28 Jul 2008

College Students Loan

University of school, many students facing financial problems. To bank loans is a solution:

The special nature of student loans

Students loans and other loans the biggest difference, other loans is generally borrow a large sum of money all at once, and then immediately the monthly repayment, such as real estate loan that is the case. However, while loans for college students is to borrow the use, repayment will have to wait until after graduating from university work can begin amortization. This need not repay a period of calculating interest, therefore, when even with interest repayment, the borrower to pay interest on the total number will be high. This is because since the beginning of borrowing money, counting on the interest, but not since then because of reimbursement, it will benefit the roller Lee. If borrowing 5,000 euros and 300 euros for the first year of interest. By the second year, the principal would not be 5,000 euros, 5,300 euros but, on the basis of this re-count of interest. And so on, of course, more and more interest. For example, the Bank of Credit and Commerce France (CCF) of 6-year student loan, the amount of 15,000 euros, the annual interest rate of 5.5%. If the immediate commencement of monthly repayment, the monthly repayment for the number of 3,038 euros. If three years after the beginning of repayment, the monthly repayment amount rose to 4,168 euros.

More preferential interest rates for brand-name college students

It should be noted that, compared to ordinary personal loans, the repayment of loans students of low interest rates to an average of 2-4 percent, more attractive. And lending institutions in fact never reviewed the students get loans to do. Some students simply take money to travel…….

However, people should understand this point, so prestigious universities such as the Higher Academy students get a better interest rate loans, the banks are smart: prestigious universities students were good jobs and good salaries to the banks which have received A good customer. Therefore, any access to, such as Polytechnique (POLYTECHNIQUE), the National School of Administration (ENA), ESSEC Business School, the Higher Business School (HEC), Institute of Coal Mine, such as road and bridge College students, or read the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Graduate students can be better interest rate loans. If the National Bank of Paris (BNP) is the lending rate as non-insurance can be as low as 3%, BRED bank 3.9 percent.

Student loans, guarantees parents

Students must buy loans in addition to death and disability insurance, parents also have the guarantee. Once the students if not from loans from parents responsible for reimbursement. If no parents, can also be secured by a third party. Therefore, student loans, parents must fill out a security proof. Of course, some banks have accepted the security guarantees, but lenders have to pay more than 1% of the cost.

Students start-up capital loan

Students venture, the state and all levels of government promulgated a number of preferential policies, involving finance, business, taxation, entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship guidance, and many other aspects.

(1) university graduates in two years after graduating from independent entrepreneurs, venture entity to the location of the business sector for business licenses, the registered capital of (this) in the 500,000 yuan the following, allowing phased in place, the first place registered capital of not less than 10% of capital (capital contributions of not less than 30,000 yuan), one additional year Shijiao registered capital to 50 percent, the balance can be phased in place within three years.

(2) college graduates new consulting industry, information industry, the technology services sector enterprises or business units, the tax department approval, exemption from corporate income tax for two years in new transport, post and telecommunications communications companies or business units, the The tax department approval, the first year exemption from corporate income tax, enterprise income tax levied by half the second year of the new Office for public utilities, commercial, materials, foreign trade, tourism, logistics, warehousing, residents of the service industry, the catering industry , Education and cultural undertakings, public health undertakings of the enterprise or business units, the tax department approval, exemption from corporate income tax year.

(3) States have the commercial banks, joint-stock banks, city commercial banks and urban credit cooperatives to conditional autonomy for the graduates to provide small business loans and simplifying procedures to provide convenience and clearing accounts, loans in the amount of around 20,000 yuan . Loans for up to two years, identified the need to extend the maturity, can apply for an extension. Interest on loans in accordance with the People's Bank of China announced the lending rates set, secured a maximum of five times the Guarantee Fund, with loans for the same period.

(4) The Government has owned the personnel administration department personnel intermediary service organizations, free of charge to independent entrepreneurs graduates custody personnel files (including the charge d'affaires social security, job title, salary and other files relating to procedures) for two years; free for qualified personnel, labor supply and demand information, free Published recruitment advertisements, and other services; appropriate relief personnel to participate in the labor market or exchange of personnel charges for staff to start a business of providing a training and evaluation services.

(5) above the state preferential policies for all independent venture developed by the students, all local governments in order to support local entrepreneurship students, but also introduced the relevant policies and regulations, and more refined, more close to reality. For example: According to the Shanghai Municipal Government and the relevant provisions of fresh university graduates in Shanghai venture can enjoy a free risk assessment, policy of free training, free loan guarantees and some tax and fee remission four preferential policies.

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