25 Jul 2008

The second mortgage policy

Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission issued to strengthen the management of commercial mortgage supplementary notice clear

The second mortgage policies to the implementation of households as a unit

Reporters from the People's Bank of China on the 11th that, according to the People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission recently issued "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management supplementary notice," all commercial banks to households for the implementation of the second mortgage unit policy .

The family of the borrower, the spouse and minor children

The circular emphasizes that the family should be the borrower (including the borrower, the spouse and minor children) for the number of units that mortgage; had used bank loans to buy houses since the first set of families, such as the borrower family housing area per capita than the local average level , Again to the commercial banks for housing loans, mutatis mutandis to the first set of housing loans since the implementation of policies, but the borrower must provide the local real estate management information system based on the registration certificate from the family housing area of search results. The rest had used bank loans to buy housing in the family, once again to commercial banks for loans, second mortgages should be on policy implementation.

The notice also stressed that the use of housing accumulation fund has been the family house purchase loans to commercial banks for housing loans, should also be informed in accordance with relevant regulations.

The provision of false information credit application inadmissible

The circular requires that all commercial banks should earnestly carry out this obligation, require the borrower according to the principle of good faith to the real property, income, household registration, taxation, and other evidence. Where found reporting false information and the provision of false proof, all commercial banks shall be entertained their credit applications. The issue of false proof of income and has been verified units, all commercial banks are not allowed to re-prove their letter.

People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission urged all commercial banks shall, in accordance with the spirit of informed, specific implementation details and the People's Bank, reported by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

People's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission in September 27 released "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management notice", has also used loans to buy housing for the purchase of the second set (with) more housing borrowers, the clear demands The lowest proportion of the first loan payment shall not be less than 40 percent, lending rates may not be lower than the same period of the People's Bank announced the same level of 1.1 times the benchmark rate. Published after the notice, on an individual or household as a unit to implement policies mortgage, commercial banks had become the implementation of the policy differences between the point where. --

-- Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission Q & A

Why household as a unit to identify the number of mortgage borrowers »

Starting from the national conditions of China, to the family as a unit that more reasonable, but also conforms to China's total property of the husband and wife law, this is consistent with the reality of China's family, and help the implementation of strict "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management notice" provisions And strengthen macro-control. Taking into account the "family" members constitute a significant difference, "added notice," especially clear, as borrowers of housing loans that the number of standard "family" refers only to members of the borrowers and their spouses and minor children.

Per-capita living space less than the local average level, why again, mutatis mutandis, the first set of policy loans »

Such borrowers have to pay off loans early, but also provide local real estate administrative departments in charge of information systems based on the registration certificate from the family housing area of search results. To this end, the Ministry of Construction will soon introduced the corresponding guidance. Commercial banks can provide loans in accordance with the results for the total area of housing, household registration certificate, etc. materials, determine whether it will be able to enjoy the first set of housing loans policy. The average per capita housing the local level to statistics department announced last year, whichever is the data. The rest had used the loan to buy the first set of housing loans and records, regardless of whether their loans repaid, once again to commercial banks for the purchase of the second set (with) more housing loans, second mortgages in accordance with policy implementation. In this way, can inhibit the unreasonable demand (including loan-to-Chaofang), but also improve the housing conditions of residents to meet the reasonable demand. At the same time, and the "notice" the spirit of the agreement, maintaining a policy of continuity.

Why provident fund into the area bound by the provisions of »

Whether residents of the housing provident fund loans borrowed, or by commercial housing loans, are liabilities, are occupying a broad public resources, once the real estate market fluctuations, the housing provident fund loans and commercial loans will face the same risks. Thus, the use of housing provident fund loans purchase of the family, once again to commercial banks for housing loans, should also be in accordance with the "notice" the implementation of the relevant provisions. Xinhua News Agency

Authoritative position

The loan-to-learn lessons from the U.S.

Will prosecute the false mortgage plus mortgage to mortgage

Apart from the supplementary notice issued to strengthen the management of commercial loans, the central bank and China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly held in Beijing yesterday to strengthen commercial real estate credit management conferences.

Central Bank Deputy Governor Liu Yu at the meeting said that from the international community has happened in the real estate market crises, including Japan and Hong Kong's real estate bubble, especially the United States this year, loan-to-the outbreak of the crisis, a number of noteworthy lessons. Liu Yu pointed out that real estate credit growth too fast and excessive competition, too many irregularities, in particular, some commercial banks to operate without authorisation (and) the mortgage loan business, has increased the risk of real estate credit business, has caused the relevant departments Great concern.

CBRC Vice Chairman Jiang Dingzhi at the meeting stressed that the People's Bank, the CBRC will prosecute the false mortgage, plus mortgage, the mortgage to such acts. The United States to learn from and draw on the loan-to-crisis to bring the lessons of the financial system, increase the real estate market run the risk analysis and study, strengthen the real estate credit business of risk management. The banking financial institutions should take legal person units to develop commercial real estate credit management of the implementation details. Conditions should not only comply with the spirit of the document, and also operational, in particular, to develop the borrower information collection and review of the credit, the borrower to provide the personal information of housing, income information, family information the authenticity of a strict Review of the screening measures. Comprehensive

Interpretation of experts

Provident fund loans to pay off the loan-to-standard changes

Experts said that the "supplementary notice" and had provided "on the strengthening of commercial real estate credit management supplementary notice," the tone is the same, only the use of the purchase of housing provident fund loans, and before the keynote have great access . The original bottom line is the keynote of "provident fund loans not included in the second suite of reference" and "supplementary notice" that have taken advantage of housing accumulation fund loans of families buying houses, again to the commercial banks for housing loans, according to the "second set of housing "Implementation of the relevant provisions.

In addition, the previously "had to settle loans of buyers still be regarded as the first set of housing borrowers," the tone is different, "added notice", have been using bank loans for the purchase of the first set of self-family housing, as it The per capita housing area of less than the local average, and again to the commercial banks for housing loans, mutatis mutandis to the first set of housing loans since the implementation of policies. Of these, the local average per capita housing sector to statistics released last year, whichever is the data. According to statistics, the end of 2006 the per capita housing area is 27 square meters.

Which do not meet the "local per-capita housing area below the average level", the relevant official said, had used the loan to buy the first set of housing loans and records, regardless of whether their loans repaid, once again to commercial banks for the purchase of the second ( With) more housing loans, second mortgages in accordance with policy implementation. Luo Haitao

Impact on the property market

Beneficial to reduce speculation in the property market accelerated cooling

"The second set of housing standards that clear, certainly the speculative real estate transactions will significantly reduce." In an interview with this reporter, the Central University of Finance and the Bank of China (6.53, -0.13, -1.95%, stock it) Industry Guo Tian Yong, director of the Center said that the implementation of the New Deal mortgages, housing prices may change after "Feng Zhang," the trend.

Guangzhou, a real estate said, the central bank introduced the New Deal of the supplementary regulations mortgage is moderately tight money supply next year with the country concerned, the real estate market will certainly have an impact on, "from the psychological expectations, feeling the pressure of the regulation To the greater. "

Guangzhou Tongchuang outstanding real estate investment consultant, general manager of Zhaozhuo Wen said that the introduction of supplementary regulations, will speed up the cooling property market. He added that the central bank introduced this provision is very clear and very strict. But the banks also unable to grasp each family buy a house, especially in real estate transactions in various cities have not yet interconnection cases, each family would like to know that the purchases are very difficult situation, the Government also needs in terms of implementation The establishment of specific institutions.

Yi Xianrong financial researcher at the Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, points out that if a mortgage is expected to regulate and control the new political effect, it is also necessary to establish an effective, honest assessment of the real estate market to prevent the assessment of the real estate price was artificially raised, To build housing on the second set of identification system so that banks have their own motivation to buy second homes to carry out strict identification. Luo Haitao

Bank response

Will establish rules to implement the requirements

"Supplementary notice" after the announcement, the reporter interviewed a number of banks related, but the basic answer is "are studying related issues, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities to do, establish rules to implement provisions."

As early as in mid-October, the country's largest mortgage banks - China Construction Bank has made clear housing loans will be the second person to "households" for the units that standard. "Households" as a unit, that is to say, both spouses regardless of who owns the shelter, the other party to purchase housing, will be regarded as second homes. This is "supplementary notice," the provisions of the basic agreement. The second suite down payment ratio, the Beijing Construction Bank, identified as 50 percent, also higher than the current majority of 40 per cent of the banks implementation of the standards.

However, the other three major state-owned commercial banks has not yet been officially announced details of their mortgage. The Bank of Communications (14.75, -0.28, -1.86%, stock it), Minsheng Bank (14.93, -0.36, -2.35%, stock it), China Everbright Bank, China Merchants Bank (38.00, -1.98, -4.95%, stock it ), Huaxia Bank (19.28, -1.02, -5.02%, stock it) have been expressed, the second suite that "individuals" as a unit, that is, assuming a family, only husband and wife duo, the two even if the loans to buy A suite, still will not be recognized as a second set of property owners. Some analysts have pointed out that joint-stock commercial bank mortgage rules may need to make adjustments accordingly.

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