24 Jul 2008

Housing loan rates

Immediately to the New Year's Day, this time the banks are very busy, not only because of the end of each of prepayments is the peak period, but also because the central bank will soon raise housing loan rates.

According to reporters learned that at present, Sichuan, the banks, have introduced a rate adjustment policies, the implementation of the new rates, customers monthly repayment amount will change. Bank to remind the borrower, the future should pay attention to the repayment on time, in order to obtain optimal lending rates, and maintain good personal credit history.

A good credit 8.5%

Last year, August 19, the central bank again raised the deposit-loan interest rates. After the adjustment, the five-year housing loans more than the benchmark rate to 6.84 percent, the minimum rate of 5.814 percent. The August 17 after the mortgage loans for consumers in accordance with the implementation of new rates, and old customers from January 1, 2007 from the Executive. As the central bank over the past two years has been constantly adjusted mortgage rates, mortgage repayment time in many old customers have been notified.

The first interest rate adjustment policies introduced to the Agricultural Bank of China. Last week, the bank announced the "interest rate on housing loans adjust the notice," the August 19, 2006 issue of individual housing loan interest rates to adjust: the implementation of interest rate 0.9 times the benchmark rate for personal loans, in the next year New Year's Day-normal interest rates when debt-servicing, not late, or a non-malicious reasons for overstaying 2 (inclusive) within the direct line will be adjusted to the new benchmark interest rate of 0.85 times.

Reporters in Chengdu on the banks interviewed found that the major banks next month after adjustment of mortgage rates are the central bank benchmark interest rate of 0.85 times, that is, as long as no non-performing loan records, mortgage owners are able to enjoy Lower the interest rate concessions, Pingci, the lender for the amount of the increase will not be too many.

Prepayments to act within our capability.

China Construction Bank branch in Sichuan branch of Minjiang River below the loan centre, reporters saw a lot of loan prepayments, in consultation with the situation. Xingzhang one of the men told reporters that he had last year for mortgage loans, but from last year to this year, the interest rate one l Zaisheng, his heart very worried. Although interest rates have not, but by more than 20 years Suanxia Lai, the number is not small. And his and his wife are Gong Xinzu, there are children to care, not so much funds to pay the banks more and more interest, so he find a friend to borrow money, coupled with their own savings, they also advance a loan .

In other central banks for loans, the reporter can see, to counter the Advisory advance repayment of the loan than to continue for many more loans to customers.

According to the Chengdu Branch of China Minsheng Bank a loan-to-the Department of Management official said, although this year on August 19 the central bank adjusted interest rates of RMB loans will only increase the benchmark interest rate 27 basis points in the period within three years, can enjoy 8.5% The prime rate of high-quality personal mortgage customers, instead of the actual lending rates dropped. Therefore, some shorter loan period, especially in the five years within the customers is absolutely no need to repay the advance. The official said that if the majority of banks by 8.5% of mortgage-to long-term loans of 1-3 years (inclusive) as an example, the interest rate increase before the interest rate is 6.03 percent, fall 10 percent to 5.67 percent, the interest rate increase after the At the rate of 6.30 percent; fall 15 percent compared with 5.355 percent, before the negative than the interest rate increase by 0.315 percent. And so on, 3-5, (including) the lending rate, the interest rate increase before and after remain unchanged; more than five years, only after the interest rate increase by 0.063 percentage points.

It is learnt that the mortgage rates are still pricing initiative is in the hands of various branches, usually as long as the good repayment record, mortgage rates fall rates are up 15 percent. And personal商用房(offices, shops, etc.) loans, loans for personal consumption, and assist the industry category of personal loans and other lending rates fall a maximum rate of no more than 10 percent.

For those who would like to prepayments of the customer, to remind the people, because each bank in the rate of implementation schedule not the same, may be linked to a bank loan of two people in the early repayment of the problem appears on different issues. The bank is even more difficult, because the banks implementation of the new interest rate is not the time, so there will be differences in prepayments. Bank loans are not the same in each situation will be tailored for the repayment terms, so that the person suggested that lenders should personally put all kinds of mortgage information to the lending bank to professionals for their calculation is also the most suitable Loan-to-way.

For less impact on small changes

In fact, the public can be carefully calculated, if a bank's benchmark interest rate by 15 per cent discount is the interest rate limit of the mortgage, and after adjustment before adjustment for the change from small, some in the medium to long-term mortgage rates even after adjustment "Negative by."

Below to three examples to illustrate that the time for their loans in May this year, the line of credit for 400,000 yuan.

Cases 1: The 3-year loans this year, Ms. May loans 400,000 yuan to purchase a housing loan period of three years, the implementation of the benchmark lending interest rate of 10 per cent discount, its lending rate to 5.427 percent, also the principal in accordance with the matching Of the law, in January next year, for his will 12518.11 yuan. After adjusting the interest rate, the benchmark interest rate by 15%, the lending rate from January 1 next year onwards to 5.355% (6.30% × 0.85), for the month will become 12499.33 yuan, instead of the former than the interest rate adjustments to pay less 18.78 yuan .

Example 2: loan period is five days in May this year, 400,000 yuan loan to buy a set of housing, lending a period of five years, the implementation of the benchmark lending interest rate of 10 per cent discount, its lending rate to 5.508 percent, also the principal in accordance with the matching Of the law, in January next year, for his will 8258.44 yuan. After adjusting the interest rate, the benchmark interest rate by 15%, on January 1 next year, the mortgage interest rate at 5.508% (6.48% × 0.85), he is also the month for 8258.44 yuan, before and after adjustment for the same amount on.

Three cases: a 10-year loan period Miss Wang in May this year, 400,000 loan to buy a set of housing, lending a period of 10 years, the lending rate to 5.751 percent, matching the principal repayment in accordance with the law, in January next year, for his Will 5122.53 yuan. After adjusting the interest rate, the benchmark interest rate by 15%, the lending rate from January 1 next year onwards to 5.814% (6.84% × 0.85), compared with 5142.13 yuan for the month than before the change in the rate only to pay 19.6 yuan.

This shows that the more the loan amount is not, and the Bank of professionals also said that as from August on the central bank raised the interest rates, coupled with the vast majority of borrowers are in the August 19 and before the bank Qianlegetong, therefore, for the slight increase in the population will not have much impact.

But the banks are still reminded lenders, the interest rate adjustment, if it is the original loan amount of deposits, will result in "arrears record", so the best loans were asked in advance how many and also clear the repayment on time, in order to obtain Optimal mortgage rates, while maintaining good personal credit history.

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