25 Jul 2008

Home loans in low-income families discount policy-relevant questions

From June 1, 2003 to come into effect in low-income families purchase loan discount policy, many in low-income families to enjoy a discount policy. In order to expand the benefit of policy, further improve the city's housing conditions of urban residents, from January 1, 2005, the family home loans in low-income discount policy (the discount policy) and discount the prices of standard criteria Adjustment. How accurate understanding of policy implications » In this connection the relevant departments to answer the majority of citizens are concerned about some of the problems.

1, the discount policy, how to adjust the prices of standard »

A: Since January 1, 2005, the provision of goods from the residential unit price per square meter is not more than 3,500 yuan adjusted to not more than 4,500 yuan; second-hand from the provisions of the unit price per square metre over 3,500 yuan but not more than lump-sum Of 250,000 yuan, per square meter price adjustment for more than 4,500 yuan but not total more than 330,000 yuan; goods from the original provisions of the residential unit price per square meter is not more than 3,500 yuan, but the construction area of more than 90 square meters, more than the range of 3 Percent, calculated according to 90 square meters to enjoy discount policy, adjusted for price per square meter is not more than 4,500 yuan, but the construction area of more than 90 square meters, more than 3 percent rate, calculated according to 90 square meters to enjoy discount.

2, the discount policy, how to adjust the standard discount »

A: Since January 1, 2005, the total home loans to enjoy 15% discount for standard, the value of residential provisions from the original price per square metre for not more than 3,000 yuan, adjusted for not more than 4,000 yuan; enjoy home loans total 10 % Discount for standard, the value of residential provisions from the original price per square metre for not more than 3,500 yuan, adjusted for not more than 4,500 yuan, second-hand from the provisions of the unit price per square metre over 3,500 yuan but not total more than 250,000 yuan, Adjusted for price per square metre over 4,500 yuan but not total more than 330,000 yuan.

3, the current standard price adjustment, the year before the purchase of low-income families will enjoy discount included in the scope of »

A: June 2003 after 1 buying houses, buying houses at discount policy was not consistent with the provisions of income admissibility criteria and standards of the purchase price the family, in revenue this year admissibility criteria and standards of housing prices adjusted in line with the policy discount , According to the provisions of the financial sector to enjoy discount policy to apply for registration procedures.

4, the standard discount adjusted accordingly, has to register the purchase family can be adjusted after the discount rate to enjoy discount »

A: Yes have to apply for registration to enjoy discount policy of buying houses families, the Ministry of Finance goalkeeper in accordance with its registration data automatically be adjusted, families do not have to re-purchase procedures.

This year the discount policy to apply for the enjoyment of the property registration procedures family, whose house purchase was made on June 1, 2003 to December 2004 among the 31, before the end of 2004 the discount rate will continue to discount the original standards, January 1, 2005 onwards according to the adjusted discount standards.

5, housing prices adjusted in line with the standard discount for the purchase family policies and regulations when going through the formalities »

Answer: on June 1, 2003 after the purchase, in this year prices adjusted in line with standard discount policies and regulations and in accordance with the conditions of admissibility criteria income families purchase, in the year April 1 to September 30 period, 928 of the road, the Shanghai Branch of the first discount clearing the discount policy to apply for the enjoyment of the registration procedure.

6, discount policy in other matters whether the adjustment »

A: low-income families in the discount home loans to other related matters, will continue "on the implementation of low-income families in the city implement discount home loans to certain provisions of the policy implementation" (Shanghai FB [2003] 123), and " On the implementation of the city in the implementation of low-income families purchase loan discount policy views on the implementation of certain provisions of the supplementary notice "(Shanghai FB [2004] 55) of the regulations.


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