basis in individual housing loans in full repayment of principal and interest based on the early repayment of some or all of the amount of borrowing to meet "to shorten the repayment period to reduce interest payments," the purpose of . China's "Contract Law" Section 208 provides: "the early repayment of the loan, in addition to the otherwise agreed by the parties, in accordance with the actual borrowing of time calculating interest." Generally speaking, the early repayment to the borrower can save a lot of money, but in the end of prepayments uneconomical » This great inside knowledge. Because of prepayments, the loan should be based on the specific situation to determine. If you own future ability to repay have enough confidence, then you should consider how to develop a more reasonable loan scheme, instead of prepayments.

Example 5: Arabic is ready to bank a sum of 200,000 yuan for the 10-year loans for housing purchases, but intend to hand funded, with 45 of the loan will be repaid in full time to save part of Interest. To the current domestic commercial banks are generally used in "matching the repayment of principal and interest", a sum of 200,000 yuan 10-year loan, annual interest rate of 5.04 percent, in section 5 of the end of prepayments, the total interest payment for 40,021 Yuan. The loan and mortgage only five years, the annual interest rate of 4.77 percent, the total interest payment is only 25,192 yuan, compared to the previous method less 14,829 yuan. Therefore, the cost of capital from the point of view, reasonable control well in advance for the length of housing loans, than when the prepayments to be more economical. Moreover, the longer the duration of loans, advance payments of interest, the more natural the greater loss. For those too large in terms of age, if future income is expected to be conservative, you should pay attention to sound from the point of view, to minimize liabilities, at this time should pay attention to choose the right way the repayment of housing loans. Different way of repayment of prepayments of the influence of a difference.

9: How to handle the "lending" »

If you want to sell housing loans purchased, but did not pay off loans could not receive the deed can not be sold, you may find buyers in common with him after the bank to "loan-to-lending" and your name to the loan Another agreed to buy your room and you have delivered you have to pay the first payment of the purchase of them. If the property has been purchased for the registration of mortgages, you have to bank loans for housing applications, the procedure is: make an application, real estate assessment (of housing transactions if dissatisfied with the age of 2 years if you do not need an assessment), banks Approval, signed the contract, the write-off the original mortgage, transfer transactions, mortgage registration, issuing loans. If you have not yet secured for the property, they should first of all with the developer (the guarantor) consultations by the developer for the transferee to provide new guarantees, in consultation with the lending bank, otherwise developers will be exempt from responsibility for security, while loans Banks will also refused to transfer the loan for you. According to "guarantee" the relevant provisions of real estate collateral must apply for mortgages registered, and buying houses are generally purchased by Qi Fang, and loans for house purchase, have not yet obtained the deed, not for mortgage registration, because the current individual purchase Housing loans are generally adopt a "short-term secured and unsecured loans" in the form, that is, in the real estate collateral for mortgage registration, by the developers as a loan (purchase) to provide guarantees, to be secured for registration after developers secured Termination of people buying houses to purchase real estate as collateral.

10 Q: What are the home loans to pay costs »

Home loans are commercial, people buy a house to get loans to buy a house have chosen to comply with the provisions of the lending bank, in addition to pay interest on loans, we must also bear some of the other costs. In addition to assessment of provident fund loans and mortgage fees, registration fees, the Government does not require. Individual housing loans How much do what cost, we must first understand the following three aspects:

1, individual housing loans cost = assessment fees (loan-to-do not need to Qifang) + lawyer or notary fees for registration fees + + mortgage insurance premiums, with the exception of mortgage registration fees, other costs are not fixed.

2, individual housing loans is divided into three forms: provident fund loans, commercial loans (including loans discount), the loan portfolio)

3, individual housing loans in four forms of collateral: (1) property collateral, (2) property used as security guarantees (now Bank of little use, strictly speaking not part of individual housing loans areas), (3) jointly and severally liable Guarantee (4) property mortgage guarantee security and jointly and severally liable. What should people buy a house loan burden of the number of fees, purchases were directly affected by the choice of the form of loans and guarantees forms of influence.

(A) assessment fee

1, housing provident fund loans for the purchase of commercial housing, the demolition of the collateral required to assess Beijing's Wu Jiaju 1996 and 1997 two for the implementation of the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Construction formulation of charges: Fangkuan 100 yuan (including 1 million) for the 5 ‰ Fangkuan total charge; -1000 million more than 1 million yuan, according to the total of 2.5 ‰ Fangkuan charge; assessment, minimum fee of 300 yuan. Since the Beijing Municipal Fund Loan assessment is still a monopoly, the state may fall on the assessment fee of 20%, the absence of competition, people still can not benefit from the purchases. Housing for the purchase of economy housing need assessment, the handling agency considers necessary except for the purchase housing units Shou Fang, Fang Guansuo Shoufang, Anju Fang can not assess, but the purchase of flats or buy a house is required to Fang Guansuo Shoufang To provide housing reform programme, programme approved, a copy of the property (or the right to do that).

2, commercial bank loans: new housing, and housing reform in general Anju Fang does not need to pay the assessment fees, if required to be assessed, its costs by 500 yuan of admission.

Industrial and Commercial Bank: ordinary commercial housing and affordable housing endorsement by the sales price, without assessment, second-hand housing, luxury apartments, villas needs assessment. Agricultural Bank: second-hand assessment of the fees charged by 4 ‰.

3, provident fund loans with loan portfolio.

(B) legal fees or notary fees for provident fund loans do not need to pay lawyers fees for commercial loans, the bank commissioned a law firm or the civil sector borrowing individuals qualify, borrowers need to buy a house per single application of the loan 2 ‰ -3 ‰ to pay legal fees or notary fees, every single minimum limit of 100 yuan for portfolio loans, some not-to provident fund, to some commercial loans. Second-hand housing loans need to legalization, each about 200 yuan.

(C) of mortgage registration fees

Mortgage Registration Department (district and county land management department of housing ownership) will be charged mortgage registration fees, fees for 80 yuan. Purchases loans made in the deed in order for mortgage registration.

(D) insurance

The cost of insurance is the most expensive loans, bank loans generally require collateral to the lender purchases the insurance company for its recognition of property mortgage insurance (known as the Housing Authority insurance) or loans, credit insurance known as personal risk (to Loan-to-general does not require), and clearly the lending bank for the first beneficiaries of insurance, insurance requirements at the same time period not shorter than the loan period, the insured amount shall not be less than the full principal and interest loan, buy insurance costs from the lender commitment, mortgage insurance during the Single custody by the lending bank, in the implementation of loan contracts, purchases loans shall not interrupted for any reason or revocation of insurance, but according to early repayment period can be returned to the corresponding changes in insurance premiums, or the right to the lending bank took the insured, insurance People still buy a house loan commitments. But people do not buy a house in loans are loans to purchase housing and personal risk insurance.

1, provident fund loans by the State Council promulgated in April 1999

"Housing Fund Management Ordinance" provides that: "the risk of housing provident fund loans from the housing accumulation fund management centre commitment", buy a house with a provident fund loans, regardless of what forms of collateral, you can not buy insurance. The housing fund management center in Beijing in October 1999 issued by the <99> Jingfang funded centre of the first 119 words of text, people buy a house used provident fund loans still have to buy personal insurance, but the document also provides for the registration of the mortgage Or loans repaid after the completion of the personal insurance, the insurance company after the deduction of fees for surrender, they would return after the completion of registration or mortgage loans have been repaid after the premium paid. Beijing in May 2000 housing has been changed to voluntary purchase of insurance (agencies that must be the exception).

2, commercial loans secured by the property: the need to purchase comprehensive insurance (+ housing personal risk insurance), so this way of security is also known as purchase of property collateral and comprehensive insurance.

Use of property mortgages and related obligation to ensure security: the need to purchase insurance. Secured by property or jointly and severally liable pledge secured, you can not buy insurance.

3, the loan portfolio of premium calculation is divided into two parts: the risk on commercial loans to pay premiums; personal risk by provident fund loans to pay premiums.

Cases 6: Loan applicants Tianmaxingkong (net) 32-year-old to purchase a set of commercial housing, to be transaction price was 60 million, reinforced concrete structure, construction area of 100 square meters, ready to apply for individual housing loans 390,000 yuan loan period For 15 years. Tianmahangkong (net) need to pay the costs: If an application secured by individual housing loans (also known as policy loans), the need to pay the costs are: assessment of costs 3,000 yuan; no legal fees if by way of security for the property (real estate) mortgage Canada jointly and severally liable guarantee security, you do not need to pay insurance premiums if the way of security for the purchase of property mortgages and comprehensive insurance is required to pay insurance (life insurance) 6702.54 yuan. If the application purely commercial loans, the need to pay the costs: no assessment fee; lawyer fees 1,170 yuan; insurance (housing and property insurance) 4334.4 yuan.

To sum up, home loans to pay assessment fees, legal fees or notary fees, mortgage registration fees, insurance premiums and other costs.

Housing consumer credit insurance beneficiary is the lender

Moderator: Speaking of mortgage insurance, many people think that it is "bundling", the premium from the borrower commitment, it is the first beneficiaries of the banks. Recently, Guangzhou has finally lifting the mortgage insurance, buyers can independently choose whether to buy mortgage insurance. After all, but real estate is a big investment, many people feel that there is still better protection. In addition to mortgage insurance, I heard that there are now some of the varieties of consumer credit insurance, but also the first beneficiaries of loans themselves, I do not know whether it is worthwhile to buy »

The insurance and mortgage insurance different responsibilities

CAI Xiao can (national senior financial planners CFP): The current mortgage insurance is to prevent more natural disasters (such as flood, fire, etc.) caused damage to the housing insurance. Housing credit insurance to a broader range of some. A more complete housing consumer credit insurance are: housing mortgage guarantee insurance and property insurance, provide for a deductible in excess of the commitment by the insurance companies, to circumvent the loans were due to careless or improper use of property caused collateral damage and not the normal depreciation, excessive depreciation The risks.

Some varieties will be secured loans and life insurance products combined. Such as housing credit life and death insurance, if the loans were in the insurance period of incapacity or death, the insurance company took to pay debts, if the insurance expires after the insured is still healthy and can make use of the survival of insurance money paid to repay part of its arrears.

In addition, there are decreasing the amount of the credit insurance and life insurance joint mortgage protection insurance. The former insurance rates by reduction agreement, applicable to outstanding loans each year, gradually reduce the financial burden on the situation. The latter is when the couple to jointly purchase of residential revenue, which if one person was killed and the insurance company is responsible for the balance of outstanding loans, reducing another person to separate the burden of outstanding loans.

Hu Dongcheng (senior insurance people): Housing consumer credit insurance and mortgage insurance rates and insurance responsibilities are different. Mortgage insurance coverage of narrow, relatively low rates, insurance usually equivalent loan period, generally taken barges pay (one-time payment), if the provisions were included in the death, disability, the need to provide more proof .

Consumer credit insurance options relatively flexible, can take payment period, the rate is not necessarily. If consumer loans because of consumer life, health and the damage can not continue to loan repayments, insurance companies bear responsibility for repayment, or goods because of quality problems can not be used to repay consumers, insurance companies have to bear responsibility for repayment. The premiums and age, the greater the age, the higher the premium.

Prepayments may be proportional surrender

Hu Dongcheng (senior insurance people): Mortgage insurance is a basic one-time paid, if consumers in the six months to pay off the loan, according to the provisions of the insurance company will be in full surrender; the longer term, the less the amount refunded . And the surrender of consumer credit risk due to specific types vary, but because they can pay period, early surrender relatively small losses. The insured loans repaid ahead of schedule, the insurer will be prorated refund insurance premiums

Hand the sale of legal issues Raiders how to resolve some thorny issues

Today, more and more people are no longer just the sale of second-hand encounter disputes lawyer, but early step on the direct sale of the former lawyer for the safety of transactions carried out to ensure, at least Bahrain will call the advisory to its own Attention to the problems. This shows that we have realized that, to avoid future disputes, in the secondary before the sale to gain a clear understanding of the legal issues. Below, the combination of practical experience, the author on the secondary market trading in the major legal issues on how to solve their own views.

The right to second-hand property transactions before the diverse needs to be reviewed

At present, the secondary market on the diverse nature of property rights, and some aftermarket public houses, a total of some housing, the housing units in the first place is to restrict the distribution of the transfer. This makes room in the secondary market transactions have different requirements, the need to meet the different conditions. Therefore, the trading in the secondary, from top to bottom-the need to lift the restrictions on the sale of the original.

1. "Old-style private house" will need to meet the two conditions

Generally speaking, the "old-style private house," the transfer of land use rights are obtained. According to relevant stipulations, such as second-hand housing market transactions have to meet the two conditions: First, home ownership has been approved have the right (usually county level) People's Government approved the sale of the second is if they are non-residential purposes, And the District Lands Authority also signed contracts to sell land use rights, land transfer payments back if still used to live in, although not signed contracts to sell land use rights, but have to pay land revenue payments. Meet the above conditions, housing all the people can acquire land use rights and housing ownership certificates, housing can only be listed for sale. Therefore, from top to bottom home in transactions such housing, how to deal with the above conditions have agreed to ensure that transactions conducted legally.

2. Sale and the sale of public houses to be living with Signature

According to the provisions of the city, the public only with complete sets of reinforced concrete structure, a mixed structure, brick houses and apartment housing Linong sale of new. These can be sold in the sale of public housing to meet the requirements of the lessee or live with people, that is, a sale of public housing, can be listed as a second-hand housing transactions. Under these provisions, public housing can be directly listed trading, in practice, here are two steps: The first step is to use the right to property rights, property rights after the second step is to the housing market transactions. As public housing tenants have the right to use addition, the living people also enjoy a right of residence, and such public housing tenants and people living between the often complex relationship, the sale of public housing listed transactions, in addition to the deed Property records on the signature, also agreed to live with a signature. If living without the consent of the after-sale transactions to the success of public housing.

3. Non-independent sets of public houses can only lease the right to transfer

The non-independent sets of public houses can be paid to lease the right to transfer, but the transfer of such housing is not for the "mini card" and therefore can not be used as second homes for sale.

4. Restricted the rights of the sale of second-hand

Restricted the rights of the common room generally used the following categories: First, a mortgage, such as through the purchase of housing mortgage loans. With the sale of the collateral used to be with the consent of the mortgages written consent of the people, if people do not agree with mortgages, can only be secured in the lifting of trade relations before the transfer. Second, the authorities closed down by the courts. General needs of property rights to the courts to provide additional property will be quarantined for up housing, or through other means to lift the seizure in accordance with the law only after a second-hand housing transactions. Third, housing was allocated to the lessee, in the future with the transfer of certain restrictions on the conditions, the general conditions in the housing ownership registration office filing. Most of this housing in the property rights of indigenous people in a unit, after the housing units will be allocated to employees as an in-kind. Although the workers are "mini card" on the property, subject to certain conditions, can be listed on the transfer of housing. The sale of such second-hand housing, the general need to set up conditions for the transfer of the original allocation of units issued by a written consent to an assignment of proof.

A total of second-hand sale of the required consent of the total

China's "General Principles of Civil Law", a total penalty of property subject to the consent of the total, otherwise action invalid. Therefore, the trading in the secondary, from top to bottom-right to housing if there were particular attention to the situation. As a division of real estate ownership registration system, so housing transactions of all rights, should be in "real estate contract for the sale" sign under the home should pay attention to the authenticity of those signatures. Apart from the minor's signature and signed by the parents, and other acts of the executed person must have a legal signed a written power of attorney, the authority should have been legalized civil authorities. It is important to note, if the property when the husband and wife as the housing property rights registered only one name, the family needs to confirm the sale of housing both spouses will be the same.

In practice, sometimes in such a situation: a total of the housing property without the consent of all the total was the sale of individual people, the rights of other people were sued requested confirmation of the sale is invalid, if the home is the purchase of goodwill, I do not know that there are all over the home without the consent of and transfer of ownership of housing has, the court generally will not second-hand judgement of the transaction invalid. This is the stability of real estate transactions and to facilitate the orderly operation of the point of view. There are other people only to the unauthorized sale of the rights of the individual who held accountable.

"Two deposit" of the dispute is different deposit transactions in the secondary market is very common problems, mainly because home from top to bottom did not fully understand the "deposit" of the legal sense. If the secondary market trading in the intermediary under the auspices of the signing of a contract for the sale, in the course of dealing in general there are two deposit. The first deposit in the home from top to bottom by the intermediary for the process, to guarantee home from top to bottom in the agreed time, in accordance with the agreed conditions, to identify locations signed a "contract for the sale of real estate." If by then the home of estoppel on the family and not to sign a contract for the sale, the deposit was to bear on the risk of confiscation of homes, above-estoppel did not sign "a contract for the sale of real estate", double the return of the deposit to bear the responsibility.

The second deposit appear in the "contract for the sale of real estate", to ensure that after the signing of a contract for the sale, from top to bottom home in accordance with the agreed terms of the contract effectively implement their respective obligations. If a breach of contract, breach of contract, to undertake the corresponding responsibility.

Of course, from top to bottom-through intermediaries can not directly sign a "contract for the sale of real estate" in the contract terms can be agreed deposit, to ensure that contracts signed after the two sides in accordance with the agreed terms of the contract to fulfil their obligations.

"Super-loan-to-deliberately" high-risk loans success is the success of the sale of second-hand housing a very important aspect. Bank approved mortgage loan applications to various factors considered, but the most important or the applicant's repayment ability. According to regulations, banks on housing loans in the amount of the sale of a certain limit. Now housing prices rising, so there is a non-standard: from top to bottom-two signed a contract for the sale price of different housing, a low price is true, a high price to be false, for the next home to Banks for real house prices more than the normal amount of the loan, the practice is called "super-credits."

From the law that such contracts because of "malicious collusion and harm the interests of the banks" and invalid. If the bank at the time there is evidence that the loan applicants (home) "super-loan-to-deliberately," will be refused under the home loan applications. From the transaction process, the family often require Fangkuan not get any circumstances to produce a first payment of the receipt and transfer procedures for housing, the risk is very high. Under the non-bank home loans in addition to facing the risk, we must also pay a high price on false part of the contract taxes and other additional expenditures, and will not be returned home on the false report Fangkuan high risk.

Therefore, in order to guarantee the safety of transactions to proceed smoothly, from top to bottom-should be strictly in accordance with the provisions apply for mortgage loans, to avoid the violations by means of access to credit.

The home field to be read on whether housing rental home

If the secondary market before the sale has been the tenant to lease, then in the period of the lease, the same conditions, the tenants enjoy Preemption. On the sale of the home should inform the tenant three months ago is about to sell the housing situation and inform prices and other terms of sale, the latest tenant shall within three months whether to exercise for pre-decision as soon as possible. If the tenant to give up for pre-and home in on the issue by writing to the tenant, the housing may be sold to other people. If the House does not inform tenants of housing for sale, and sold to others without authorization, then the tenant the right to act to the court that the sale is invalid. For the next home run, to avoid such problems, should the housing site visits to determine whether there is a tenant living inside, to ensure transaction security.

Three of their respective powers and responsibilities to be clear benefits

On the home commissioned by the intermediary, the intermediary should enter into a written agreement of the commission. Agreement to clear the sale of housing prices, on the home should pay attention to the distinction between "get the net price," "sale price" and "contract price," clearly the ownership and use of housing status, and delegated authority, and so on. The commission should have an agreement on the original home. Need to pay attention to the fact that some intermediary used Paper commissioned by the signing of the contract, one of several, on the home page of the copy will be signing on to another several. Therefore, the family should be noted that the contract on the space may be mistaken as you fill authorized by the intermediary, to be clear whether they so wish.

Under the home through an intermediary to find the family, should be asked to produce his intermediary between the home and on housing up for sale by the agreement. Agreement should include the basic housing conditions, housing prices, commissioned by the deadline and commissioned by the intermediary companies charge to the buyer's deposit requirement. Under the intermediary between the family and a written agreement should include the price, duration of retention and deposit processing, and other provisions, and stamped with the seal of intermediary companies. The family should at least have a contract Original. Signed with the intermediaries in good agreement, the actual delivery of deposit, the home should also confirm whether through an intermediary on the authorized deposit can be collected. In the delivery of deposit issued by the intermediary should request a receipt. The receipt should be an intermediary - the signature, but also stamping the intermediary company's seal.

Intermediary to facilitate transactions from top to bottom home success as the precondition for a commission. Therefore, in order to prevent intermediaries from top to bottom-brokering contracts signed after the signing to a contract for the sale, often in brokering agreed in the contract "When this occurs, from top to bottom home pay default payments to the intermediary company", from top to bottom should pay particular attention to this home.

Properly resolved after the signing of the follow-up matters

Good from top to bottom-signed a contract for the sale, in addition to the receipt and payment of Fangkuan, for the outdoors, there are some follow-up issues such as migration accounts, transfer funds, such as maintenance. In response, from top to bottom to properly handle the home in order to avoid unnecessary disputes. The signing of "a contract for the sale of real estate", from top to bottom-of-payments should be on the way home Jiaofang combination of circumstances, to ensure that their respective interests. For example, the two sides after the signing of the contract may agree to pay Fangkuan 30 percent, when Jiaofang Fangkuan pay 30 percent, property rights transfer, pay Fangkuan 35 percent of his transfer (water, electricity, coal, account transfer, etc.) then pay the , Of 5%. In both linked to the same time, the two sides will also clear breach of contract responsibility, as agreed by late Jiaofang or late payment, the daily price to pay a certain proportion of non-payment, more than the number of days, one party the right to choose rescission, breach of contract and requested Assume responsibility for breach of contract. In short, the more detail the contents of a contract for the sale, up to the operation will be strong, and also to facilitate the sale goes smoothly.

Who Guihuo run by a « Mortgage Seven Mistakes

Mr. Wang bought a set of housing, mortgage information to all developers, but not to do under the mortgage. Mr. Wang double-check the information submitted and found that information available in full compliance with the requirements. He felt very strange and suspicious for developers to allow his one-time payment from Zuogeng Fangkuan which was to discuss the development of a "statement" is the message because the reasons for their credit, the banks did not handle the mortgage. In fact, Mr. Wang last year in the bank's credit card overdrafts 1,000 yuan, has no repayment, the credit clearance audit, however, did not receive the bank loan.

Counsel said: for the mortgage, the developers can get from the bank to pay the Fangkuan. "Individual housing loans management approach" in the provisions of Article V: the borrower must credit good. Long-term credit card advances or serious acts of dishonesty, in such a situation it is difficult for the mortgage.

-- Comments: As the saying goes, there are also through, then it is not difficult to use. Personal credit available to maintain good!

2 misunderstandings do not mortgage, buy a house developers to me!

Miss Zhang is an accounting, in addition to the work of the unit, also of part-time, the total monthly income of 4,000 yuan more than in. Last year, her purchase of housing, but also because the amount of income and do not match, suspected of being non-repayment ability, and do not mortgage. Miss Zhang Yiqizhixia, to check out. Miss Zhang applications in accordance with the mortgage, monthly, for nearly 2,000 yuan, according to her income to be fully affordable. The developers carefully enquiry, the problem was finally discovered, the original Miss Zhang's only proof of income opened units, only 2,000 yuan of income, obviously can not meet the requirement. Thus, Miss Zhang also opened a part-time units of the income that a smooth run down the mortgage.

Counsel said: bank loans to determine the repayment ability is to see the family income, the amount of the mortgage Yuegong Kuan whether to meet the requirements of daily life. Miss Zhang mortgage for the first time, because of their economic capacity of all, the mortgage Banbuxialai.

-- Comments: reimbursement of income is the most powerful proof that capacity, provide adequate proof of income to repay the full proof of the ability.

3 developers misunderstood really trouble: when the demand for mortgage the couple arrived at the scene

Mr. Yang after the purchases for when the mortgage because his wife has not arrived at the scene could not handle it very hard to let Mr. Yang: their income can afford the monthly, for. Why should his wife to join » To this end, he had a great developer of the discontent in the last developers found after the lawyer explained that the provisions of the law: the husband and wife is common mortgage debt, to determine both know, not the developers Individual acts.

Counsel said: "Marriage Law": the marital relationship between the property, unless the parties otherwise agree, husband and wife are public property. Husband and wife or living together because of common business and liabilities, the couple is the common debt, the need to identify both known.

-- Comments: mortgage purchase is the family event, involving the common property and the common debt two, it should let the other half of their share.

4 mortgage going for misunderstanding must be a reason for the developer

Liu signed purchase contracts, the mortgage will need all of the documents provided to the developers, can not handle. Mr. Liu to find developers theory, said developers chose not to going through the formalities. Developers are helpless to explain, in approving the mortgage from banks, developers have no right to handle. With the assistance of the developer, found that Liu could not because of expired identity cards for. Mr Lau in the re-identity cards, the smooth handling of the mortgage.

Counsel said: mortgage business is individual housing loans, the banks use their credit issued by the self-financing of loans refer to a specific full civil capacity of natural persons in the city to buy urban self-occupied housing, to buy the property rights of their housing As collateral, as outstanding loans and guarantees to banks for loans to commercial housing. "Individual housing loans management approach" under Article VI: the borrower to the lender to provide identity documents (identity cards that, the accounts and other documents valid residence).

-- Comments: the power to approve mortgages for the banks rather than developers, developers is to assist the banks financed. Buyers do not mortgage, is not entirely a result of developers.

5 misunderstanding can not do 20 mortgage, is age discrimination

Mr. Chen in mortgages for house purchase also encountered trouble. Mr. Chen, 50, decided to start the 10-year mortgage from the developer of information can be handled later Mr. Chen decided for the 20-year mortgage, but not for success, while other changes years of mortgage purchase Those for the success. Latin America is the source for the developers to make false promises? » He angrily: "Do not bully us these old people!" But is not the case, the mortgage is the same age restrictions. He is the mortgage for 10 permits in the area, 20-year mortgage is more than the bank under the age limit.

Counsel said: Fangkuan delivery is a long time, the banks have a limit on age, to protect property buyers to have a steady income to pay Fangkuan. Now the banking requirements of individual housing loan borrowers with loans years of age generally do not exceed the national statutory retirement age, joint purchase of the elderly to calculate. Major banks on a slightly different age requirements, generally 60-year-old male, 55-year-old woman.

-- Comments: mortgage demand to see; changes to understand.

6 misunderstanding raising mortgage down payment, the house is a problem

Mr. Wu in housing purchases, apply for 80% of the mortgage, the bank has not received the approval of the reply is received for at least 60% of the mortgage. Mr. Wu is that the developer of the housing grade or quality problems, so banks do not release 80% of the mortgage. He therefore asked to check-out by developers and the banks come forward to explain to understand, because he is a secondary mortgage purchase, the banks in order to prevent risks, increased down payment requirements, the quality of housing is not the problem. Understand the reasons, Mr. Wu is pleased to 10 years for 60% of the mortgage.

Counsel said: Last year, "121" following the introduction of documents, some banks on the secondary mortgage purchase a new request. Recently, the purchase of secondary mortgage interest rates have some increase. The main restriction is Chaofang, safeguard the normal and orderly development of the real estate market.

-- Comments: Not all banks are in the implementation of the provisions of the regulation of the market is still the ultimate beneficiaries ordinary home buyers.

7 misunderstanding housing quality problems, not to pay the mortgage!

Mr. Sun as housing quality problems, the developers made check-out. The two sides because of different views in court. In the course of the case, Mr. Sun began to stop paying Yuegong Kuan. Mr. Xiang Sun Bank issued Cuigu and asked him missing due Yuegong Kuan. Mr. Sun is very puzzling that the housing quality problems in their own right not to pay developers Fangkuan to continue on for the cessation of payments, the results of Mr. Sun was the banks to court. Mr. Sun is the biggest mistake made a mistake of the main mortgage, home buyers and the mortgage is a loan contract between the bank and repay bank is the target rather than developers.

Counsel said: buyers and the mortgage is the loan contracts between banks, the repayment to distinguish objects, check-out is between buyers and developers in contracts for the sale of a dispute, the relationship between the two points must be clear.

-- Comments: full awareness of the law, a problem to the advice of a lawyer, not to 1:00 emotional their stand on the dock

Housing loans to buy second-hand save money have Miaozhao

I found that the loan to buy new houses, and the only choice for sale by the developer of the project is cooperation between the bank loan, that is, bank loans have been identified can not be changed, and used the loan is different, you can choose different banks, different Mortgage products.

How can I find the situation compatible with their own mortgage products » The industry have pointed out that the operational point include mortgage repayment and interest rates means the choice of two varieties.

Experts said that the current method of repayment of five points, matching a month for principal and interest , matching the principal , biweekly for repayment by the free exercise  bimonthly, quarterly , repayment grace period, occur in equal increments. Each of the repayment methods are based on income customers design, can be summed up in fixed income and not fixed either case.

Experts said that the fixed income and future expected better option, for them, matching the principal and interest on a fixed amount, for financial management; matching the early repayment of principal more, but can reduce interest rates and late pressure, banks can choose For fixed-income and higher-income home buyers, the choice of biweekly repayment for a more appropriate manner, because the equivalent of a year of outstanding fortnight for 13 months, for the repayment pressure on the larger, but can save time and Interest.

A market intermediary in charge of example, a sum of 500,000 yuan to 30 of mortgage loans as an example, the benchmark interest rate by 6.12 percent, for a biweekly repayment than equal monthly repayment of interest on savings 115,186 yuan , Savings ratio as high as 19.42 percent, shortening the repayment period of 64 months.

For the fixed-income home buyers, experts recommend choosing the free exercise of the repayment, occur in equal increments, this repayment grace period of three ways, for example, in less income loans early, but the expected future income, may choose to occur in equal increments of repayment .

Experts also recommended that the buyers can also choose less interest expense, the relative advantage of the obvious commercial loans provident fund loans. He cited as an example of that, Mr. Chang bought a house a total of 600,000 yuan, if the commercial loan for 20 years, the average monthly repayment 2111.4 yuan, 20 payments totalling 506,736 yuan, the total interest payments of up to 206,736 Yuan and the same is 20 years of provident fund loans, the average monthly repayment 1912.5 yuan, 20 total repayment 459,000 yuan, 159,000 yuan of total interest payments. Compared to commercial loans, the monthly payment can be less for 198.5 in January, 20 were saved interest payments nearly 47,736 yuan.

Mortgage insurance how to avoid future trouble surrender

Exempted from the first strokes

Since the surrender such trouble, then of course the best way is simply not security. In fact, most of the bank mortgage insurance premiums solely by the borrower commitment, but it is the first beneficiaries of the banks, because of very low rate of individual housing Chuxian, the reasonableness of the mortgage insurance has been widely questioned.

To attract more customers, since July this year, the Bank of Shanghai, the ICBC, Pu Faxing, and so has been "conditional" abolish mandatory mortgage insurance, but in the end how this condition, since the banks are set. To Pu Faxing example, if the borrower's collateral to meet the requirements, and excellent quality, are encouraged to purchase their personal housing mortgage comprehensive insurance

But not compulsory purchase. However, if the collateral is a brick structure of the real estate, rather than reinforced concrete structure, then we must purchase mortgage insurance. In addition, the the compulsory and secondary mortgage insurance has yet to cancel.

CCB Shanghai Branch also can not mandatory mortgage insurance for the crowd made a clear distinction - the high-income high consumption and risk control. Because, CCB Shanghai Branch customer-oriented You Juzu issued a special card, lock the target customers are high-income and high consumer groups, and credit card system can immediately grasp the information in these customers, it can be when applying for mortgage To decide whether to buy mortgage insurance.

Second, pay bills

From the above we can see that the mortgage insurance is still confined to exempt from some banks, and the attributes of the property there are also many restrictions. Therefore, the majority of the public, or to buy a house when the insured mortgage insurance. If the expected future prepayments, may surrender, then choose the payment of mortgage insurance is also an option.

Shanghai introduced two years to pay mortgage insurance of the insurance company as an example, insurance rates only 0.06 percent minimum. Mr. Song to the situation as an example, its first year premiums were only 180 yuan. Mr. Song one year after prepayments, just one year to pay the premium, and there is no question of surrender charges.

Payment of mortgage insurance in the other big advantage is that if some of prepayments, which will also reduce premiums. For example, Mr. Song buy a house after the second year after not repaid in full, but only 40,000 yuan also the principal, then he will in all the remaining principal amount of the premium will be about 260,000 yuan base, which means every year Xujiao premium fell to 156 yuan. By the third year, Mr. Song is also in advance of the principal amount of 40,000 yuan, Xu Jiao its annual insurance premium has fallen to 132 yuan.

The third security measures

At present, people buying houses, a number of banks will be given housing and home purchase mortgage insurance secured two options, and a number of intermediary companies in the mandatory housing recommend home buyers to replace the insurance company guarantees the mortgage insurance, particularly provident funds Loans can only be used by way of security. As the security provisions of the bank's more comprehensive protection, banks often become the first choice to the buyer who recommended.

Equal to the principal Act 15 credits 600,000 yuan as an example, the guarantee fee of 4,872 yuan, the barge-payment of mortgage insurance premiums for about 5,000 yuan, secured home buyers look at the rate seems to be less than insurance. But in actual operation is not the case, because the mortgage insurance can usually be discounted, and the guarantee fee no room for any discussion, the mortgage insurance on price still has certain advantages.

So, why should the security in this way to put it » Because the provision of housing in Shanghai secured only one company, the Shanghai Municipal Housing home buyers bonding companies, if prepayments, it can also return the corresponding guarantee fee, and the cost of reunification of the city, at least not to engage in a variety of formulas fainted The first.

During the loan can sell the house?

During the loan can sell the house? »

BoutchouĂ©: I want to buy an apartment, loan time in five years, but this time is likely to sell the house, will take it » Should pay attention to what some »

Old building: Yes, but in trading, you need to pay off bank loans, mortgages and disarmament procedures before they can register for, but maybe the future can deal with the transfer of the mortgage.

How to pre-marital property to a total of two »

Ms. Chang: I buy her maiden loans, real estate permits and contracts are on his name. Now we get married, with loans. If there were to real estate to two, I heard the legalization of the way, also heard that the deed on the increase in the name of the way, how do Caihao »

Old building: legalization means for property notarization, this approach may be more convenient number. But "all the warrants" on the registration of people can exercise their rights alone were entitled to under the Private property can advocate their rights. The deed on the property rights to increase name is changed. That is, this has a total of housing rights.

The deed should not get it prepayments »

Mr. Hao: I should also advance loans? » 2003 to buy a house, loans 15, has not yet received the deed, I should now prepayments? »

Old building: loan contract you signed with banks, developers only secured the loan. Therefore, one can not repay the loan, the banks have the right to ask you to pay through litigation and assume responsibility for breach of contract, which required developers are jointly and severally liable. Even if the final can not be delivered, repayment obligations will not automatically lift.

Check-out pre-sale contract signed by default? Operator »

Ms. Chan: I have already signed a pre-sale developer and the contract, Fangkuan has paid all, if I would now like to check out the case, Does it count default » The need to pay liquidated damages »

Old building: a breach of contract, breach of the contractual agreement. However, developers can also advocates do not agree with Check-Out