28 Jul 2008

Student Loan Editions

School loans should be responsible for monthly living expenses will be paid to student borrowers.

Who is responsible for overseeing the use of student loans »

Schools responsible for overseeing the use of student loans, the banks had loans to the schools to understand the distribution and use.

National Student Loan repayment period is long »

Generally speaking, the borrower students should graduate within six years after the loan repaid principal and interest. After graduating from income countries to encourage better student borrowers pay off loans ahead of the principal and interest. For August 2004 before the signing of loan contracts (including graduates of the repayment plan), students generally require borrowers in four years after graduating from the principal and interest of loans repaid

National Student loan interest rate is the number of «

National Student loan interest rates in accordance with the People's Bank of China announced the implementation of the statutory rate. The current annual interest rate of loans: one to three years to 5.76 percent; three to five years to 5.85 percent; more than five years to 6.12 percent.

The state's financial how to conduct national student loan interest subsidies »

Borrowers in school students during the national student loan interest from all the state financial subsidies; student loans after graduation of students from interest and Faxi I paid in full. For August 2004 before the signing of loan contracts, loans, in the normal period of the state's financial burden by half the interest burden of my students the other half interest.

Student loan borrowers do not need the half-way how to do »

Students in school during the borrower, as a result of the economic situation has improved, and other reasons, half-way do not need loans, student loans in the past on the 10th, through which schools to apply in writing to terminate the banks issuing loans. The bank agreement, students and the bank loan contract changes, and other procedures.

Transfer students how to deal with the country borrowing student loans »

Borrowers transfer students, must first pay off the original - the principal and interest of bank loans, the host school before their procedures for transfer.

Student loan repayment will start in the National Student Loan »

Student loans after graduation, his interest loans to be paid in full. -- Bank loans to allow students under the employment and income level, self-chosen 24 months after graduation in any month since the principal amount of outstanding loans. Specific loan, borrowing from students in the confirmation process for the repayment to the bank for Action, Action Bank for approval.

Students can take the borrower to repay the manner in which National Student Loan »

Banks are usually designed for the student loan repayment of two ways: matching the repayment of principal and interest repayment of principal and matching. Matching each phase of outstanding principal and interest repayment of principal and interest amount equal to the average repayment pressure on the distribution of matching each phase of the initial principal repayment of the loan repayment amount more, after the repayment of the amount of each issue less repayment pressure was before After the bear-distribution. A matching payment of principal and interest repayment of principal and interest repayment of principal amount slightly higher than the matching law.

Student loan repayment will advance »

Student loan borrowers in the period, ahead of some or all of the repayment, it must be in writing in advance to the banking application. Early repayment of the principal amount of the contractual rate and the actual number of days of the use of interest.

The student loan default should bear the consequences »

1, the state student loan borrowers without students - and in accordance with the bank signed the agreement for the repayment deadline for an agreement, the amount of outstanding loans, the banks would respond to its default of repayment of the amount to Faxi, and breach of contract load Financial institutions, credit information system, financial institutions no longer for a new act of loans and other credit business.
2, according to the repayment agreement entered the repayment period, the default for more than a year without contact with the banks take the initiative to handle the formalities of student loans, the administration departments and banks will be through the media and other information channels and networks announced their names , Citizenship numbers, graduate schools and the specific violations, and other information.
3, non-related people assume legal responsibility.

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