31 Jul 2008

Who Guihuo run by a « Mortgage Seven Mistakes

Mr. Wang bought a set of housing, mortgage information to all developers, but not to do under the mortgage. Mr. Wang double-check the information submitted and found that information available in full compliance with the requirements. He felt very strange and suspicious for developers to allow his one-time payment from Zuogeng Fangkuan which was to discuss the development of a "statement" is the message because the reasons for their credit, the banks did not handle the mortgage. In fact, Mr. Wang last year in the bank's credit card overdrafts 1,000 yuan, has no repayment, the credit clearance audit, however, did not receive the bank loan.

Counsel said: for the mortgage, the developers can get from the bank to pay the Fangkuan. "Individual housing loans management approach" in the provisions of Article V: the borrower must credit good. Long-term credit card advances or serious acts of dishonesty, in such a situation it is difficult for the mortgage.

-- Comments: As the saying goes, there are also through, then it is not difficult to use. Personal credit available to maintain good!

2 misunderstandings do not mortgage, buy a house developers to me!

Miss Zhang is an accounting, in addition to the work of the unit, also of part-time, the total monthly income of 4,000 yuan more than in. Last year, her purchase of housing, but also because the amount of income and do not match, suspected of being non-repayment ability, and do not mortgage. Miss Zhang Yiqizhixia, to check out. Miss Zhang applications in accordance with the mortgage, monthly, for nearly 2,000 yuan, according to her income to be fully affordable. The developers carefully enquiry, the problem was finally discovered, the original Miss Zhang's only proof of income opened units, only 2,000 yuan of income, obviously can not meet the requirement. Thus, Miss Zhang also opened a part-time units of the income that a smooth run down the mortgage.

Counsel said: bank loans to determine the repayment ability is to see the family income, the amount of the mortgage Yuegong Kuan whether to meet the requirements of daily life. Miss Zhang mortgage for the first time, because of their economic capacity of all, the mortgage Banbuxialai.

-- Comments: reimbursement of income is the most powerful proof that capacity, provide adequate proof of income to repay the full proof of the ability.

3 developers misunderstood really trouble: when the demand for mortgage the couple arrived at the scene

Mr. Yang after the purchases for when the mortgage because his wife has not arrived at the scene could not handle it very hard to let Mr. Yang: their income can afford the monthly, for. Why should his wife to join » To this end, he had a great developer of the discontent in the last developers found after the lawyer explained that the provisions of the law: the husband and wife is common mortgage debt, to determine both know, not the developers Individual acts.

Counsel said: "Marriage Law": the marital relationship between the property, unless the parties otherwise agree, husband and wife are public property. Husband and wife or living together because of common business and liabilities, the couple is the common debt, the need to identify both known.

-- Comments: mortgage purchase is the family event, involving the common property and the common debt two, it should let the other half of their share.

4 mortgage going for misunderstanding must be a reason for the developer

Liu signed purchase contracts, the mortgage will need all of the documents provided to the developers, can not handle. Mr. Liu to find developers theory, said developers chose not to going through the formalities. Developers are helpless to explain, in approving the mortgage from banks, developers have no right to handle. With the assistance of the developer, found that Liu could not because of expired identity cards for. Mr Lau in the re-identity cards, the smooth handling of the mortgage.

Counsel said: mortgage business is individual housing loans, the banks use their credit issued by the self-financing of loans refer to a specific full civil capacity of natural persons in the city to buy urban self-occupied housing, to buy the property rights of their housing As collateral, as outstanding loans and guarantees to banks for loans to commercial housing. "Individual housing loans management approach" under Article VI: the borrower to the lender to provide identity documents (identity cards that, the accounts and other documents valid residence).

-- Comments: the power to approve mortgages for the banks rather than developers, developers is to assist the banks financed. Buyers do not mortgage, is not entirely a result of developers.

5 misunderstanding can not do 20 mortgage, is age discrimination

Mr. Chen in mortgages for house purchase also encountered trouble. Mr. Chen, 50, decided to start the 10-year mortgage from the developer of information can be handled later Mr. Chen decided for the 20-year mortgage, but not for success, while other changes years of mortgage purchase Those for the success. Latin America is the source for the developers to make false promises? » He angrily: "Do not bully us these old people!" But is not the case, the mortgage is the same age restrictions. He is the mortgage for 10 permits in the area, 20-year mortgage is more than the bank under the age limit.

Counsel said: Fangkuan delivery is a long time, the banks have a limit on age, to protect property buyers to have a steady income to pay Fangkuan. Now the banking requirements of individual housing loan borrowers with loans years of age generally do not exceed the national statutory retirement age, joint purchase of the elderly to calculate. Major banks on a slightly different age requirements, generally 60-year-old male, 55-year-old woman.

-- Comments: mortgage demand to see; changes to understand.

6 misunderstanding raising mortgage down payment, the house is a problem

Mr. Wu in housing purchases, apply for 80% of the mortgage, the bank has not received the approval of the reply is received for at least 60% of the mortgage. Mr. Wu is that the developer of the housing grade or quality problems, so banks do not release 80% of the mortgage. He therefore asked to check-out by developers and the banks come forward to explain to understand, because he is a secondary mortgage purchase, the banks in order to prevent risks, increased down payment requirements, the quality of housing is not the problem. Understand the reasons, Mr. Wu is pleased to 10 years for 60% of the mortgage.

Counsel said: Last year, "121" following the introduction of documents, some banks on the secondary mortgage purchase a new request. Recently, the purchase of secondary mortgage interest rates have some increase. The main restriction is Chaofang, safeguard the normal and orderly development of the real estate market.

-- Comments: Not all banks are in the implementation of the provisions of the regulation of the market is still the ultimate beneficiaries ordinary home buyers.

7 misunderstanding housing quality problems, not to pay the mortgage!

Mr. Sun as housing quality problems, the developers made check-out. The two sides because of different views in court. In the course of the case, Mr. Sun began to stop paying Yuegong Kuan. Mr. Xiang Sun Bank issued Cuigu and asked him missing due Yuegong Kuan. Mr. Sun is very puzzling that the housing quality problems in their own right not to pay developers Fangkuan to continue on for the cessation of payments, the results of Mr. Sun was the banks to court. Mr. Sun is the biggest mistake made a mistake of the main mortgage, home buyers and the mortgage is a loan contract between the bank and repay bank is the target rather than developers.

Counsel said: buyers and the mortgage is the loan contracts between banks, the repayment to distinguish objects, check-out is between buyers and developers in contracts for the sale of a dispute, the relationship between the two points must be clear.

-- Comments: full awareness of the law, a problem to the advice of a lawyer, not to 1:00 emotional their stand on the dock

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