24 Jul 2008

The attention of several loans to buy a car

1, not to purchase loans for a monthly income below 6,000 yuan families. After the car loan, in addition to the monthly loan repayment of principal and interest, fuel, maintenance, parking, road and bridge, Yang Yang Lufei, such as car costs around 1,500 yuan per month for vehicles and support vehicles, are spending in 3000 -- 4000 yuan, and therefore, the purchaser should have a high household income, and to avoid conflict and the mortgage, if the trend of blindly rush for the car, it will affect the overall quality of life of the family.

2, cautious about zero down payment, low interest rates and other concessions. Some auto loans and intermediary organizations to the so-called zero-down payment, low interest rates or even interest-free promotions, etc., as a means, in fact, some concessions are . they will raise prices, increase the fee to " Make up for the loss. " Thus, for car loans to commercial banks should meet or "auto finance company management methods" for the informal auto finance company.

3, Mo Wang repay the loan principal and interest on time. In accordance with the provisions of bank loans should be settled in the early stages stored in the accounts of the outstanding principal and interest, if not repaid on time, the banks will charge a late payment, according to the situation and will have to take deduction for mortgage vehicles And hold the responsibility of the security measures. In addition, the bank will be the borrower's credit record of the situation as "bad", improve the credit system, a bad record of the borrowers will be the individual banks "blocked."

4, if the funds could be considered to allow prepayments. To ease the pressure of debt service, most people would choose the five-year car loan, but with the increase in revenue, if the period ahead with the loan repayment ability, could be considered ahead of all of the loan or loan, This can be secured as soon as possible get the car purchase invoices, and other procedures, as the real "owners", the family can take full advantage of the surplus funds, make scientific financial management.

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