24 Jul 2008

40 percent of consumers choose Auto Financing Guarantee Corporation exempt from management fees

Benefits is: can be exempted from 1,200 yuan / year of management fees

Auto Financing consumption is no longer a symbol, more entrepreneurs and business owners in considering cash flow and other issues after the choice of car loans, and for this business said that although consumers are capable of a one-time purchase, However, such as delayed payments of funds for the more crucial investment, its profits higher than the interest on loans, in other words, loans to buy a car instead of "earned".

-- Run from the Auto Financing Company that the current Chongqing larger Auto Financing Company has secured 3-4, against more than 30,000 yuan bid prices of new cars can be made at up to 80 percent three years of the mortgage on the assumption that the applicant must To pass a stringent credit investigation. Chongqing in the market, car loans for about 40% of the consumers to choose their own security companies to find, and find a security company that can be exempted from the benefits of management fees, which cost about 1,200 yuan / year. Bear in the first opponent for consumers, this cost should be paid when the car, no doubt is a financial burden.

At the same time, such Auto Financing Guarantee Corporation in collecting payment and security deposit amount, a certain "room for discussion" in the standard case, the loan 200,000 yuan as an example, the two expenditure of approximately 13,000 yuan, of which margin of about 6200 End yuan in loans on time and return after return. It is worth noting that both the 4 S shop or find their own security companies, mortgage life insurance of vehicles in the designated insurance companies to be insured.

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According to relevant data show that 70 percent of the world is a private loan to buy the car. In the United States, the proportion of car loans is 80-85%, Germany 70 percent, India 60-70 per cent, while in China, this figure only 5-10 percent. From October 1998, the state allows commercial banks to automobile consumption credit business.

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