25 Jul 2008

Refused to provident fund renovation loans

A number of banks in the housing provident fund (with) Loan qualified contractors news caused the concern of many readers. According to reports, consumers can apply for normal apart from the provident fund home loans, but also can be 1,000 yuan per square meter in accordance with the standards for provident fund loans for the renovation. However, through the Advisory Beijing's major banks found that all major banks in the near future Beijing will not increase the business.

Shanghai already has some buyers for the decoration of the provident fund loans. Pudong housing accumulation fund management centre said that the provident fund loans renovation of the current pilot implementation of the pilot depends on the specific situation to decide whether to promote.

Journalists were asked about the Beijing can now provident fund loans for the Industrial and Commercial Bank, the Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, Construction Bank and Bank of Communications, stakeholders said that the Beijing branch of the Provident Fund loans for the current business expansion unheard. Beijing Housing Fund Management Center of the staff members said that not only can not provident fund loans for decoration, decoration and to extract the name of provident funds are not allowed.

Commercial loans stranded in the decoration

A few years ago, Beijing introduced the banks have been renovated housing loan business. There are two main forms: one is to real estate loans for the mortgage, line of credit 100,000 yuan within a maximum of five years, it must be designated by the Bank of decoration companies to decoration; Another is that customers have applied for housing loans The banks continue to apply for renovation loans, guarantees may take the form of an effective security guarantee for a third person, the borrower or a third party natural name in the pledge of security, the customer's personal credit score, and so on.

But with the fiery Mortgages, Auto Financing compared to loans from the introduction of the renovation has become empty. On the one hand, banks have their own difficulties, banks require customers to choose the kind collateral, and consumers when applying for housing loans have been secured from the house, feeling no bank loan guarantees, business and do not actively other consumers The renovation loan is not high degree of enthusiasm. Many people feel that the loans have had to buy it, even the decoration to loans, psychologically difficult to accept; processing complex, and some banks would also like to designate special decoration, decoration has not made a lot of money to spend. Therefore the bank, the bank has closed down all of the business, while the remaining banks to merge or dark or add other business.

Beijing inadvertently provident fund renovation loans

Beijing a bank industry, said that the provident funds for renovation loans is really for the renovation, banking bad judgement, it will apply for restrictions on the amount of such loans were less than the number of loan money, must also be in a very short Repaid within the time limit, whether for peace of mind or save money, many people are not too easily will consider this business. The source also said that many people out of the South working capital needs of business may choose this business, For Beijing, this is clearly not the majority needed. So banks are not optimistic about the decoration provident fund loans, the short term will not be actively introduced.

Bankers, who also pointed out that the current number of banks operating small amount of personal consumer credit, credit card to the development of consumer credit, such as credit card payments to business, but also a certain period of time the interest-free concessions, if the consumer has just buying houses Hard-on-hand, the use of credit card interest-free instalments But one worth considering ways to raise money.

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