31 Jul 2008

Housing accumulation fund management centre with how you Zhizhao

Housing accumulation fund has been a topic of concern to the public. With real estate in the proportion of people living in increasingly heavy, housing provident fund and the public will place in the life inextricably linked. The provident funds, many prospective buyers are stupid stupid to "move", but do not know how to use only legal and effective. Recently, the public's widespread concern about the extraction and use of provident fund issues, the reporter of the Chengdu Qiujiao Provident Fund Management Center, managers, for the relevant questions are effective January 1 Tips.

Not to re-balance of loans loans

Q: I had used the previous year provident fund loans for housing purchases, the loan after I Can re-apply for an provident fund loans »

A: According to relevant regulations, the borrower and the unit has been continuous for more than a year for the housing provident fund deposit in full and on time, borrowers in the last provident fund loans was returned after can again apply for housing provident fund loans. Here there is no limit the number of loans, but bearing in mind that the current city the highest single amount of provident fund loans not more than 250,000 yuan and not more than the value of housing loans, purchasing a total of 70 percent.

The decoration can not apply for the use of provident funds

Q: I Will the housing accumulation fund for large-scale renovation »

A: The state regulations, housing provident fund can only be used to purchase workers, construction, Fan Jian, overhaul-occupied housing, and no unit or individual shall not be diverted to. Centre reminded the public that the so-called housing overhaul is part of the main structure of serious damage, the Housing Authority has been insecurity, the need for comprehensive repairs, in need of repair or demolition affecting the part of the main components of the repair work. This requires the identification of the Housing Authority security office identification. Decoration, decoration, maintenance, minor repairs, and other acts can not get housing accumulation fund.

Can be used to buy second-hand housing provident fund

Q: Can I use CPF to buy second-hand housing » And What is the difference between the purchase of commercial housing

A: According to regulations, workers used the one-time payment of the purchase, contract taxes in the duty-paid vouchers can be issued within 30 days after the housing accumulation fund management center for extracting housing accumulation fund. This shows that the extraction would have to use its own funds to pay Fangkuan. The need to purchase second-hand property transactions in the transfer of ownership, production for issuing warrants, within 30 days from the housing provident fund

Housing can be used to purchase housing provident fund to pay the first payment, Fangkuan. In actual loan performance, can also apply for every 12 months from provident fund to cover housing loans, but not more than its total from a year loan principal and interest on a provident fund and the total annual amount of interest has guitar.

The purchase of second-hand housing provident fund to receive post-paid accounting. The purchase of goods must be in the contract payments during the extraction, to take things in the extraction.

From different places can also purchase Provident Fund

Q: I work in Chengdu and Chongqing in the home, I can buy a house in Chongqing on the units used to pay the provident fund

A: According to regulations, Chengdu workers in the field and the purchase of owner-occupied housing can be provided in accordance with the regulations related to extract evidence, they can extract its housing accumulation fund. The center also remind us that because of materials has involved such as links, in different places, attention should be paid to purchase timing, for example consider the first time to pay the sign a little longer, and so on. In addition, since the differences around the provident fund system, the field in Chengdu purchase from the local provident fund depends on whether the local provident fund management system.

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