25 Jul 2008

ICBC personal loans easily won the second-hand purchase your dream

Personal loans are the second-hand refer to loans to borrowers who paid for the purchase of Shoufang people have made housing property rights card, the full disposal of rights, legal transactions in the secondary market or personal housing loans.

First, borrowing by the applicants purchase housing conditions

1, purchased the property clear, with housing ownership certificates, and other unsecured not set right;
2, the purchase of public housing, economic housing units, and other non-commercial housing with the listing conditions;
3, purchased by the demolition of housing was not included in the notice or urban renewal plan;
4, both buyer and seller must sign a "contract for the sale of housing," and can not pay less than the purchase price 30 percent of housing or commercial Fang Jiakuan 50 percent of the first payment, purchase by the general does not exceed the age of 15;
5, housing prices in line with the basic lender to confirm the value of the commission or its institutions to assess the value of real estate valuation and confirmation by the lender;
6, the total housing property rights, property rights were subject to one issued by the Housing Authority agreed to the transfer of evidence.

Second, the applicant conditions

In China have a fixed residence, a local resident accounts, the age of 18 (inclusive) --- 65 years of age, with full civil capacity, and the following conditions are met Chinese citizens can apply for second-hand housing loans.

1, with valid proof of identity and proof of marital status;
2, has a good credit history and repayment will;
3, a stable source of income in full and on time and the ability to repay the loan principal and interest;
4, a second-hand housing contract for the sale of the transaction;
5, with payment of the purchase of the first phase of housing Fangkuan capacity;
6, in the bank to open a personal clearing accounts;
7, the lender has approved an effective security;
8, the applicant if the accounts are not local, but to live and work units are in the local, mutatis mutandis, for the locals, and if the accounts are not in the local work units to provide local contacts.

Third, the amount of loans

Housing for the purchase of housing loans does not exceed the maximum amount of loans were recognized in the housing transaction prices or housing assessment price (whichever is lower) of 70 percent;for the purchase of housing loans does not exceed the maximum loan amount of people To confirm the transaction price of housing or housing assessment price (whichever is lower) of 50 percent.

4, loan period

For the purchase of housing, and the age of the loan period and a maximum of 30;for the purchase of housing loans longest period of not more than 10 years.

5, lending rates

For the purchase of housing and lending rates by no less than the corresponding provisions of the People's Bank loan for upgrading the benchmark rate of 0.85 times the implementation of the housing purchases for and lending rates by the People's Bank provides no less than the same period in the same period grade The implementation of interest rates. Event of interest rate adjustments, according to the People's Bank and Industrial Bank of the regulations.

6, repayment methods

For the purchase of housing, can be used individual housing mortgage loans to the various ways;for purchase by the general use of matching the repayment of principal and interest and principal repayments of matching law.

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