25 Jul 2008

Prepayments to ask-demand

Threshold level of mixed

Generally speaking, five major state-owned banks are "part of" prepayments have two mandatory conditions: that is, commercial loans have been issued for one year and one-time loan amount per month should be more than six times the amount, CPF did not do some restrictions.

And the joint-stock banks in Shanghai different threshold level, such as Minsheng Bank (15.30,0.09,0.59 percent, entered the bar) on the Provident Fund loan request for a full year before, while commercial loans are also available with the use of. For one year the number of prepayments, in addition to the China Everbright Bank and once a year, the Bank of China twice a year, the other generally do not mandatory requirements.

May have to pay liquidated damages

This reporter has learned that Shanghai Five will default on the request Fangde Hen-song, the one-year loan period is full of commercial loan customers are not necessary to pay the additional expenditure, with the provident fund loans can also take with, Did not breach the limit. Although the joint-stock banks in the contract according to the circumstances of the breach of the agreement, but also because of competition between the relief measures taken gradually. But at the same time reporters that the Bank of Shanghai in addition to commercial loans have loan-to-full six months, provident fund loans has been credited for 12 months of payment default or not, are required for less than 4% of the principal charge of breach of contract.

Mo Wang hastened to appointments

Prepayments appointment as a "rule", but not all banks have this restriction.

Five line, and the Bank of ICBC loans to customers in 10 working days in advance a written application, and the other three will require 15 working days.

In the interview, Bank of the staff also disclosed to reporters: "December is likely prepayments on the closure of the business, that was at its peak, we need to control the scale." Therefore, the need for prepayments of our time And loans to link appointments, missed the opportunity to sigh, then "time is money" is also afraid of late.

Other banks in Shanghai for the time limit on the present polarization, CITIC and Shanghai Bank one month in advance booking required at this time who want to prepayments customers, a time of tension and the Minsheng Bank may apply at any time, and In five days to complete prepayments.

In the appointment, deep development and construction line in the traditional way of a written application on the development of the "dial" means, to life in the fast-paced modern provided a lot of convenience.

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