31 Jul 2008

Rural credit cooperatives loan conditions

First, the basic conditions

1, corporate or business license valid license;

2, the opening of the credit cooperatives in the basic account or general accounts;

3, holders of the People's Bank of enterprises issued by the "loans card";

4, subject to credit management, credit cooperatives to provide the true operating condition, on time and submit statements and business plans;

5, the operation of a fixed venue and facilities;

6, sound financial management system, corporate governance norms.

Third, policy

1, the enterprises engaged in business activities in accordance with national law;

2, loans must meet the people's banks and rural credit cooperatives and credit support object requirements;

3, in other banks or credit unions no loans relations. Enterprises must be in a credit loans, there is no long loan problems;

4, business loans in the credit cooperatives operating within the area, not to trans-regional loans.

Fourth, the project's feasibility

1, a source of raw material, raw material suppliers interested in sexual agreement;

2, product quality standards, a long-term stability of the market, product sales potential of sexual agreement, 3, has a handsome profit, good economic returns;

4, production enterprises with technical support;

5, external liabilities of enterprises accounted for less than the proportion of the total assets of 70%. The liquidity loans, corporate owned assets of total assets ratio must be greater than 30 percent of loans for fixed assets, assets of enterprises owned total assets ratio must be greater than 50%;

6, new projects must be self-financing in more than 50 percent, there must be a registered capital of proof;

7, new projects must be approved by the department concerned documents.

5, the safety of loans

1, the guarantor must have sufficient financial strength and the ability to replace the outstanding loan, we must have the legal personality of the enterprises, other economic organizations and individual industrial and commercial households, or with full civil capacity of natural persons;

2, collateral must be ground in fixtures, easily realisable, the loan collateral must be controlled in 70 percent;

3, pledge of the SEC, the right real clear, effective legal instruments of regulation.

6, the effectiveness of loan

A clear and reliable channels of principal and interest outstanding loans, corporate interest to settle after a year, can produce a certain amount of funds to repay the loan principal.

7, the integrity of the enterprise

No Taozhai enterprises, and waste debt, there is no malice in arrears credit cooperatives and other banks, other units and individuals in the history of the borrower and the purchase price.

8, the requirements of rural credit cooperatives

1, credit unions of their own funds to meet the organization under the premise of agriculture, there are sufficient surplus funds for the payment of this amount of the loan. A maximum of 50 million yuan of surplus funds can only be paid 10 million yuan loans. Should not use the call to the People's Bank of funds or loans for business loans;

2, if this amount of the loan payment, the credit cooperatives corporate loans accounted for the proportion of the total loan can not exceed 10 percent of the largest credit cooperatives in 10 of the total loans ratio of the loan can not exceed 50 percent.

3, the city state of society, there must be joint letter feasibility study report of loans, loan-to-be sufficient reason for the existence of a lack of improvement measures;

4, the city state's letter Shendai jointly agreed to appoint the majority of them: chairman, director must also agree that there were Kam "agreed that" the word;

5, the city state of society, the letter must be organised mainly responsible for all the loans on information reported to have signed the "true and correct".

6, responsible loans (credit cooperatives, Xianlian She, the city's Xindai Yuan, in charge of credit the leadership of the main people in charge of relevant personnel) should bear the responsibility.

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