25 Jul 2008

Bank ---- housing renovation loans


Housing renovation loan refers to the family for the purpose of housing renovation to the borrower or a third person has the right to ownership or punished in accordance with the law of property, rights as collateral or the quality of, or from the third loan guarantee human, and are jointly and severally Responsibility for issuing loans.


The loans under the decoration of the progress of the project at the release. Each lender and the amount shall not exceed the approved loan amount, duration of each lender's loan agreement, the same way as repayment.

Conditions apply

The target for loans with the People's Republic of China nationality, with full civil capacity of natural persons.

Loans should have the following conditions:

Over 18 years of age, a local resident accounts and valid proof of identity;

Have a legitimate job and stable income, with the principal and interest due the ability to repay the loan. The self-employed persons (that is, to set up corporate bodies or other economic organizations, or in the above-mentioned institutions holding more than 10% of the shares, or his personal the main source of income for these institutions operating revenue), not just personal income issued Proved to judge its ability to repay, should be asked to provide proof of the assets, bank statements, financial statements, tax investigation and field-proven, including through the understanding of their operations and the real financial situation, a comprehensive analysis of its ability to repay.

I can provide authorized to touch the assets (of) the grantor guarantees, or have the ability to compensate a third party to provide guaranteed jointly and severally liable;

Borrowers have been decorated with signed contracts related to the renovation or agreement;

Purchase of new residential housing decoration of the sale and purchase contract should provide (the original), purchase receipts or invoices, and other information to the original decoration of residential housing should provide proof of ownership;

Action line under other conditions.

Process for

Application: borrowers with the following documents to fill out loan applications - Network:

* Valid identity documents;
* Proof of marital status;
* Pledge, mortgage documents, to guarantee the provision of security to the secured documents.
Shendai: Bank of the borrower guarantees, such as credit investigation, the procedures for approval and notify the results of the borrower.
Signed: the borrower's application is approved, for the following procedures:
* Signed loan contracts with banks and the corresponding guarantee contracts;
* Legalization, insurance, arrival (of) charge registration procedures.

Loans for: Bank borrowers move within the relevant procedures, will be issuing loans to borrowers in individual accounts and in accordance with the borrower's loan will be commissioned by the designated pay related to accounts receivable.

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