28 Jul 2008

Domestic bank loans for students

Studying abroad needs a powerful economic strength backing. For those who are not from a rich family of students, "money" is going abroad on the road they encountered a major obstacle. At the moment, apart from foreign universities for scholarships, study loans is a new choice. In this to you on domestic banks for loans to study ways, and several countries in the relevant circumstances.

Japan will provide loans of developing countries at their own expense, students

Japan's foreign ministry recently announced that Japan will begin in 2001 for developing countries to establish the school at their own expense, students borrow money system, to help them study and life in Japan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that only economic support, the number of students from developing countries will increase, thereby contributing to strengthening Japan's relations with developing countries.

This yen loan will be responsible for issuing yen loans to the Japan Bank for International Cooperation through international organisations.

Bank of China on study loans

Last year, the People's Bank of China approved the Jinghu Sui three places to study business loans, currently in Beijing for study loans are Bank of China and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank.

Loan Bank of China is studying education student loans in a business. According to the Bank of China stipulates that "education is student loan lender to the borrower of the loans for themselves or their legal guardians were attending domestic secondary schools, college and pursue a master's degree, doctorate degree or have been approved, and other foreign students in Secondary schools, universities and pursue a master's degree, doctorate and other places used for tuition and fees (including overseas tolls) of consumer loans. "Education Student Loan implement" effective guarantee repayment schedule "principle, the two sides in accordance with the principle of borrowing signed loan contracts in accordance with the law.

First, the terms of lending for overseas students

For the study loan borrowers must have the following main conditions:

1, with full civil capacity of Chinese citizens;

2, a resident accounts or valid residence status, have a fixed address and detailed;

3, a school's "admission notice" or "Jieshou Han" have opened their schools to learn that the period required for tuition and fees;

4, the provision of loans were approved arrived in assets, pledge or a compensatory capacity and are jointly and severally liable third-party guarantor;

5, borrowers who already have access to education for a certain percentage of the costs;

6, the implementation of the lender under the loan conditions.

Second, how to apply for study loans

Borrowers should be the lender (referring to the Bank of China domestic subsidiaries) to submit a written loan application, fill out the application form and submit the following documents, certificates and information:

1, personal and spouse's ID cards, marriage certificates, account or other valid stay thin Original documents, the effective education proof of identity, attending school outside the education required to produce the passports, visas and provide a copy of the original filing;

2, in principle, there should be notarized by the National Private sector borrowers to education and the care and education relations prove that the birth certificate;

3, the school's "admission notice," read the school opened to students for tuition and fees during the period of supporting information;

4, to make mortgage or pledge of property, should provide collateral, pledge of inventory and dispositions (including the total property) signed the agreement mortgage, pledge or commitment to the statement. The collateral required by the relevant departments to submit assessment report issued by the value of the insurance sector and the insurance documents, the pledge of the power required to provide documents. To third-party guarantee, shall provide a written security guarantee agreement documents, credit documentation;

5, in loans to open a personal savings passbook Original and photocopy or credit card;

6, the lender requests for documents and other materials.

Third, the duration of study loans

To study the loan period is generally one to six years, the longest no more than 10 years (including 10 years), the specific period in accordance with the borrower and secured their nature were identified.

Fourth, to study the rate of loan

To study the interest for the loans, the People's Bank of the implementation of the provisions of the same grade lending rates. Loans within the period in 2001 (including 2001), the contractual rate of interest, the case of statutory interest rate adjustment, the contract rates unchanged; loans over the period in 2001, met the statutory interest rate adjustments, according to the People's Bank on the interest rate adjustments The provisions of interest rate adjustments. (Note: loans due within one year debt service; more than one year loans every six months a matching debt service.)

5, study loan limit

The maximum loan to study in principle more than 80 percent of the total tuition and fees.

It is understood that the Bank of China run by the students loans due to the monitoring of foreign exchange restrictions, limited to the RMB currency loans. Currently studying abroad for the borrower, the Bank of China also unable to provide foreign exchange loans. Therefore, studying abroad on exchange of personnel, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Exchange Authority to apply for the grant procedures, the Bank of China at the tuition fees for each academic year and the cost of living Currency Exchange. Learning cost credit through the Bank of China outside the school; cost of living based on the borrower may request a one-off or phased transfer to the borrower country in which the school's Bank of China cities, but also for international borrowers for the Great Wall cards, money orders, travel Cheques or cash. (Nan Ye)

Spain's "soft loans"

Almost all of the Bank of Spain and Spain earned on savings to all students and possession of identity cards of Spain to provide preferential loans to foreign students. Such loans were known as "soft loans", in Europe and the United States and other developed countries is very popular.

Access to "soft loans" the conditions are: the University of registration, the personal bank accounts, loans have to accept the addresses. Applications for such "soft loan" of college students generally do not have family assistance, but also the absence of other sources, however, students and the curriculum vitae of the good quality to obtain such loans. In the amount of 250,000 pesetas (190 pesetas for one U.S. dollars) and 500 million pesetas between the general interest rate at 4.5 percent and 8.25 percent, and some banks such as Bilbao - Biscay foreign banks Also provide 500,000 yuan following a period of 11 months interest-free loans.

Student loans, the loans can negotiate interest rates to determine the interest rate is fixed or variable interest rate. In many cases, the University of the first and second year at fixed rates, followed by variable interest rates. However, the annual need to verify. Repay the loan approach is the basis of their study period to determine the restitution amount each month.

Foreign students can enjoy a "soft loan", but they must have the identity cards of Spain. General students only in Spain to be one to two years, they have only student residence permits, the application can not be. And many of the students have a residence permit in the study 12 to remain in Spain after the study, about two years after the long-term residence can be applied to the ID card. (Shirui yuan Xiashun Britain)

Canada's "Student Loan Scheme"

The Government of Canada from 1964 introduced the "student loan scheme" (CanadaStudentLoansProgram). At present, there are two types of loans, is a federal and provincial government loans, and the other is a commercial bank loan. Canada's student loans provided only to students, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students may apply. But Canada has not set up specifically for foreign students loans, foreign students can only apply to immigrate to Canada after the student loans.

According to the "student loan scheme," the Canadian federal and provincial governments in each of the approximately 450,000 students with 1.3 billion Canadian dollars (1 Canadian dollar approximately 0.68 U.S. dollars) of loans. Lending rates to the prime rate plus 2.5%. The longest period of loan repayment for nine years. Students in school without loans during the repayment of principal and interest, but demanded that the university graduates six months after the start repayment, repayment difficulties students can actually graduate from the start after three years of outstanding loans.

Commercial bank lending rate to prime rate plus one percent, and some will require students from the date of the loan to repay the loan interest each month. Major banks because of different strengths, the students line of credit of the grace period and repayment of the provisions of the same.

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