28 Jul 2008

Almost the entire study loans

At present the countries receiving loans to study what »
Chinese students currently receive loans that the country mainly for Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

New Zealand: the designated CITIC Industrial Bank
Australia: recognition of the financial institutions have six: the Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, CITIC Industrial Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank.
Britain: study recognized the bank loans, such as China Merchants Bank.

To study loan applications are required to meet the conditions »
General sense, apply for loans for a wide range of people. Bank departments, to study loan applications for borrowers must be the full civil capacity of Chinese citizens have the legal identity documents, at a fixed residence and stable occupation and source of income, their schools provide the "admission notice" or " Jieshou Han "to provide their schools open to learning period required for tuition and fees cost-of-living proof material, but also provide loans were approved arrived in assets, pledge or a compensatory capacity and are jointly and severally liable third-party borrower (normally Borrowers parents), and borrowers who already have access to education for a certain percentage of the costs, while the implementation of the lender under the loan conditions and provide documents related to the pledge of materials.

The borrower needs of the conditions:
With full civil capacity of natural persons, studying abroad to study master's degree and above, can be credited foreign exchange abroad will follow first degree and bachelor degrees above the students, loan-to-yuan.

The amount of loans and life »
The amount of loans to study abroad does not exceed the school admission notice or other effective school that set out on the registration fee, within a year tuition, living expenses and other costs necessary for the RMB equivalent sum of up to more than 500,000 yuan, the general deadline of 1 ~ Six years, the longest period of not more than six years.
Related: New Zealand students studying abroad can apply for loans from 300,000 to 600,000
Ireland's New Deal: study loans and stay two years will be introduced

The mortgage loans secured to study which of several »
(1) real estate mortgage: loan does not exceed the maximum approved by the lender's collateral value of 60%;
(2) pledge: loan does not exceed the maximum value of the pledge of 80 percent.
(3) credit guarantee: to ensure that third parties jointly and severally liable, if the guarantor for the recognition of corporate banking, full of the case of natural persons authorized banks, the maximum loan is not more than 200,000 yuan.

How repayment »
Loans within the period in 2001 (including 2001), loan principal and interest when due in one-time settlement of loans, loan period in more than a year (excluding 2001), implemented on both principal and interest loan repayment of matching.

Case study loan applications

New Zealand to study loan applications (CITIC Bank as an example):
The first step: the applicant (or their parents) directly to the CITIC Industrial bank loan applications;
Step 2: bank loans for review;
Step 3: If the application is approved, banks will be the applicant or his parents issue a "notice of studying abroad loans";
Step 4: students apply for a visa to the New Zealand Immigration Service;
Step 5: Immigration to apply for a hearing;
Step 6: If the visa was approved in principle, students require banks to start lending;
Step 7: The applicant will be "personal credit loans to study certificate" in principle approval letter and other material submitted in the New Zealand Immigration Service, who will complete the final procedures. Note: In the absence of special circumstances, the original loan documents will be filed to retain the New Zealand Immigration Service;
Step 8: completion of their studies, the students made contact with the New Zealand Immigration Service (Note: The amount of loans for 300,000 to 600,000 yuan. Minimum requirements for the loan period of three years, applicants can choose to 3-6 in the loan period)

Australia to study loan applications (People's Bank of China as an example):
The first step: the applicant (or their parents) directly to the People's Bank of China raised the loan applications;
Step 2: bank loans for review. Bank loans were received in the borrower's application, in seven working days to reply will be;
Step 3: If the banks agree to loans, banks will agree to the loan amount, duration, interest rates and repayment plans to inform the borrower;
Step 4: banks and borrowers and guarantors signed loan contracts and guarantees for the loans and contract procedures. (Note: The loan period is generally one to six years, the longest no more than 10 years. Loan limit: in principle more than education in school during their tuition and living expenses for 80 percent of the total. Minimum of one million. A maximum of more than 500,000 yuan.)

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