28 Jul 2008

Students preferential policies for entrepreneurship

Q: Regarding the pioneering policy of university students, such as interest-free loans, tax breaks, the Ministry of Education whether a specific file »

Answer: To guide and encourage college graduates facing the western region and arduous grass-roots employment in remote areas, in September 2006, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education jointly issued the "College graduates National Student Loan compensatory financing Interim Procedures", From 2006 onwards, their full-time departments of the Central University of fresh graduates, voluntary in the western region and hard work of grassroots units in remote areas, services reach more than three years (including three years) the students, their school during the country Student loans to repay the principal and all interest generated before by the central financial authorities took the reimbursement.

According to various departments of the State Council on the division of functions, the students study and work out preferential tax policies for entrepreneurship mainly by the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation lead responsible for the preferential policies for major loans from the banks, the CBRC is responsible for the lead. It is understood that encourage college students venture tax and loan policies are working on process.

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