25 Jul 2008

Individual housing loans decoration

Individual housing loans decoration:
Individual housing loans decoration is the Construction Bank to individual customers paid for the renovation of the renminbi-occupied housing loans.

Individual housing loans for renovation:
Loans can be used to pay the family decorating and maintenance works of construction of the relevant materials, decoration, kitchen and toilet facilities, and so on.

Renovation of individual housing loans for:
Renovation of individual housing loans targeted at the full civil capacity of natural persons.

The borrower's specific conditions:
The age of 18 to 60 years of age, local resident accounts or foreign accounts but effective local living document, a fixed residence;
A stable job and income or easily realisable assets;
And decoration enterprises have signed the "family renovation works contracts", or "home decoration material purchase contracts," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;
Demand in China Construction Bank opened a savings account;
Construction Bank to provide approved security;
China Construction Bank in line with the requirements of other conditions.

Borrowing limit:
Borrowers loan amount not less than 5,000 yuan (with 5,000 yuan), the maximum loan amount is not more than 150,000 yuan (inclusive of a 15 million).

Loan deadline:
A minimum of six months and a maximum of five years (including five years).

Loan rates:
People's Bank of China according to the provisions of the same period in the implementation of lending rates.

Borrowers fill out the "China Construction Bank loan applications for housing decoration" and to provide the following information:
Resident identification cards (ID cards, residence booklet, the military card or other valid identification cards) and so on the original and copy;
Personal income proof (units issued by the proof of income, payroll, tax alone, can be used for repayment of the Bank savings deposits, etc.);
And decoration companies signed the "family renovation works contracts" and "the purchase of household decoration materials contract," and "the purchase of kitchen and toilet facilities contract", and the family budget for the renovation;
Renovation of the enterprise's business license and a copy of credentials;
Collateral, pledge and the right of ownership is a list of documents that have powers and the consent of mortgage, pledge of proof; collateral must submit a certificate of ownership or right to use, valuation, insurance documents; have to provide the right quality of the right credentials; guarantor Agreed to ensure that the documents;
Bank lending requirements of the other materials.

Construction Bank borrowers to apply for individual housing loans must be renovated to provide effective security. Security can be taken mortgage, pledge to ensure that the way
Borrowers to own property or a third person owned the property mortgage, bank and the borrower or to a third person sign a "security contracts"; collateral must be assessed, and for mortgages registered.
The borrower or a third person to own the rights to the required conditions for the token to the pledge, the Construction Bank and the borrower to sign a "pledge of contract", pledging the right credentials include:
Portfolio. Including government bonds, financial bonds and corporate bonds AAA;
China Construction Bank issued by the savings deposits;
Construction Bank recognized other assets.
Loan period not longer than the rights of the pledge period expires.
Borrowers to ensure that the provision of security to ensure that the guarantee is jointly and severally liable, the Construction Bank to sponsor and sign a "guarantee contract." Guarantor must be a legal person, other economic organizations or citizens.
Without a bank loan agreement, mortgage borrowers during the (mortgage) should not be collateral transfer, lease, sale, gift or mortgage. The mortgage, the borrower is maintenance, service, responsibility to ensure that the collateral intact, and ready to accept supervision and inspection of the lender.

Reimbursement provisions:
Loans within the period of one year (including 1), implementation of debt service due time, with the benefit of the Qing; loan period in more than one year, the borrower from the time spent on loans taken from the monthly reimbursement equal The way the principal and interest of loans.
The early return of all principal and interest of loans, should be notified 15 days ahead of the lending bank, taking into account the interest not to the period of interest rate changes and adjustments.

Reimbursement of the way:
The borrower to repay the principal and interest of bank loans in two ways, each borrower can only choose one of the means of repayment.
According to the borrower and the bank signed the "loan contract," the agreement for the repayment plan, the repayment date, the Construction Bank from the borrower demand savings account deduction should repay the loan at the current principal and interest. The borrower must have full charge of deposit account, such as the debit account was frozen, report the loss, the borrower should be timely provision of the new charge accounts;
The borrower to repay bank business outlets.
Borrowers to return overdue loans can only take the second method.

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