24 Jul 2008

World Bank Loan

The World Bank Group currently IBRD (World Bank), the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes comprising five members. Headquartered in the U.S. capital of Washington.

1, the World Bank set up the background and purpose

1. The World Bank set up the background. The World Bank was established in December 27, 1945, June 1946 start. All countries must participate in the World Bank's International Monetary Fund is the first of the Member States. The establishment of the International Monetary Fund reference to the detailed background of a chapter.
2. The World Bank's aim is:
(1) used in the production of the purpose of facilitating investment, to assist Member States in the rehabilitation and development of less developed countries to encourage production and resource development.
(2) the use of secured loans or participate in the private sector and other private investment, the Member States to promote foreign private investment. When foreign private investment can not be, in suitable conditions, to use their own capital or collection of funds and other funds for the production of Member States to provide funds to supplement the shortage of foreign private investment, foreign Member States to promote private investment.
(3) to encourage international investment by Member States to develop the resources of production methods, the promotion of international trade in long-term balanced development and to maintain the balance of international payments.
(4) in loans, guarantees or other organizations of the funding channels to ensure that important projects or urgent projects on time, regardless of size can priority.
(5) in business in the proper care of domestic trade of Member States, against the impact of international investment.
To sum up, or is secured supply of Member States to long-term loans, the Member States to promote resources development and national economic development, promoting international trade long-term balanced growth and maintaining the international balance of payments.

Second, the World Bank's organizational structure

1. The World Bank's shares. World Bank according to the principle of the establishment of joint-stock companies. In the early years, the World Bank statutory capital 10 billion U.S. dollars, all of the capital of 10 million shares, or 100,000 U.S. dollars. All Member States are required to subscribe for shares in the bank, the amount subscribed by the applicant countries and the World Bank consultation and approval by the World Bank's board of directors. Generally speaking, a country based on the number of subscription of shares in the country's economic strength, taking into account the country in the International Monetary Fund to pay the share of size. Member States pay a subscription of shares in two ways:
(1) Member States to subscribe for the shares, Xianjiao 20 percent. 2 percent of them use gold or U.S. dollars to pay, 18% of Member States to pay their own currency.
(2) the remaining 80 percent stake, when the World Bank reminders, with gold, dollars or the World Bank need to pay the money.
World Bank are the key issues to be voted on Member States, the right to vote and the size of Member States in direct proportion to the share capital subscription, the International Monetary Fund and the right to vote on the provisions of the same. World Bank each Member State with 250 votes for the right to vote, 100,000 U.S. dollars per subscription in the share capital increase, one vote. Subscription of shares up to the United States, have the right to vote 226,178 votes, of the total 17.37 percent of votes cast, with the important affairs of the World Bank loan projects play an important role in the decision. China's retail Gujin to 4.22 billion U.S. dollars, have the right to vote 35,221 votes, the vote of the total number of 2.71 percent.
2. The World Bank's organizational structure. The World Bank is the supreme body of the Governing Council, selected by each Member State, deputy director and a member of the governing. Term of five years and may be reappointed. Deputy directors in the absence of a member only when the right to vote.
The Council's main functions include: ratification of the admission of new Member States; increase or decrease the bank's capital to stop the Member States eligible banks decided the distribution of net income, and other major issues. The Council meets once a year, the General Council and the International Monetary Fund, held jointly.
The World Bank is responsible for organizing day-to-day operations of the Executive Board is the body, the exercise of the powers conferred by the Council. According to the World Bank charter, the Executive Board is composed of 21 executive directors, five of them by holding up the Gujin United States, Japan, Britain, Germany and France assigned. Another 16 were from other Member States of the directors elected by regional groups. Since China and Saudi Arabia have a right to vote, an election can be its own separate Executive Directors.
Administrative agencies by the World Bank president, several vice president, Secretary, Director of the composition of the staff. President elected by the Executive Board, the administration is banking summit, he in the implementation of the relevant principles and policies of the Board of Trustees, under the guidance of the bank in charge of day-to-day administrative work, the appointment and removal of bank officers and staff, while concurrently president of the Executive Chairman of the Board , But without a vote. Only the Executive Board on both sides of the same number of votes, can be crucial for a vote.

Third, the relevant provisions of the World Bank loan

1. Loans: official Member States, the state-owned enterprises, private enterprises. If the borrower is not the Government, will have government guarantees.
2. Loan purposes: more loans for projects for industrial, agricultural, energy, transport, education and other fields. Banks only provide the total investment projects in 20 percent to 50 percent, the remainder of the financing by borrowing countries themselves, that is, we often said the domestic matching funds. Bank loans must be earmarked, borrowing countries must accept the supervision of banks.
3. Loans deadline: 20 to 30 years, a grace period of 5 to 10.
4. Lending rates: According to the World Bank from financing the capital market to determine interest rates. Adjusted every three months or six months time. Loan rates than to lower market interest rates, the fees charged on loans less, only after the signing of the non-payment of loans charged 0.75 percent commitment fee.
5. Line of credit: According to the borrower country's per capita gross national product, strong or weak credit debt, the borrower country's development goals and needs, the feasibility of investment projects and economic development in the world in the order may be.
6. Types of loans: First, the specific investment loans; Second, the sector loans; Third, structural adjustment loans; four technical assistance loan is five emergency rehabilitation loans.
7. Lending procedures: procedures cumbersome, demanding, it normally takes a year and a half to two years time.
8. Repayment: the return of maturity, shall not be in arrears, not to change the repayment date.
9. Risk: the borrower countries bear the risk of exchange rate changes.

Fourth, the World Bank's lending program:

(1) of the selected projects. As the first phase of the project cycle, the selected projects is essential, whether from borrowing countries many of the projects selected viable projects, directly related to the success or failure of the World Bank loan business, therefore, the World Bank work on the project selected Has always attached great importance. The World Bank on selected major projects take several forms: ① and borrowing countries in various aspects of economic research work; ② formulated the principle of loans, loan clear direction; ③ and borrowing countries to discuss loan scheme; ④ sent project identification mission.
(2) project preparation. The World Bank and borrowing countries in project identification and loan project jointly selected, the project entered the stage of preparation.
The preparation phase of the project, the World Bank will be sent by a delegation consisting of experts, together with borrowing countries formally launched the project by lending the preparatory work for the next stage of analysis and assessment of the feasibility of laying a foundation. Preparations for the project by borrowing countries in general assume direct and primary responsibility.
(3) assessment of the project. Project preparation is complete, that is, into the assessment stage. Project evaluation by the World Bank itself is basically to complete. World Bank assessment of the five main parties and that the technical, economic, financial, institutional, social and environmental.
(4) project negotiations. Project negotiations general of the first World Bank loan and the two sides agreed to negotiations, then the invitation of borrowing countries by the World Bank sent a delegation to Washington to negotiate. Both sides generally on the loan agreement and project agreements the two legal documents to confirm the terms and on the technical issues to discuss.
(5) the implementation of projects. After the talks, the borrowing countries and project beneficiaries to the negotiated agreement and project loan agreements for an official confirmation. On this basis, the management department under the World Bank loan, will be discussed by the World Bank project to the Executive Board approved the text. After the project was approved, the World Bank and borrowing countries formally signed the agreement. After signing a formal agreement, the borrower will be in accordance with the conditions necessary for the entry into force of loans, for the relevant legal procedures and that the entry into force of the necessary legal documents sent to the World Bank for review. If procedures are available, the World Bank loan agreement that came into effect, the project entered the implementation stage.
(6) After the evaluation of the project. In a project loan to close the account after a certain time, the World Bank to carry out the project concluded that the project after the evaluation. Through the completion of clearance of the project implementation, review and sum up the project in previous cycle that in the course of the experiences and lessons of evaluation projects expected to benefit from the realization of the extent.

World Bank lending rates

The World Bank launched the current loan spreads primarily for floating loans and loan fixed interest rate differentials. Its lending rates are as follows:
Floating interest rate differentials loans: floating interest rate spreads for loans six months in London lending rate plus loans floating interest rate spread, adjusted every six months. Re-floating interest rate differentials once every six months. October 1, 2007 U.S. dollars floating interest rate spreads for loans of 5.14438 percent.

Fixed spread loan: a fixed spread loan interest rates to six months in London lending rate plus a fixed spread loan, adjusted every six months. Fixed spreads throughout the loan period fixed.

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