28 Jul 2008

Housing loan repayment ahead of schedule and more tips

Now mortgage purchases have been very common, although 5% of the mortgage interest rate is not high, but most loans 20 down, the interest rate is almost half the total Fangkuan. Thus, there Xianqian the hands of a friend, are willing to choose prepayments. Statistics also showed that housing loans in general as "average loan period is 16, while the average rate of return for seven years", that is exactly the average repayment period of nine years earlier. So buyers ahead of the return of housing loans should pay attention to what » What for prepayments, prepayments how, tips on what to pay attention to it »

Do not forget to surrender prepayments

In the early repayment of all loans, individual housing loans of housing insurance contracts are terminated prematurely at this time. According to relevant regulations, the borrower can carry the original insurance policies and pay off loans ahead of schedule shows that the monthly insurance companies to refund the advance payment of premiums. Bank of dealing with such a one-time payment prepayments of the more simple procedures. General requirements for banks to inform customers in advance (usually 10 working days in advance to a month); banks to calculate the total arrears, a good number of designated bank customers to pay money to pay interest on the month; Fangqi banks will be sent to the contract-appointed lawyers Firm, for the abolition of mortgage loans to real estate leases and management of registration; good lawyer after all procedures, will inform all the owners to reclaim their property deeds. Some banks without lawyers, as long as they Banqi procedures directly to the deed or purchase contract returned to the customer.

Early repayment of loans after all, do not forget from insurance companies, the tax department of their own money back

In the early repayment of all loans, individual housing loans of housing insurance contracts are terminated prematurely at this time. According to relevant regulations, the borrower can carry the original insurance policies and pay off loans ahead of schedule shows that the monthly insurance companies to refund the advance payment of premiums. Premium refund loans repaid ahead of schedule, under the existing home or purchase housing is Qifang, Qifang the actual costs of the insured period (more than half a year Qifang the insured period is generally less borrowing for a further one year), the original one-time payment of premiums Interest rate and the discount factor counting factors such as speed, calculated as follows: loans repaid ahead of schedule refund insurance premiums = pay restitution in advance when the present value - ahead of the return of the former occupier in insurance premiums in advance when the return of the present value.

Prepayments do not forget the tax rebate

Also do not forget to tax departments for tax refund procedures. When you buy commercial housing, the tax rebate should be family members of all property rights as people purchases into the contract and the signing of the contract, to pay for Fangkuan after "buyers paid the tax base of personal income tax deduction" for , I made the "contribution of the general revenue."

After all the early repayment of loans, real estate can get permits, should be completed in real estate proved right after the six months, at the tax department for tax rebate procedures.

Do not the first year of repayment ahead of schedule

It should be noted that in the initial loan repayment within a year will not advance. Provident fund loans in accordance with the relevant provisions of the early repayment in the loan should be for one year after, and the amount of restitution should be more than six months of payments.

Another point is that the loan contract provided for in the early repayment should not arise overdue also the circumstances, if there are also overdue, and should also end arrears to apply for prepayments.

Remind one: prepayments choose matching repayment of principal

China Industrial and Commercial Bank of the experts believe: the people in the choice of the period when the loan must fully consider their capital operation and follow-up sources of funding. For example, Mr. Xu loans choose the highest in 30 years a total of 680,000 yuan of loans. The beginning of 2001 the monthly repayment amount equal to 3906.62 yuan, of which 3160.99 yuan for the interest, principal of 745.63 yuan for the past year the principal customers for a total of 745.63 × 12 month = 8947.56 yuan, to repay interest to 3160.99 × 12 = 37931.88 yuan. This shows that the principal and interest equal under the law, most of the money to repay only the interest and principal accounting for only 19.1 percent. At this point if the choice of prepayments, there will be substantial loss of interest.

If you have the expected prepayments, matching the best choice of principal repayments, loan period should not too long.

Remind 2: breach of contract under the shadow of mortgage options to

According to Chinese people's consumption concept, the ability of the loan as soon as possible is good personal credibility of the performance, but the reluctance of banks. Individual housing loans relatively small risk, the relative safety of income, such a "golden business," the banks are rare, but customer prepayments disrupted by the use of bank funds plan, the loan losses brought about by the stability of the Interest income. In fact there are ways to avoid the payment of liquidated damages. The banks are providing to the press, for by such means, often taken in for a new house or the house, will take prepayments way to reduce the debt pressure. In fact, according to the individual housing loans can help people avoid prepayments breach of the magic spell.

Remind 3: not blindly follow suit early repayment

Although the early repayment is a very common phenomenon in the face of expected rate hikes to choose repayment is required to "think twice" later,.

1, housing loans are long-term loans, the interest rate is a one-year transfer, that is to say, even if the recent interest rate adjustments, the new personal mortgage interest rates from next year to January 1 introduced, prepayments mean that we must give up part of mobile Funds, as well as greater financial pressure. To know, and dealing with banks, however, "Huanqian difficult to borrow money", prepayments should tailor our thinking is.

2, the borrower is a better investment channels. A little money to its bank loan repayments, not looking for good investment channels, "Health and money money." For example, although the stock market slump in recent years, but each year around November will launch five waves continued to rise on the market, revenue will far exceed loan interest, so if selected finance and investment channels, it is to make use of bank loans For more revenue.

3, the time value of the loss should be considered. In housing loans, pay less in advance repayment is a lot of interest, why is the return of principal at the rate of accelerated, occupied by the reduction of bank funds only. But there is time value of money, such as other people to you by the 10,000 yuan, due to price increases, may also come back after six months in fact only the value of 10,000 yuan over 9000. So in price increases, those originally intended to lump-sum Fangkuan of people, you can go to bank loans, and loans to buy a house has, in general it is not necessary repaid ahead of schedule.

Also if the buyers chose the provident fund loans, prepayments, the provident fund would be discontinued, and demand deposit interest rates, to retire to extract, a capital in the coming years on the benefits of too few .

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