28 Jul 2008

Commercial bank mortgage loans accounting method

Mortgage is a secured loan, the borrower is banking on a certain property as collateral and payment of a loan. The borrower can not due to return the principal and interest of loans, the banks have the right to dispose of in accordance with the law of mortgage loans and income from the proceeds from the loan in priority to recover the principal and interest, or to offset the discount mortgage loans of principal and interest.

Applicable to the mortgage industry and commerce administration departments have legal personality and registration of all people, the collective industrial and commercial enterprises in China and the Sino-foreign joint ventures. Individual industrial and commercial households and individuals can also apply for mortgage loans.

Mortgage loan-to-general to take Zhubi nuclear loans accounting methods.

(A) of mortgage loans for the accounting

Mortgage loan borrowers from the bank to apply to the bank to "mortgage loan applications," stated borrowing purposes, the amount, repayment dates, names of collateral, quantity, value, storage sites, and other related matters, the bank credit sector After examined and approved by the borrower signed loan contracts with banks and collateral security or the transfer of property rights that the banks. Contracts and related information, such as banks considered it necessary to the notary, notarized by the authorities of their authenticity, the legality of notarization. The disaster-prone against the collateral, borrowers should be for property insurance, banking and insurance policies pay custody. In case of loss, the banks can recover damages from the insurance mortgages.

For related collateral, the banks should be issued "arrived in (of) goods and remanded in custody certificate" one of the two, a reference to the borrower, the other retained by the banks. And registration forms, subjects, the accounting entries are as follows:

Admission: the custody of valuable goods

Mortgage loans, the longest liquidity loans not exceeding one year, fixed-capital loans is generally one to three years, the longest of not more than five years. Mortgage loans are usually not the full value of the collateral lending, but the value of the collateral by 50 percent to 70 percent of loans.

Borrowers use loans, determined by the credit departments under the line of credit to fill out a loan in five of the certificate, signed for stamping the borrower's seal, the credit departments of the staff's approval, and mortgage-related documents together Sent to the accounting department.

Accounting department received credit to the relevant departments to document, the review are correct, in accordance with the relevant requirements and the borrower's request for transfer. Its accounting entries are as follows:

By: mortgage loans - loan borrowers households
Credit: demand deposits - the borrower deposits households

(B) the accounting of mortgage loans to recover

Mortgage loan due, the borrower should take the initiative to repay certificate, issued by the bank, together with the collateral custody receipts, for the repayment procedures. Its accounting entries are as follows:

By: demand deposits - the borrower deposits households
Credits: mortgage loan - the borrower loans households
Interest income - Mortgage interest income households

At the same time, sales in mind sheet subjects, the original mortgage application form, as subjects for the annex to the summons. Its accounting entries are as follows:

Fu: the custody of valuable goods

(C) of mortgage loans overdue for the accounting

Mortgage loan due, the borrower can not be units such as arranging the return of principal and interest of loans, the banks should be transferred to loans overdue loans accounting subjects, and requirements of admission Faxi. Late one, the borrowing units still unable to return the principal and interest of loans, the banks the right, under the loan contract has been signed, in accordance with the law collateral. Banks collateral There are two main ways: one account and the sale price.

1. The price will be recorded for the accounting of collateral.

Will be recorded when the price of collateral, should mortgage principal and interest receivable and the price for handling accounts, accounting entries are as follows:

By: fixed assets
Margin: overdue loans - borrowers households
Interest receivable - mortgage interest receivable households
Accumulated depreciation

2. The accounting of the sale of collateral.

Bank in accordance with the regulations auction borrower's collateral, should the net income from the auction to cover mortgage principal and interest.

(1) net income higher than the loan principal and interest. If the auction higher than the total net income from loans and the principal and interest, the balance recorded as interest income. Its accounting entries are as follows:

By: cash (or × × deposits)
Margin: overdue loans - borrowers households
Interest receivable - mortgage interest receivable
Interest income - Mortgage interest income

Refund the difference if the borrower, accounting entries are as follows:

By: cash (or × × deposits)
Margin: overdue loans - borrowers households
Interest receivable - mortgage interest receivable
Demand deposits - the borrower deposits households

(2) net income below the loan principal. If the auction proceeds net income lower than the loan principal, less than its principal part in the preparations for loan losses from the write off, interest receivable from the preparation to write off bad debts. Its accounting entries are as follows:

By: cash (or × × deposits)
Loan loss
Margin: overdue loans - borrowers households

At the same time,

By: preparations for bad debts
Credit: interest receivable - mortgage interest receivable

(3) net income higher than the loan principal, but lower than the loan principal and interest of and the accounting. If the auction proceeds of the loan principal higher than net income, and lower than the loan principal and interest, the auction proceeds in the amount of full compensation of the loan principal and interest receivable, less than part of preparations to write off bad debts from its accounting entries are as follows :

By: cash (or × × deposits)
Impairment provision
Margin: overdue loans - borrowers households

Interest receivable - mortgage interest receivable

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