28 Jul 2008

National Student Loan ━ ━ give you a good wind on the Albatron

The turn of the century, China's broad array of vocabulary, there is a new vocabulary frequently came, the esplanade, which is designed to help students complete university studies Hanmen the "national student loans."

June 28, 1999, a historic press conference held in Beijing, announced at: Office of the State Council formally Pizhuan People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance "on the national student loan management requirements (Trial) "From September 1 onwards, in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities in eight countries college student loan system for the pilot. Was announced a month later, Beijing University and Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences four students signed loan contracts with banks, to become Beijing's first batch of student loans benefit from the country's university students.

Over the past six years, the state student loans just like the spring breeze He Xu, Chuijin students of the soul, to give them hope out of poverty, helping them to realize the dream of the University.

Over the past six years, National Student loans have become government-funded college students from poor families one of the main measures. According to the National Student Loan Management Center, as at the end of December 2005, the total loans approved 2.068 million students, approving a total contract amount of 17.27 billion yuan.

6 years of practice has proved that national student loan is to implement the "Three Represents" another concrete action to implement the scientific concept of development is another typical example.

Resolve problems, the state student loans into the student system

In recent years, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to and the loving care of, the relevant State Council departments, local governments and colleges and universities work together, always adhere to the scientific concept of development, seize the rare historic opportunity to expand the scale of High School And accelerate the development of higher education, persist in reform and innovation, and vigorously promote higher education management system, the logistics community college enrollment and employment system and a series of reforms, China's higher education to achieve a sustained, healthy and rapid development. China's higher education has become the world's largest higher education. In 2005, China's higher education gross enrollment rate of 21 percent, of a total of 23 million people.

Higher education is non-compulsory education, must be from the Government, society and schools, students shared personal and family training costs, not only at this stage is the only way for the development of higher education in China, the world's great majority of countries general practice. In the late 1990s, China gradually implement a system of higher education cost-sharing by students on training costs as a percentage of pay tuition fees. In the broad masses of people's understanding and support of the cost-sharing system reform has made great achievements, and effectively ensure the turn of the century higher education development by leaps and bounds. Running the colleges and universities not only ease the tension of the situation, but also enable more students especially in rural areas of students entering colleges and universities have the opportunity to learn. According to statistics, 2004, the number of rural youth to go to college was the University accounted for 51% of the number of students, the first time over the enrolment of urban youth. However, colleges and universities after the implementation of the charging system, is also part of the rural poor families and low-income urban families of the children encounter great difficulties.

Educational development and reform in the face of new problems, should use development and reform of the solution to the problem. To ensure that Hanmen school students and peace of mind to study, promote fair and equitable education, and embody ideas of governing for the people of the country, the state has explicitly put forward the "Gongbantaixue students not admitted because of family financial difficulties and lost learning opportunities," the work requirements. To this end, the state has adopted a "prize, loans, help to make up, by" a series of support measures, the most important is the national student loans. This is China's colleges and universities in a substantial increase in students from poor families, the original funding arrangements can not meet all the needs of students from poor families the circumstances, the majority of foreign countries to make full use of financial instruments and taken a major funding arrangements. As the main national student loans, student other forms of mutual cooperation for the realization of "the students admitted to Gongbandaxue not because of family financial difficulties and lost learning opportunities," the goal of providing effective protection system.

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