24 Jul 2008

Bank loans

1, loan classification
Bank loans to creditor banks for the use of funds as the main form. According to the delineation of different standards, bank loans with a variety of different types. Such as: according to different repayment period can be divided into short-term loans, medium-term loans and long-term loans repaid by different methods can be divided into demand loans, term loans and overdrafts, loans or use of different objects, can be divided into commercial and industrial loans, agricultural loans And consumer loans, securities brokers loans; loans secured by different conditions, can be divided into bills discounted loans, mortgage notes, the value of mortgage loans, credit loans, and so the amount of loans of different sizes, can be divided into the wholesale loans and Retail loans at interest rates agreed in different ways, can be divided into fixed-rate loans and adjustable-rate loans, and so on. Moreover, in different countries and different development of a country's period, according to various criteria of the type of loan is also a difference. For example, the U.S. industrial and commercial loans mainly ordinary loan limit, working capital loans, standby loan commitments, project loans and other types, and the United Kingdom's industrial and commercial use of bills discounted loans, credit accounts and overdraft accounts and other forms.

2, the Anglo-American countries types of bank loans
(1) general loan limits and stand-by commitment. General loan limit is a constraint to the informal agreement of the form of loans. Based on the seasonal demand for funds with the characteristics and laws, made an informal agreement with the banks, agreed by the bank in a specified period of time to provide the maximum amount of loans in this period and the line of credit, enterprises can readily obtain bank loans. Enterprises applying for loans to banks to limit must note the recent financial situation, the banks under its own corporate credit conditions and operating requirements to decide whether credit and the implementation of the agreement. Stand-by commitment is more formal and legally binding agreements agreed by the form of loans. Enterprises and banks signed a formal loan agreement, the banks are committed to the limit within a specified period and enterprises to provide loans to banks and businesses to pay commitment fees.
(2) working capital loans and project loans. Working capital loans is based on the production cycle of their products, raw material reserves, the characteristics of the slow return of funds to determine the progress of product sales and the amount of the loan period the form of loans. Project loans are risky, high cost of large construction projects as the object of the loan amount is characterized by its large, high-risk, high interest rates, to project the rationality and feasibility of a decision based on whether or not the loans, loan debt recovery Claim against the project, rather than the companies and enterprises. For large projects, usually by the combination of a number of banks, a bank syndicate or the form of syndicated loans, to spread the risks.
(3) bills discounted. General loans and bills discounted, in the performance of its characteristics: ① credit targets. Discount notes are instruments targeted at people instead of borrowing targets; ② line of credit. Only the amount of discounted loans and bills denomination, the discount rate and the remaining period of the instruments, without borrowing purposes, the borrower and other factors affecting the financial situation; ③ return to form and duration of funding. Bills discounted by the paper is now posted for early recovery of funds and rediscount; ④ risks and benefits. Factoring is more reliable assurance of liquidity and risk diversification mechanisms, but generally lower than the loan proceeds.
(4) credit accounts and overdraft accounts. Bank credit account is mainly used for payments in a convenient form of loans. Overdraft accounts in the bank is to open a current account customers in the form of easy loans.

3, China's bank loans Category
June 1996 by the People's Bank of China promulgated the "loans General Clauses", the loans will be classified as follows:
(1) self-employed loans, loans and commissioned by the specific loan. Self-loans, means the loans were legitimate ways to raise funds independently of the loans, their risk by the lender commitment by the lender to recover the principal and interest. Commissioned by the loans, means by government departments, enterprises and individual clients, such as financing, loans from (or trustee) in accordance with the established client loans, use, the amount, duration, interest rates took the issuance, use and supervision To help recover the loans. Loans (the trustees) only charges, loans do not bear the risk. Specific loans, means approval of the State Council and the possible loan losses to take remedial measures instructed state-owned commercial banks issuing loans.
(2) short-term loans, medium-term loans and long-term loans. Short-term loans, means the loan within the period in 2001 (including one year) loans. Medium-term loans, means the loan period in more than a year (excluding 2001) the following five years (including the five-year) loans. Long-term loans, means the loan period in five years (excluding five years) more loans.
(3) credit loans, secured loans and bills discounted. Credit, refers to the credibility of the borrower's loan. Secured loans, means guaranteed loans, mortgages, pledge loans. Guaranteed loans, means by "the People's Republic of security" under way to ensure that a third person committed the borrower repayment of loans, guaranteed by general agreement bear the responsibility jointly and severally liable, or release, on the loans. Mortgage loans, means by "the People's Republic of the security law" approach to the provisions of the mortgage borrower or a third person's property as collateral for issuing loans. Pledge loans, means by "the People's Republic of the security law" provisions of the pledge approach to the borrower or a third person as the personal property or rights of payment of the loan. Factoring means the lender to the borrower to purchase outstanding commercial paper of the way the loan.

The most: the central bank set up a commercial bank loan Doomsday for new loans may not be over 3.63 trillion
-- Beijing Morning Post: Although the People's Bank of China loan growth targets this year, keeping a low profile, but from the banking industry sources said this year the central bank will continue to use the powerful administrative regulation and control means, for commercial bank lending limit set "death limit."
Yesterday said commercial banks have entered the new year, although since the fourth quarter of last year since the loan contraction serious the situation has eased, some long-delayed last year's outstanding individual housing loans eventually be granted, but it absolutely does not mean that the central bank The growth of loans to loose control.
A few days ago, large parts of the central bank to commercial banks to make clear instructions, this year's total new loans of financial institutions shall not exceed last year's level. Last year, the national financial institutions for new loans total 3.63 trillion yuan, which means that this year's growth rate of loans shall not exceed that amount, the growth rate of not more than 13.86 percent.
The first three quarters of last year, the rapid growth of bank loans, thereby increasing the rebound in investment and economic overheating risk, and increase the central bank control money supply more difficult. The whole of last year's total of new loans far beyond the beginning of last year the central bank set the goal of 3 trillion yuan.
From the fourth quarter of last year, the central bank to use the administrative control of the powerful means to identify the various commercial banks extended loans of quotas and over-expressed will to implement punitive measures. In such a high degree of tightening the conditions, some of the excessive growth of bank loans in the end there can be no money to loan-to-situation.
Received a powerful means of immediate effect. The central bank announced over the weekend statistics show that last year in December, the financial institutions RMB loans increased by only 48.5 billion yuan, less than the same period last year increased 172 billion yuan.
It is worth noting that last year a significant increase in loans is an important factor in the increase of personal and long-term loans. Some banks are expected, the central bank this year will continue to monitor the growth of personal and long-term loans, and strict supervision of banks tightening of control measures related to the implementation. Earlier, the central bank and the CBRC promulgated the second mortgage and add the new political rules to curb property buyers use bank loans to buy more housing act.

Experts advise: buy the fitness room to the four bank loans
Has been troubling economic affordable housing loans for home buyers was difficult to "ice-melting." She Qushi Jiangxi 11 and the four major banks on housing mortgage loans to the economy entered into an agreement with a third person, such as housing mortgages to meet the requirements of buyers by the bank, the ICBC, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank loans. Bank loans in accordance with agreed, would be the abolition of all government-owned financial business of taking deposits.

A third person may mortgage housing mortgage
Jiangxi Province, on proof of income, income can not meet the standards of the economic conditions of the mortgage loans affordable housing purchase, if the following conditions and one of the banks to achieve the required repayment capacity, several banks should be issuing mortgage loans: increase Bank conditions with the third person as a co-borrower; provide a fixed income security, housing or with their own relatives, friends and other third party for housing mortgages, providing other forms of security.

Even more than four government loans owed to repurchase
Economic affordable housing to buy the purchase of housing under five years, not loans contractual principal and interest outstanding loans, loans in arrears for more than four, the Government should apply economic house in the repurchase. She Qushi approved by the Government of the repurchase price of economic housing units, from the local "urban low-cost housing funds" in the special account to pay to ensure that creditor banks signed the timely realization.

Bank lending and deposit-taking financial cancelled
Jiangxi Province, banks such as not signing this agreement agreed on by economic She Qushi purchase affordable housing grant mortgage loans, the banks will abolish the signing of the housing accumulation fund operations and all deposits commissioned by the government-owned financial funds of the business of taking deposits Various government departments and the project funds business of taking deposits. If the Government does not agree by agreement, signed on the banks of the repurchase is given the proper conditions for the repurchase, the banks to stop issuing economic affordable housing mortgage loans.

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