25 Jul 2008

As personal housing loans

To enable the general public a better understanding of common sense on housing loans, home loans for people to help, now's policy on housing loans, means, Variety described below.
At present, housing loans offered by banks varieties major enterprises and individuals category category two categories. Now only on relatively close relationship with the staff of the personal loans category.
Personal loan category can be divided into two categories: individual housing provident fund loans and individual business loans. Individual business loans can be broadly divided into six varieties: (1) the purchase of individual housing loans (including Qi Fang and existing homes), (2) individual housing loans in the secondary (3) individual housing renovation loans (4) personal home consumer loans; ( 5) personal loans (6) individual housing loan portfolio;

First, individual housing provident fund loans

Individual housing provident fund loans is on schedule to the normal deposit fund management centre housing provident fund units-the-job workers, in the city to buy, build self-occupied housing (including second-hand housing), the property rights of their own housing as collateral by a Guarantee the legal capacity to provide guarantees to the fund management centre for the loans. The loan fund management centre commissioned by the issuing bank.

(A) deadline for individual housing provident fund loans and interest rates

Individual housing provident fund loans for the period of 1-30 years (including the purchase of second-hand housing loans in a period of 1-10 years), and shall not be longer than the statutory retirement age of the borrower from the time the workers approaching retirement age, taking into account their ability to repay the loan basis , May be appropriate to relax the lending period 1-3.

Personal housing accumulation fund lending rates, the housing system reform by the Commission under relevant provisions of the People's Bank of China. When a State loans during the statutory interest rate adjustments, the lending rate to be adjusted accordingly. The loan has been paid, that does not make adjustments, to adjust the time for the January 1 next year. Loans within the period in 2001 (including 2001), the lending rate is not adjusted.

(B) the amount of personal housing accumulation fund loans

Buy a self-built housing market housing and a maximum loan amount is 15 million, the highest proportion of loans shall not exceed purchase, construction of housing 70 percent of the cost of the purchase second-hand housing for the maximum loan amount of 80,000 yuan, the highest proportion of loans shall not exceed the Housing purchase 50 percent of assessed value.

1, the line of credit established, in accordance with no faster than the borrower (including spouses) ability to repay the factor, calculated as follows:

Borrowers both spouses Jijiao housing accumulation fund on wage income and × 12 months × 35% × term loans (such as the borrower spouse is not normal to pay housing accumulation fund, the formula of wage income, not including the spouses).

2, the borrower both spouses normal deposit only one side of the housing accumulation fund, the amount shall not exceed purchase loans, 50 percent of the cost of the building;

3, each borrower's specific line of credit from Bank loans and funds management centre housing reform committee, according to the above provisions, with the borrowers ability to repay loans comprehensive set.

(C) individual housing provident fund loans operation of the entire process

1, consulting, receiving forms;

2, to apply;

3, signed loan contracts and mortgage contracts;

4, for mortgage registration procedures;

5, for housing registration procedures;

6, for housing and property insurance;

7, the loan transfers;

8, the monthly repayment of loans;

9, to settle loan write-offs.

(D) to apply for individual housing provident fund loans

For borrowers in the provident fund loans, should first fill out the "workers for personal housing accumulation fund loans," and stamped by the unit, together with the following evidence pay the lending bank:

1, the borrower both spouses identity cards, accounts and proof of marital status (provided the original and photocopy);

2, the borrower both spouses units issued by the "economic proof of income" and "provident fund to pay the circumstances";

3, the purchase of housing should provide a contract or purchase agreement and the first payment receipts; self-built housing should be provided approved the building of the documents;

4, bank loans requested by other evidence.

For individual borrowers in the housing provident fund loans should be used to provide the following information:

1, by the purchase of housing, "state land use certificates" and "all the warrants"

2, housing purchased by the assessment report

3, Mai Fang Fang husband and wife ID cards, accounts thin;

4, the purchase contract

(E) of the borrowers to repay loans

According to the lending bank and the borrower signed the "loan contract" agreement, the borrower in the loan should be paid on a monthly basis, after the repayment, there are two specific ways, the borrower to choose from:

1, 1-20 on the monthly cash bank loans to repay the loan principal and interest;

2, commissioned by the lending bank Daikou reimbursement. The borrower and the lending banks signed "Daikou repayment agreement," and for the repayment of personal savings card. The borrower can be stored more than a month of the repayment amount can also be on the 20th of the month before the nearest earned on savings deposited in banks in full repayment of the amount by the bank directly from the borrower in the savings account should also Kouhua loans Principal and interest.

Ahead of a one-time borrowers can repay all principal and interest of loans, or early repayment of the loan principal.

1, ahead of full repayment of principal and interest of loans, the lending bank loans in accordance with the actual number of days re-occupation of approved borrowers remainder of the loan principal and interest.

2, the early repayment of the loan principal and interest, according to bank loans the remaining loan principal re-calculation of the borrower's monthly payment or loan repayment period.

Second, the individual purchase of housing loans

The purchase of individual housing loans is that borrowers to purchase homes as collateral, the payment of loans by banks, including Qifang existing home mortgage loans and mortgage loans. Of which: Qifang means that the housing construction has been completed or are undergoing acceptance of the card housing property rights; existing home is completed, the acceptance of qualified housing and property rights in housing permits. Bank of the maximum amount of individual housing loans for the purchase of 80 percent.

(A) the duration of individual housing loans

Personal loans for housing loans is the longest period of 30.

(B) individual housing loan interest rates

Individual housing loan interest rates in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Bank of China. State loans during the case of statutory interest rate adjustments, the lending rate adjusted accordingly. The loan has been paid, that does not make adjustments, to adjust the time for the January 1 next year, in accordance with the interest rate level in the rate of implementation of the new provisions.

(C) the operation of individual housing loans in the entire process

Individual housing loans throughout the process is broadly divided into three stages:

The first stage, to apply for banks, for approval;

The second phase, with a mortgage, insurance, and other procedures, bank lenders;

The third stage, about a month on loan until repaid principal and interest of loans, mortgages withdrawn.

(D) the need to provide individual housing loans of information

Borrowers apply for individual housing loans, should first fill out the "individual housing loan approval," and also must provide the following information:

1, the borrower information: (1) the borrower's legal identity documents, (2) the borrower economic proof of income or occupation certificate (3) a spouse borrowers must provide proof husband-wife relationship, (4) have a common borrowers, Borrowers must provide the parties signed a clear common responsibility of repayment of a written undertaking (5) the sponsor, the sponsor must provide the relevant information.

2, the purchased housing information: (1) the borrower and the developers signed the "Letter of Intent contract to buy commercial housing" or "commercial housing sales (PWC) sales contract" (2) down payment of bank deposits and developers issued Pingtiao The first copy of the receipt of payment, (3) seeks to provide loans to other documents or information.

(5) individual housing loans for the housing mortgage registration procedures

Loan approved, the purchase should be signed with the lending bank loan contracts and mortgage contracts, and have the following information to the housing area of property rights by the property management sector for mortgage registration: (1) both husband and wife who purchase ID cards, marriage certificates and Original Copy (2) loan contract, the contract of a mortgage, (3) registered real estate mortgage application form, (4) all purchase contracts, (5) the real estate sector for other information.

Real estate management departments for mortgage registration generally 15 working days. Mortgage registration formalities completed, mortgage real estate management departments shall issue "Qifang collateral certificate" or "housing of the warrants he" handed over to the custody bank loans.

(6) individual housing loans for housing and property insurance procedures

Housing mortgage refers to the debtor or a third person (mortgage) to the legal owner of the property to repay a loan guarantee, only the value of their rights guarantees for loans to repay when the debtor fails to fulfil repayment obligations, creditors (mortgage) Housing will be the auction sale, after the discount Priority. Therefore, the collateral, mortgages do not occupy the housing as collateral, but by a mortgage on their own use and for the safe custody of the obligations, including housing for the insured to prevent the house from natural disasters and other accidents by Lead to the destruction and damage.

People's Bank of China promulgated the "individual housing loans management approach" on housing mortgage loans for housing and property insurance must be made clear, while also provides for the mortgage, the borrower Any fault caused the insurance outside the responsibility of housing damage and destruction caused by The mortgage's losses from the borrowers themselves.

Housing and property insurance by the lending bank took the procedures for, the borrower can choose insurance companies. The current premium calculated in two ways:

(1) the amount of loans to insurance: insurance = line of credit loans × 0.5 ‰ × years;

(2) housing prices insurance: insurance = total housing loans × 0.5 ‰ × years;

These two forms of insurance compensation, respectively, according to different calculation of compensation for the amount of compensation. Housing prices in the insurance, according to the actual amount of loss of full compensation insurance to the loan amount, according to "the actual amount of losses × (÷ mortgage loan amount of the replacement property prices)," calculating the amount of compensation, its lack of compensation for the difference, The borrower to bear.

(7) the borrower does not repay the loan on time and should bear the consequences

1, also the principal and interest of loans in the way the following two, and bank loans by the agreement.

(1) matching the repayment of principal. The loan period, matching the monthly loan repayment of principal and interest on loans with principal monthly decline. Its is calculated as follows:

= Monthly repayment amount of loan principal / loan number (monthly) + (loan principal - was returned to the aggregate amount) × on interest rates

2, the borrower did not "loan contract," the monthly loan repayment agreement, the lending bank under the relevant provisions of the People's Bank of overdue loans on a daily or at the very Faxi of 2.1%. In the event any of the following circumstances, the lending bank will be disposed of in accordance with the law housing mortgages.

(1) loan borrowers in the six-month period for the principal and interest of the outstanding loans;

(2) "loan contract" three months after the expiration of the principal and interest of the loans repaid.

(8) borrower in one of the following circumstances banks will not be accepted individual housing loans

1, the age of 18 (excluding) below, or in the 65-year-old (no) more than the applicant;

2, does not have the full civil capacity of natural persons;

3, can not provide valid proof of identity, proof of income or occupation has proved that the provision of false proof of the applicants;

4, detect bad credit records of the applicants.

Second, individual housing loans in the secondary

Personal housing loans is used to refer to the banks of the borrower for the purchase of second-hand housing loans. One room is used has been made in all property rights, access to real estate transactions in the secondary housing market circulation. Housing loans for the secondary general does not exceed the age of 15; and the age of the loan period and not more than 25 years.

Borrowers in the secondary housing loans for individuals, in addition to the need to provide individual housing loans for borrowers in the information needed to provide the following information:

1, by the purchase of second-hand property rights that the original or a copy of the registration record of "pre-sale contract" photocopy;

2, and Shoufang signed the "contract for the sale of housing", and Shoufang, provided by the designated account;

3, lending institutions were accepted assessment issued by the collateral valuation report;

4, seeks to provide loans to other documents or information.

Third, individual housing loans decoration

Housing renovation loans to banks borrowing is being paid for the decoration of its own housing loans. The highest percentage of not more than 50%, loan period should not be longer than five years.

Borrowers in the loan application for housing renovation, in addition to the need to provide individual housing loans for borrowers in the information needed to provide the following information:

1, housing renovation of the original contract or letter of intent, the budget for the renovation and related information;

2, if appointed, is zoned business, should provide business bank account;

3, such as the borrower has in the bank for housing mortgage loans and no settlement of all, must provide individual housing loans of the original "personal house purchase loan contract" and has set the mortgage, "he certificate of the right to" copy;

4, lending institutions were accepted assessment issued by the collateral valuation report.

Fourth, individual household consumption loans

Personal consumer loans is home to the bank borrowers household expenditure for payment of the loan. The highest percentage of mortgage of not more than 50 percent of assessed value of the loan period should not be longer than 10. Individual borrowers for home loans portfolio, in addition to the need to provide individual housing loans for borrowers in the information needed to provide the following information:

1, the purchase of large household goods of the original contract or letter of intent;

2, if appointed, is zoned business, should provide business bank account;

3, the borrower has in the bank for housing mortgage loans and no settlement of all, must provide individual housing loans of the original "personal house purchase loan contract" and has set the mortgage, "he certificate of the right to" copy;

4, lending institutions were accepted assessment issued by the collateral valuation report.

5, personal loans

refers to personal bank loans to borrowers of the self-employed individuals for the purchase of commercial premises and office space of their own loans.be purchased existing homes, the highest percentage of no more than 60% loan period should not be longer than 10.

6, individual housing loans portfolio

Individual housing loan portfolio is from the housing provident fund loans and housing loans consisting of loans, that is, when individuals apply for the housing provident fund loans insufficient to meet the purchase requirements, its part to the lack of commercial banks for housing loans of two loans Said. Two loans in accordance with the provident fund interest rates and commercial loans were interest-bearing loan interest rates, loan period in line. The borrower to the admissibility of the provident fund loan portfolio to apply for bank loans.

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