25 Jul 2008

Housing loans over the potential risk of competition

At present there are areas of real estate finance real estate credit growth too fast and excessive competition potential risk, without the authorisation to offer mortgage loans and processing mortgage loans and housing loans management is weak, "fake mortgage" loan risks, such as four show the.

He in strengthening commercial real estate credit management conference on that, in order to fight for more market share, some commercial banks to adopt modifications to the grass-roots level, in disguise or illegal practices, lower loan standards, reduce the review steps to relax authenticity of audit, which has seriously affected Security of bank assets.

He said that to the mortgage loan business and processing mortgage loans with a few general assessment of property value fluctuations in the economy up, housing prices continued to rise in the environment, vulnerable to enlarge the scale of housing loans, and credit funds are for the purchase of more housing units Or entering the stock market, increasing the potential risks of banks, exacerbated by the stock market bubble in real estate and components. According to an investigation of, as at the end of August 2007, 16 cities housing major financial institutions to (increase) the mortgage loan balance of about 41 billion yuan, 3.5 times the same period last year.

Liu Yu said that the head offices of commercial banks in accordance with relevant provisions of the Bank as soon as possible, improve and unify the entire line of real estate credit management rules, ordered the bank management system in accordance with the requirements of rule of real estate loans.

He also proposed the need to continue to promote innovative real estate financial products, real estate credit enhance the efficiency of resource allocation, real estate identification and spread financial risk. At present the securities lending business premises of the pilot is also actively sought.

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