31 Jul 2008

Mortgage insurance how to avoid future trouble surrender

Exempted from the first strokes

Since the surrender such trouble, then of course the best way is simply not security. In fact, most of the bank mortgage insurance premiums solely by the borrower commitment, but it is the first beneficiaries of the banks, because of very low rate of individual housing Chuxian, the reasonableness of the mortgage insurance has been widely questioned.

To attract more customers, since July this year, the Bank of Shanghai, the ICBC, Pu Faxing, and so has been "conditional" abolish mandatory mortgage insurance, but in the end how this condition, since the banks are set. To Pu Faxing example, if the borrower's collateral to meet the requirements, and excellent quality, are encouraged to purchase their personal housing mortgage comprehensive insurance

But not compulsory purchase. However, if the collateral is a brick structure of the real estate, rather than reinforced concrete structure, then we must purchase mortgage insurance. In addition, the the compulsory and secondary mortgage insurance has yet to cancel.

CCB Shanghai Branch also can not mandatory mortgage insurance for the crowd made a clear distinction - the high-income high consumption and risk control. Because, CCB Shanghai Branch customer-oriented You Juzu issued a special card, lock the target customers are high-income and high consumer groups, and credit card system can immediately grasp the information in these customers, it can be when applying for mortgage To decide whether to buy mortgage insurance.

Second, pay bills

From the above we can see that the mortgage insurance is still confined to exempt from some banks, and the attributes of the property there are also many restrictions. Therefore, the majority of the public, or to buy a house when the insured mortgage insurance. If the expected future prepayments, may surrender, then choose the payment of mortgage insurance is also an option.

Shanghai introduced two years to pay mortgage insurance of the insurance company as an example, insurance rates only 0.06 percent minimum. Mr. Song to the situation as an example, its first year premiums were only 180 yuan. Mr. Song one year after prepayments, just one year to pay the premium, and there is no question of surrender charges.

Payment of mortgage insurance in the other big advantage is that if some of prepayments, which will also reduce premiums. For example, Mr. Song buy a house after the second year after not repaid in full, but only 40,000 yuan also the principal, then he will in all the remaining principal amount of the premium will be about 260,000 yuan base, which means every year Xujiao premium fell to 156 yuan. By the third year, Mr. Song is also in advance of the principal amount of 40,000 yuan, Xu Jiao its annual insurance premium has fallen to 132 yuan.

The third security measures

At present, people buying houses, a number of banks will be given housing and home purchase mortgage insurance secured two options, and a number of intermediary companies in the mandatory housing recommend home buyers to replace the insurance company guarantees the mortgage insurance, particularly provident funds Loans can only be used by way of security. As the security provisions of the bank's more comprehensive protection, banks often become the first choice to the buyer who recommended.

Equal to the principal Act 15 credits 600,000 yuan as an example, the guarantee fee of 4,872 yuan, the barge-payment of mortgage insurance premiums for about 5,000 yuan, secured home buyers look at the rate seems to be less than insurance. But in actual operation is not the case, because the mortgage insurance can usually be discounted, and the guarantee fee no room for any discussion, the mortgage insurance on price still has certain advantages.

So, why should the security in this way to put it » Because the provision of housing in Shanghai secured only one company, the Shanghai Municipal Housing home buyers bonding companies, if prepayments, it can also return the corresponding guarantee fee, and the cost of reunification of the city, at least not to engage in a variety of formulas fainted The first.

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