31 Jul 2008

How to choose the correct analysis Class 8 mortgage products help you easily buy a house mortgage

2006, all commercial banks continue making innovative licensing, new mortgage endless: the fixed-rate mortgage, for the fortnight, the relay loans, as also by the dazzling…… the face of mortgage products, how many correct choice has become a consumer The problem. This reporter had an interview with the relevant experts, the current mortgage market in Chengdu new classification, so that buyers easily elected to both suited to their mortgage loans and cost-effective manner.

1, fixed-rate mortgage

Uplink to circumvent interest rate risks

For the crowd: the future of the expected interest rate rise cycle in the customer can avoid the risk of rising interest rates.

Interpretation of policy: the fixed-rate mortgage will not be "Suixingjiushi" in the loan contract is signed, that is, setting up a fixed interest rate, no matter how the loan period changes in interest rates, borrowers have to pay a fixed rate of interest.

For example: 500,000 yuan of loans to the mortgage period of 10 as an example, from the mortgage for the second year after the start, if the central bank annual interest rate increase 0.27 percentage points, No. 10 floating rate of interest on the 7.245 percent, while fixed-rate Even as 6.12 percent, down 10, a fixed interest rate savings of 31,300 yuan.

Experts advise: fixed-rate pros and cons. As a fixed interest rate will be higher than current interest rates, for those who intend to prepayments, the choice of fixed-rate loans are cost-of. In addition, fixed-rate loans are not suitable for all purchases, if people choose this way, must in the future market interest rates make the right judgement. If you deviate from the judgement of the market, could be to pay more interest on loans.

Bank of choice: China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank, China Everbright Bank

2, for the biweekly mortgage

Reduce the contribution period interest

For the crowd: a relatively stable income and mortgage repayment rate would be speeded up, shortening the repayment period to customers. Apply to the duration of the period for the housing mortgage loans, mortgages, if the secondary housing mortgage loans and monthly mortgage repayment of housing loans.

Interpretation of policy: "Fortnight for" corresponding to, for the purposes of that form of repayment from the original monthly repayment for a change in a fortnight repayment, the repayment amount each month for half of the original. For customers, mortgage repayment pressure on the same, but because of the increasing frequency of repayment, the loan principal to reduce speed to accelerate, which means the corresponding period of repayment of loan interest, for less than the loan interest, at the same time, the corresponding The contribution period will be shortened, but the monthly loan increase the pressure.

Experts advise: for new mortgage business people do not have to choose and pay extra for the biweekly fees, but customers are required, specific costs for the (need to change the repayment method) mortgage balance of 2 ‰, less than 600 yuan on 600 Yuan to pay. In addition, once a fortnight for late repayment, overdue interest will be contractual basis.

Bank of choice: Shenzhen Development Bank

3, relay loans

Parents and children loan "bundling"

For the crowd: a class of their parents is too large as the age of the borrower, according to the existing provisions (loan borrowers + years of age ≤ 65) loan-to-life may be shorter, more pressure on repayment, the hope that through the designation of children as a co-borrower to extend Repayment period; another as their children's future income borrowers expected the situation better, but low income, according to the existing provisions of the amount of loan-to-be less, by increasing the hope that the parents as a co-borrower to increase the loan amount.

Interpretation of policy: the Agricultural Bank early March launched the "Father of loan-to-son also" refers to the relay loan by the purchase of housing ownership to the children (or their children and their spouses) of all, and the borrower is one or both parents and the child. For their children married, their spouses also as a co-borrower. The emergence of mortgage loans, housing mortgage loans means that the original conditions relaxed the age limit, parents and children to relay to repay housing loans, is the essence of the extended loan period.

Experts advise: old customers can not do to "relay" Mortgages; relay loans in the bank for only; in the bank for other forms of mortgage customers, regardless of the parents or the children, can not turn into a "loan-to-father Son also "way.

Bank of choice: the Agricultural Bank

4, mobile home loan portfolio

At any time repayment methods

For the crowd: just work, the income is not stable, "the younger population."

Interpretation of policy: the repayment period, the borrower can adjust the repayment methods. This is the more flexible this year, a housing mortgage, the combination of mobile home loans. The kind of mortgage, allowing customers to view different periods of family income and personal finance and investment habits and personality of the year, the repayment programme, but also in the repayment period, repayment methods can also at any time.

Benefits: easy loans under their own income expectations, the flexibility to adjust their repayment, there are also more capacity, less pressure also. Compared with matching principal and interest, mobile home loan portfolio may save part of interest payments.

Experts advise: As the total repayment period is fixed, so if the repayment amount in the lower, the more pressure will be greater the late repayment.

Bank of choice: Minsheng Bank

5, in repayment of

Reduce the financial pressure early Jiaofang

For the crowd: the more tense "working family." Interpretation of policy: "in repayment" refers to customers in the bank for the new premises housing loan business, can apply for loans from the first month, and the banks agreed a time period of interest only to repay loans, not repay the loan principal, upon the expiry of agreement Then began to use matching or principal and interest repayment of the principal means of matching the return of the loan principal and interest.

Benefits: reduce the initial buyers Jiaofang economic pressure. Bank pointed out that if the public loan to buy the house has not been fully covered, and then hope that the new houses started in principal amount of outstanding loans, "in repayment" can be said to be an ideal choice.

Experts advise: for "pre-payment" to pay attention to the following three points: First, we must choose to move to new premises for the mortgage loan business and the other is in for a home mortgage loans, filled out a written application form, a "pre-payment" to ; Third is the "only interest, not principal repayments," the longest period not exceeding 12 months, but can not be less than six months. After the expiry, in accordance with the customer prior to the agreement and move matching the repayment of principal means of matching or repayment.

Bank of choice: China Merchants Bank

6, as also by the

Not subject to restrictions on the number of early repayment

For the crowd: a stable income and have purchased property of the public.

Interpretation of policy: in the loan to buy a set of housing, the bank will provide you with a corresponding credit limit. When you repay the loan after the sudden rush of the use of money, then you only need to adopt online banking or telephone banking will be able to immediately cash from the bank, eliminating a lot of intermediate procedures, mortgage lending rates in accordance with the contract signed At the rate of implementation, than ordinary commercial loans more concessions. At the same time, if you wish to early repayment of loans, not appointed time, nor on the number of restrictions, can at any time, thus reducing unnecessary interest payments.

Bank of choice: China Merchants Bank

7, loan-to-cycle

Line of credit to the high life long

For the crowd: much-needed cash flow of people read the policy: the user simply to own housing mortgage banks do, we can get the value of housing 80 percent of the loan amount, in real estate mortgage period can be divided into the ATM, recycling. "Loan-to-cycle" is difficult for the realization of housing characteristics, and users often in life will finance and investment, emergency expenditures, working capital needs of business, and need time to bank loans longer, difficult emergency.

Features: Shanghai Pudong Development "Managing mortgage" for example, if buyers purchase a total of 1.5 million houses, with plenty of funds, 50 million for housing mortgage loans, the period of 15, a Shanghai Pudong Development Bank "Loan-to-cycle" for loans, real estate as collateral to obtain credit limit of 1.05 million yuan. The remaining 550,000 yuan in 15 years with the use of admission, do not need to re-mortgage process.

ICBC's loan-to-cycle is different: If the mortgage loans from banks 700,000 yuan, also has a 20 million, then, without collateral in the circumstances, can take this to the bank the amount of 200,000 yuan.

Experts advise: This line of credit loans, life long, the longest a 30. But the more limited purposes, such as decoration, buying houses, buying futures can not be used for stock speculation.

Bank of choice: the Industrial and Commercial Bank, China Construction Bank, China Merchants Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, Pudong Development Bank.

8, arrived in loan-to-deposit

The combination of demand deposits and loans

For the crowd: As for regular business on the current account a large number of financial flows, or demand deposits relatively more, but unwilling to advance the repayment of the customer.

Interpretation of policy: the loan purchases, books on the total Shaoze a few thousand dollars more than the few million in deposits, and if so is the sale of small property owners, usually call accounts, the greater the volume of liquidity.

Without affecting the flow of funds under the premise of demand deposits used to offset mortgage loans, the maximum will be 5.76 percent of the proceeds. Arrival of loan-to-business is the case, it's the customer demand deposits and housing loans combined with management, as long as demand deposits more than 50,000 yuan, the bank will be part of the excess by a certain percentage of their regarded as prepayments, the loan interest savings as a Fiscal receipts on the return to the client accounts. However, the book has not really spend money, working capital needs could be drawn at any time.

Bank of choice: Shenzhen Development Bank

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