31 Jul 2008

Second-hand knowledge of the mortgage loans summary

Financial assessment of individual purchase of houses of the seven steps]

The first step: to see cash equivalents

This concept stems from accounting, that is, assess your cash, you should not look at the bank deposits, should also look at liquidity compare the various stocks, bonds, and so on.

Bank deposits and cash equivalents = + + Treasury Bond Fund + + stock

Step 2: counting cash flow

Repayment is continued a long time, so we see their cash flow

= Cash flow retained on the average expenditure × 3 ~ 5

Step 3: Calculation of fund-raising capacity

Fund-raising ability = cash equivalents - cash flow into the sudden retirement + other fund-raising (such as pawn, relatives and friends of Financing)

Step 4: Calculation of income

= Monthly income wage income + other income (such as stocks, bonds and other funding has been prepared to sell gold, this can not be the calculation of earnings)

Step 5: reasonable monthly repayment ability

Reasonable ability to repay, on revenue = × 40% ~ 50%

Step 6: Bank estimates can be borrowed

According to their own reasonable monthly loan repayment ability and can be life and hope that their loan balance in life, can be calculated in

Step 7: Estimated maximum Fangkuan

The largest fund-raising ability Fangkuan = (first payment) + + banks borrowed the amount of provident fund loan-to-be

One fund-raising capacity / largest Fangkuan> 20% to 30%

20 percent for new home purchases, 30 percent for second-hand housing

For house purchase loans portfolio should note the following

1: the purchase of housing should be eligible for the bank's individual housing provident fund loans and individual housing loan business of the home loans;

2: the availability of applications for individual housing provident fund loans for the same time, but also have individual housing loan business conditions;

3: for individual housing loan portfolio, individual housing provident fund loans of up to 300,000 yuan.

4: combination of individual housing loans for individual housing provident fund loans in part, by individual housing provident fund loans rates; commercial individual housing loans of the commercial individual housing loans rates.

Housing loans for second-hand information

1: applicants and their spouses and eligible to participate in the housing provident fund loans calculate the amount of immediate family members of the identity card (ID card and provided with a copy of) each one.

2: applicants and their spouses and eligible to participate in calculating the amount of housing provident fund loans to the accounts of thin (and accounts provided with a copy of thin) 1, such as the applicant and the spouse is not the same accounts, to be followed by marriage Help

3: origin of the C of E 1; existing homes should be specified in the warrants is housing, the Housing parity or Anju Fang

4: Trading Center by the Shanghai real estate contract for the sale of 2;

5: Rates of 30% or more advances and the original copy of the receipt 1

6: loan application form 1: commercial individual housing loans in an application form, personal housing accumulation fund loan application form 2

7: loan contracts, mortgages, one contract: six Provident Fund loan contracts, commercial loan contract five, four mortgage contract; guarantee contracts 1;

8: borrowers and their spouses and eligible to participate in the calculation of the amount of an immediate blood units and individual housing provident fund account (or for staff housing provident fund statements certificates of deposit) each 1

9: borrowers and their spouses and eligible to participate in calculating the amount of an immediate genetically agreed to use its housing accumulation fund commitment of each one

10: the applicant household income documentary and proof of the assets. (Note under the circumstances, including payroll, personal income tax alone, the three-funded enterprises by the staff of units to provide proof of income; private industrial and commercial units to provide the recent business tax, income tax accounting and financial statements; bank deposits, securities and regular remittances Source proven, etc.)

11: If more assets are family members of all applicants, to be included on the family members agree on a common commitment to the repayment of

12: Man of the deadline of housing savings deposits and (or) passbook 1 (housing savings for commercial individual housing loans to be provided, other types do not have to)

13: Enterprise allows borrowers to apply for corporate housing fund individual housing loans of that 1 (housing fund for enterprises of commercial individual housing loans to be provided, not other types)

Banks will let you submit the following materials, proof of identity, marriage has proved that the household registration materials, proof of income and effective documentation of transactions. Then proceed to examination and approval, signed a loan contract, the lenders.

First, that proof of identity, generally only provide identity cards to, passports, certificates servicemen also equally effective. But bearing in mind that the purchase contract for the sale of all staff and their spouses must be provided. Minors should not receive identity cards to provide one-child certificates, non-only-child should provide a birth certificate.

Marriage certificate refers to the above officer married should provide marriage certificate, the unmarried and has become the single issue should be that divorced people should be provided divorce certificate (the court verdict may also) and that the divorce had not remarried, widowed spouses should be provided The death certificate (on the residence booklet can also be specified widowed) and had not remarried widows proved. These proved to be the work units or street Council issued.

And then talk about proof of income, proof of income should be effective work decked official seals, and write the contact, contact telephone and address for the banking unit of verification.

In addition to providing you with a contract for the sale and purchase of housing on the home of origin certificate and a copy of testimony by the intermediary of sealing prepaid Fangkuan receipts. Yd! A (\ `J% cv ,5-FQ & ZX

And then talk about the costs of loans, as the special nature of second-hand housing transactions, the banks in general will be designated to provide loan guarantees, security companies generally charge a fee and the guarantee fee. In addition, provisions need to purchase insurance, such as the legalization of loans needed to pay notary fees.

We are very concerned about the timing for issuing loans, usually in the material collected after three to five working days to the banks will be signed. In the trading center of his right to prove that after three to five working days for issuing around.

Finally would also like to remind you that attention should be paid to various day-to-day peacetime and punctual payment of costs, such as utilities, telephone, mobile phones and other costs of the arrears will affect the value of personal credit loans impact review.

Two master-repayment periods in two ways

Many people in the mode of choice loan provident fund loans and commercial loans common loan, the borrower may be in accordance with their provident fund contributions to the bank can calculate the loan amount and monthly repayment few. Assume that the monthly loan repayment 1,200 yuan provident fund, the repayment of commercial loans 1000, if the provident fund from 1 million to select the "balance-loan-to-Law," from the Provident Fund should also be returned to the same month the housing provident fund loans and commercial housing loans principal and interest , The remaining amount of 7,800 yuan (10000-1200-1000)-also a one-time loan principal housing provident fund, pay off the housing provident fund loans, which have remaining, they can also-commercial housing loan principal. Chong loan, the borrower can choose from the same amount, to shorten the repayment period, or repayment period remains unchanged, reduce the amount of way on loan. On the cases if you choose "monthly repayment", the monthly loan amount equal to maintain the same 2200, from 10,000 yuan in accordance with the first provident fund deduction Provident Fund deduction of commercial loans to individual housing loans in the order for the monthly deduction, the balance is , The borrower should be full and timely repayment of the amount banks charge card. Two loan can be the basis of the public to choose their own actual conditions.

Loan from the time it is necessary to have two sessions: the borrower in September to the second year of the power of attorney signed by the end of March, the second year in April from -6 for the month of the loan is zoned; April to the power of attorney signed by the end of August, September - Oct extract for the month of the loan is zoned. Loan applications from the location of individual housing loans for the lending bank; loan from the way the special capital reserve requirements, according to the Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center from the loan, from loan funds will not be allowed to mention now and consumption, can only be used In the return of individual housing loans, the borrower for individual housing loans in the Jinsui also be hosting a debit card, signed "commissioned by the bank on housing accumulation fund the return of individual housing loans authorization", commissioned by the bank each year from the housing provident fund account assigned to the borrower, For the return of principal and interest housing loans. In addition, the Human Desires change mentioned loan borrowers, should be required prior to the time loan from the lending bank to apply for renewal of the "power of attorney."

The purchase of mortgage loans in the secondary trading of the basic operational procedures

First, determine the mortgage services companies and lending programme

Loans for borrowers in the former first need to identify the intermediary and mortgage service companies, and mortgage lending advisory services company, established lending programmes.

Second, for Provident Fund (CPF For loans)

And identify the seller after the purchase intent, the borrower to provide provident fund account, from mortgage services company for Provident Fund, may determine the amount of loans and loan length.

Third, the Housing Authority signed a contract for the sale

The borrower and the seller signed a contract for the sale of housing. Since trading center requirements are different, Yangpu, Putuo, Huangpu, Changning District, such as housing, required in the contract signed after a good host to the regional trading center for the transfer.

4, ready to loans, loan qualifications examination

Mortgage service companies to assist borrowers in accordance with the requirements of banks ready to loan information, some of the housing needs assessment by the designated companies price evaluation; mortgage service companies and from a preliminary examination.

5, signed the loan agreement, notarization, insurance

Mortgage services companies after the first instance will pay the lending bank loan information examine and approve, the mortgage company will be the borrower and the bank signed a loan agreement and an agreement for legalization, and charge fees, including housing insurance.

6, for housing and mortgage transfer procedures

The borrower to the housing area where the trading center for housing and mortgage transfer procedures and collateral Write receipt by the mortgage companies pay the lending bank.

7, for the deed and mortgage prove

Loans and the deed of his right to do that, your mortgage company's production permit and a copy of his original proof of the right to pay the banks.

8, bank lenders

Bank of the receipt of the borrower's more than two cards, mortgage service companies will be credited by the amount paid to the borrower.

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