25 Jul 2008

As all major banks in lending rates


Mortgage rates

Loan Rules

Also provides loans ahead of schedule

Mortgage interbank transfer

Non-designated bank loans
Industrial and Commercial Bank
6.12% (quality customers may fall) over the five-year housing loans, lower interest rates will be 6.12 percent of the benchmark rate 0.9 times that the implementation of 5.51 percent, and the purchase of luxury housing and housing loans over the second set, in accordance with the 6.12 percent benchmark interest rate implementation, and the purchase of high-end housing, housing the second set of appropriately increasing the proportion of down payment. Clearing an annual interest on loans, loan, have to charge interest on the remainder of the month. Can not be directly transferred for interbank mortgage, the need for more cumbersome procedures. Enquiries can be specific - the mortgage bank clerk. The developer has a registered capital of more than 1 million, the project over 30,000 square meters, can handle
China Merchants Bank
6.12% (quality customers may fall) 1 to 3 years (including) the interest rate to 5.76 percent mortgage, 3 to 5 years (including) to 5.85 percent, more than five years to 6.12 percent. According to different regions, as well as housing, to determine the percentage of loans. If the banks that apply for a loan or a regional event risk is too large, would reduce loan-to. Whether or not to accept early repayment, in accordance with loans from banks - the relevant provisions of the contract decision. Accepted interbank to the mortgage business, but for, it must issue a certificate of sponsorship company's borrowing power of attorney, secured by the company to provide the interbank loan irrevocable guarantees, specific operational procedures may be to move to the Advisory Network. During the application process, the need to provide proof of identity, proof of marriage, proof of income, assets that pre-sale contracts, invoices, to be specific operation for the business.
China Construction Bank
6.12 percent on March 17 after the commercial release of personal housing loans, the general will be the implementation of the central bank benchmark interest rate 6.12 percent, but under specific circumstances or floating downward. Specific requirements, if meet the following three conditions - the purchase of loans since the housing, the Housing who is the first loan to buy suites, a good credit lenders, loan interest rates can fall, the largest fall 10 percent, or 5.51 %. Some high-risk products, or bad credit records, the implementation of higher mortgage rates, such as the second set of housing loans, loans and other high-end villa. If the loan less than a year, the choice of prepayments, on the basis of default days (up to a maximum of one month) the interest charged as a breach of contract. Does not accept the interbank to the mortgage. General requirements for loans to buy housing for existing homes will be the developer's qualifications, as well as buyers of credit for inventory and income, and then decide whether to provide loans.
Bank of China
Available at present the first set of loans to purchase villas on the 6.12 percent benchmark interest rate 0.9 times that the implementation of 5.51 percent, if loans to buy a house, buy the second (and more) of housing, lending rates in accordance with the same grade of 6.12 percent benchmark interest rate. The March 17, 2005 before signing loan contracts, has yet to grant loans, interest rates are still in accordance with the implementation of the original contract. Individual housing provident fund loans, March 17, 2005 (inclusive) after the implementation of the loans after the interest rate increase, on March 17, 2005 Prior to the issuance of the outstanding loans, from next January 1 after starting the implementation of interest rate increases. If the loan less than a year, received one month's interest payment as a breach of contract. To accept the interbank mortgage, to the various branches enquiries. As the case may be.
Agricultural Bank
ONGOING lending policy is not yet clear, but the industry generally believe that Construction Bank, Industrial Bank of mortgage action on the four major commercial banks are "leader". Loan for less than one year, must be returned to the breach of contract. * The amount of advance payment default rates * (12 - has been on loan a few). Does not accept the interbank to the mortgage. Non-acceptance of the business.
CITIC Industrial Bank
Adjustment of 5.51 percent in 2001 to pay interest or principal and interest in January as the default. The need to pay off all of the original loan, and must provide two sets of more housing ownership certificates. With personal income shows that pre-sale contracts, can be done for specific conditions and operational procedures may consult the branch mortgage sales.
Guangdong Development Bank
5.51% adjustment in less than a year, if the loan time, to pay the default, breach of contract by the amount stipulated in the contract. Does not accept the interbank to the mortgage. And the bank must have an agreement signed in loan guarantees for companies.
Bank of Shanghai
Yi Shoufang loans for 6 to 7 percent 6.12 percent, 60 percent below 5.51 percent, 6.12 percent used the initial 6.12 percent benchmark interest rate, such as the purchase is Yishou Fang, and the loan-to 60 percent in the following (including 60 percent), Enjoy the preferential interest rate of 5.508 percent, 5.51 percent minimum threshold. If the purchase is the second-hand does not enjoy the preferential interest rates. Repaying the expiry of six months, from time to]. Does not accept the interbank to the mortgage. Can handle, to be proof of income, marriage has proved that pre-sale contract, the developer's business license.
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
1 set of 5.51 percent, 6.12 percent the second and third sets 10 percent increase in loans to be available for one year before for prepayments. Generally does not accept the interbank to the mortgage. Different from the various branches, in the regional branch of the Housing Advisory.
Bank of Communications
6.12%, VIP customers
5.51% adjustment in the loan contract as the relevant provisions may be. Housing contract transactions must occur in order to handle interbank mortgage, or not for the developers must have a qualification.

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