31 Jul 2008

About housing mortgage loans

Today 85 percent of the consumers when they purchase a choice of housing mortgage loans in this manner,

1 Q: What are the requirements for individual mortgage »

At present, Beijing banks for loans, although the targets of the requirements of different, but they all require loans should be targeting the full civil capacity of natural persons, should have the following conditions:

1, Beijing urban resident with valid residency status or accounts of natural persons, the temporary residence permit holders in Beijing or Beijing residence permit the work of foreigners, the Special Administrative Region passport holders or body

The card in Hong Kong and Macao, and other holders of Chinese passports;

2, a stable job and income, good credit, that is also arranging the loan principal and interest capacity;

3, with at least able to pay the price of housing over 20 percent of the purchase down payments;

4, a bank approved or pledge assets as collateral, or the ability to have adequate compensation as a unit or individual to repay the principal and interest of loans and the guarantors are jointly and severally liable, the assets of a bank recognized as collateral (generally refers to the borrower applicants Housing mortgage loans), but also by the ability to have adequate compensation units (generally refers to commercial housing loan applicants to sell the real estate developers) as the principal and interest outstanding loans, are jointly and severally liable and the guarantor;

5, with pre-sale registration purchase contracts or agreements, purchase contracts have been done pre-sale registration, and purchase basic housing prices in line with the bank or the bank authorized the real estate appraisal institutions

Assessment of value;

6, in line with the other conditions provided by banks.

Second: provident fund loans and commercial loans

What's the difference between » Individual housing provident fund loans and commercial individual housing loans of differences:

1, commercial loans of loans than the general provident fund loans to more. Provident fund loans of housing provident fund loans and deposit Huijiao units of retired workers and business loans regardless of the establishment of provident fund or not, can apply for.

2, provident fund loan interest burden on business loans than low. Provident Fund loans are policy-oriented loans, interest burden is lower than the number of commercial loans, the interest rate differentials for both the current 0.99 percent, but this will spread to the changes in the policy adjustment.

3, provident fund loans than commercial loans more than an assessment fee. Commercial loans do not need assessment, but with provident fund loans to buy commercial houses, now must pay an assessment to be assessed fees, the total Fangkuan to 100 yuan (including 1 million) for the total of 5 ‰ Fangkuan charge; 1 million yuan -1000 Million more, according to the total of 2.5 ‰ Fangkuan charge; assessment, minimum fee of 300 yuan.

4, provident fund loans than commercial loans more lawyer fees. Commercial loans to the law firm commissioned by the borrower for credit investigation, lawyers charge loans 2 ‰ -3 ‰ legal fees, provident fund loans do not need to pay personal legal fees.

Case 1: a rabbit named Ouyang Miao netizens, Christina 22, by a total 600,000 yuan to buy housing, borrowing 300,000 yuan, loans for 10 years, the repayment method is used matching the principal and interest repayment can be drawn from the table , The principal and interest of provident fund loans and commercial loans cost less than the sum of 28827.5 yuan.

3: How to handle the loan portfolio »

Applications for loans to the housing finance portfolio management centre or sub-centre applications, and the housing fund management center of First Instance. Applicants should first central provident fund for the Department of Guiji "personal housing loans secured by the borrower application forms", including the proposed purchase price, to be by the amount, duration and I and a spouse or co-applicants, such as provident fund balance, to have signed "Housing offers" and provident funds requested by the Centre for other materials. Provident Fund Center of First Instance, the real estate assessment notice. Including housing property assessment, property prices, the general assessment of costs: Fangkuan 200,000 below 1,500 yuan; 20 a 500,000 yuan 2,500 yuan; 500,000 above 3,500 yuan. Assessment issued by firms to assess the submissions, the central provident fund loans Guiji Department will issue an undertaking. Applicants can enter into a formal purchase contract, thus declared the completion of the provident fund loans. For some bank loans, applicants have to fill out the "individual housing loan application form," and other related documents and to submit corresponding applications for loans for information and to assist applicants for mortgage loans in the law firm to pay lawyer fees related costs (legal fees For 0.2% of the loan or three thousandths), the first trial conducted by the Law Society submitted to meet the requirements of the bank, the bank approved loans, the amount of loans by the banks will turn into a one-time developers in the special account.

4: How to handle the discount interest loans »

Discount loans will loan contracts, guarantee contracts, mortgages counter-guarantee contract integration, secured loans for the application procedures at the same time, people buy a house save the trouble of bitter back and forth, a combination of loans to solve complex procedures to handle the problem, but only belong to Beijing Central provident fund housing accumulation fund paid personnel can use the discount interest loans, belong to the straight, the tube, railways were deposited with the exception of the provident fund. Center for a security guarantee by individual housing loans, borrowers take loans to pay the amount of 3 ‰ legal fees and security services, security services, including an assessment of costs, life insurance, General Insurance, and other costs. Discount to the enjoyment of the highest percentage of loans for house purchase a total 80 percent, of which enjoy preferential discount interest loans for the maximum amount of 400,000 yuan in general, but also because of the high degree of credit and enjoy a certain proportion of floating rate loans, the longest period of no more than 30. The implementation of commercial lending rates or lending rates, provident funds and lending rates to loan-to-rate spreads between the central provident fund every six months by the return of one way for the return of the amount of interest rate differentials will be directly assigned to the borrower's repayment accounts, the return on condition that the borrower Regular repayment must be, otherwise the current difference between the benefit no longer be subsidized.

5: Which way the repayment of several »

At present the most commonly used loan There are three ways: a maturity of debt service, matching the repayment of principal and interest, matching the repayment of principal. In addition to the repayment of these three methods, there are two new interest-bearing loan, the two new interest-bearing loan in the manner already prevailing in developed countries, only a small number of domestic banks (such as CCB) Pilot cities.

1, the repayment of the progressive geometric

Also known as geometric increase (decrease) a progressive law, is the entire repayment period by a certain time of each time period than the last time more (less) also agreed a fixed proportion of each and every time period To be on the same reimbursement for the return of principal and interest of a loan repayment methods.

Example 2: Guyan solo (net) to 100,000 yuan bank loan, the loan-to-10 period, according to current interest rate option of matching the repayment of principal and interest, the monthly repayment was 1089.20 yuan, a total of 10, he will pay The principal and interest of 130,704 yuan. But he is expected after five years if the revenue will have a larger increase, then he can choose the "progressive geometric method of repayment." A five-year cycle, the second five years than the first payment on a five-year high as 50 percent as the first five years, his monthly payments of around 905 yuan in the second five years, the monthly , Of around about 1,358 yuan, up 905 yuan as high as 50 percent. A total of 10, he will pay about 135,780 yuan. Can be seen from the calculations, select the "progressive geometric repayment Law" than the last coupon payment option, "matching the repayment of principal and interest," more than 5,000 yuan. This is because the buyers of bank loans borrowed time longer, so the interest rate in the same circumstances, we should also pay some interest.

2, matching the progressive repayment of

Also said that occur in equal increments (by) a progressive law, it is the "progressive geometric repayment of" similar, is different in each time period will be agreed on more (less) repayment of the "fixed proportion" to "fixed line "And with the same period in each month to repay the same amount of the return of principal and interest of a loan repayment methods. Both loan basis complex. As a computer program settings, and other reasons, at present in the country is still less been adopted by the bank. However, the United States, Japan and Hong Kong, and other developed economies, individual housing loan business in prosperous countries and regions of the actual situation, it is very much on the prevailing international consumer credit repayment of two ways, particularly by the newly-wed couples and entrepreneurial start Welcome to the young people, because married couples or to buy in bulk purchases of consumer durables after the funds are often tight, but their family income is usually progressive, now also taken the first few years, several years after it more, the way so that The potential of young people buying houses to ease the current temporary shortage of funds, but also to purchase expenditure closer to their actual income of changing trends. In addition to the above five ways, the foreign banks also called for a "cut interest rates by the law," the interest-bearing loan, is in "matching the principal Act" on the basis of each phase of the interest on the balance of theory, but The principal is returned from small to large, making the total monthly return of principal and interest is the same. But in China's banking sector there have been a more convenient and flexible repayment methods - Minsheng Bank launched the mobile repayment mortgage portfolio, its very suitable for young home buyers.

6: matching law and the decreasing cost-effective method which more »

At present, individual housing loan repayment There are two main ways, that is, monthly repayment of principal and interest on a fixed amount of principal and interest of the matching law (equal) monthly repayment of principal and the principal method of matching the same (such as law). As most of the borrowers in the banking method of calculation does not understand, and often do not know how to choose the right way, and even some of the banking misunderstanding that the choice of matching law, once the early repayment to the banks ahead of the interest can not be returned. On the expense of the borrower. In fact, the choice of whether borrowers repay, the banks are lending to follow the basic principle that the actual interest in the settlement, they will not advance the interest charge.

Bank mortgage experts believe that borrowers in the selection of the two repayment methods, not simply the repayment of these two methods, but should be fully integrated a number of factors make a reasonable choice. For example:

1, the middle-aged people buying houses, because of their income in the peak period and have some savings, then the use of matching the principal repayment on a more cost-effective manner, because the entire repayment period, the total should be returned to the principal and interest than The use of matching the principal and interest repayment means saving a few million.

2, the young people buying houses, because of their shorter working life, income generally is not high and not much savings, the use of matching the principal and interest repayment method is better, not because of too much pressure for not lowering their quality of life. Coupled with the use of mobile mortgage loan portfolio, not only can ease the pressure for months but can also save a lot of interest.

3, intends to advance the repayment of principal and interest of the borrower to use the matching method of repayment is more economic.

Example 3: a netizen called the South prodigal son needs 600,000 yuan individual housing loan-to-business loans, in the two loan made a preliminary approach to understand, that the repayment of principal amount equal to less interest expenses, and made loan-to - 20. Bank staff calculated that, the repayment of the first month is 5,020 yuan, and inform the people and their friends to provide my monthly income that must be the total amount of borrowing at the double, that is, more than 10,000 yuan. This allows the User to embarrassment, although the family of the netizens honest, there is no problem of repayment, but a friend of both units written proof of income was only 8,000 yuan. If a matching repayment of principal and interest, the monthly repayment amount is 3,973 yuan, 8,000 yuan of income that is in line with. However, the South prodigal son identified by matching the principal, let the staff at the first month is also projected to around 4,000 yuan loan period, this bank staff have projected, by 30, then on the first repayment is 4,187 yuan, so the Customers choose loans 30. As everyone knows, the netizens to the original plan of the loan-to-20 deadline extended to 30 years, interest will be spending more than 100,000 yuan. In fact, such as 600,000 yuan in 30 of the repayment of interest is 455,000 yuan, 600,000 yuan in 20 equal installments of principal and interest is 354,000 yuan. The netizen by 600,000 yuan, had hoped to loan-to-20, 8,000 yuan can only open the proof of income, it is clear that the choice of matching netizens at this time of repayment of principal and interest is the most appropriate. If the use of mobile mortgage loan portfolio of the law, in accordance with its revenue growth song set the ratio in the same period to pay most of its income, for, without lowering the quality of life of the loan principal and interest repaid in full .

4 cases: 10 of 100,000 yuan of provident fund loans as an example, the law on equal amount of fixed to 1040.73 yuan, and the first month of this law, such as the amount of 1170.83 yuan (833.33 yuan principal + interest 337.5 yuan), After the monthly decrease. Can see that in the beginning years, and so this law to the return of the aggregate principal amount much higher than the matching method, in accordance with the principle of borrowing, the return of the principal amount, the more appropriate course of interest also the less. In fact, both in the way of repayment of loan repayment should be paid the first month of interest are the same, to 337.5 yuan (0.3375% monthly interest rate), why is the first on the principal amount is 100,000 yuan, but because of the matching Of the outstanding principal amount only 703.23 yuan (1040.73-337.5), but this law, such as reimbursement of the principal of 833.33 yuan (100000/120 months), so from the first 12 months, and so the law should pay less interest In the matching law. Selection of matching the borrower in repayment ahead of schedule, the remaining principal more, may find uneconomical, but in fact ahead of repayment can save the future of interest, before the loss of interest has not, of course, is cost-effective. Two methods of repayment of interest on the surface, the difference many, in fact, the calculation of the two principles is one thing, there is no advantage bank. Because the two loan Which way is not developing its own commercial banks, but central bank requirements. For banks, and not by what means more to the interest on the loan, because the two are in accordance with the loan means the occupation of bank loan funds to calculate the value of time. These two methods of repayment to the fundamental interest of different reasons, is the occupation of bank loan funds has changed. Clawback payments, loans were due to start on the multi-principal, principal of the future of the smaller banks, which generated less interest. And matching different principal and interest repayment rules, also started the loan principal less, also occupy a relatively more bank funds, interest rates will increase accordingly.

7.30 Q: After the loan may change the circumstances under which the repayment methods »

Housing loans in general a longer period, the number of up to 30, in this long repayment period inevitably arise such as the question, if the problems that how to do » When the following situation, in consultation with the banks, with the consent of the banking agreement, individual housing loans may be on the repayment period, buying houses, collateral to do the following changes:

First, early repayment. If the economy allows, you can ahead of the end of the borrower, banks can handle the repayment ahead of schedule, thereby reducing interest payments. Generally need only to the banks for one month in advance, for early repayment procedures can be;

The second is to change the repayment period. If you strengthen the ability of the loan, but not enough to pay off a one-time, by reducing the length of the change of loan scheme, which is a form of repayment in advance, ahead of the return of a certain number of principal amount, the bank will re - And the principal and interest loan default shortened life span, the same amount for the month. If you drop the repayment ability, can apply for an extension of loan period, but still can not exceed the maximum 30;

The third is to change the borrower. If a family members death, divorce, and so the loan period or the transfer of commercial housing for others to the mortgage, can apply for the replacement of loans;

The fourth is to change collateral. In exceptional circumstances, buyers can, through consultation, and other ways to reach an agreement with Fang Chanshang, in the same Fang Chanshang development of the flats, or in the event of different exchange between the original purchase of housing, but also to change the bank collateral Procedures, the so-called-for-mortgage.

8: prepayments cost-effective? »

Early repayment of part or all of individual housing loans, the borrower is guaranteed a monthly basis in individual housing loans in full repayment of principal and interest based on the early repayment of some or all of the amount of borrowing to meet "to shorten the repayment period to reduce interest payments," the purpose of . China's "Contract Law" Section 208 provides: "the early repayment of the loan, in addition to the otherwise agreed by the parties, in accordance with the actual borrowing of time calculating interest." Generally speaking, the early repayment to the borrower can save a lot of money, but in the end of prepayments uneconomical » This great inside knowledge. Because of prepayments, the loan should be based on the specific situation to determine. If you own future ability to repay have enough confidence, then you should consider how to develop a more reasonable loan scheme, instead of prepayments.

Example 5: Arabic is ready to bank a sum of 200,000 yuan for the 10-year loans for housing purchases, but intend to hand funded, with 45 of the loan will be repaid in full time to save part of Interest. To the current domestic commercial banks are generally used in "matching the repayment of principal and interest", a sum of 200,000 yuan 10-year loan, annual interest rate of 5.04 percent, in section 5 of the end of prepayments, the total interest payment for 40,021 Yuan. The loan and mortgage only five years, the annual interest rate of 4.77 percent, the total interest payment is only 25,192 yuan, compared to the previous method less 14,829 yuan. Therefore, the cost of capital from the point of view, reasonable control well in advance for the length of housing loans, than when the prepayments to be more economical. Moreover, the longer the duration of loans, advance payments of interest, the more natural the greater loss. For those too large in terms of age, if future income is expected to be conservative, you should pay attention to sound from the point of view, to minimize liabilities, at this time should pay attention to choose the right way the repayment of housing loans. Different way of repayment of prepayments of the influence of a difference.

9: How to handle the "lending" »

If you want to sell housing loans purchased, but did not pay off loans could not receive the deed can not be sold, you may find buyers in common with him after the bank to "loan-to-lending" and your name to the loan Another agreed to buy your room and you have delivered you have to pay the first payment of the purchase of them. If the property has been purchased for the registration of mortgages, you have to bank loans for housing applications, the procedure is: make an application, real estate assessment (of housing transactions if dissatisfied with the age of 2 years if you do not need an assessment), banks Approval, signed the contract, the write-off the original mortgage, transfer transactions, mortgage registration, issuing loans. If you have not yet secured for the property, they should first of all with the developer (the guarantor) consultations by the developer for the transferee to provide new guarantees, in consultation with the lending bank, otherwise developers will be exempt from responsibility for security, while loans Banks will also refused to transfer the loan for you. According to "guarantee" the relevant provisions of real estate collateral must apply for mortgages registered, and buying houses are generally purchased by Qi Fang, and loans for house purchase, have not yet obtained the deed, not for mortgage registration, because the current individual purchase Housing loans are generally adopt a "short-term secured and unsecured loans" in the form, that is, in the real estate collateral for mortgage registration, by the developers as a loan (purchase) to provide guarantees, to be secured for registration after developers secured Termination of people buying houses to purchase real estate as collateral.

10 Q: What are the home loans to pay costs »

Home loans are commercial, people buy a house to get loans to buy a house have chosen to comply with the provisions of the lending bank, in addition to pay interest on loans, we must also bear some of the other costs. In addition to assessment of provident fund loans and mortgage fees, registration fees, the Government does not require. Individual housing loans How much do what cost, we must first understand the following three aspects:

1, individual housing loans cost = assessment fees (loan-to-do not need to Qifang) + lawyer or notary fees for registration fees + + mortgage insurance premiums, with the exception of mortgage registration fees, other costs are not fixed.

2, individual housing loans is divided into three forms: provident fund loans, commercial loans (including loans discount), the loan portfolio)

3, individual housing loans in four forms of collateral: (1) property collateral, (2) property used as security guarantees (now Bank of little use, strictly speaking not part of individual housing loans areas), (3) jointly and severally liable Guarantee (4) property mortgage guarantee security and jointly and severally liable. What should people buy a house loan burden of the number of fees, purchases were directly affected by the choice of the form of loans and guarantees forms of influence.

(A) assessment fee

1, housing provident fund loans for the purchase of commercial housing, the demolition of the collateral required to assess Beijing's Wu Jiaju 1996 and 1997 two for the implementation of the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Construction formulation of charges: Fangkuan 100 yuan (including 1 million) for the 5 ‰ Fangkuan total charge; -1000 million more than 1 million yuan, according to the total of 2.5 ‰ Fangkuan charge; assessment, minimum fee of 300 yuan. Since the Beijing Municipal Fund Loan assessment is still a monopoly, the state may fall on the assessment fee of 20%, the absence of competition, people still can not benefit from the purchases. Housing for the purchase of economy housing need assessment, the handling agency considers necessary except for the purchase housing units Shou Fang, Fang Guansuo Shoufang, Anju Fang can not assess, but the purchase of flats or buy a house is required to Fang Guansuo Shoufang To provide housing reform programme, programme approved, a copy of the property (or the right to do that).

2, commercial bank loans: new housing, and housing reform in general Anju Fang does not need to pay the assessment fees, if required to be assessed, its costs by 500 yuan of admission.

Industrial and Commercial Bank: ordinary commercial housing and affordable housing endorsement by the sales price, without assessment, second-hand housing, luxury apartments, villas needs assessment. Agricultural Bank: second-hand assessment of the fees charged by 4 ‰.

3, provident fund loans with loan portfolio.

(B) legal fees or notary fees for provident fund loans do not need to pay lawyers fees for commercial loans, the bank commissioned a law firm or the civil sector borrowing individuals qualify, borrowers need to buy a house per single application of the loan 2 ‰ -3 ‰ to pay legal fees or notary fees, every single minimum limit of 100 yuan for portfolio loans, some not-to provident fund, to some commercial loans. Second-hand housing loans need to legalization, each about 200 yuan.

(C) of mortgage registration fees

Mortgage Registration Department (district and county land management department of housing ownership) will be charged mortgage registration fees, fees for 80 yuan. Purchases loans made in the deed in order for mortgage registration.

(D) insurance

The cost of insurance is the most expensive loans, bank loans generally require collateral to the lender purchases the insurance company for its recognition of property mortgage insurance (known as the Housing Authority insurance) or loans, credit insurance known as personal risk (to Loan-to-general does not require), and clearly the lending bank for the first beneficiaries of insurance, insurance requirements at the same time period not shorter than the loan period, the insured amount shall not be less than the full principal and interest loan, buy insurance costs from the lender commitment, mortgage insurance during the Single custody by the lending bank, in the implementation of loan contracts, purchases loans shall not interrupted for any reason or revocation of insurance, but according to early repayment period can be returned to the corresponding changes in insurance premiums, or the right to the lending bank took the insured, insurance People still buy a house loan commitments. But people do not buy a house in loans are loans to purchase housing and personal risk insurance.

1, provident fund loans by the State Council promulgated in April 1999

"Housing Fund Management Ordinance" provides that: "the risk of housing provident fund loans from the housing accumulation fund management centre commitment", buy a house with a provident fund loans, regardless of what forms of collateral, you can not buy insurance. The housing fund management center in Beijing in October 1999 issued by the <99> Jingfang funded centre of the first 119 words of text, people buy a house used provident fund loans still have to buy personal insurance, but the document also provides for the registration of the mortgage Or loans repaid after the completion of the personal insurance, the insurance company after the deduction of fees for surrender, they would return after the completion of registration or mortgage loans have been repaid after the premium paid. Beijing in May 2000 housing has been changed to voluntary purchase of insurance (agencies that must be the exception).

2, commercial loans secured by the property: the need to purchase comprehensive insurance (+ housing personal risk insurance), so this way of security is also known as purchase of property collateral and comprehensive insurance.

Use of property mortgages and related obligation to ensure security: the need to purchase insurance. Secured by property or jointly and severally liable pledge secured, you can not buy insurance.

3, the loan portfolio of premium calculation is divided into two parts: the risk on commercial loans to pay premiums; personal risk by provident fund loans to pay premiums.

Cases 6: Loan applicants Tianmaxingkong (net) 32-year-old to purchase a set of commercial housing, to be transaction price was 60 million, reinforced concrete structure, construction area of 100 square meters, ready to apply for individual housing loans 390,000 yuan loan period For 15 years. Tianmahangkong (net) need to pay the costs: If an application secured by individual housing loans (also known as policy loans), the need to pay the costs are: assessment of costs 3,000 yuan; no legal fees if by way of security for the property (real estate) mortgage Canada jointly and severally liable guarantee security, you do not need to pay insurance premiums if the way of security for the purchase of property mortgages and comprehensive insurance is required to pay insurance (life insurance) 6702.54 yuan. If the application purely commercial loans, the need to pay the costs: no assessment fee; lawyer fees 1,170 yuan; insurance (housing and property insurance) 4334.4 yuan.

To sum up, home loans to pay assessment fees, legal fees or notary fees, mortgage registration fees, insurance premiums and other costs.

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