28 Jul 2008

Personal loan applications

Workers personal housing mortgage loans should bring the following information:

1, workers personal housing mortgage loan applications;

2, proof of the individual units;

3, a copy of the borrower identity card (original);

4, a copy of the borrower accounts (Original);

5, (1) the purchase of 100% of the property, should bring "concessions Shoufang approval form" a copy, fill out the "Urumqi City workers rights and interests of individual housing loans secured property rights certificates";
(2) the purchase of 33 per cent of property rights, need to take "all property rights replenishment computation of" copy, while 67 percent of the borrower's card copies Sifang property rights;
(3) purchase Anju Fang (affordable housing), the need to bring residential housing project (of the economy applicable) pre-sales contract and a copy of the original.

6, borrowers pay has more than 30 percent of the purchase of a copy of your receipt of receivables;

7, units of the unit housing provident fund should be Huijiao, receive loans, as well as Shoufang Kuan account account to write a total proved.

Borrowers should pay attention to three units:

1, and units of all borrowers total borrowings should not exceed the month of the unit housing accumulation fund loans to total 80 percent;

2, individual borrowers may not exceed purchase (100% or 33% of the property rights of property rights), 70 percent up to more than 20,000 yuan. An Jufang purchase (affordable housing) can be appropriately increased line of credit.

3, to retain the amount of loans to 100 integer. If workers need a loan 17872.33 yuan, 17,800 yuan for the remaining 72.33 yuan to be raised by individual workers and staff members pay enough.

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