25 Jul 2008

Provident Fund loan purchase process

First, the borrower to security companies to provide relevant information that: both spouses (if common loan, need to participate in the loan) of the ID card, such as thin accounts and a copy of the original three; borrower's marital status that And a copy of the three, two couples (participation loan), the original proof of income and a photocopy; prices accounted for 40 percent or more of the deposit to prove that the self-financing real estate trading center or units issued by the Shoufang Original and two copies of receipts; purchase a copy of the original, and 2;

Second, the portfolio of loans for the borrower (including their spouses), the unit provided by the provident fund account and I units (including his spouse) on payment of provident fund (in the "personal housing mortgage loans for home buyers to fill and seal Cheng Baobiao );

Third, the loan amount to be determined by the lending banks, urban housing reform fund management centre, a security company for approval;

40, signed after approval by the relevant contracts, for the procedures. Bank loans. Borrowers scheduled debt service.

Residents purchase the calendar year in addition to spend their savings, purchase of the general shortage of funds for the first individual housing provident fund loans, is still inadequate and partly by the bank to apply for individual housing mortgage loans, the use of such personal housing provident fund loans and individual housing mortgage bank A combination of loans, "loan portfolio" is the most common house purchase loans. Because it is relatively realistic and more reasonable, after all, each family can include personal housing accumulation fund loan amount will not be many, if all the banks in interest on the loans will burden too heavy.

Individual housing provident fund loans was a policy of individual housing loans, has a policy of subsidies, as long as the individual units to establish a housing accumulation fund and arranging to pay the provident fund have the right to apply for a loan, it is the biggest advantage of low interest rates, one year Stalls to five years, the annual interest rate only 4.14 percent, 6 to 30 stalls, only 4.59 percent annual interest rate, not only lower than the same period in the current bank interest rate personal housing mortgage loans (general than individual housing mortgage loans in the banks lower interest rates about a percentage point ), But also lower than the same period of the current bank deposit rates. In other words, the provident fund interest rate loans and bank deposits interest rate spreads between one. Below the five-year savings and provident fund loans as an example for comparison: 100,000 yuan of regular five-year, five years later, the customer can be in the interest 14,400 yuan, 100,000 yuan for provident fund loans, loan interest rates unchanged in the situation , Five years later, the customer will pay 10,880 yuan interest rates, loan-to-deposit interest rate differentials between the for 3,520 yuan. Moreover, the greater the amount of loans, the longer the period, spreads the more impressive.

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